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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Fine, looking sexy
HP: 72/83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 8/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Nude
HP: 31/38
PP: 25/38
EP: 76/86
TP: 0/25 (DU: 2)

The wolves ran off, one of them with a lightning bolt having fried it's back end which provoked a pained yelp. After that, the wolves were gone. The girls were left to speak to one another in the aftermath of the enemy's ambush.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Den grimaces. "Well they know we're here now.," she mutters, setting her sword aside and drawing her bow and considering ambushing, but be pointless with the girl in a tree anyhow. She put the bow back and hurried over to Erin's tree. "Here, drop down kid, I'll catch you. You can't stay up there forever."

She was partially distracting herself from what just happened, but the big thing on her mind was whatever violation she had just experienced, Erin had gotten it worse. She hadn't deserved that, and Den hoped that Erin at least hadn't gotten her virginity claimed by those monsters, or at least didn't care about that aspect.

There'd be hell to pay, and she hoped she could help cover the poor girl, but for now, tree.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin nodded at the sight of the yelping wolf, following it with her sight until it disappeared. When Denna asked her to jump, she just nodded, trying to find the right way to drop. "Those... bloody... wolves..." She growled between grit teeth, then took a step off the tree. As she hoped, Denna's strong arms caught her before she hit the ground, leaving her in a very damsel-y position. Normally, she would've complained, asked to be let down, but these weren't normal circumstances, and the feeling of the woman's skin, the safety her arms offered, even if it was just slightly better than being on her own... She didn't try to get back to her feet, but instead curled up against the warrior, face buried on her chest, hidden. With any luck, she thought, the armor wasn't torn enough for the tears to be felt, as she stifled her shoulders, trying to keep at least a little bit of her dignity.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Den caught the poor girl, who promptly clung to her. She didn't need to feel it to know the girl was crying, and rightly so. She hugged her close comfortingly. Erin wasn't in any shape to fight emotionally, so that left only moving out. Down the trail would end poorly but unless the pack had decided to veer off abruptly they probably would keep going in that direction.

She could circle back later, for now, she carried the girl off the trail, heading out a ways to the side, doubling back a few times to shift directions to buy a bit of time if pursued. She kept Erin in her arms the whole time, tiring as it may be, she was getting used to it. Didn't weigh that much more than her armor and weaponry all together anyhow.

"Hey, once we've bought a bit of time, I'll improvise you somethin to wear, alright? We'll make all those bastards pay for what they did to you and the others.," she smiles gently as they went, "And thanks for saving me again. I wish I had your magical skills to have returned the favor."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin just clung onto Denna, happy to let her deal with all the decisions for now, plus her weight, while she tried to wrap her mind around the fact that a wolf had just raped her, head buried still in Denna's warm chest, ignoring everything around them.

"Y-yeah." She said, stuttering, trying to keep her voice firm when she was offered clothes. "It's fine." She said quietly, steadying herself. "You did save me first. We both got out and... well..." She fell silent, still hugging the warrior. "A-Am I too heavy?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"You? Nah. I mean, I can't carry you forever, I'm human. But I'm not complaining. We may as well stop here for the moment before we try and loop back around onto the trail. Hope we didn't overshoot it.," says Den with a gentle smile.

"I do need my arms back for the moment if I'm going to fix you up something to cover yourself with though.," she says, trying to set the girl down gently. Assuming the girl goes down, she averts her eyes a bit to preserve her modesty as she takes her pack down and takes the blanket from her bedroll, and her pins. She had a rough idea how big the girl was, so taking her dagger she sliced a foot and a half off the long side of the blanket, before wrapping it around Erin carefully, putting the pins in her mouth.

"Hold still.," she mumbles around the pins, carefully slotting them in to seal the two sides together like a clasp for a cloak. It was a far cry from perfect, and definitely wouldn't protect her from any amorous beasts, but she was covered. Den didn't have time to convert her blanket into proper clothes, or had the thread for it.

"There. Sorry, it's not much. I'd give you my own but they pretty well shredded mine, it's just armor, what is left of my shirt under it and panties for me.Though if you... really want em, you probably need the cloth more than I do.," says Den a little hesitantly. It might come off the wrong way for one, but she didn't really want to expose herself either. Still, the girl needed them more than her...
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

When offered down, Erin got indeed down from Denna's arms, giving her a weak smile. She stood uncomfortably for a couple of seconds, trying to cover herself, with rather little success. When Denna got around to trying to dress her, however, she just lifted her arms up, blushing slightly, and looked away.

"Thanks, Denna." She said, heartfelt. "It's... enough. At least it covers me a bit, better than going around naked." She smiled at the warrior, sincere if not very wide. "Some normalcy in this whole mess."

She shook her head to the offer of clothes. "Keep yours, you need'em too. We'll get more in the village, when we get there." She nodded at the road, pushing her concerns aside once more. "Shall we?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Den pauses, biting her lip. "I can't just leave em behind Erin. but I can't leave you in dire straights either. I'll walk you there, and can give you some money for clothes, but after that I need to go back for them."

