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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Idealism is good, David. To hope for better things and better ways is never wrong.," says Denna firmly, smiling gently at him. She shakes her head, "You're a good man I think. I'll be honest, I have never been a traditional Badarian in views to begin with. I personally think your ways are fine, except you force it on others. Convincing others to join you is fine, but grabbing people and carrying them off, that's the sort of thing that makes Badarians fear outsiders to begin with. You should be proving you're better than others, that you want to make their lives better, and doing just that. All this force is what makes hate and fear. Believe me, I know. I've seen the lives others live. Some would probably be happy to have such a united group, and such devoted protectors like your hounds and such. But if you came in and tried to force them into all of it, they;d see you as no better than bandits or the aliens."

She grunt's wincing as she singes her thumb slightly, sucking on it. "Ah damn. Never fails. Anyways, I think you've got the right mind of it, David. And I know those people being sacrificed. They may not have liked the idea, least most of em, but if they hadn't been dragged here, they probably would have never even known about you all or cared. The only reason they were here at all was because of your bestial friends grabbing people on the road and dragging them away. It's drawing the wrong kind of attention, David. And an entire band of mercenaries disappearing is probably going to draw the Inquisition. I'm worried that this sacrifice and kidnapping business will get you all killed."

Denna sighs and looks out a bit at the stage, before hurrying up with the food. "Anyways, maybe the goddess has it in hand." She then hands the food she prepared to the rough unpleasant man. "Here, go eat out there, we got to get all this stuff prepared."

She didn't want any eavesdroppers to give her away for the next plan.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"She's not enjoying it. You're just pounding her senseless. You might as well be having sex with a limp bag of meat if you keep that way instead of her." Replied Erin wearily. "If she were enjoying it, she'd be able to speak and tell you just how she liked it, not half knocked unconscious due to pain. Think about it."

Kyubi's orders came shortly afterwards, once she was at her corner, and she couldn't help but frown and swear quietly as she pondered what to do. She appreciated Denna's help, but she couldn't help but worry about how her new friend would end if she handed her to Kyubi.

Still, she had no choice if she wanted the collar removed. She'd walk to the woman, explain the situation. Finding her would be hard enough on its own, convincing her even more so. She really didn't want to drag someone who'd tried to help her to something unpleasant... but then again, wouldn't it be worse if anyone else found her?

She sighed. She knew, of course, what she'd do, but it didn't mean she didn't hate herself or the fact that she had to make this choice any less. She set out of the cavern slowly, looking for Denna with a grimace on her face.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

David simply smiled as Denna said everything about their ways. "It's okay, Denna, you just don't understand. I think the fact that everyone ends up joining with us is proof enough that we're merely showing them a happiness that they're scared of at first. Even if we're targeted, our goddess will protect us, and even the inquisition will see that our way is best. I mean, Krill is the best example... He tried to kill Kyubi, and then himself, thinking his wife was ruined, when she actually achieved great enlightenment. We all felt truly sorry for him as he cried his eyes out. But then Kyubi took him in, and taught him our ways. If Krill could be convinced, then I'm sure anyone else will easily come to understand our ways. I mean, look at you! Surely this can't be so bad if you're here, happily making us food!" he insisted. "The best for everyone is to see why Kyubi is so great. Though, talk of someone sneaking in to hurt Kyubi is about... Krill discarded it altogether, but I know he fears it. If Kyubi's gone... Then he'll have nothing to live for."

David looked at Denna seriously. "Keep an eye out, okay? Losing Kyubi would be tragic to us all, but Krill and many others would take their lives if she was taken from us. Kyubi must be protected."


The man stared at Erin after she gave him something to think about. For a good full minute he stared, halting the motions of his waist, before he'd finally look at Rose. Shock and worry on his face. Slowly, he reached one hand down to poke Rose's cheek. Upon finding no reaction, he paled. "Oh, balls..." he announced with worry. He pulled out of her, and laid her on her back, tapping her face with one hand. "Y-you're not dead, right? Oh goddess Kyubi, don't be dead..." he began checking her pulse and giving her cpr. She was just unconscious (with her eyes open), so she looked very well like a corpse.

