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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Once Denna seemed to gain control over the situation, Sam had Krill go away before speaking to the two women. "I don't care what either of you two do. Quite frankly I think you should just leave, but I can't let you change this. I don't love the beasts. I was captured by Kyubi and raped by them. When Krill arrived to find me, I hid all my suffering. I tried to convince him that I was not in pain, even brainwashing him to ensure he doesn't leave me... I may not like this world, but Krill was so disgusted that he didn't want to live anymore. That is why I won't allow a single thing to change." Sam stated.

"Do whatever you two want... Krill is blind and thinks there is no wrong in the world, that everyone is good and full of love. He thinks you two love him, because I programmed him to be that way. Now, my loving husband will never leave me... I will even suck off Spiffy," who was gone with Krill, "Let a boar mount me, or what have you... And do it with a smile on my face because my husband is still alive. Plus you kind of get used to it if you've been ridden as many times as I have." she sighed. "You have no connections with this place. Just let it go... Else you'll just be wrapped up in all the sexuality of this place whether you want to be or not."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Get off my face, Denna. The only reason you're still alive to be annoying me right now is because of me, showing some gratitude wouldn't hurt any, but since you can't, then just stay out of my way." Erin grunted back to Denna, standing up and leaving the tub towards Sam as she spoke, standing next to her until she was done speaking.

"Now you listen to me. Carefully. God, this hilarious. You haven't even got a clue what being brainwashed feels like, yet you somehow think you know better? Somewhere inside that brain you've so thoroughly fucked with is your old husband. Just imagine what he feels like now, after you betrayed him. All these years, trapped inside his own body." She smiled gleefully. She didn't know if what she was saying was true or not, but the woman definitely didn't either.

"You want to keep him that way? By all means. You stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours." Her voice was all sweet and promising, until she turned around to leave and faced the warrior, tone turning to a contained growl. "And now, Denna, let's have that talk you wanted."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"And I saved yours, Erin. We've saved each other several times now. But your temper is putting you in the positions to need to be saved.," says Denna coolly, raising an eyebrow.

Erin stormed past her however and laid into Sam angrily. Denna winced, shaking her head. The girl was ruled by her emotions, and was turning a potential ally into an enemy in her spiteful temper.

She then turned on her it seems.

"After. This isn't about you at the moment, despite what your temper says. So go sit down and we'll talk after I'm done talking to Sam.," says Denna calmly, before going around the girl to talk to the likely upset Sam.

"I don't have the same perspective as Erin. I can't say I know what it is like to be brainwashed. I do however know what it is like to have to choose between letting someone be hurt or being hurt too and it happening anyways. It's something a question a philosopher would pose, and like most such questions, no one will agree what is the right answer. So I am in no position to claim whether you did the right thing or not. However, to sacrifice your body and well being for the happiness of others. That takes bravery. To put your well being on the line for another should be respected on it's own, whatever the reasoning, because it shows a dedication to others beyond the norm. I have to make decisions like that very often. It likely was even worse for you than I. I don't know how long you've had to live this, had to see what Kyubi was doing and be unable to stop her. I only had to endure such feelings for a few hours.," says Denna, smiling gently at Sam, "So whatever Erin thinks of you, I think you're a brave woman forced to make the hardest decisions of her life. And I won't look down on you for such."

She sighs and shakes her head, "However Kyubi is gone now, I drove her off myself. Shame I didn't manage to finish the job. But Kyubi hates humanity, said as much herself. She's made your people like this to make them destroy themselves, or draw in others who will instead. And I don't want Kyubi to have the victory of ruining good people and killing them. I want to help. And I think you do too, even if it is just to save your husband from such a fate. I won't force you however to help. I'm not sure how to do this yet, but I want to save as many of the people here as I can. And there may be a way to do so without losing your husband. But you know how everyone thinks now better than us."

She grimaces a moment as she glances up at the sky before looking to Sam. "I cannot make you help and will not. You deserve that freedom and I refuse to be the sort to force cooperation. So it is your choice if you want our help or not. I won't let anyone force you any. In any case you should probably go inside now. I need to speak to Erin and there will probably be some yelling."

She then turned towards Erin again, but instead just saw the tail end of bugs zooming off. Great. Wherever she was going, hopefully it;d be safe and she wouldn't angrily kill or get in trouble where Den couldn't help.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"If you can think of a way to help my husband, I'm all ears... But until then I don't want him snapping out of it and going back to the way he used to be." Sam announced. "I thank you for the kind words... But if you asked me, I would live the rest of my life this way. So I'm not ready to take a great risk with my husband... Understand that, please." she requested. "I knew Kyubi was evil, but her intention to have us all die doesn't seem like such a far fetched theory. Sounds like her..."

