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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin blinked at the surprisingly humble apology from Krill, confused enough for those brief moments that she didn't think to pull away when he lowered his head. His gentle gesture did nothing to help her surprise either, as the anger drained away in confusion - she would have expected a much more forceful sexual offering. Blushing lightly, she shook her head.

"I, ah, it's fine, Krill." She said, as she took his hands off her waist softly, then quickly let go, embarrassed to be this confused as she took a step back, gaining some time for her thoughts to race on to this really unexpected situation. "I, ah, it's nothing personal from me, and I hope from you either." She paused, and added impulsively. "Which reminds me, you're on the first expedition too. Seems you'll be seeing more of Denna for a while."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"That's not what I said at all, Denna." David sighed. "It's best you stop rationalizing Kyubi out to be bad... People will very quickly revoke their forgiveness if you act like you'll do what you did again... Which worries me to see right now, so you have to listen to me, okay?" he said, putting his hands on her shoulders. "The people Kyubi was set on punishing were those who wished to harm Kyubi first before she did anything to them." he stated, which Denna would know was a total fabrication, but David looked to truly believe it. "Those people could truly not be helped."

When Denna would go on a spree about the aliens, David would simply hug her, and kiss her without warning. The taste of food and sex went into her mouth from his own as he silenced her. "Do the aliens kiss? Do they love? How could you compare us to them?" he inquired, holding her closely and affectionately. "Just open your heart, Denna... You'll find nothing but love on this side."


Krill looked happy to see Erin's flustered face. By his expression, he expected that they had made up, before he nodded at Erin's words. "I'm quite happy at that." he said in regards to Denna. "But I'm also pleased to have you with me, priestess. I've been a long servant of the priestesses, so if you ever need anything from me, food or pleasure, it's yours." he offered respectfully.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Do they David? Maybe they do. Maybe they want to love the soul right out of me. But I like my soul where it is. Here's the funny thing David. I know these people. But until we were captured and dragged off, we had no idea who Kyubi was or that this place existed. The only enemies you all have are those you make by forcing it on people. And if you do it because Kyubi says it's okay to force people, well then I'm not sure about her. Besides, there's many gods and goddesses. What makes her religion have the right to dominate the others? What right does she have to decide how others should live? You want to obey her? That's fine. You can follow a tree, a rock, a god, a king or a cloud. Go to it. But it's this forcing on people that has to stop. There is no good reason for it. You want to show people? Show then. But you force. You don't give them a choice but to accept or break.," grimaces Denna pulling back a bit, before shaking her head with a sigh.

"Sigh, this isn't going anywhere. You believe what you believe and evidently you believe hurting people is okay. To strap them down and drug them. You might do it out of love, but love is not about hurting people. Should I punch people because I like it and believe you all should? Should I keep hitting you despite your protests because I believe it's right and it's good? Believing in something doesn't make it inherently right. You should evaluate for yourself whether things make sense, not let others think for you.," sighs Denna as she gets up, shaking her head, "I've nothing against you David, don't get me wrong. Ignoring what's wrong with this, you'd all be nice enough people. That's the true irony here. If you all didn't act like this, you'd attract those who'd be willing. You'd get people who want to do things. Your own actions are harming you. And eventually you'll try to force someone who's too much for you all. And it'll be the end. I don't want that, David. People respond to force with force. If you care about everyone, you'll give it some thought. I certainly am. Thanks for the meal though. I appreciate it."

She looks around the cavern stretching a bit with a grimace, frustrated at how deep this brainwashing went. What good were words against magic? They weren't people any more, they were automatons going through the motions. What more could she honestly do for them? Well, hopefully Erin's scouting bore fruit so she could refine her plan properly.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin finally managed to regain her mental footing, giving Krill a half-smile to his offer as she wondered how she could make the most of this situation. It shone on her an instant later, that she could probably use his offer to her benefit.

"Food, I probably will." The half smile turned into a playful smirk. "Pleasure... well, I'm sure we'd both have a great time, but you'll have to jump through a few hoops. Make the chase as fun as the prize, hm?" She grins, predatorially, for a brief instant. "By the way, if you'll accept a suggestion... Apologize to Denna for tying her up and taking advantage of her in the inn, hm? And speaking of which, unless you need me for anything else, I should be going by now." Which she would do, heading towards Denna if he didn't need her. Her mood was... well, it wasn't anywhere as bad as before, even if it still wasn't good. At least now she had a plan... and with any luck this one would last more than the previous ones.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

David only looked at her sadly as Denna spoke, going quiet as if he was letting her vent. Once she was done though, David put a hand on her cheek. "Just give it a chance, alright? Later tonight, let's make love. If you don't feel anything, then I'll give up." he offered. Though Denna may bring up Krill in that case. "Krill can join in if he wishes to. There's no problem with making love to someone married." he explained.

