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Battle & Breeding

Re: Battle & Breeding

"Woah, wah!?" Arkeia said as she heard Karaz' rage fueled roar, and abandoned the still groggy druid and hurried down to find the dwarf destroying the cave while Alia was still seemingly unconscious. Thinking leaving the mage in the room with the rampaging dwarf was probably a bad idea, she hurriedly started dragging her back up the steps, keeping out of Karaz' path.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia tensed as she saw her friends get battered around by the massive gale, raising her arms instinctively to protect herself. She was a little distressed to see them disappear like this and suprised the wind didn't affect her despite knowing it was the spirit's will that made it. Then she suddenly heard the succubus speak right next to her, startling the mage. Tervin whipped her head around, only to find the woman's lips pressing against her face softly and slowly trailing down. It made her miss the sudden cut the woman made with her nail that liberated the mage of all but her panties. Before she could even speak, the mage suddenly found her legs bound, followed shortly by her arms, leaving her helpless to resist the demon.

Raised in mid-air, spread wide and almost completely naked, Alia was already feeling a fair bit of trepidation as the succubus explained what she wanted, along with the rules of the little game. As she found herself straddling a chain, hot links pressed tantalizingly against her folds through the thin fabric of her underwear, she realized she was in for a very rough ride. Still, even as the links slowly ground against her delicate petals, sending shivers through her body, she couldn't help but perk up a little at the mention of new magic becoming known to her. A new spell and all she had to do was be the spirit's plaything for a little while? She could get behind that.

"That... Sounds like a fair bargain." Alia responded, gasping slightly as she felt the links dig into her pussy as the chain slowly wormed it's way between her legs. The succubus only slimed at that, before giving her erect nipples another gentle breath while her fingers teased the mage's fair skin. For a brief moment, she raised one hand and put it before Tervin's face, then quickly brought it down. Immediately, the blonde woman's sight was cut off as a blindfold materialized on her face, covering her eyes completely. "That is so much better, wouldn't you agree?" The spirit teased.

Now that she couldn't see what her captor was doing, Alia couldn't help but feel anxious. For a few moments, she seemed to be idle - all the mage could feel was the sensation of the metal chain slowly being dragged between her legs, as if the spirit wanted her pussy to memorize each link in detail. Then she felt the woman's tongue touching her spine, trailing downwards in a tantalizing fashion, making her gasp in suprise at first, then moan in pleasure as she reached the sensitive area of her lower back. The mage shuddered, feeling herself relax slightly... Then yelped as the demoness grabbed her nipples, twisting them in a fashion that was both pleasurable and painful at the same time.

"Oh, are you all right?" The succubus asked the panting mage, but before Alia could make any response she suddenly found herself muffled by a gag that suddenly materialized in her mouth. "Just remember to tell me when it hurts." The demoness giggled, causing Tervin's eyes to widen behind the blindfold. Once more she was left in the dark, aroused and feeling nothing but the chain pressing her panties which were now getting a bit damp. Again, the spirit waited to build some tension before kissing her breasts delicately... While pulling on the chain between the mage's legs, causing it to dig in almost painfully into her delicate folds, coupled with some rough teasing of the clit.

"My, how unfortunate. Your panties are completely soaked." The demoness noted, her sharp fingernail cutting the fabric on one side, then another. The pressure on Alia's pussy lessened as she pulled the garment out from between the chain and her body. Suddenly, the mage found her mouth empty again, the gag disappearing for some reason. Panting as she recovered from the last shock, she opened her mouth to speak - only for the succubus to push Tervin's own panties, rolled into a tight ball, right into the woman's open mouth. A rag was quickly tied around her head, going over her lips as she was gagged again, this time with her own underwear.

Unable to see, speak, move and forced to taste her own juices, Alia wasn't sure how much time she spent being tormented by the spirit. The demoness kept switching her tactics constantly, keeping her constantly guessing, unable to predict what happened to her next. Sometimes she'd delicately lick a sore spot to make it feel better, other times she'd bite and almost draw blood. Sometimes her fingers would dig into her vulnerable flesh painfully, then gently massage her. The demoness was gentle just enough to keep her from being constantly tense... And cruel enough to make her dread what would happen to her next. Furthermore, the chain was once more digging into her pussy, moving slowly as if the shape of each link had to be forever imprinted in her folds.