She sighs and takes her bow out and stringing it. "Well, let's get moving then. Sooner we're there, sooner I'm back. And sick of being caught out by surprise and not having my bow out in time."

She starts heading back with Erin, looping back for the trail, grimacing. She didn't want to leave, but she wouldn't force someone else to stay for her sense of honor, or whatever one wished to call it.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

As Denna set out, Erin walked next to her, talking quietly as her eyes roamed around their path, nervously trying to find anything that might be trying to ambush them again.

"We're not leaving them behind. But it's pretty clear you and I together aren't going to be doing much. We need help. Otherwise it's just a suicide mission, and it's not going to do anything for'em. I... had my own money. Guess it's there, with my robe." She sighed. "We're lucky to still be... free, I guess. We can find people to help us in the village. And if not, at least we can warn them. These things were... oddly organized. Three wolves almost beat us. We have no shot against the whole pack alone."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"That's why I was hoping to have a better plan... But you're right. Doesn't mean I won't try if I can't, but this won't look good either way...," grimaces Den, walking near Erin so she can shield her if the situation calls for it.

"I'll provide for you either way, til you can get back on your feat. Sure a mage can find plenty of ways to make a living this day and age. If you can make charms to ward off evil spirits and corruption, could make a fortune. I'll buy in bulk.," says Den wryly, glancing at the girl. Poor kid. Whatever she was running from, she deserved better than all this nightmare. Everyone did.

She turned her eyes back on the path ahead with a sigh. There'd be time for questions and stories when she had gotten her somewhere safe. Best not distract themselves now.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin chuckles mirthlessly. "If I could make wards and charms against misfortune I wouldn't be here after a wolf forced me, would I?"

She shook her head. "Anyways, I appreciate the offer, really, but I don't want you to pay for me. I'll find a way to pay for my own living, find a job or something. Maybe work as a merc if there's nothing better. No offense, but if this is a normal day for you, I'd hate to have your job."

She was starting to get used to walking with just the cloth on. It required a bit of care not to pull the construction apart, it was pretty breezy, and she could still feel her fluids on her legs - an uncomfortable reminder, but it wasn't unbearable enough that she'd want to delay getting to safety even one minute.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Normally it's not as animal filled or involves an entire army.," grimaces Den, "But the rape attempts and such aren't too unusual. Folks don't take no for an answer unless you can back that answer up with a few feet of sharpened metal. Just the way the world works now. Maybe always. Fraid I'm not a historian."

She shakes her head, "Don't worry bout my finances. I've a little bit of a nest egg saved up, I don't mind spending it to make sure you can get on your feet. It's not easy starting with nothing but the clothes on your back, and well... Well y'know what I mean. Leave worrying about me to me."

This was going to be a hard explanation. Even if they got that far. Still the girl had a point. The longer they lingered, the more alerted these critters were going to get to their presence. Only a matter of time before they sent hunting parties for em, if they hadn't already. They just had to hope they were gone and the heat died down before then. And that there were still folks to save when they did get there.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin shuddered, hearing how casually Denna took the rape. "Back where I'm from... never. The village'd go up in arms if there was even a rumor of someone having done that. At the very least, the rumor'd chase them for the rest of their lives." She shrugged. Villages worked in their own ways, and in a closed community a rumor was often treated as the truth.

"Still don't want you to pay for me, though. It's not a matter of worrying about your finances." She paused briefly. "But I guess what you're saying makes sense... best not make things even harder on myself, goodness knows I've already done that enough." Her thoughts trailed a few seconds, until she shook her head. The ambient was grim enough already, no need to make it even more depressing.

"Must make quite the image, us two. Bet we'll be the talk of the village for a month." She said instead, in a light attempt at optimism.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Fine, looking sexy
HP: 72/83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 8/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Nude
HP: 31/38
PP: 25/38
EP: 76/86
TP: 0/25 (DU: 2)

So, the duo decided to retreat, finding the threats of the strange forces ahead of them to be too much to handle. They'd travel back, the time passing as they went, every second spent twas one second longer that the prisoners they took were in the enemy's hands. A fact that very much likely bothered the poor idealistic knight for every moment that passed. Still, they at least found the trip back the way they came to be safe. Following the road and a map would lead them through the forest and to a close by village. It was not a city, but it was the closest thing to a human settlement. It was off the beaten path, a place within the forest itself, and fit well into it's environment. Patches of farmland, smiths at work, carpenters. The town seemed to have one of each to create a functioning society and was rather prolific as a result. The townsfolk seemed rather merry for it to be just any other day. Many if not all were smiling, giggles and happy tones abound in the small village. Their policy on visitors seemed kind and welcoming as well. "Greetings, travelers. You all came at a fine moment! We are preparing a holiday celebration that we celebrate every year!" A handsome man with black hair and a trimmed beard greeted them, not seeming to mind so much their state of appearance, though his eyes did wander. "What might you be looking for?" he inquired.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

It was a long trip, too long, every second mattered and it pained her, but Erin's safety was just as important. Fortunately there didn't seem to be a need to go back all the way to the city as a town came into sight amidst the trees. A surprisingly jovial place. The animals were not striking here?

