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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah, seriously. I mean, I've always wanted to keep one.

Or let her keep me
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Eh, at the moment Ashley just thinks that its a crazy neighbor that took a bit too much ecstasy, and decided to give her a nice welcoming present. Next round she's probably going to shout for her mom and turn around, see that it's actually a futa, and then try to kill it. Not sure how well she's going to do though, even with the element of surprise, Ashleys strength and dexterity aren't that great.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh no, I'm just a fan of the characters performing bloody murder on a humanoid being. As futas are horribly close to being human, yet horrible filthy monsters that should be burned alive, it's the closest thing you can get to human on human killing without actually killing a human.

In short, I'm just a massive sadist/cruel bastard that enjoys using the excuse of someone being different enough to be considered a "monster" to torture/abuse them legitimately.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You're going to try and have Ashley kill it? Haha, some of you guys are so unnecessarily cruel in these games.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey hey, cruel?... Well, considering how Ava is the only one committing brutal murder in "The Pit", I suppose I might be a "tad" cruel sometimes... it's mainly the characters though so... :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh, you have no idea...... :D

You should see me play an evil character in D&D. I make Alex from A Clockwork Orange look like a saint.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey, Ashley still has power at the moment. Do the legal thing: knock the futa out and phone the police.

*is hoping for Ashley to fail her attack and get raeped senseless*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey hey, cruel?... Well, considering how Ava is the only one committing brutal murder in "The Pit", I suppose I might be a "tad" cruel sometimes... it's mainly the characters though so... :p

Sometimes? Hahaha.

It should be interesting seeing Luna get converted later on. Having a weak and emotion Luna, ha, that's a laugh.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

No she doesn't, the power went out when she opened the door to let the futa in. I knew what was coming when RJ said a naked girl was at the door, but I decided to RP it through. Thinking back, I should have taken Paranoid and given Ashley some skill in grappling. Oh well.
Thanks for the support DeMatt. :D *stabs for ill wishes*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh, my bad. Well, landline power is theoretically independent from household power - the generating stations provide both, but telephone systems generally have their own backup supplies to provide emergency communications.

Or Ashley has a cellphone. Whatever works.

Don't be a murderer, Ashley...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hrm... on the one hand my mother got me into the habit of ensuring one phone that draws its only required power from the phone line rather then the power line. This does indeed allow land-line phone calls even if I were to go weeks without power. Combine with knowledge of fire and a water system that draws on a seperate power grid and power becomes somewhat less important.

On the other hand... this loss of power appears to be widespread and permanent. I mean, the entire city is without power and it's not coming back. Now, we do get a helpful radio broadcast... by a private citizen using improvised equipment. What the hell have we been listening to the once-a-week "emergency broadcast system" for, if it never went off? What about the national guard or local police going about with loudspeakers? Presumably whatever took out the power knew what the hell it was doing, and had supernatural aid. Suffice to say I think that regardless of measures taken you're not calling the police, and even if you managed it you'd find they were more then a little busy.

I mean, hello? You're the only one with a futa trying to rape her? Even ignoring the PC's with the exact same problem at the exact same time... the police are either silently taken out at this point or they're waging war and losing fast.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey. We - that is, you and me - know this is a supernatural occurrence, the police got swarmed under, the generator stations got shut down, and no help is coming. But at the moment, ASHLEY doesn't know that. She just "knows" that this woman seems high on ecstasy and the power went out. So she's gonna try beating some sense into the woman.

Once she turns around and sees that it's got a penis, she might go berserk and try and beat its head in, but I'm hoping Ashley's a little more civilized than to try and kill someone with her bare hands. Try and pin her down, sure. Beat her unconscious, okay. But once Ashley's no longer threatened, I'm hoping she'll try to make use of societal support services, namely the police, as opposed to implementing vigilanteism.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well yea, she might try (though the point where she could is probably the point where she hears the radio broadcast or the maid shows up) but the point is she'd fail.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You see, this is exactly the reason why I chose to have my character already accustomed to bloody murder... To avoid possible grief caused by: "Oh my god, I killed it/her/him (what ARE futas called by anyway?), I'm a murderer!" or "I can't kill it! It's a human being just like I am" type of scenarios...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I think you're not realizing that that is what makes role play more interesting, rather than, "She kills it"
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh no, on the contrary, I do enjoy the emotions of a character who's just been forced from their comfortable niche in life and into hell by the act of killing someone. In fact, I do enjoy roleplaying it from time to time. It's just that when I made the character, I was at a busy time in my life that really didn't allow for much time to think through the character, so I opted to eliminate as many "unnecessary" elements as possible using a horribly flawed/scarred personality as the base. Now that I have time to actually develop/think things through, I'm doing what I can to "ease" Luna into a more substantial character than simply a: "I SEE MONSTER, KILL KILL KILL" type of character.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Great, now Aya is going to feel terrible. Bianca has become addicted to her and her mother is on the verge of it. What happened to Bianca wasn't the goddesses doing so Aya is going to start blaming herself. Oh poor weak willed Bianca...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Such lovely angst is it not? Guilt, responsibility, the realization of what she's done... So glorious...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Seems like Ashley is screwed. I wonder if she actually has a decent chance of escape now. She has level 2 brawling, which is useful. Too bad she is a weakling with low strength. If I was Tassadar I would ask Raptor about stat editing. Ashley would be a lot better off with level 3 strength and level 2 willpower.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ashley is in her introductory scenario. Which means that, no matter the outcome of this encounter, Ashley will be playable afterwards. Maybe Mom wakes up as missus futa finishes playing with Ashley. Maybe, after finishing, missus futa sneers and leaves to find more hot young female flesh. RJ'll think something up.

Don't talk about stat-rearranging. Tassadar liked the 4 Willpower when he designed Ashley, so telling him he's an idiot isn't exactly polite. I'm sorta wondering why Ashley's still trying to fight when she's "Lecherous", but Tass knows his character better than I do.