Walking out into the cavern, the search for Denna would begin. Erin would quickly find why no one else was able to find Denna so far, and that would be due to the large cluster of people combined with the chaos. If she were caught up in the mess of the orgy, she'd be nearly impossible to find. Though, she likely wouldn't be in the middle of the orgy...


That's when Erin saw her. Towards a small section of the cave, Erin would spot Denna walking into another, smaller area with two men walking in with her. One was a very tall man with not a single hair on his body, with a wide, toned build, and the other was a stout man, no bigger than Denna herself, and rather heavy on the hairy side. The stout man was stroking himself while looking at Denna's behind, and the taller man seemed interested as well as he smiled at Denna. It seemed they both had sexual interest in mind as they walked with Denna inside.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"I was half hoping this would be harder..." She muttered to herself, spotting Erin away from all the orgiastic celebrations. The men near her... she didn't know exactly what was going on, but Denna hadn't looked like the eager kind. Then again, goodness knew. Maybe they'd washed her too? Nah, unlikely if Kyubi had called her to find Denna. Maybe she just enjoyed sex, nothing wrong with that after all, maybe she'd been holding back while she was around.

With a shrug, she dismissed those thoughts - not like they mattered now - and headed towards the same section of the cave. Interrupting wasn't something she was concerned about at all, so she'd just barge in with a simple:

"Denna, I have to talk with you. Boys, I'm afraid these are direct orders from the Goddess, so I hope you don't mind having to find a new partner. Or you two could partner up together, I just need to talk with her in private."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Shame. She hoped that he would at least consider it more. But evidently eliminating Kyubi would be as good as killing them all. The thought made her nauseous. But it might be necessary. She had no doubt the revelation from Kyubi's own mouth from the truth formula would have a similar effect. Was there no way to end this except in tragedy? If there was, she just wasn't smart enough to do it.

"Be a tragedy that. Though he should know better. If Kyubi's message is to spread she'd need to roam about, Aye? Sooner or later she'll move on. But you're all here. Krill has a wife, and considering everything out there, I doubt there's a person who doesn't have a child or two. Do you really think Kyubi would want you all to lose your lives if she were gone? Doesn't sound like her to me. Why would someone so great want something selfish like that? Don't make sense, right? She'd want you all to make everyone happy. I still don't think you guys are doing it the best way though. It might work, but it doesn't mean it will work best."

She sighs and shrugs, before formulating a plan. "Alright, well, Your friends got his food, me and Loroh are going to go deliver some of this stuff. We'll be back soon. Mind holding the fort til we get back?" She directed Loroh to grab the chef's bag, hoping she;d grab some of the drug and potion vials while she did, while she grabbed the special meal for Krill and a couple others.

Then as she moved to go, that's when things went pear shaped. Erin came in, and Denna's blood chilled. Then her heart slowed as she said she was on goddesses business and wanted Den. She weighed her options. She still had the collar on so she was still sealed, so she couldn't blast her. But the other two... a conflict in here was liable to draw some eyes with this much scale. Well then she had little choice.

"Loroh dear, I seem to be wanted. Here, can you handle it for me?," she asked her, wanting to not leave her alone with two men. With that she had no choice but to follow Erin to wherever, and if it meant towards the stage, she'd hopefully get a chance to lose Erin in the dark or knock her out.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

David would have replied, before Erin came walking in. The stout man looked ready to shout at Erin, before he noticed her tattoos, and suddenly showed much more respect, obeying her and walking out while Loroh quickly loaded up on all the drugs and various pastries that she could add them to, along with water, before seeking to quickly head out right behind David and the stout man, casting a nervous glance at Erin, hoping she wouldn't get drawn into whatever was to happen.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Hey, Denna." Waved Erin with a tired smile. "Kyubi wants you at the center stage. I don't know why. She's in my head, you know? Somehow." She chuckled mirthlessly. "She can order me around without even having to be in the same room. Anyhow. She said she'll take my collar off if I bring you over and... I'd honestly not have to choose between dragging you there or not." She sighed, looking sideways. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't know what she wants. But I... really, really miss my powers. It's like I'm still tied down, all the time."