"Clothes, for my friend here.," says Den simply, "And a room if there is an inn here. We had a... Bad run in earlier."

It was nice, if surprising to see such a jovial place amidst such depravity. The man's eyes wandered a bit, but it was inevitable and she was content to ignore it if that's all that would come of it.

"Though... Your village seems to live peacefully here.Perhaps I could get some information from you as well? But clothes for my friend is priority." If they had some secret or method to survive out here and keep the animals at bay, maybe she could use that to her advantage. Or at the very least figure out perhaps where they were lairing and who was training them.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The moment they saw the village, along the trees, an alarm rang inside Erin's head. How did they live in a forest full of rape-happy creatures without any issues? Joy and merryment were fine, but they should be at least behind a tall wall, not just sprawling in there.

As she eyed the surroundings with a deadpan face and suspicion in her mind, they were greeted by a jovial bearded man. Before Erin thought how to react to that, Denna was already doing the social aspect of it - no complaints from Erin. She just added a simple:

"Yes please, I really want to get some real clothes on."

The whistle from before was also something to take into account. Someone could control these creatures. Maybe it was the townsfolk? Who knew. Still, just in case, she didn't let her guard down at any point and, hiding it under the guise of curiosity, she kept watch around them.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Ah, yes milady. Those who walk alone do find themselves in a bit of trouble, and have a run-in with the beasts about, but they don't go missing. We get plenty of visitors from victims in fact!" he announced with a wide smile. "Most of them end up living here. The rumors that people go missing are greatly exaggerated. Ah, but where are my manners?" he stood straight, before pointing at a two story building made of wood. "Right in there is the Inn. Tell them Krill sent ya, and they should let you two rest. Girl who runs the place also has a fancy for sowing. Mayhaps she can tend to your outer layers?" he suggested.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Well that was suspicious. Still, there was a chance to get some things done, and she did need her armor fixed... Still best not to linger.

"Thank you. Where can I find you after we've gotten, well, clothed?," she asks, "I do wish to ask a few questions still."

Best use them while she could. They might just be strange and not malicious, but it still raised her hackles. Leaving Erin alone out here may be very unwise... Not that anywhere was truly safe these days, but she didn't want to return and find out she had left her in the lion's den, literally or figurtively.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin nodded at the man's instructions, keeping her face carefully controlled to show no suspicion and only the right amount of surprise - or so she tried, anyways.

"Oh, that's something I'll want to hear more about once I get myself decent again." She said, smiling nonchalantly. "Many thanks, Mr. Krill."

She took a short step away in the direction the man had pointed towards, and then waited for Denna to finish talking and come along.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"You can find me right here, or at my home." he announced, directing his head in a gesture to the closest house to where he stood. "I keep watch, see?" he declared, showing off his rifle of rather impressive and unique design. It was made of wood far too unique and high quality to be mass produced, and there was intricate writing on it that matched the style of his name, likely a unique rifle hand crafted for the man himself. He certainly looked proud of it. He also looked proud of his home, but was far less impressive. It was a simple wooden cottage with plain square windows and basic furniture inside. If they looked when he cocked his head, there was also a woman moving about inside, dressed like a common farm girl, a green dress and white bonnet she wore, though her other features weren't more clear as the windows looked rather faded with age. Then, the two girls looked eager to move on. Their haste made him give them a curious look, but it only lasted for a moment as he seemed to ponder their haste. "Ah, well, you're very welcome, miss." he nodded at Erin. "If I could kindly request as well, do some shopping while you're here. We treat folk well, but surely you could help us make our livelihood?" he suggested, before letting them go.

Then, they would be let into the town. They got more than a glance while walking through the dirt streets with wooden buildings on either side. Most of the townsfolk paid them almost no attention, while others stared without end. A couple men did this, leering at the two girls, especially Denna, as the man almost seemed to lick his lips at the wet spot between her legs. Another girl mocked the two openly, a woman wearing a farm girl dress, red in color. "Why wear anything at all?" she questioned, causing a circle of chuckle with the other women she shared company with. After some minor verbal abuse, the two would make it to the inn, which held a variety of races resting inside, enjoying meals and fine drinks. A male and female night elf sat together in the corner of the room, both dressed lewdly and far more deserving of verbal taunting than either Den or Erin. A sukuta female was sitting alone in her own table, looking about the room as if nervous. A single orc also sat alone, a male with a huge build and muscular tone. He looked like quite a fighter, and was armored as if he belonged in an arena. There were also a couple of female elves, while the rest of the room was filled with a random assortment of humans, their skin tone being the common separator between them all.

Awaiting them was across the inn's counter. Another human with black hair and purple eyes with a white skin tone. Seeing new guests, she gave an obligatory "Welcome!" and a happy business smile to the two girls. "A common sight around here. Krill sent you, I'm sure. You don't need to tell me." she waved her hand as if she went through it a lot. "I'll give you your room... Keys? Or will you two be sharing a room?" she asked. "Well, either way, I'll fix you some clothes and repair what you've got. Just rest in each your rooms, alright? I'll have some time tonight to get around to it~" she said with a wink, while washing a cup in her hand. Depending on what they requested, they'd get either one or two keys.