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Bad-Dragon toys


Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
I just found this! And I litterally laughed out loud!
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

I remember this, though I don't know if someone posted a link back on TH or if it was here. I laughed for quite a while too, especially with the in-depth descriptions of the animals on each toy.
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

I first found out about this from /d/.

The ridiculous price that some of the dildos cost is what made me the most shocked.
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

Aawww and here I was thinking I had found something long forgotten... Well, well, What got me was actually first, "Gimme some sugar baby." + rep to the one that knows where that's from... then it was the whole concept, and especially the tail digger or whatever, then there was the ones with syringes, so that they work like enemas or something... It was just all overkill:)
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

Of course evil dead :p

And I assume these are REALLY well made considering how expensive they are. Though I've always been curious about the cumtube, some people like the filling sensation and such.
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

well from what ive read on their forums the toys are indeed are really well made and from the people that have bought and posted an review about the toys are almost aways positive. ive never bought one so im not entirely sure about the quality of said toys.

also i think the cumtube and cumlube is fucking genius.
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

One of my buddies buys from there a lot. Especially the wolf ones. She loves wolves XD
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

Army of Darkness, not just Evil Dead.

And that's...frightening and amusing at the same time. I guess that's one way of really living out fantasies...
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

Those actually looked quite cool.
But who the hell got the idea of dragon dildos?
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

Those actually looked quite cool.
But who the hell got the idea of dragon dildos?

A certain sub-community of D&D players. The ones that made half-dragon characters, cause they liked thinking about dragons and their sacrificial virgins to make potential heroic offspring with a wangsty past of being a bullied social outcast because (s)he was scaly.
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

I have to say that those things are probably dreams come true for people who are that deep into furry/fantasy fetishes.
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

just for those who havent auctally looked at the site they make other things too

Re: Bad-Dragon toys

just for those who havent auctally looked at the site they make other things too

Quantity: - out of stock -

In all honesty, I have thought of buying one of their products. Maybe some other time in my life where there aren't so many wandering eyes.
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

Actually, garfield, that was a sort of beta run, to get the kinks worked out so-to-speak. They'll actually enter production some time in the future. That said, it did look interesting.

Re: Bad-Dragon toys

Hey, at least they're an equal opportunity vendor.
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

i know its out of stock and it was a beta run i just forgot to post that bit.

also toxic your not the only one here thats been thinking about it. I too have been thinking about buying one but im not planning to buy one anytime soon.
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

You know you'll be shelling out that extra 15 bucks too ;)
Re: Bad-Dragon toys

Just before looking at that site, I told someone there might be a market in furry vagina toy things. The topic of the conversation was trolling the fleshlight costumer service -> fake vaginas in general -> furries -> attempted to get back on topic with furry vagina toys.

Interesting, and I'm sure there is a market for it.
I'm not going to buy one though, it's more of a practical problem combined with me being a cheapskate. A hand is good enough right?