Then, as Denna would look for Erin, they'd both see a distraught Krill in the house. He didn't seem to hear what was said, but the events he was there for seemed to affect him. "Krill..." Sam called out, stepping out of the tub and going over to embrace her beloved. "Denna." Krill suddenly declared, approaching the girl. "Is it no lie? I thought it wasn't true, but do you, the woman who carries my child, despise me as the father? Will you flee from me and not allow me to see our child?" he asked her, looking rather shaken. Sam looked fearful at that, ever so afraid of her husband's mental condition, and frightened now that it relied on a woman who does not feel the same way that Sam does.


Meanwhile, after Erin became a swarm and left, she's reappear later and seek out a place to stay. There weren't too many, and the cultists offered their places to stay, but if she truly wished to be alone, the cave in which Kyubi's lair was had the room in the back in which Kyubi used to relax in. Erin could claim that for herself.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Alone sounded great. Excellent. Amazing. Alone sounded like what she'd most like in the world right now, and as soon as the idea popped into her head she started heading towards Kyubi's quarters. And if the other priests had anything to argue against that, they could go die in a fire.

She stomped through the corridors, scowling, as she made her way there, and the moment she found herself inside she'd start gathering ambient power with a hand on the wall, slowly willing it to close. She was in no rush, so she just gathered and released the energy, slowly working to seal the cavern off.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin being gone was concerning. Hopefully she'd be safe and cool off. Though the girls ability to hold grudges was fairly sophisticated. Time would tell.

She nodded at Sam's words to her. "I understand Sam. I have no intention of hurting you or your husband. And if that means I need to make a few sacrifices myself, so be it. I'll do my best though, I promise."

However, a new crisis emerged forth as evidently Krill had heard... Something upsetting that had translated into evidently Denna hating him.

She sighed and looked at Krill. "I do not hate you Krill. You hurt me when you forced me, but I do not hate you. But we only just met and already you're proposing marriage to me. I know more of Sam than you at this point. And you both know very little about me. But no, I won't run. Whatever the origins it is both our child, and I don;t have the means to support one on my own, even if I wished to leave. However, I think before we speak of marriage we should know each other better, as people, not just each others bodies. After that, maybe we will find love. Or maybe you will not want me anymore. But that's for time to decide, if you are willing."

She tilts her head, looking at Krill, "Love means give and take after all. Reciprocal. It means accepting others differences as much as celebrating what you both care for. To try and improve each other and listening. I am willing to see if I can love as openly as you can. Are you willing to humor me as I learn to fit in here, at my own pace?"

Sacrifices. She didn't really want to interfere with Sam's marriage. But Sam was probably more willing to share than have her husband break down. Time would tell if this all would work out. Either way, she was determined at the very least for Sam and Krill to have a better ending if all else would fail.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

And then, Erin sealed herself off. Inside, she was free to do whatever she wished, with no outside interaction.


At Denna's response, Krill suddenly looked overjoyed. He threw his hands up into the air and hugged Denna passionately. "Yes! I'd love to know more about you! All about you!" he declared. "I'm so happy that you'll be with me from now on. But what of Erin? Won't we be getting to know her as well? I'd be quite happy if we could all come to understand each other." he said with a grin, while Sam was happily content with the way things went. Denna's presence in the relationship seemed to be the least thing that would bother her.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Erin... Erin needs time to sort things out. I would give her some space Krill, she's very temperamental. And maybe a little sadistic. And we may have had a bit of an argument. I'll talk to her when she's calmed down but... Yeah she needs some space. I'll stick around though. How about we go inside and just talk awhile then? I think I'd like that.," says Denna, hesitating, worried about the girl, and what she might be willing to do. She knew very little about the girl either, the timing just had never really come up to get to know each other at all.

She climbed out and used the magic towel of grabbiness Erin had used to dry herself before getting dressed, grabbing her things to carry along. "So, you want to start or shall I? I'm fine either way."