Alia felt intoxicated. The pain made her feel fear, but the helplessness she experienced magnified the pleasure she felt greatly. Her whole body shuddered as she squirmed in her bondage, wanting to escape yet desiring more. Her hips kept pressing against the chain despite her will, the woman unable to deny herself the delightful agony of hot metal grinding against her flesh. Cries of pain and moans of pleasure had long since become one and the same, the mage surrendering to the treatment. She couldn't help but think that slowly she was going insane but couldn't muster the strenght to care. Worst of all, however... She could not achieve release.

Despite Alia's desires grew stronger and stronger, the demoness didn't grant her more pleasure. She kept up her sadistic game of teasing, forcing her body to learn how to find bliss in such treatment but not giving her any more. The chain also moved as slowly as it did before, each link drawing a groan from the needy woman. The mage felt as if every scrap of pleasure was something she had to fight for, and she desperately wanted more, but whenever she felt like she was about to reach the peak the succubus stopped, leaving her hanging! Tervin had no idea for how long this went. All she could tell that if this continued for much longer, she'd go crazy for sure.

"Having fun, darling?" The demoness cooed, chuckling at the weak groan coming from Alia's mouth. "Do you want me to finish?" At this, the mage reacted strongly, moaning and shaking around as much as her diminishing strenght would allow. "Mmm... Sorry, but I can't understand you. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to keep this up until you speak up." Alia tried to squirm and protest, to beg the succubus to finish this and let her come, but before she could the blonde felt her nibble on her neck, roaming hands once more caressing her body in that tantalizing, pleasant yet not quite pleasurable enough manner. She knew it wasn't going to end anytime soon and could only hang from the chains, too weak to even move as she was doomed to being treated like a toy until her captor had enough.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna gasped at the sudden blast, cursing in irritation before being blown away by it. She got up, up by the stairs, blinking. So as she expected. Sounded like Karaz was unleashed too given the sounds of mayhem below. A worthless exercise ultimately, you could only harm a dream beast on it's own turf. And even that was more a temporary measure. They were dangerous, and Alia foolishly was entreating with it. What if it tried to take her body as it's own or became a rider?

She grimaced and did the one thing she could do for now, which was to go get a hold of the nun. She didn't trust the creature to not be trouble in the future. But the nun probably had better insight into the beast itself.

If there was one thing she was certain of, it would seek to take more than it was allotted. Such was the nature of the defiled, to endlessly take and reproduce. Like an ever growing tide of ruin.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Arkeia looked up as Faeyna awoke, still trying to rouse Alia. "What in the hell is going on!?" she demanded, but then scowled darkly as she was ignored and the lizardgirl moved to leave. "Hey! The fuck!? What happened down there!?" she shouted, making no apparent effort to keep her voice down as she grew increasingly distressed at the lack of information.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't notice you. Dream spirit, need the nun on this. Messy situation all around.," says Faeyna apologetically, "Don't fall asleep and keep an eye on Alia. If she starts hovering or glowing or acting unusual, keep an eye on her. Don't know if she'll bring someone with her when she wakes up."

She then moves to get the Nun.
Re: Battle & Breeding

[You win! You gain Silent Image as a 1st level spell.]

Alia's torment seemed to go on for tortuous days, and back in the real world her body moaned and writhed with torment as the dream creature had it's way with the defenseless mage's trapped mind. Her companions tried in vain to shake her awake, but the girl's mind had retreated too far into the dream realm, drawn in the cruel spirit's ministrations. Just as the others began to search for some other way to save their mentally imprisoned friend, Alia eyes snapped open as she shrieked out an earth-shaking orgasm. For several moments, she couldn't yet comprehend that she was free of her hideous wet dream, so thoroughly had her release blanked her mind. Very, very good came a thought that was not hers as her mind slowly returned, and with it a bit of knowledge that she knew was not there before. Eventually, she registered that her friends were gathered around her looking concerned. As the last of her dream faded, she heard "Bring me the nun, and I will tell you the secret of the convent's greatest treasure..."

