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BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
This will be a forum game for up to six players. I will be the neutral moderator. This game will involve hidden card hands, dice rolling, team cooperation, and conversion mechanics that will cause suspicion amongst the players.

One player will play as an Alien Tentacle Monster with the ability to perfectly take over the minds and bodies of whatever it has sex with. The other players will each take on the personality of one of 12 female human crew members of a spaceship.

The goal of the Alien is to either:
A) Rape/convert/kill all humans.
B) To finish construction of your own space ship and escape to Earth.
C) To infest at least one human who is allowed to live when the Humans think that they have eliminated every Alien convert.

The goals of the Humans is to have at least one human survivor AND:
A) Self Destruct the Muse if there are any Aliens left hidden amongst them
B) Go into Cryogenic Sleep and await rescue if there are no Aliens hidden amongst them.

Humans may get to this decision choice either by winning the Final Battle event, or by completing the Communications Relay Repair or Lifeboat Preparation Tasks before they are sabotaged by the Alien.

Here is the backstory and crew manifest. More details to come in other posts.


The year is 3782, and mankind has, by necessity, started to explore other star systems looking for planets that could possibly sustain human life. Technology has advanced to the point where long space flights are possible, due to space-phasing travel and cryogenic suspended animation. Recently, a large sized moon has been discovered with a rich nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere and plenty of water in the form of ice. It is the first celestial body to have all the characteristics necessary to sustain life, and in fact, examples of various simple flora have been discovered from early probes. Scientists on Earth have dubbed it New Eden, and an amazing amount of research money has gone into sending crews across space to observe and bring back readings from the ice planet. The crew of the Muse is one such research enterprise.

But something has gone horribly wrong on New Eden, and at Outpost 31, the orbiting deep space research station that orbits the planet and serves as home to the small village of researchers and maintenance crews that spend years of their lives out here.

When the Muse docks at the Outpost, it's a disaster zone. A full quarter of the station is blown away from some sort of explosion, and the part that is intact has bodies everywhere, some of them badly burned -- not all of them looking human... The lone survivors seem to be a man in a deep coma with a serious head injury, and a single dog, kept apparently as a pet.

Though the crew of the Muse don't know it yet, they are in for the fight of their lives. A tentacled monstrosity is lurking among them and it longs to breed with each of them, implanting its dna into its victim's systems like a virus, and then replicate and imitate within them, turning each victim into a thrall, and a monster just like itself.

Soon, none of the crew members will know who to trust, and it will be a race against time for them to fight and contain the alien while discovering a way, if any, out of this situation and back to earth. But above anything else, they mustn't bring the alien back to Earth with them, because that's what it wants... a whole world of life forms to rape and infect.


Crew of the Muse

Captain Laura Shirude
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Muse Captain
Dice: 2d6
Bio: Laura is a diligent employee of the UneCorp research conglomerate that is one of the major financial sponsors for deep space research at New Eden. She is an all-rounder, familiar with many of the different lines of research going on, but master of none. She is for all intents and purposes the "face" of UneCorp on this mission and the ranking officer on board the company owned vessel. She is well-liked by the scientists on staff, specifically Aoru, the planetologist, who is one of her best friends since university. Her authority is partially snubbed by the non-researchers on the crew, who view her as too much a company woman. Laura will do whatever it takes for the mission to be a success.


Aoru Kiyameron
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Planetology, Languages
Dice: 1d6
Alien Bonus (No one suspects): If Aoru is revealed as a Tentacle Alien during a Tentacle Attack, Human Player must discard 4 cards each (instead of 3).
Bio: Aoru is one of the quintessential experts on New Eden, making the study of its geological and atmospheric examples the subject of her thesis during her schooling. She's made it her goal to be selected for this mission so that she can finally be hands on and exploring what she hopes will be humanity's new home, even if it is a little chilly. Even when the Muse's delivery mission is done, Aoru intends to stay at the Outpost for at least ten years to do her initial studies. Since there's quite an international team of researchers already in place and because Aoru is also something of a genius, she's taken it upon herself to learn eight secondary languages so that she will be ready to soak up information from every researcher at the station. An idealist, and a good friend of Captain Laura, Aoru is seen by most as too absorbed in her work and a little shy when it comes to normal social interaction.


