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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Count me out. I could have LEARNED how to fucking lock pick by now, instead of waiting around.
So... lemme see if I've got this straight. You're leaving the game, because you can't find anybody to go on your special mission, which I might point out is a glorified "looting" run and has nothing to do with the plotline. You are totally unwilling to have your character do something else while you wait, like, say, go on the main plotline mission.


Fine, bye.

Alright, I loosened up a little. The following characters have Lock Picking skill:

Lin (Zerospace) - unconscious due to rape
Kali (Dreana) - idle
Vina (devild) - idle
Selena (Loli Defense Force/RaptorJesus) - looting run
Jenn (thetwo) - Zoo mission

You want a lockpicker to go with Josie and Dixie to the police station? PM Dreana and get her back into the game. PM devild and get him back into the game. PM RaptorJesus and get him to bring Selena and Letris home, then PM Loli Defense Force and get him back into the game.

Lin's out because Zerospace wants to do family drama. Jenn's already busy, but Melissa and Mina might just bow out of the Zoo mission, Mina because she got her face punched in, Melissa because she lost her rifle and wants to take care of Mina - and that would free Jenn up.

Don't whine about not being able to do things when you're not willing to work at it or compromise around it.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well Toxic if you want, you can just PM and say you want Lin.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well Toxic if you want, you can just PM and say you want Lin.

In that case... *kicks* How about sending Rin in as the replacement for Emily in the zoo thread? >_>
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

What's with all the douchey responses matt. That's why I havent been involved yet, ya queef. I'm not leaving. I meant count me out of the mission ya'll were talking about.


All right, now I've loosened up a little.

If you've payed attention, I already did EVERYTHING you just suggested.
I haven't been avoiding missions for shit.
RJ is playing a sick game with me.
-My looting run turns into a rescue mission.
-The looting run is stopped because something is locked.
-I decide I can have her meet a lockpicker by going on a rescue mission with her.
-Lockpicker gets captured in said rescue mission.
-Have to go on a re-rescue mission to get her.
-Then I can have her unlock the fucking door so I can finish my damn looting run.

All so I can keep my promise to Jesse that I'd get her some damn supplies.
At the time that I started the run, I had already pm'ed most lockpickers. Loli was out at the time. Then I agreed with zero that if I helped him rescue the sister, he'd help me with the lockpick, but then his lp'ing character got captured too. So then I was shit out of luck unless we rescued Lin or Loli came back. And my luck reared its head when I decided to sign up to rescue lin, and letris did too, so we had enough people. But then loli comes back, (which would normally be good news) but then for some reason letris ditches out on that and goes on a mission with her. So the lockpicker I was supposed to rescue runs off with another lock picker while i'm standing with a proverbial dick in my hands, trying to get ANYONE to go. Even Zero himself was ignoring every time I said I'd help him rescue his sister again.

This isn't going to ruin my activity here, but I just want to get it out of the way
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

What's with all the douchey responses matt. That's why I havent been involved yet, ya queef. I'm not leaving. I meant count me out of the mission ya'll were talking about.
Well I'm sorry. Your post didn't make it clear you were talking about the mission, and went on to refer to lockpicking, something I know you've been waiting for. So I assumed you meant you were tired of waiting.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

No, it just meant I'm still waiting.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Will be making updates later today, just lettin' ya know I'll be back.

*Acts like terminator*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It's true! The prophecy came true!

Well obviously, what with the whole "deity" thing.

Oh, and while I'm here:

Jenn said:
Fortunately for him and my incapacitated teammates, one of us knows first aid.


Director said:
"What. Is. The. Status. Of. The. In-ca-pa-ci-tat-ed. Person?" she talked to Jenn as if talking to a baby

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

She mentioned first aid, and that it was lucky, so she was questioning if the person is up and about, which she is, which Jenn didn't confer.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

incapacitated - adjective disabled, challenged, unfit, out of action (informal) laid up (informal) immobilized, indisposed, hors de combat (French)

And in context it was clear she meant "the person who was incapacitated during the fight".
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Pregnant, Bleeding, in need of immediate medical attention, bleeding out the ass, caught the swine flu?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The kind where first aid fixes you, luckily? Also the kind you get when someone like the goddess is fighting you and you're female?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

.... and thank you for your cooperation.
Because PMing me means that you are ready to go on a mission with me so I won't go missing for 5 hours.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Luna doesn't seem like the kind of person that would kill someone just cause they insulted her.