And then, Erin was walking into the cave with Krill in tow, who smiled at Denna warmly. "Denna... I apologize for what happened at the Inn. I was a little too excited to meet you. Sex is a mutual experience, and you should have been given some say on how we made love." he declared.


Krill chuckled at Erin's playful words. "Whatever pleases you~" he replied suggestively. "To chase or be chased, I don't mind either." he revealed, before nodding at her suggestion. "I suppose you're right. Initiation into our people is often somewhat rough until the culture shock calms down. An apology will do good." he replied, before ending up heading in the same direction as Erin. Seeing that they were going the same way, Krill smiled, and reached out to hold Erin's hand as they walked.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Missing the point David. It's not about the sex, it's about you all thinking you should get to decide how my body should be used.," says Denna with a sigh, "And can imagine Krill might be annoyed."

She blinked at David's explanation. "You mean besides the part where that makes marriage mostly meaningless yeah? Not that I hold it against others who think that's fine, though I do question the point of being married if there's no exclusivity. Mmm, though I suppose if they want to get married anyways, loves love. Eh."

She glanced over when Krill arrived with Erin. Well that was... Confusing. She blinked in surprise at Krill's apology, it bringing a bit of a smile to her face. "That's a good start... I appreciate the apology Krill. I'd have liked an offer over just a mere say when everyone decided they owned my body, but you're the only one who's apologised so far. I'm still cross about it, and having a child I wasn't prepared for or had any say in, but... It does make me feel a little better. So uh, what brings you over here, besides apologies?"

She glanced between Erin and Krill. She had a somewhat sinking feeling coming on for some reason.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin wasn't planning on taking Krill's hand herself, so when the man took her own, she gave him a smirk and an amused chuckle:

"I prefer being chased. Hm... Strong and rugged." She said, squeezing his hand briefly before slipping hers off. "But you didn't ask politely, and I do so find politeness alluring... " She teased. If he did ask, they'd make their way holding hands up to the guarded entrance, where she'd slip her hand off again. If he didn't, their path would be the same, but without skin contact.

In either case, her thoughts on the way weren't all that much on Krill, but rather on the fact that these cultists might even be fun to be around... if they weren't complete rapists. That was a major turn-off, even if they acted so casually about it. But Denna was right - it seemed to be becoming a bad habit of hers - and they mostly didn't deserve being burned to cinders. With... a few exceptions, of course, and even then it was only mostly - while whoever they'd been in the past might have not deserved the cremation, the people they'd turned into after the brainwashing certainly did.

Krill's apology and Denna's reaction were... well, at least somewhat heartwarming. She got an apology, fifty two to go. Not that he meant it, anyways, he likely just thought it'd get him in her pants again faster, but it was something. And the smile on Denna's face was real, whatever his intentions. Then came the hard part, of course. Explaining the mess.

"Alright, Denna, you and everyone in here, as well as Krill, some David guy, and a few priests including yours truly have been chosen to be the first expedition in search of Kyubi. The rest of the town will pack up or whatever and follow us after a few days." She managed to say so calmly, despite the twist she felt in her stomach every time she thought how running away would end even if they killed all the cultists with them - the rest of the village would soon be after them.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Krill would blush a bit at Erin's words, before clearing his throat. "May I hold your hand, mistress?" he inquired, and looked like a happy puppy when she allowed him. Though when she soon broke hand contact as they entered the room with Denna, he looked sad.

"I'm David." said David, the largest man in the room. He looked like bear wrestling was his profession, with his build and size.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna glanced at Erin, listening, and feeling very very confused. "What? How'd this come up? Damn it, of all the stupid... Who's idea was it to pack up the whole village and take me to them! Of all the idiotic plans..."

She was mad. Nevermind the wrecking of her plans before they were ready, the very concept was ludicrous.

"Do none of them have any concept of logistics? The sheer difficulty of moving fifty odd individuals across country safely, with enough supplies... Not to mention when every woman is probably pregnant and liable to give birth within the week AND that there will then be children who need a stable environment to be cared for... Stupid, stupid, stupid!," growls Denna angrily, ranting at the air.

"Not to mention only maybe 15 of these folks are able in any real combat situation... Where the hell are they sending us anyways? We're looking for a fox in a tentacle stack, there's aliens, bandits, orcish raiders who slipped past the front lines, nevermind what's worse that may be lurking around!"

"Nrrgh, take me to the idiots who thought this was a bright idea. Gonna set them straight before they get everyone killed."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin smiled at Denna's anger. She raised really good points, after all "The other priests, to be precise the red-headed one. Lira's her name, I think. Unfortunately, I'm the new one so apparently they get... I don't know, more votes or something. Anyways, she overruled my plan." She hoped Denna would be able to figure what had happened there. "Don't think she'll like hearing from you either, but your points are valid so... why not. Wouldn't want to be in the second wave if she insists, though, I like eating on a daily basis."