Riley Chambers
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Mechanic, Tough
Dice: 1d6
Bio: Riley is a wrench head and the best Ms. Fix-It you could hope to have around. She may not know a whole lot about space, planets, or even the computer, but if you need pieces of metal welded together or anything remotely practical on a ship of people who are for the most part dealing in lofty theoretical sciencey stuff, then Riley is your gal. That's not to say she didn't earn her way into this position. She knows how the Muse is put together, and she's also familiar with the schematics of Outpost 31 as well as the smaller campsites built on New Eden. She's been trusted by UneCorp as the person who can keep the multi-billion dollar research scheme running from the ground up - and she's being damn well paid for it. Nevertheless, she's still regarded as "just the mechanic" sometimes, and it's given her a bit of a hot temper. There are a bunch of different kinds of "smart" on this ship and Riley is one of them, dammit! She likes to let of steam by being a mischief maker, and her ally in crime on this otherwise boring mission is her best mate, the cook, Halley.


Reiko Amamiya
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Biology
Dice: 1d6
Alien Bonus (The Perfect Vessel): If Reiko is revealed as a Tentacle Alien in the Final Battle, she requires an additional 2 successes to defeat.
Bio: Reiko's name is known throughout every scientific circle worth its salt in biology on earth. Her intelligence is off the scale, and her work ethic is second to none. She prides herself on excellence and exactness, and it can lead to others thinking she's a bit uptight and maybe even arrogant. She also tends to boss her assistants around a lot. With the discovery of New Eden, Reiko has forged ahead into the new field of Xenobiology, studying alien forms of flora and yes even some microscopic fauna that have been found in ice samples taken back to Earth. Now she's headed to New Eden for an extended stay, intent on making her already expansive reputation become legendary in the history of her field. Move over Darwin. Even if others find her a little grating at times, grudgingly everyone has to concede that Reiko is usually right or at the very least, her opinions have practical merit. Reiko's assistant is Mako, who lives constantly in her shadow. Reiko doesn't mind the girl as long as she keeps up with her. On the whole, Reiko has respect, but no one is really her friend. But she's okay with that.


Halley Nawls (Alkannar)
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Lucky
Dice: 1d6
Bio: Halley's always lived a charmed life. She was born six weeks prematurely and with a stopped heart. Medical science can't explain what made it suddenly start beating again, but somehow, someway, it seemed Halley's destiny to make it. Daughter of a wealthy family with connections to UneCorp, her parents really had wanted her to go into science, but it was always Halley's desire to travel and cook. After having an adventurous time spanning the globe, her parents offered her the opportunity of a lifetime -- to travel to an alien world as a cook! Halley couldn't say no, and began a crash course in space flight at UneCorp, where she met Riley Chambers and they quickly became fast friends. Halley is the natural optimist and joker, and her easy going presence on the Muse often helps to relieve tensions that normally arise from long periods of confined living.


Dr. Marlisse Culver (Takimaru)
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Medical
Dice: 1d6
Bio: There are many times that Marlisse asks herself why she ever accepted this "prized" position as ship doctor. Yes, the pay was excellent, even bordering on the absurd, but that doesn't make up for the lack of human civilization that she misses back home. She's an excellent doctor, but not a standout -- those of course are kept back on Earth to tend to everyone who needs them. Marlisse felt that to be offered the position of ship doctor had, at the time been a miraculous windfall, but after months of space flight, she's regretting her greed. As such, she generally wears a sour expression while moping about on the ship. Her only saving grace is that she has a thing for the ship captain, Laura. Marlisse has flirted with the buxom blond on several occassions, and the whole crew now pretty much knows which team the good doctor bats for. She's yet to convince Laura to go to bed with her, but hey, a girl has to have a hobby when no one is getting so much as a paper cut -- maybe persistence will pay off?


Mako Sukotsuto (Loli Defense Force)
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Biology
Dice: 1d6
Bio: This shy, nervous girl is always aiming to please and do her best. She's a brilliant biologist, and huge fan of her idol, Reiko Amamiya, but always seems to be just a bit behind the dauntless senior biologist. Still, Mako beat out hundreds of other applicants to be Reiko's assistant for this mission and that means a lot to the little scientist. While not being brow beaten by Reiko, the young biologist quietly works away in her room on the Muse, and sometimes strikes up a conversation with Lulu, the ship's cyborg systems interface. The two have become quick friends and enjoy playing chess and backgammon with each other to pass the time.