This felt normal at least. Doing normal things for a bit might be nice. Keep her stressing for a little while. And learning about her housemates and such might be fun.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin decided to use her time for something productive while she was there, at least for a brief while. She was angry, but that wouldn't stop her from searching to see if she could find anything useful there somehow... and if not, she'd just build humanoid targets out of the ground, and blast them to bits repeatedly with dark lightning, drawing on the energy around her - slower, but it didn't drain her reserves and it forced her to at least exert some self-control. She was angry, very angry - the only reason she was staying here, was to help Denna, and she didn't seem to realize the danger they were in if someone, anyone, knew their secret. Instead, she apparently valued some crazy zoophile woman's friendship over her own life, or Erin. Or something along those lines, anyways, she was angry enough to not care to precise it. And the way she talked to her like she was a child... Erin almost growled at the thought.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Searching about, Erin would find a desk with a drawer containing several hand drawings of Kyubi posing nude in various naughty poses. And then she destroyed many constructed humanoids with her magic. It was very satisfying.


Sitting down together, Krill only nodded at Denna's explanation of Erin. "Some time won't hurt, she seems a bit of a violent sort..." he hummed. "But by all means! I'd love to hear more about you! I'll go next." he said happily.

Though his story wasn't really all worth mentioning. Once Denna was done, Krill would describe himself as a guardsman of the town and little more. He met Sam when they were kids, and their parents had already decided they'd be married when they grew up. So they did get married. Krill loves corn, salted corn with butter is his favorite treat. He's skilled with bows and rifles, and he fancies himself a skilled lover too, which Denna may have agreed with if their moment together was consensual. Overall, he hopes the entire world will end up co-existing, and doesn't mind the idea of a little bit of a push for those who are determined to hate and kill, hence why he is okay with everything he's done. But he also showed that he was open to new ideas, so long as it didn't result in killing, and if they worked at all.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Mmm, guess to start early. I'm the child of a mercenary and a farm girl. Was pretty peaceful. I kinda was raised on stories of conflict, though dad never glorified it. Far as he was concerned, fighting should be a last resort, but many folks don't take no for an answer. They'll take what you have and won't stop unless you've got a few feet of steel to back up your words. So when I wasn't doing chores and such I was learning to fight and hold my own. Wasn't easy work for a young girl. Mom and dad argued over it a few times, but long as I did my chores and had time, it was alright. Mom wanted me to be a farmer, grow food for folks who the war effort was hurting and such. With so much food heading to the front, folks were having it rough round there. Either way I learned to fight, logistics, that sort of thing as much as how to make a potato garden."

She hummed a bit as she talked, "Grew up, decided I wanted to protect people instead. Figured if I could keep the guys in charge safe, it'd help everyone else. Kinda naive. I spent a few years protecting scumbag merchants and nobles from people with legitimate complaints and enemies they made with their own actions and sought justice their own way. They caused more harm than good and I admit to disillusionment. Decided to hit the road awhile, figure myself out. Wander about. And then the sky unleashed a new sort of hell. Aliens came down. I was lucky to not be in the capital at the time. I actually had no idea at first until hearing about it from refugees. Headed for home immediately after. Nothing but Gemini and Hunters after that. Poor bastards. Never did find my parents. Hunters tried to rape me, slashed my hips something up, hence the scars. Barely got out of there."

She kinda sighed a bit, "After that, just sorta wandered. Helping people cus no one else will. Don;t ask for much cept a roof and a meal, if they can afford it. IF not, I've gotten good at hunting and camping out. I ended up out here cus I was helping a scholar learn more about those beasts of yours when we got attacked. Only me and Erin got out and well, rest is history."

"Hm, as for me um... I like helping and protecting people, and when people help out. I like to sing, though I'm not that great I think. I'm good with my dad's sword there, and favorite food? Um, I like venison honestly, we never had the money for fancy spines or anything. I live off the land, so I'm used to living rough and fending for myself. I always sorta hoped I'd find love like dad did, but I've always accepted I'd be more likely killed or raped into some brood mare for goblins or my soul eaten for aliens. It's not an end I'd like but when you do risky things, you're likely to have an unfortunate end. But well, I'd rather risk everything and help than stand by and let bad things happen. Sadly I can't save everyone, but I can try my hardest.," she hums, musing to herself, "I know, I'm a bit of a downer. I need to work on that. Truth be told I'm not really... Used to long term social stuff. I've kinda been a wanderer for a very long time. Something I gotta work on."