She looked at David, large and imposing. "Hey, David. You look familiar. Were you there when I got raped?" She didn't actually feel like he'd seen him before, but that didn't mean anything - she hadn't seen most of the people around them. It'd let her know what list to put him in, at least.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

David and Krill shrugged at Denna. "We have lots of food saved up for such a trip. We shouldn't run into too many problems there. But for safety, we'll just have to rely on our priests like Erin." said Krill.

David then looked to Erin, and shook his head. "No, I wasn't in town when you two showed up. I was preparing the water springs in these rooms so you guys could wash up when you awoke. I also cleaned your clothes and stitched them back together. As fun as it is being naked, you two will have to wear some protection when we go out there." he said with a wink.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Krill, have you ever been out there in the past two years? Has any of the village? Badaria is in shambles, it's monsters and bandits along a far stretch. The aliens have a group of monsters who turn invisible with huge claws. These scars here aren't just for show, they're incredibly lethal, and they'll rape you as readily as... Well I suppose you all would take them willingly wouldn't you.," says Denna tiredly, patting the scars over her hips., "But they're just as likely to kill and eat you. You almost never see em coming. And that's just one possibility. The orcs are coming down out of the north too. We're bound to run into em. They'll try to enslave anyone who's willing to fight, and will probably make anyone not stay put. And they've got mages too. Nevermind the bandits, many of whom are military trained. Combine this with the fact many of the woman are pregnant and have to care for children, you're talking an incredibly risky endeavour for little reason."

She paced back and forth, full of energy, grumbling irritably. "You don't need Kyubi and should not rely on her. She is off to spread her special brand of faith around. What, are you guys going to follow her around and hope she protects you, or are you going to be self sufficient and grow and adapt. The beasts don't need babysitting and you want to be like them right? So learn to be self sufficient and handle yourselves. And that means learning how to adapt. How to protect. And how to not do stupid shit that brings trouble on yourselves. Especially the last one. You're the town watchman, right Krill? So think on it, remember, before all this Kyubi stuff. What did you do? You protected the village and kept the peace right? So what's your instincts, your experience, the things you learned, all that. What's Krill the Watchman think? Krill the Defender? You want to protect your home, your family. You're a smart observant man. So think about the options. You know your home better than me, you know the terrain. Is abandoning all this for uncertainty a good plan?"

Her questioning was for two fold reasons. She hoped to learn more of the area and find out her options for making the cultists not run off headlong into suicide. She also hoped to get Krill thinking again, the Krill before all this. The brainwashing seemed to make them very irresponsible. Useful as it may be it also lead to them performing suicidal actions and foolish risks. If she could get them to be responsible she could get them to stop their raping ways, if not out of morality, at least out of self preservation. It'd be a first step at least. She doubted she'd get it to work much this time, but if she could even get an inkling there was anything left, it'd give her reason to keep trying at least.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Good to know." Was Erin's reply to David, nodding with a smile. "Could use those clothes right about now. Feeling chilly. As for the whole protection thing... I don't quite know what you think magic can do, but there's a whole lot of stuff out there that wants to see everything dead."

She remained silent for a moment, not wanting to point out that they'd hardly be able to protect the villagers if they were on the other caravan. She definitely didn't want to go with even more of these people. "You have it pretty well here, all in all, though you'd have to improve relationships with the neighbors. Right about now, I bet all they want to do is burn the forest down along with everything inside it."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"One way or another, Denna, we must embark on this journey. We won't be without protection, and there may be risks, but the unbelievers, as innocently confused as they are in their own ways, are a danger to us. Whether or not we could win the battle, we'd rather not fight, because that will only result in death." Said Krill. "We do not have Kyubi, who helped keep the boundaries in place. We wage no war with them, and they none with us as long as Kyubi keeps the peace. Wanderers are welcomed into our religion with open arms, and if we had no fear of unbelievers coming to slaughter us for our ways of love and passion, we would allow newcomers to come and go as they pleased, staying only if they wished. As it is, we're still as merciful as we can be. So, in regards to all that... My decision is for my people to move to Kyubi's grace once more. We have many to defend us, and more than half of us can handle themselves in a fight." he stated.

David hummed for a while. "Still, better safe than sorry. Denna and Erin make good points as well, you never know what kind of danger can be thrown at us. I say we all travel together!" he announced.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"You know that's kinda backwards right? I won't argue you folks have enemies. But you've more because you don't let em come and go. You force it upon them. Plus you live in Badaria. While it might be dangerous, why not go the other way? Head south into the jungle. Make friends with the beasts there. They'll be more open to you there than Badaria, so you won;t need to rape people any more. And it's less of a distance. Or hell, move out near Acheron, sure there's demons who might see things your way too. You should relocate but as little as possible. You;ve many women who are pregnant, they'll need care that a mobile group cannot provide for easily, not without training.," grimaces Denna, thinking.