Mina Trent
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Communications
Dice: 1d6
Bio: Interstellar communications is a delicate craft and Mina is a standout in her niche field of engineering. She's been asked to join this mission because of a problematic drop out in communication with the Outpost 31 space station. A satellite relay failure is suspected, and she's been sent to get communications up and running again. She has a bit of a testy personality, but on the whole, she's amiable. She's a card shark, as people have learned to their dismay in the recreation lounge after losing hundreds of credits to her in poker. Faye in particular has lost a decent sum to her and even accused her of cheating once. The two haven't been on good speaking terms since then.


Lulu Nori
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Computer Systems
Dice: 1d6
Alien Bonus (Data Access): If Lulu is revealed as a Tentacle Alien during a Tentacle Attack, the Alien player draws one free card.
Bio: Lulu was caught in an electrical fire at the age of 18 and badly damaged. She lost both of her legs and had to undergo extensive surgery to save her life. Thanks to the wonders of medical science, she survived and has been given a new lease on life with cybernetic legs. UneCorp has taken advantage of her cyborg body and hired her as a permanent ship systems expert for their deep research vessel, the Muse. Lulu is able to interface with the ships computer by plugging herself into its main frame, downloading data directly to herself. Despite the horrible trauma she has gone through, Lulu is a chipper optimist, and is happy to be going on this important mission as a valued member of an extremely capable team.


Maria Stone (ToxicShock)
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Cargomaster, Tough
Dice: 1d6
Bio: Maria is in charge of the vast inventory of supplies that the Muse is delivering to the outpost. Nothing grows on New Eden yet, and that means that everyone at the Outpost and the crew of the Muse is dependent upon the necessities stored amongst the six vast cargo holds that make up 70% of the space aboard the Muse. It's a lot of responsibility for just one girl, but Maria is a long time, trusted UneCorp employee and is known for getting her job done. She's in charge of all the rationing, and often times can be caught arguing with Halley about how many chickens are really necessary to defrost for a meal, or something of that nature. She is often the butt of many mischievous pranks pulled by Halley and Riley. She gets along with the quieter crew, like Mako, who don't cause trouble, and she has a good respect for Reiko, who seems like the most professional woman aboard this ship next to herself and the captain.


Faye Iverson (Guan Yu)
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Pilot
Dice: 1d6
Alien Bonus (Fighting Fire with Fire): If Faye is revealed as a Tentacle Alien during a Tentacle Attack, she takes 2 Flamethrowers to defeat.
Bio: UneCorp hires pilots from outside contractors. Usually ex-military. Faye is a fly-girl known for her flying skill and no-fear personality. Frankly UneCorp was hesitant to hire her given her seeming proclivity for high risk maneuvers, but Veronica Masters vouched for her and so she got to go with the crew. Faye is a lush, a loud mouth, and a provocateur of the highest degree. She's also a conspiracy nut and has the true gift of gab. At least for these reasons, she can be very entertaining. She's nursing a grudge against Mina for taking her money in cards, but she at least gets along with her long time wingmate, Veronica. The two of them come from a school of space piloting from the United Earth defense force -- a space program designed to defend the earth from any enemies unknown. It's mostly still a covert game of arms racing amongst the major powers that be on earth, but the important point is that Faye knows her stuff in piloting both in zero g and in atmosphere, which will be useful if ever Muse needs to take the skimmer lifeboats down to the planet camps.


Veronica Masters
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Pilot, Tough
Dice: 1d6
Bio: Veronica is one of the best pilots ever to come out of the academy of the United Earth defense force. She's the best zero g pilot out there, top of her class. The only person who can keep up with her is Faye Iverson, and the two of them graduated at the top of their class together. But whereas Faye is all heat and passion, Veronica is cool as ice. Hence their nicknames "Fire and Ice." The two of them get along so well that some have thought they may even be more than friends. When UneCorp demanded Veronica's expertise for a deep space mission, she made it clear that the only way she'd go was if Faye came along too and was paid for it. Veronica got her way, as she so often does when she puts her mind to it. If anyone could challenge Captain Laura's authority, Veronica would be the one to do it. However, Veronica has not really had the need or inclination yet to challenge for authority. She's satisfied for the most part to just do her job and make sure Faye doesn't get into any fights.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)


This game will be played in three specific acts, conveniently labeled Act 1, Act 2, and Act 3. Act 1 will happen in a set order. Event and encounters in Acts 2 and 3 will occur in random order, meaning that the "Final Battle" may happen early or late. It's up to fate.