Party Actions:
---Fuck the spirit, we'll come back later if at all. Let's go
------to the northern cells.
------to the garden.
------to the chapel.
---Go back to the nun in the previous building.
---Go back somewhere else.

[Your nice little chat with the spirit and imp took enough time that it counts as a free rest]

: 1d4+4 7 1d4+4 7 1d4+4 8

[Arkeia 15/15]
[Alia 18/20] (+7)
[Faeyna 14/26] (+7)
[Karaz 25/25] (+8)
Re: Battle & Breeding

After smashing everything in sight (an action ignored) Karaz would come up the stairs, dragging Alia by her feet up the steps.

"Fuck the whole place. Spirit wants to fuck with me!? She can rot here for eternity! Someone help me seal this place forever." Karaz shouted in demand.

(Karaz makes to forever destroy any means of going down there ever again.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia was panting hard, trying to pull herself together after the hellish torture that was her communion with the spirit. Eventually things settled back into their place for her, the mage letting out a groan as she relaxed... Then yelling in pain as she was roughly dragged upstairs by an enraged dwarf. "Fuck's sake, Karaz!" She yelled at the dwarf, struggling to get out of her grip and stand up. "Lemme go damn it, I'm awake! I'm bloody awake now, damn it!"
Re: Battle & Breeding

(If the majority are OK with it, it's trivially easy to close off the chamber and destroy the mechanism to open it.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

"WELL GOOD MORNING, YA FUCKING MORON!" Karaz shouted back, grabbing Alia's arm roughly and yanking the girl up to her feet. "Yer lucky I don't shame you in front of the others by telling them what you did. Though keep in mind, the moment I see that spirit in yer eyes, I'm going to fucking kill you without a second thought." she said in a growling whisper in the attempt for the others to not hear her. "So whatever happened, I hope she didn't possess you, for the sake of yer own life." she declared.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia winced at being manhandled, but chose not to comment on that. When Karaz threatened her, however, she simply glared straight in the dwarf's eyes, now growing rather angry herself. "No, I am quite fine, thank you very much." She responded dryly, in a tone that was polite on the surface and dripping with sarcasm. "I'm afraid you'll have to find a different excuse to get your chance to murder me. And if you're interested, the spirit had actually seen fit to repay me for that little service, something which I recall you claimed to be the proper way of things. I can now perform magic that was previously unavailable to me." The mage stated. "Oh, and she also mentioned something about a hidden treasure in the convent, but I don't suppose you're interested."
Re: Battle & Breeding

"I'm inclined to agree with that notion," Arkeia said, looking down at the freshly awakened Alia with a worried frown. She checked to see if the woman was feverish, found her just of the regular level of warmth following what had quite obviously been a very intense orgasm, and said; "Yeah... I don't think it's a good idea to go back down there. Don't know what you lot ran into, and don't rightly care... Here, lets see what I can do."

She went back to the secret button and eyed it, "Karaz... Help me dislodge these stones, I need to get to what's behind." She would have the dwarf carefully pry away the mortared stones to reveal the mechanisms for the stairs. She examined them for a moment and then carefully tugged one of the oiled chains, found it offered no give, and then tugged the other, causing the panel over the stairs to return to its closed position. "Looks like that's it then... We break that and those stairs ain't ever opening again unless someone takes a pick to 'em."

(Also, @ Grave, Arkeia already pulled Alia up the steps. She was doing that while Karaz was raging down below.)