Once done, she listened to what Krill had to say, smiling gently, even if it was far less eventful. If anything she wished it was less eventful for them both. "Hm, well a push is one thing, but there's a difference from force and push. We can argue methods another time though, right now I rather not think about such things and just relax awhile. So what's the towns main export? Lumber?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Krill listened to Denna's story with intimate interest. "Is fighting so much more appealing than living a simple farm life? It's a shame you had to defend those whom you didn't wish to defend." Krill nodded. Then he listened on. The story of the aliens was a tragic one, and Krill could do nothing but offer his apologies. "Have hope. Your parents might still yet be alive out there." he said to reassure her. "Many people just got dislocated during all that mess, moved all around to flee from them. Tragedy did occur, but that doesn't mean yours are lost!" he insisted. Though at the bit of her being a downer, Krill shrugged. "You're no such thing, here! You're amongst many people who've accepted you and come to like you! Don't go on and say being with us is as bad as those grayskin folk!" He insisted he and his people were not that bad.

"What we have to offer in our town doesn't truly leave our town." Krill revealed. "Sometimes, women come by and enjoy our men and beasts to their heart's content, and pay for our services. Same with the men who are looking for a good time. Our special food is also a delight among certain buyers, particularly all of our sweets filled with our special ingredients~" he chuckled, mentioning the aphrodisiacs. "We also practice our trades, like David and his handiwork with cloth and armor. Those who visit often use our services. Speaking of which, we will have to spread the word of our new location-to-be so that others will know where to find us." Krill said to Sam, and she nodded, taking a quill and paper to make a note.

After that, Krill smiled at Denna. "You must be feeling tired. How about a massage before we tuck you into bed?" he suggested, aiming his fingers at her shoulders in a teasing motion, only to take action if Denna allows it.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Appealing? No. I'd prefer it if no one had to fight, that conflict could be resolved through dialogue. That people can accept each others differences and look past them. Unfortunately as long as there are those who think what they want or believe gives them special privilege to target others, I've reason to carry a sword. Whether it be the invaders seeking to convert everyone, or the orcs seeking to force all to their ways, demons seeking to devour souls or Badaria trying to enforce itself on others. I'm aware there is some hypocrisy in my words since by the same metric by fighting those who would hurt others, I essentially am doing the same to them.," grimaces Denna, "If equality and fairness were so easy that I could have figured it out, we'd already have someone far smarter than I pulling it off. Nevertheless I think that everyone should have the right to live as they please as long as they don't hurt others. Consideration and such. It just doesn't seem to work out that way. So I help people who need it, whomever they may be, and I'll put my sword down when I can't use it to help those who can't stand up to those who'd force them."

She listened to Krill feeling bad for her, shaking her head. "Maybe, maybe not. I can hope that they escaped, or if not that they were given a better afterlife. In either case they are lost to me now, and I'm no mage who can see the future or the truth of things. And no, in many ways you are better than the aliens. In many ways you aren't though, and those are things that should be addressed. After all, everyone can improve. I certainly have much to work on myself."

She listened curiously at the conversation about the town. That there were those who traded with them was curious indeed. "I meant before all that. The town existed before Kyubi arrived I assume. Hm, where is this place we're to head to anyways? I still have reservations about this moving business."

At the promise of a massage, Denna frowned a bit and tilted her head. "I've never had a massage before. I've heard of them for certain but never experienced. Mmm. I'll try it, but no sexual stuff. I want to rest, not get more worked up. And don't worry about getting a bed for me, I wouldn't want to impose. My bedrolls probably ruined, but a wood floor is better than a cave floor anyday, so I'll be fine."

Strange times indeed. But maybe she could get somewhere yet. Likely she'd end up in bed with them in some manner or other eventually before the end of this. Definitely have to see if Erin would be willing to make potions of infertility after before she ended up with a brood or something. One child would probably be difficult as it was.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Krill definitely looked upset that Denna suggested that they were worse than the aliens in some respects, though didn't look willing to argue with Denna on it further. He looked as if he thought her slowly becoming a hopeless case. "Denna... We really have to do something about you." Krill announced. "This stoic behavior just won't do. Especially while you're pregnant! You are the one who will be sleeping on the bed. Not all of the hate is out of your heart yet, so if I have to sleep on the floor, then I will." he insisted, leaving her with little choice but to rest in bed.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"I find referring to disagreement as hatred somewhat disingenuous but you do have a point about my being pregnant. I do have to keep that in mind.," sighs Denna, looking down, "I never really expected to be a mother yet. I hope I can be a good one. And in just a few days too. Hopefully I survive the birth."

She sighs and gets up and stretches a bit, "I won't have you on the floor in your own home though. So we'll share then. I'm still not opposed to a massage if you're still up to it and that's all it is. Though I don't know much about them all considered."