The Alien player has three decks of Alien cards, and the Humans have three decks of Crew Cards. At the beginning of the game, either side may only draw from Deck 1 of their respective decks. Eventually there will be an encounters that allow you to have the choice of drawing from the advanced decks. A card list will be provided in spoilers so that you may know what you have a chance of drawing.

The game play goes in phases:

1. The Encounter Phase. I'll announce a new scene in the narrative and display an upcoming encounter that will require the crew to do something. The first one is the Arrival of the Muse to Outpost 31. Mixed in with Encounters are one-off events. If we get an Event, we simply resolve it, and then instantly move on until we draw an Encounter.
2. The Draw Phase. All player draw cards as indicated on the Encounter.
3. The Exposure Phase. The Alien Player may play an NPC Exposure card on a "Safe" NPC, or they may play a PC Exposure card on a player who is "Safe." In the latter case, they will also give a Suspicion Card to that player (Which cannot be discarded and thus fills up that person's hand.)
4. The Alien Phase. The Alien Player may play any number of cards from his hand.
5. The Crew Phase. The Crew players may play any number of cards from their hand.
6. The Team Phase. The Crew players allocate NPCs to Tasks and a mixture of PCs and NPCs to tend to the current Encounter.
7. The Resolution Phase. The Encounters and the Tasks are resolved. Dice are thrown. Either side may play dice-affecting cards.
8. The Tentacle Attack Phase. If an infected NPC is assigned to a Task or Encounter, the Alien player may choose to reveal them and initiate a Tentacle Attack!
9. The Alien Ship Phase. The Alien rolls dice to see if it has completed its own space craft by stealing parts from Outpost 31 and the Muse. In a 5-6 player game, it may also discard one card to attempt a roll to override the Muse's computer defenses.


Each encounter has the following descriptors:

Crew: The minimum and maximum # of crew you can allocate to the encounter, NPCs and PCs combined.
Skills: The skills required to overcome the encounter. (for every skill you are short by, you lose 2d6 from your rolls.)
Target: The number needed on a d6 to score a success.
Successes Needed: The number of successes needed to overcome the encounter.
Reward or Failure: The positive and/or negative consequences.

--Drawing Cards--

I will PM each player with the cards that they draw (along with any explanation of cards needed.) Some Crew Cards are actually bad for the Crew and will be played immediately, but they are replaced immediately with another card.

The Alien player has a number of Exposure cards in his decks. Exposure cards either target NPCs or PCs. Each exposure card will either say "Human" or "Tentacle Monster" on it. If it's the latter, it means that that girl has already been cornered by tentacles at some point and suffered the consequences, and is now a tentacle monster herself.
Also during the Exposure phase, if 5-6 players are playing, then the current Captain must force a player to discard a card. If that player refuses, the Alien advances on its "overriding the Muse computer" task.

It's important to note that any PC that becomes a Tentacle Monster is now playing for the Alien player to win. It's completely bad form to say "I'm an alien now, so if the humans want to win, make sure to burn me." That's just bad form and being a twit.
--Card play--
Simply follow the instructions on the card text. In a 5-6 player game, in lieu of playing cards during his phase, the Alien player may play one of its 8 action cards (a separate deck of malicious actions).

--Team Phase--

This is the time for the crew to do a little role play if they want and decide upon how they are going to split up and accomplish the encounter and the various side tasks. With the exception of a 5-6 player game, PCs may only go on the Encounters (they represent the protagonists, so they do the hard stuff). NPCs may be allocated to one of the 4 side Tasks.
All PCs must go on the encounters, except in a 5-6 player game where the current Captain must choose one player to sit out. (The same player may not be chosen to sit out twice in a row.) The person who sits out may be allocated to a Task.
NPCs may go to a task, help with the encounter, or sit in the recreation lounge on the Muse.
Players must be mindful of the min/max number of crew that are able to be sent on tasks or encounters.


Tasks are laid out similar to encounter cards. The Target number is always 6+ on each d6. Each crew member assigned rolls their regular number of dice, plus one more dice for each key skill that matches the Task they are rolling for.
All successes on a task are recorded on the Task card. Each task requires a certain number of successes before it is completed. Once completed, a task reward may be triggered at any time.
Dice-effecting cards or auto successes may never be used on Tasks. They are only for encounters.

--Resolving Encounters--

First dice are rolled. Successes are counted. Then altering cards are played, either adding auto success, rolling more dice, or canceling successes.
In a 5-6 player game, if the Crew succeed at an Encounter, the Alien may draw one Alien action card (that special deck I alluded to earlier.) They don't have to do this.