Edit: She did offer a calming glare to the dwarf for her barrage of insults directed at the mage, but didn't intervene at that point. "What is this... Spirit? Faeyna mentioned that and then just... Left." She glanced back at the closed secret entrance and scowled. "You really thinkin it's a good idea to make bargains with a thing that can worm its way into you like that? No one ever comes out better for it for dealin' with those things in the stories lass, an treasure or no I wouldn't trust anything somethin like that told me. The way you were squirmin around in your sleep I thought you were being tortured, I wasn't sure you were gonna make it out alive... What happens if it does that to you again and decides it doesn't need you no more?" She paused, and then added; "And what did it want anyway?"
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Re: Battle & Breeding

"Are you lot serious?" Alia stared at the group, blinking. "You run across one spirit, and your response is to immediately bury it and leave it to rot? Why?" She asked. The mage couldn't for the life of her understand. Sure, perhaps having someone pick around in your head was not the most pleasant of experiences, but what the Hell were they expecting to happen? "As for what it wanted, it was emotion. Basically, since spirits lack a proper body they have no need for food or rest, but they also can't feel physical pleasures. That's why they need to come into contact with a physical being who can experience strong enough emotions for the spirit to share in them." The mage began her lecture.

"Basically, the spirit asked me to engage in a bit of a... Play, so to speak." She didn't state what kind of play it was. It was obvious enough, anyway. "By experiencing a choice few emotions the spirit developed a taste for - and if you want to know what those are, think about what the nuns probably got to feel around this place - and sharing them with it, I was able to provide her with something she enjoyed. In exchange, she granted me the knowledge necessary to create illusions. It's... Fairly basic, as far as illusions go, but it might still come in handy. Seriously, you lot are demonizing her too much if you ask me. And unlike you, I actually got to experience her hospitality in full."
Re: Battle & Breeding

"It wanted to sexually torture someone, skazungi, and it just so happens that our mage here is a masochist." She declared while helping Arkeia.

Though, when Alia declared she had a spell, Karaz finished putting the first rock where Arkeia wanted and turned around. "A new magic? Oh, how interesting. Does that mean you can solve all our problems and get us paid easy? Or am I still goin' to have to receive more electroshock therapy? What spell is it, anyway? If it isn't something to drop a fuckin' wagon on our enemies, then I'm afraid you were ripped off, ungi." she spat. Then laughed aloud while moving with the rocks as she mentioned treasure.

"Oh my! YOU MEAN THE FUCKIN' TREASURE SHE FAILED TO MENTION TO ME BECAUSE I WAS ASKIN' FER IT!? Face it, ungi, she took you for a fuckin' fool. I've been around the block a lot longer than ye, and someone like that is only looking for an easy mark. And you'd better believe a yes-girl like you is a dream-come-fuckin-true to a snake like that spirit." she spat.

"It's done, skazungi." she directed to Arkeia that her task was done.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Eeeasy there Karaz," Arkeia said in a gentle tone, holding up her hands to try and calm the dwarf. Turning to Alia, however, Arkeia's expression was less gentle and more... Haunted. "It's less what it is, though bein' a blood ghost is bad enough. Things like that shouldn't be in this world. But it's not that... It's what it does. Men and monsters have ways o' trying to break people, bend 'em into what they want, and make it seem like you're doing what they want by yer own choice. Things like that thing, if what it did to you is any indication, are like that but worse. Nothin we could get out of it would be info I'd be willin ter trust, tell the gods honest truth I wouldn't, and remember what it was put here for. Nuns tryin to test each others' devotion... Alla that pain and repression and whatnot? Let it rot, let it fade away until its gone, and no one remembers that it ever was. We don't need it... This world don't need more things lookin ter "play" the way it played with you, there ain't any world that could use more cruelty o' that flavor way I reckon it! Just let it go, you got some new tricks out of it, if'n yer willing to trust it to its word that's your business, but I ain't plannin' on letting something like that out into the wild world if I can help it."

Edit: Assuming the conversation ultimately went their way, Arkeia would let Karaz seal the place permanently, and then suggested; "Lets go check on those northern cells. Maybe we'll find a key that can let that poor girl outta her prison, or a way into the mother superior's room."
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Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna stopped, hearing Alia's voice and came back, studying the explosive results, before speaking up.

"There are many kinds of spirits in the world. In my culture we divide them into four types. The Lost, The Defiled, The Totem and The Voice. That dream entity is one of the Defiled. Spirits who forsake their purpose in the cycle to seek only their own pleasure and interests rather than continue in the cycle. Parasites of others. While the Lost often act out of regret and confusion and anger, the Defiled act out of selfishness and malice. If freed, that spirit will only continue her ways upon others if not worse, praying on those who sleep and using them, trapped in a dream. She is not the only one to exist, but to trap it until a fully vested Shaman can force it's cleansing, sealing it in is a valid choice. I'd only have considered doing so if it meant saving you, Alia."