She had to be careful not to over push it. Krill was a safety net of a twisted sort here. And reluctant she may be but Sam could still be of great help, having an understanding of their views without being truly ruled by them. Losing them could cost lives in the long run.

"And I'm sorry if I upset you, now or earlier. I still think you're a good man, even if we don't agree on everything. I'm really not used to all this attention and this was all a... plunge into the deep end without warning. I have been a little snappy today I notice.," she grimaces a bit, "It's not how I usually am, and you shouldn't have to endure attitude from me, even while we have differing views."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Krill nodded at Denna's agreement to share, and looked pleased about her decision as well. "Come then, the hour grows late. A massage and then we all go to bed." he announced, before standing up, and heading into the bedroom with his wife, Sam.

If Denna would follow them, she'd be asked to sit down on the bed while Krill got behind her and began rubbing her shoulders and neck. Applying great pressure, all the knots from stress she built up in her muscles were smoothed out, helping her to relax greatly. Neither Sam nor Krill slept with their clothes on, so Denna would be requested to be naked as well. After a brief massage, Denna's back, neck and shoulders loosened up, she'd be allowed to massage either Sam or Krill in return before they'd all seek to lay down, completely relaxed, with Sam and Krill sandwiching Denna between them and snuggling close.


Meanwhile, Erin was still trapped inside Kyubi's old den, and would remain there for days unless she did something else.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna nodded and followed them inside, looking about the room. Asked to take a seat, she sat down upon the bed as Krill ended up behind her. She tensed a little at that before his hands began working over her body, her giving a gasp and shudder as years of stress were worked out of her muscles.

"Oh. Never felt anything like this.," she gasps, arching her back a bit into his hands, quivering with a small smile on her face at the relaxing sensations, all but limp in his hands.

When it was finally over, she practically fell on her side with a sigh. "Well. That was, um, something alright. Not sure if I can get up."

When given a chance to replicate the experience for them, she struggled a bit upright. "I honestly have no idea how you did it though. You'd have to show me how it's done but after I know what I'm doing I don't see a reason not to. So um, why don't one of you massage the other so I can see how it's done, then I'll try it on the other?"

If shown how, Denna would do her best to replicate it, though her hands were quite rough from all the years of wielding a heavy blade, they were also strong and she did the best she could with her small experience on the matter.

In any case once told she;d have to sleep naked, Denna grimaced a bit but complied with a sigh. "Not used to it but well, I guess if you're going to have me living here and such I may as well. No funny business while I'm asleep though alright?" Once she laid down she was pushed in between the pair who promptly pressed up against her and hugged to her, making her flush in embarrassment at the tender gesture. She was definitely not used to sleeping between two people like this. Especially naked ones.

"Erm well. Sleep well I guess.," sighs Denna, before closing her eyes to rest, placing a hand on her stomach, wondering how much bigger she'd be in another day, and how many and just what was growing inside her.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin huffed, panting in exertion as she watched the rubble-like remains around her. Bearing more than a passing resemblance to Krill, David, Sam, the other priests, animals, and even Denna, the shattered remains looked at her accusingly from all corners of the room.

"Don't you look at me like that." She grunted, kicking a space clear on the floor and sitting on it, hugging her legs as she stared back at them angrily, knowing full well that they were not, in fact, looking at her in any way. With a sigh, she continued talking to the heads, her tone rather soft despite her words. "This fucking place is a mess. You're all a mess, each and every one of you. This here? This is how your minds are, you morons. Torn and broken to bits, and still unable to realize it. I can get why Denna pities you, don't get me wrong. I can understand that she'd want to save you. But you people don't even want to be saved. You're an idiot too, Denna, by the way." She added, punching one of the remains angrily and yelping in pain. "Dammit, well, that went as well as could be expected even if she wasn't a stone version." She grunted, rubbing her fist. "The fuck am I going to do now... Denna's probably eating every single lie she's being fed by that non-washed woman, because she's a gullible moron." She sighed. "But at least Krill would try to keep her safe, I guess? At least she wants him to keep her safe."

She shook her head, knocking several parts around with a hand, her motion slowing down at the end until she just stopped, leaving the hand hanging there for a few seconds. She grabbed a rock - a piece of jagged stone, nothing special about it other than the fact that it was created by her fury - looking at it attentively like she'd never seen something as interesting. She clenched her fist on it after a few seconds, attentive look disappearing as she buried her face between her knees, hugging them tightly with shaky shoulders, holding onto the rock with white knuckles.