--Tentacle Attacks--

If an NPC has been chosen for a Task or Encounter AND they are infected, then the Alien may have that NPC reveal their alien nature and trigger a Tentacle Attack.
For every player still in the game, the PCs must discard 3 cards. For each card they are short by, whether it's being unable or unwilling to discard, one NPC is eliminated from the game, chosen by the Alien player. When there are no NPCs left to eliminate, then the Alien may start eliminating PCs.
Four characters, (Faye, Lulu, Reiko, and Aoru) have special Alien Bonus abilities. These are only triggered if they are the infected NPCs being revealed.

--Alien Ship--

That insideous alien has an alternative method of victory. If the Humans are unwary, the Alien will cannibalise the Muse ship parts to create its own ship and escape towards earth. The final phase of every turn, the Alien may roll a number of dice that are currently assigned to the Alien Ship task. Every 5+ is a success, and if the Alien ever gets three successes at once, then the game is over and the Alien wins.
At the beginning of the game, no dice are assigned to this task, and thus it is impossible to complete. Some cards in the deck and a failure on early encounters add dice to this task.

--The Final Battle--

Assuming the Crew survive to this encounter, the Alien shows itself and the final battle begins. This is an encounter where for every success you are short by, an NPC or PC dies!
The Alien gets one "free" alien attack (representing one of its unhidden tentacle beast forms attacking the girls), but after that, one at a time, the Alien player may reveal an Exposed NPC. If she is still human, then she is considered to be ensnared/knocked out/any excuse to say that she's just out of play for the rest of the game. If she's a Tentacle Monster, the encounter starts over again. The Alien player does not have to reveal all exposed NPCs.
After all NPCs that the Alien player wants to reveal have done so, then the Alien player points to any Exposed PCs in any order he wishes. When pointed at, an Exposed PC may reveal IF AND ONLY IF they are a Tentacel Monster. If they do, then yet another round of the Final Battle occurs. A Tentacle Monster PC may choose to not reveal in order to trick the Human PCs into thinking it's safe to go into cryo sleep.

--Wait for Rescue? or Self-Destruct--

It's clear that this alien would wreak havoc on the human population of Earth if it ever got there. The crew has a responsibility to Earth to not let this Alien get to their planet. If there's any doubt, the Crew should activate the Muse's self-destruct protocol, sacrificing themselves to save Earth. However, if they've killed all the Aliens, then it would be a tragedy on a grand scale if they did so, and of course they do want to survive, so they can go into Cryo-sleep and await rescue from the next Earth ship.
If the surviving PCs choose Self-Destruct and there is ANY infected Tentacle Monster NPC or PC still amongst them, then the Human team wins. If not, then they lose.
IF the surviving PCs choose to Wait for Rescue, and there is ANY infected Tentacel Monster still amongst them, then the Human team loses. If not, then they win.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 22, 2010
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Count me interested! You know the deal.


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

wakka wakka

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Herp derp interest durr


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

I'm in.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

I'm also interested


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Here are the complete card lists of each deck, in spoilers, for those interested.

Card List

Alien Deck 1:
Exposure Card (Human) x3
Exposure Card (Tentacle Monster) x4
"Something from the Ice": Force the PCs to discard 1 card each. x1
Disturbing Noises: Cancel 1 Success x2
Movement in the Shadows: Cancel 2 Successes x3
Tentacles along the Walls: Cancel 3 Successes x1
"What the Hell happened here?" : Cancel any one card as it's played. x1
"She killed the lab animals." : Choose one PC, all other PCs must give her a card. For each card that cannot be given, Alien draws one card. x1
"If it takes us over, it'll be worse than death." : Add a die to the Alien Ship task, OR discard to cancel a card as it's played. x1
"The alien doesn't want to show itself, it wants to hide. In us." : Add a die to the Alien Ship task, OR prevent all die rolls on Task rolls this turn.
"It wants to be anywhere but here." : Add a die to the Alien Ship task, OR remove one success from any Task. x1
Acts of sabotage... : Remove one success from any task. x1
"I hear funny things down there." : Force a PC of your choice to choose one of two random drawn tasks to permanently destroy. x1
"Keep an eye on her. Keep both eyes on her." : Force a PC of your choice to choose one of two random drawn tasks to permanently destroy. x1
Sputtering Flamethrower: Cancel a Flamethrower as it's played. x2
"Those men, they're not dead yet!" : Discard a die from the Alien Ship task to pick up one of your discarded cards. x1
"Not you too!" : The Alien player may reveal a second infected NPC on the same task or encounter assignment and begin another Tentacle Attack! x1
Animated Seed : Cancel 1 success for every PC at this encounter.