She fell silent, looking down and to the side, ashamed of asking for such a big sacrifice from Denna, of herself, of her egoism; not even wanting to put the actual words in what she wanted of her, because she despised every inch of herself for doing this. And yet, a hateful part of herself reminded her, she still was.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna winces as Erin spoke. Perhaps she had been hasty in thinking Erin was brainwashed. Well, mostly. Something was there. She looked... Tired. Broken down. She looked and sounded like Den felt, but Den was too stubborn to let it rule her. But she had no illusion she was normal. Her heart twisted at the sight of the poor girl in front of her. She didn't deserve any of this.

Still, she seemed insistent on bringing Den to Kyubi. She almost wished she had a means to make use of a front row ticket to Kyubi but truth be told she had nothing. All this running around and she was no closer to saving everyone than she was one soul ago. Part of her considered just going in and surrendering and let fate play it;s course. They'd die, the others would be brain raped, she'd probably die too. All because she gave up from her incompetence.

No. She couldn't give up. She couldn't submit to this nightmare.

She looked at Erin sadly and sighed. "I can't fathom how you feel. What was done to you was horrific. And without ever touching magic, I never could understand how it feels to have it and lose it. But if I go with you, you get your magic back at the cost of all these lives and all the lives that will be lost to Kyubi afterwards. No matter how I play this. Someone is going to get hurt and lives will be lost. I can't win this. Not in a way I will be satisfied. But I can make sure no one else will be hurt by her. You know what they're like, what they are doing to people. Help me stop this, Erin."

If Erin tried to run and point the finger at her, she'd shut her down. She hoped there was something left, some fire, and hopefully, some willingness to do something other to run in in a mad rush if at that.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

David, the stout man, and Loroh all vanished from sight, leaving the two girls alone. Sounds of sex filled the cavern outside, but otherwise, their conversation was allowed to continue.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin looked at Denna as she spoke, shaking her head softly. "You've got something right. No matter how you play this, you can't fix everything. Too much wrong. And if you think you can stop Kyubi... you're delusional, mistaking what you want reality to be with what reality is right now. There's at least eight mages there, protecting her. They're looking for you. You can't do anything going straight against the current, against what's going on." She sighed, still not looking straight at the warrior.

"We've lost, Denna. Or at least I've lost. I can't do anything for you. Even if I wanted to help you, I'm nothing without my magic. But I don't, because you're not even going to get anything except ending up like me. Work from inside. The people here aren't bad, they're just... oblivious, in a lot of cases. Misguided. We can help make things better for whoever gets captured. Talk to them, explain to them. Introduce them to this whole mess without them being gang-raped. If you want to help, if you really want to help and not just get revenge for what they've done to you, you'll change things from inside."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Den hears Erin and shakes her head. "And you're delusional if you think they'll give you a chance. I don;t know how much of you is still you and how much is Kyubi's magic, but do you really think they'll leave you with any ability to do something better once Kyubi isn't tied up with that ritual? She's bringing me up there to make me part of the ritual. You're asking me to sacrifice my life for your freedom. And you know if I thought you intended to make a difference and that they intended to unseal you during the ritual and Rantia wouldn't be ready to slam a seal on you any time even if they didn't, I would give my life to help you. I did it before with the ape. But you've surrendered."