She shakes her head, "Let's investigate the cells ahead. And make sure the souls of the food have moved on and don't linger to become Lost. What they usually lack in Malice they compensate in madness, and can be even more dangerous than the Defiled. Defiled, for their flaws, can be reasoned with even if you're unlikely to get the chance. Most Lost cannot see beyond their emotions."
Re: Battle & Breeding

Karaz held her arms out in a shrug when Arkeia motioned her calm her down. If Arkeia didn't pay attention she wouldn't see the brief hug she got from the dwarf. "I'm calm, skazungi." she said, before walking towards the Northern cells. "I'll lead the way. I sure as fuk hope that the pregnant nun wakes up soon. I don't like being grounded like this." she said.

(Karaz leads the way to the cells.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia's reaction to Karaz and her speech was one of anger. She wanted to argue, to call the dwarf an ignorant, supersticious idiot. To respond to her venom with even more venom. Arkeia's interruption put a stop to that before it happened, however. Something about her expression made the mage hold her tongue and listen, thinking about what she was told. As the shaman chimed in with her own brand of wisdom, the mage finally relented, even if she said nothing. The way her shoulders slumped, as if all anger drained out of her, and the way she frowned as she focused on going over what she was told by the others made it quite clear she wasn't going to argue. Rather, she was trying to understand their viewpoint and compare it with hers. Silently, the mage followed the rest of the group on the way towards the cells, mulling over what she had learned.
Re: Battle & Breeding

The northern cells would have been slightly more pleasant that the tiny voluntary prisons that made up the southern building; the nuns here were apparently more senior, and the tools and books left in their cells indicated that most were trained in some respectable and useful field. The feeling was ruined however, by the moldering corpses of corpses of four nuns, all slumped together in a rear cell, and each with a strange green crust around their mouths.

It appears that the invading orcs did make an effort to ransack this building; the eastern door was smashed in, leading out into the tangled and massively overgrown garden. It appeared that the barricade these nuns built was insufficient to keep the greenskins out. Another barricaded door led to the hospital; it would take virtually no effort to remove from this side, however.

The stairway to the tower library above was blackened and charred, the stairs themselves fallen or too weak to support climbers. Whomever started this fire was probably lucky the entire building, let alone the convent, didn't go up with it.

A large grey cat watched the girls with amber eye from atop one of the cell walls. Apparently, he had plenty to eat here.

Room Actions:
---Try to make your way up the stairs (Skill and Stat combination depends on how you want to go about this, but the DC is always 18. Once one person gets up, the rest can as well. Faeyna could of course spend a use of shapeshifting to simply fly up instead, if need be.)
---Search the cells (autosuccess)
---STR+Subterfuge DC 14 to find a hidden treasure
---DEX+Knowledge DC 13 to analyze the strange device found in one of the cells
---MND+Survival DC 13 to learn what you can about the dead girls

Party Actions:
---Go up to the library (if opened)
---Go to the hospital or garden
---Go back somewhere
---Search Thoroughly
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia surveyed the scene of carnage with some distaste. The four corpses in the background likely fell to some kind of poison if she were to hazard a guess. Probably drank something to commit suicide rather than be taken. The door to the garden was something she watched with unease, as she remembered that there were dangerous plants located there. The staircase was something she figured the nuns might have done, to protect the library from invaders. A risky tactic, but likely necessary. Still, even with that there was plenty to do here and plenty of ways to progress.

The mage's attention was quickly drawn to a strange device she found in one of the rooms. From what she could tell, the senior nuns living here all had some kind of useful skills they likely employed frequently. Perhaps analyzing it would shed some light on it's previous owner, maybe even allow Alia to use it herself if it turned out to be something worth her time. From the looks of it, it'd take a bit of dexterity to use it well, but thankfully her manual skills were up to the task. And with her vast knowledge, figuring this puzzle out was a child's play.

to analyze the strange device, passed.