After a while, she couldn't tell how long, her grip on the rock finally relaxed, slowly loosening until the rock dropped on the floor, though she didn't move until much later, when she stood up, searching with a dull, tired face for something to sleep on. Her eyes set on a blanket, she grabbed it and then set to look for something flat to put it on. Not that there was much space for it but the ritual circle itself, so she focused on her powers again, making the earth around the runes rise up and cover them, lifting a block of stone. Uncomfortable, yes, but she didn't want to deal with anything out there even if it meant more comfort, so she threw the blanket on it and did her best to sleep.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Krill was massaged by Sam, who showed Denna how best to to do it, before Denna was left to massage Sam. Once everyone was nice and relaxed, Krill and Sam did indeed snuggle up on either side of Denna, humming happily before quickly going to sleep.

Naturally, Erin wasn't bothered as well, given that there was no way to do so.

(Erin wakes up with her two chosen mutations, sadism and the tail I believe, and Denna wakes up with her fluffy tail.)


Next morning came, and Denna would awake to find no one else in bed with her. That's not to say she was alone, quite to the contrary. She had a large gathering surrounding her, a cluster of people who were all staring at her. Or more specifically, her butt. At first she may believe that they simply found her butt to be amazing, until Denna would find something fluffy back there. Turns out, she grew a golden tail, much like the one Kyubi had at first, before she grew the other ones. Once she awoke, they began lowing their heads as if in prayer. "Denna... You've become Kyubi's child!" Krill announced. Perhaps not accurate at all, but such was how they saw it.

Her stomach had grown a little as well, seemingly nearing her first trimester.

Meanwhile, Erin would wake up in the cave. The rocks were still staring at her.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna slept surprisingly well given the unusual circumstances, and deeply. She grimaced a bit at the chill though, grasping for the covers as she stirred, unable to grasp them. Half asleep, she leaned up to hunt about for them, mumbling, eyes sliding over the assembled crowd in front of her dizzily in her blanket hunt.

Upon not finding them she grumbled and laid back down to try and sleep through it anyways. It took a moment before she yelped and jumped back, staring alarmedly at the horde in front of her. "Oh gods not again, is this going to be how I always wake up around he- Ow!" Her jumping back had squashed something sensitive, and fluffiness pressed into her back. She spun around, expecting some beast having somehow snuck up behind her, but found nothing.


Krills announcement made her blood run cold, before her eyes gazed back at herself. She had a fluffy tail, the same golden that Kyubi had. Immediately her brain started running circuits. Had she truly been a godling and slashing her down leaked something into her? She didn't feel stronger or anything. Had Kyubi returned and done something to her? This seemed unlikely, she'd have brainwashed her, or done something more sadistic.

She was panicking. She closed her eyes and calmed herself. More likely she had become corrupted and the mutation was just that, a mutation. Random chance, most likely. She opened her eyes and saw everyone bowing to her.

This... Might be the leverage she needed. She still needed to be careful, but she could maybe use this to make them better. It's not like Kyubi deserved their worship, but she wasn't a real god. Worship of her did little. If she could change the image of what Kyubi was and desired in their minds, they could keep their faith and happiness without being monsters anymore. But what did she know about running a cult or village? She was going to need help.

Well here went something. "...Alright, quit with the bowing. I appreciate it but I'm not the type to want to see people just kowtowing because. I rather you talk to me like a person." She took a seat on the bed and looked at them all. "In any case, I'm not exactly used to being the centre of attention like all this, so mind giving me a chance to get dressed and eat? Not you Sam, Krill, you live here. Rest of you probably have stuff you're supposed to be doing though, family to care for, jobs to handle."

She definitely was going to need help on this one. Sam could tutor her in the faith most likely. She'd have to see if Erin was still willing to help. She could use an advisor of sorts and an eye on the priests. While an enforcer would be nice, Erin was too emotional and cruel to properly work for this. She needed someone loyal with a firm hand but a kind heart, someone approachable and willing to adapt and learn. Cruelty and aggression wouldn't work with these people. That would be something to work on though.

She also needed to learn how to work a tail. Clearly she wasn't getting to go home to any cities any time soon. Didn't help her stomach was already getting a bit heavy. Would only get worse in time.

"Well go on then, God children need food too and not everything I do is fascinating I would hope. You'll see me around soon enough.," sighs Denna, looking at the lot, "Meanwhile, Sam, Krill, help me find my clothes please? Think they got buried under the crowd in there somewhere."