"If I am deluded, you are just as much in a different way. I won;t give up. If I am to go down, it won't be to surrender, it'll be to either failing to these mages or something else. I will go down trying to make a difference. I don't expect you to follow me in this affair.," says Denna firmly, eyeing Erin carefully., "Unlike Kyubi I will not force you into decision. But if you did, then we have far better chances to stop her together, if you can keep your temper in check. And given you haven't grabbed a butcher knife and dived into the crowd flailing, you're capable of that. So either help me Erin, or stay quiet and aside, and let me succeed or fail on my own merits. I cannot succeed in a manner I wish. But if the choice is to sit down and surrender because I can't have my way and let even more people suffer this fate, or stop them here and regret the losses of now but stop this from becoming even worse. Each life lost here will be a dagger through my heart, and I will carry the scars forever. But I'd rather that than standing by and letting these people be ripped apart. I can only pray that they will be judged in the afterlife for who they were, not what Kyubi made out of them. These were good people she destroyed."

Having said her piece, she sighed and grimaced. "This place put's my faith in my ideals to the test every moment. No matter how this ends, we all will lose something. Your seal can be removed. The damage Kyubi does cannot. What is your decision, Erin?"

Ball was in her court now.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin looked at Denna finally, glaring at her accusations, her tone revealing her rising anger. "They already have given me a chance, and I've already made a difference, saving maybe a dozen people from the brainwashing. Which is more than you can say. For all your plans to get rid of Kyubi's evil, you don't even know what you're doing or facing. I'm asking you to not make things more difficult for everyone, because when you fail - and you're going to fail - then it's just going to make things worse for anyone who's captured from this point on."

"Your choice isn't, as you put it, to sit down and surrender or stop them. Your choice is to lay low and help people from the inside, or try to forcefully stop a cult of hundreds of people, on your own, against magic and monsters. Do you have any idea how useless that's going to be? You might as well be trying to stop the tide!" She paused for a few seconds, huffing, to regain control before she started yelling.

"Hate me if you must, Denna, but if you're going to do something stupid, I'd rather it was something that helped me, instead of something that won't help anyone at all. You claim otherwise, but you keep assuming that you're going to succeed. Even you must know that's impossible, and when you fail, you're going to make things worse for everyone; for all your good intentions you're not just risking your own wellbeing but that of everyone captured. And besides, I'm not asking for your life as you seem to think. Just for you to come with me. But I guess since that helps someone who actually exists and not a bunch of theoretical people that's less important, isn't it?" She grunted angrily, before turning towards the door to leave and call over three or four people, or animals, whatever was closer.

She cursed her lack of foresight. She had expected Denna to be reasonable, not to insist on taking down a cult, unarmed, unarmored, and all by her lonesome, in the name of some mysterious greater good. Well, she wasn't going to stand by and watch while Denna managed to have everyone dragged to the brainwashing chamber. That Kyubi's instructions gave her the means to do it was just a blessing in disguise - she would've stopped Denna even if she hadn't been ordered to. The woman's determination to blindly help was as dangerous as her own bloodlust.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Girl was as blind as ever unfortunately. Though whether it was delusion borne of the ritual or she was always this foolish, she couldn't say. Either way it was clear, like every other cultist, she was speaking to a brick wall. And she couldn't let her throw it all to the wind on her.

So when Erin turned to go get help, she quickly snapped her arms out, one, to wrap around her neck, the other to wrap around her mouth. She didn't actually know enough to knock the girl out rather than permanently harm her in this manner but at least she could maneuver her like this, though it would not be quick. She was certain of the two she was the stronger. Hopefully she was the quicker here, and nobody would notice. And she wouldn't hurt the girl permanently.

Matter fact, maybe she could still use this. But she needed to act fast.

Attempt to grapple! 1d20+40 attack, 1d20+40 to grapple!
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Nude, Grappled
HP: 83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 0/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Grappled
HP: 38
PP: 38
EP: 86
TP: 0/25 (DU: 2)

(Denna grabs Erin, maintains hold)

Denna lunges forward and successfully grabs Erin. While Erin may struggle, Denna finds her strength greatly helpful in holding the newfound priestess. Erin would find her mouth sealed, and Denna's arm around her throat.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"I'm sorry Erin. I don't want to do this, but I need to do this. Hate me if you wish, but I rather be hated than let countless people Kyubi will hurt down. I'll try not to hurt you too much.," says Den, biting back tears a bit as she squeezed, trying to knock Erin out.

