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ACT [ Black stain ] 黒い染み OUTBREAK 感染牢獄 RE146216 RJ146216


Dec 18, 2012
Reputation score

New ACT release, not so bad, some what silent hill similar.

There is demo, so make sure to check it.
Japanese title: Kansen Rougoku (lit., "Infection Prison")

Avoid creepy enemies and escape the foul, overrun jail:
A bizarre maniac action game.

Move (left/right keys) / Jump (spacebar)
If you get caught it's game over + an erotic scene will play.
Each erotic scene is an aesthetic bonus.
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Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

Not very fan of bdsm but I like the artstyle,seems very promising,and the best about it is its animated.Gotta try the demo
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

The Demo has no H-Content only 1 straight line with an enemy that eats you? and thats it you see nothing but a preview of 3 other enemies but they are caged.
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

ye, it's seems like this title have something like 6 stages.
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

Don't expect much content when you see the price. :p
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

I've seen a lot of hentai, and fapped to most of them too. But sometimes you have to wonder where some of the makers get these ideas from. Especially with a game like this.

I mean, how high do you have to be to imagine creatures like this, then look back at it and say "oh yeah, this rocks my boxers for sure"? I get that if its a thing, its someone's fetish somewhere in the world, but still...

Ah well, at least the girl is cute.
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

somebody has a link?
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

Reminds me of Vosmug.
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

The full game has 4 enemies that have H-content - it figures that the demo has the one enemy that just eats you. There's also some H-content in a few background NPCs scattered throughout the levels. Not a lot but at least the art doesn't look bad and its a cheap game.

What's interesting is that the player character is blindfolded and handcuffed. It would have been nice if that were more of a game mechanic (like how you can only see well in lighted areas in the game Anthophobia).
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

So does this win this year's "Shortest Demo" award?

I won't lie, I'm a big fan of vore, but I really only like it if you can see the girl as she's being eaten and when she's trapped inside (likely due to my light bondage fetish, e.g. ropes and other situations where a girl is bound). What they did in this game does absolutely nothing for me, especially since the sound is really low quality and doesn't really make it sound like anything's happening. Lemme tell you, sounds can really make a difference, especially when it comes to vore.

Anyway, I know that there are plenty of people out there who do like this particular kind of thing (i.e. simply being eaten), so more power to you if you're one of 'em. Takes all kinds and all that.
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

I'm actually more invested in the bondage aspects, even though it seems really superficial in this game. I just sort of tolerate the vore/horror aspects. It's kind of annoying that there aren't many games with bondage integrated into the gameplay as opposed to just existing in full-screen CG.
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

It's kind of annoying that there aren't many games with bondage integrated into the gameplay as opposed to just existing in full-screen CG.

That's why I have great hope in Dungeons & Prisoners and Evil Goddess, though the latter has CG art style that may be off putting to some. Both of these games have bondage effecting combat and movement. I especially like how being blindfolded in D&P shrinks your site range to 1 and forces you to guess which direction the enemy is in order to aim your attacks.

Sadly what you're looking for is super rare in action games. I've only seen it in this one Sexy3D game and it merely consisted of not being able to go up ladders while handcuffed. Hopefully this game will inspire similar action games with a better implementation of a bondage game mechanic.
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

It's pretty darn rare in RPGs too. I've only run into a handful.

If anyone else knows of any more games with bondage integrated into gameplay, I'd love to know.
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

My experience:

"Download the demo"
-Whoa it's fast !

"Do the hole leve- Straight line avoid all the monsters*
-Well that was short.

"Let himself get eaten in some sort of pervy' self-reward"
-Well that was anti-climatic XD.
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

i have to admit i'm curious about the other monsters, but yeah, fuck was that short
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

Here ya go: mega.co.nz/#!7NI0RCCR!TWbWj7xLdeCRhN7kbrBUhNLzcmTt1xGmDeiq8RRV2aI

Add rep if you use my link. :D

Pass is "ulmf", no quotes.

Edit: Feel free to let me know if it goes down for whatever reason, and I'll see what I can do.

At the main menu press shift to go to the Gallery.
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Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

Didn't expect anyone to remember this game at this point. Rep for sure, thanks!!
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

Thanks for the link
Re: 感染牢獄 [RJ146216]

Rep added Donny, thx for sharing:D