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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lets see... I'll make this simple.

Think Selena and "Kitty",

Jesse's mindbreak was similar but...even more so in that Luna actually began acting like an "actual" pet for Jesse... and resulted in the creation of Neko Luna, Jesse's demonic pet which managed to be let loose on the Director for glorious rape.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Sleep deprivation, boredom, and questionable drink mixing. That's all you need to know BG, that's all you need to know.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm sure if I would want to know anything beyond what I've just read, as interesting as it sounds.

On another note. If it is possible for a normal person to become a succumbs then I might ask Raptor about Iris becoming one. Ill just need to need to know the benefits and drawbacks of your character being a succumbs, along with all of the physical changes.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


A. Sex craze/dependency, also your mentality gets morphed into enjoying it heavily. Kinda like futas really.
B. Wings and a tail for raping, oh and befriending of other succubi.
C. Director and the others will likely try to kill you on sight. Succubi are less trustworthy than Futa as you become one by actually giving in/wanting to become on.
D. Ability to seduce, capable of making oneself an inspired by draining others constantly...
E. ...In short, you become a seductress/serial rapist.

And yes, which is why I brought up succubus Luna as that was an idea... Should Luna be dragged off by Succubi :p.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I can't see Iris or Luna becoming one really.
I can see Luna becoming Jesse's pet real easily tho.
Just break down the 'barrier' then turn her with her skills.

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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Sadly for Jesse she's going to have to get through Iris if she attempts to do something like that to Luna. Iris does care for Jesse a lot but when it comes right down to it I don't think she cares for anyone more then Luna. When everyone gets back to the inn I could see a small argument breaking out between Jesse and Iris regarding Luna.

What might happen is that when Jesse try's to drag Luna off Iris will intervene. Iris herself will want to keep Luna away from Jesse so she could change her, herself.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, that's provided Iris finds out... Given Jesse's personality and style, I have a feeling Luna would be whisked off when Iris wasn't looking, or if Luna went to see Jesse for something and then accidentally got dragged off by Jesse :X. After that, it's whether or not Iris finds out. Delicious drama if that happens though.

Of course, we'll just have to wait and see. On that note though, zoo mission... grab the codes before we leave please. >_>
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*Door bursts open*
*Jesse and tied up Fluer and Luna turns to see*
"I will be taking my Sister back Jesse."
Something like this?
With more Drama-y lines of course.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

As soon as everyone gets on the helicopter Iris is going to contact the director, telling her to get doctors and such ready for when everyone gets to the inn. After that Iris will stick to Luna like glue, actually holding onto her arm. Jesse isn't going to get a chance to drag Luna off while Iris isn't looking and if Luna try's to go off Iris will try to get her to return to their bedroom.

Blah. I just wonder what will happen if Iris manages to change Luna then Jesse comes and finds her.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well then I pray that the tentacles capture Luna for the hell of it.

And lets see...
How would Iris handle Luna?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well then, who knows? Luna does have a tendency to vanish... especially if there's something she doesn't want her sister to know :x... (*cough* Tying up Fleur, etc. I think Luna would try to avoid having Iris find out about that personally.) Although as for escaping to the helicopter/etc, I'm REALLY not for that, mainly as we're already to the codes and can probably make a run for them. Maybe dump Joseph on the helicopter, but stay for the codes.

Also on another note, converting Luna fully has three requirements.

A. Breaking off her "mental armor", the icy visage she usually uses to lock her emotions in place.
B. Patching up the wounds in the past and such, she still considers herself to be a corpse/disposable piece of sorts, in that she would sacrifice herself willingly at this point...
C. Making her break away from the chains of the past, and her fear of getting close to others. Which also means making her get over the "trauma" that turned her into the state she is in now.

A is actually pretty easy for Iris, as hugs/clinging/affection break that armor way too easily... but B and C will depend entirely on what Iris says, how the scene is roleplayed out, etc. I'll give no hints for those two on that note... and will no way force the last ways into place ;P. So whether or not Luna changes depends entirely on the people who try.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

...Jesse could hint at Fluer, then Luna will know, and Iris would be curious, so Luna would go with Jesse, Iris would ninja style it up there along with them, and listening to what happened THEN door bursts open?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Not sure about the door bursting, as for one, door would be locked, and I'm still not sure how you explain breaking down doors in the inn on random suspicions...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

it's quite simple I think.
We just need Luna to be willing to stay in place long enough, to hear the words, and then she'd be normal.
I have lines prepared right at the top of my heads.
But the thing is once someone starts saying those words Luna would walk away, because SHE KNOWS what they are doing and she's scared.

@ Keylo
Iris hearing about Jesse and Luna's conversation > Burst down door.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Maybe the best thing to happen if for Iris and Jesse to both convert Luna. Iris isn't good with words and might not be able to use her own to change Luna. During step B Iris would more then likely hold onto Luna, telling her how much she cares and loves her and telling her how she's her sister or some crap. During step C Iris would try to make Luna give up and forget about her past by doing similar things she did in step B and telling her that she has to move on and some other crap.

Honestly, Jesse has a better chance of converting Luna as far as words go.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Tying Luna down is probably the only way you'll GET her to stay still long enough. Otherwise, as long as she's free, she'll pull even drastic actions to get away. Which includes using lethal force...

@BG: It is actually quite possible for Jesse to convert Luna while dragging her off provided she does things right. Although step A is a tad harder, it does help that Luna trusts Jesse to a certain degree... Test simulations have shown that it is so long as she makes use of the "correct cards" against Luna.

Which let me restate: The current Luna is most weak against:

A. Non-aggressive mental-assault/kindness (provided it sounds genuine enough.)
B. "Love", "Affection", all that mushy cheesy stuff.
C. Tears, although this mainly doesn't crush Luna's armor but more of make her... "disinterested" in that she'll probably do anything you ask at that point, and just not really care about it.
D. Aggressive MENTAL assault that she can't get away from, such as drugs, psychic abilities, an ability to force her to relive her trauma over and over again... things like that. (see Luna bad-end fiction for example of this... she gets hollowed out/emptied rather pathetically at the end, and becomes a "puppet"/"doll" of sorts)
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ok... lets just say uh....
Rin approachs Luna trying to be her friend, cause you know, lost her memories and shit, so she wants a friend, and Luna happens to be there.
Now once Rin tries to get close to Luna, Luna would be rude and just walk away right?
(Yes this is a question!)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Let's see...


The current Luna would probably ignore Rin, or just walk away as a first reaction.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Talk about rude AND cold.
And the reason for that is?