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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ashley is in her introductory scenario. Which means that, no matter the outcome of this encounter, Ashley will be playable afterwards.

I know this. I was simply stating that it seems like she is screwed as far as escaping rape goes.

Maybe Mom wakes up as missus futa finishes playing with Ashley. Maybe, after finishing, missus futa sneers and leaves to find more hot young female flesh. RJ'll think something up.

Yeah I kinda figured RJ would think of something.

Don't talk about stat-rearranging. Tassadar liked the 4 Willpower when he designed Ashley, so telling him he's an idiot isn't exactly polite.

Ok, back up for a second. I didn't tell him he's an idiot nor did I imply it. I simply said his character would be better off with higher strength, which at the very least in his characters current situation he would be. Really Dematt, did you read what I posted?
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lulz. Lecherous is going after an attractive individual, not submitting to rape by a strange woman who happens to have a penis. And I know Toast wasn't trying to insult me, all may relax. Honestly, I know that Ashley wasn't that well built, but I've never played All Flesh Must Be Eaten *the game AWBMI is based off of, in case anyone forgot,) so I just went for as much potential "resist rape enjoyment" as possible.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Wouldn't it be an irony if Ashley flirted with Mina?

It's possible to, Mina has good charisma! :D
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah that would be ironic and funny. It would be even funnier for Ashley to flirt with Selena and end up getting you know what in her you know where.

Anyways, I can't wait for the zoo mission to end and for everyone to return to the inn. I really want Iris to be able to meet Mina and Melissa along with visit with River and Jenn again, and possibly Selena. There's also all that crap with David, Jesse, and Luna that has to be done.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Son of a bitch. Well, looks like Joseph just got killed, or at the very least knocked out. Might as well try and get away from the monster and request an air lift out of that zoo.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Eh. Neither of those are outside the realm of possibility.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Iris doesn't seem like the kind of person that would leave Joseph there to die.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Apparently... it "is" possible to attack the jellyfish >_>;; But it requires being close to the water. Ah well... *inserts Luna sacrifice for the greater good*.

Get them control codes, get Joseph airlifted... and that's about it?... We're done after that anyway.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I dunno guys, maybe you know trying checking up on the poor guy?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Apparently... it "is" possible to attack the jellyfish >_>;; But it requires being close to the water. Ah well... *inserts Luna sacrifice for the greater good*.

Get them control codes, get Joseph airlifted... and that's about it?... We're done after that anyway.

I hope this doesn't result in Luna's capture. I am seriously going to bust a wall down if it does.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey, worst case scenario we "might" have a succubus Luna, who knows? ;P.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Succubus Luna?
You know... Corruption IS something I am kinda into... SO DO EET!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Unfortunately from what I've been told, >_>;; The succubus are probably Luna's worst enemy even barring stats in that she can't really activate her "mental self-defense" against them... and if you peel that icy mask/visage she created for herself away, she finds herself rather... weak and defenseless fast. Without that... she actually breaks rather fast, especially if she's under constant mindwashing/etc. (The main problem is that "non-aggression" is Luna's worst enemy. Play the "kindness" card enough and she'll be butter in your hands. "Tears" also works too...)

But you are correct, that if she morphed with her mind intact, she WOULD suicide, or even if not by her hand, she'd likely try something insane such as trying to attack the goddess herself to be "killed".

@Zero: You should see the discussions me and RJ have had over steam... Neko Rehabbed Luna (blame Jesse) actually raped the Director in a simulation... was WAY too amusing...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh, by the way, what's RJ's steam account? I need to harass him more often with pop up ads for viagra and whatnot.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

XD;;;;; Ask him yourself... I don't think I'm supposed to randomly give it away...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Damn it you two!
Geezus, you two suck.
But cat girls are overrated!
Too bad we can't 'loli-tize' Luna AND rehab her.
But, lets just get Luna rehabbed 1st before we do anything else.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well lets see, it was 4 in the morning, I think I was drunk on something and...


And we already have Fleur and the Director for lolis, so.. *cough*.
But yes, although I was reluctant to play rehabbed Luna at first... her character managed to develop enough in a single day, that it was simply too fun to not play her. Playing a quiet, possessive, naive, and "quite submissive" (although she tries to pretend otherwise) is rather amusing. You should see how fast Jesse managed to break her XD;;
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So how DID Jesse break her?