Unarmed Damage 1d20+40, 2d4+10. Grapple 1d20+40 if needed.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The moment Denna's arms wrapped around her, Erin realized that she wasn't getting anywhere. She wasn't a fighter, and with her powers sealed, she had no chances of getting loose from the girl, or calling for help.

Well, all the better, said a small part of herself. At least she wouldn't bring the one person that had chosen to help her down in egoism. So, at first, for a few seconds, she just let it happen, let the air be choked out of her, but as it grew scarcer in supply and her lungs burned, she couldn't help but fight back, futile as it was in search of the precious oxygen, even though she knew she had no chance to be allowed even a mouthful, tearing up before, eventually, asphyxiating.

Grapple: 1d20+10, aka too damn low
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Nude, Grappled
HP: 83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 0/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Nude, Grappled
HP: 22/38
PP: 38
EP: 86
TP: 0/25 (DU: 2)

As Erin sank into Denna's chokehold, feeling her oxygen deplete, it seemed the well toned woman would eventually have her flat on the ground, unconscious. But as her lungs began to burn, Erin began to hear noises from within the room, as would Denna. It seemed the chef was waking up. Clearly so, as they heard him struggle, before slamming out of the tall pantry he was shut inside, before landing on the ground. He looked up, and saw Denna choking out what he would see as a priestess. Filled with fury, the strings that held his arms began to snap as his face turned red, straining with all his might to break free of the string that Loroh tied him with.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Fuck sakes. Could nothing ever be simple?! With her slowly and carefully incapacitating the girl, the other one get's loose! She grimaced, trying to keep a hold of the girl, while raising a foot and tried to knock the chef back out with a boot to the head.

Maintain grapple, unarmed strike at chef. 1d20+40 2d4+10 vs Chef, and 1d20+40 grapple.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin's was out of air, gasping if she could've, her vision going blurry. Some noises, but nothing she could do about them out of her sight as they were, so she just kept choking, struggling ever more weakly with each passing second.

Grapple: 1d20+10
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Nude
HP: 83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 0/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Nude, Unconscious
HP: 0/38
PP: 38
EP: 86
TP: 0/25 (DU: 2)

With Erin doing little more than trying to overpower the other woman, a futile effort, Denna was able to deliver a firm foot to the chef's face, and another, before he snapped the string and charged at Denna, his face bloodied, until one final kick to his face was enough to make him drop.

The stranglehold continued, with Erin's vision fading, and her mind slipping into unconsciousness. Once Erin's limbs went limp, she'd fall to the ground, unconscious.

With blood on the floor, and an unconscious priestess at her feet, Denna's time was now far more limited than just the ceremony. On the stage, the fox was now sitting on four tails, two motionless male bodies, and one female on the stage, looking quite like corpses while the crowd blindly celebrated.

Rantia was also gone from the stage, no longer searching the masses, before Loroh squirmed out from the masses writhing together in lust, and sprinted towards Denna. "It has to be now!" Loroh announced. "Rantia is outside the cave, we need to stop Kyubi right now!" she shouted, looking to the stage, on which, Kyubi was standing up, slowly raising her arms into the air, causing all of her brainwashed followers to respond, reaching their hands into the sky with her.

"I'm already filled with so much power~" Kyubi declared, and her cultists cheered. "Soon! My children! The priestesses will join with me! We will become one! No evil can touch me now! Just a little more... But first, I feel this goddess needs to show a little haste. Evil waits for no one, you see." Kyubi announced, before directing her palm at Brom. The circle underneath him began to glow red, and Brom began to squirm and scream bloody murder with the gag around his mouth. "I know I promised that you'd get to see my final form before I took you... But I have my reasons for doing this~" she cooed, as Brom began to levitate into the air, his bindings coming undone as his arms outstretched to form a cross, slowly rotating in the air. "There will be no afterlife for you~" she declared.