"Another option is to split up. Half head for Amazonia, some head to Acheron and some head north. And some head to the local city to keep an eye on the local response. It's risky too, but frankly, you forcing people means no matter what you're gonna make enemies. Least in the Amazon you're liable to have like minded critters. Heading North is going to put you guys between the orcs and Lockacre, meaning you'll have two unfriendly armed forces baring down on you both and you won't slip by unnoticed."

She didn't like it. She didn't want these people to die. But they were dangerous. The Amazon was lightly populated at best except in key locations, and it was likely they would blend in easily. Acheron might be more open to their faith, or break them out of it. She didn't trust the demons, but from what she heard, the city was relatively orderly, and they were powerful. They'd likely be able to keep the cultists in line. Regardless, it was clear she just was not equipped to help or sway them enough. She'd have to live with the loss, and be happy with the lives she did save here.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Well gee, that's the kind of things you people should've thought about before raping others - 'Hey, maybe they won't like us if we do that'. Now you're caught between reaping what you've sown or trying to flee from it." Erin shrugged, not too concerned about them. Either they lived to change or they died, and the world would be a better place for it in both cases. "I hope all the fun you had raping people was worth the risk you brought on your loved ones."

"And, Denna.... just let the subject go, will you?" She said to the only reasonable person in probably miles around. "The other priests like this idea, these two like this idea... I think you're not convincing them as long as meeting with Kyubi is still in the picture."

She didn't have any clue how the cultists thought, but it was safe to assume they'd find anything involving the Kitsune a preferable choice to whatever else they could pick, including safety.

"It's been a stupidly long day." She said, to nobody in particular. "One of you care to show me the room Denna and I will be sharing? If possible, one without bodily fluids everywhere."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna glanced towards Erin and sighed. "Maybe but they're still pushing it. In any case, there's still things to do. I'm not packing up and leaving until I give birth. I am NOT giving birth on the side of the road thank you very much. So if they want to leave immediately I can bloody catch up. They can't move fast anyway. Frankly, if someone is chasing you guys, they will catch you."

She glanced about with a sigh. "I heard you were making homes for these guys too. If they're done at all, you should at least bring them there to rest and get their stuff. If we're going to be going places they will need it yeah? I know I could use a good bed after all that mess."

Guess Erin wanted to still share a room with her. Not that she blamed her but she already knew where this was gonna go. Four was a bit crowded for a bed, and Krill and his wife likely would be the other two. Five if David was involved.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin and Denna's words seemed to become something like white noise eventually, constant arguments against their ways eventually blowing over as the others focused on other things. First, Krill focused on Denna. "Let's get married while the baby grows. There's a nice and warm bed for you in my home." he promised her, nodding to Erin as well. "If you want to come as well, priestess, you're more than welcome! My wife and I will love the company." he stated.

"We'll need buddies for our new guests, to help them adjust to life in our company." David announced, each of the mercenaries knowing that they'd be having an eye kept on them. The men seemed a little more willing, though they spoke up stating what women they wanted to share their room with. Seemed they had favorites among the cultists. Their reaction to the situation caused the women of the group to scowl at them. Though after a moment, they began making requests too. Even Rose may surprise as she stated that she wished to have a room with the bear man.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"We'll talk marriage later when I'm not exhausted and gunked up and such. I just want to relax awhile and get my thoughts together. Brief interlude where I'm not having to worry about thirty different things. Pick that up afterwards.," sighs Denna tiredly, before glancing at Krill. "We can talk us after that, alright? I need to sort myself out and all of... This."

She stretched a bit with a sigh, "I imagine you've my things then, Krill? Besides my sword which is out there unless someone grabbed it. Ungh... Rest sounds really good now. Well, you up to coming along Erin? Probably just relax awhile. Wouldn't object to your company in the least."

She'd pick up this mess tommorow. She had too much on her mind and not enough energy to handle it. Everyone was relatively safe for the time being and that is what was important. She had some time to figure out what her path forwards would be from here.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin blinked in surprise as the women accepted the invitations to choose partners. The men? He'd expected. The women, not in the least, and she couldn't help but feel they had some sort of plan to murder the men they chose but... on the other hand, if they did that they were signing their own death sentence, so she hoped they'd be smart enough not to, not when they were closer to freedom than any other captives taken by the cultists.

"Guess I'll take you up on your offer, Krill. Thank you." She said with a smile and a nod. "Though, in case you didn't expect it, I just want to sleep soundly. It's been a stupidly hard day."