PC Exposure card (Human) (Variable, up to 4)
PC Exposure card (Tentacle Monster) (Variable, up to 3)

Alien Deck 2:
Exposure card (NPC)(Human) x1
Exposure card (NPC)(Tentacel Monster) x3
Movement in the Shadows : Cancel 2 Successes x3
Found you. : Kill one NPC x2
"Someone got to the blood." : Destroy Research Task OR draw 2 cards. x1
Transfixed by Terror : Cancel one flamethrower as it's played. x1
Tentacles from the Ceiling! : Increase the target nmber by 1 for the current encounter, play before dice are rolled. x1
Unearthly screeching: Activate a Tentacle Attack by revealing an infected NPC in the Recreation Lounge.x1
Tentacle Hounds: Cancel 1 success for each PC involved in this encounter. x1

Alien Deck 3:
Tentacles along the Walls: Cancel 3 successes x2
Movement in the Shadows: Cancel 2 successes x4
Exposure card (NPC) (Human) x1
Exposure card (NPC) (Tentacle Monster) x2
"It's gone. Just, gone." : Destroy any task, or draw 1 card.

Crew Deck 1
Flamethrower: Roll 5d6 OR Cancel a Tentacle Attack. x4
Shotgun : Roll 3d6 x2
"I know how this one ends." : 1 auto success, no skill req'd. x1
Captain's Sidearm : Roll 2d6 x2
Pulse Rifle: Roll 4d6 x1
"Finally get a chance to use these guns!" : Reduce a target number by 1, may be after dice have been rolled. x1
Red Alert : You may exceed the max crew on one encounter by two extra crew. x1
"They thawed it out. It woke up. Not in the best of moods." : 1 auto success, no skill req'd x1
"I refuse to believe this sci-fi bullshit!": 3 auto successes, needs mechanic; OR remove one die from Alien Ship task.
"The Government knew all about this, right Veronica?": 1 auto success, needs pilot.
"Maria, put this mutt in the cargo bay with the other lab animals." : Move an exposure status from one NPC to another.
"You cheating bitch!" : Cancel any one card as it's played.
"Laura wants the what?" : 1 auto success, needs mechanic.
"I don't know what's in there, but it's big and horny as fuck!" : 2 auto successes, needs cargomaster.
"All I'm getting is static." : 2 auto successes, needs Communications
"The ship's motion sensors are showing movement." : 2 auto successes, needs Computer Systems.
"Hey, thanks for thinking of me." : 1 auto success, needs pilot.
*Play Immediately* : The Captain must choose to add a die to the Alien Ship task OR lose 2d6 from the next encounter.
"Hey! Anybody in there?" : Look at the top 3 cards of any Crew deck, keep one and put back the others in any order.
"Welcome to Hell." : 1 auto success, needs tough.
"Maybe it comes in peace?" : 2 auto successes, needs lucky.
"Valkyries of Asgard, bitches!" : 1 auto success, needs pilot.
"They taught the Egyptians how to build pyramids!" : 1 auto success, needs pilot.
"Keep trying. Get a signal to someone, anyone." : 2 auto successes, needs biology.
Volatile Energy Cell : Roll 4d6 OR put 1 success on the Lifeboat Task.
"I'm not going with Lulu. Don't trust her." Randomly determine a new Captain and remove a success from the Override the Computer task.
Morphine Injection: Place on top of any PC or NPC, this character cannot be allocated to encounters of tasks and may never activate a Tentacle Attack. The Alien or any player can discard 2 cards to remove this card at any time.
"Aww, poor baby. You're getting tired aren't ya?" : 3 auto successes, no skill req'd.
"We're taking a big risk here." : Roll 3d6. If any two dice have the same result, add 1 success to the Lifeboat task. If not, add 2 successes to the Override the Computer (Alien) task.
"Seems to be human, normal organs, normal tissues..." : 2 auto successes, needs biology; OR discard this card to add a success to the Research Task.
"Reiko, I want you to perform an autopsy." : Play during the Blood Test encounter, you need one fewer success for each PC present; additionally, put two successes on the Override the Computer (Alien) task.
"I'm tired of talking, Mako. I just want to go to my room and get drunk." : Force 1 PC to give you a card. They may not pass a Suspicion card.
"So how'd this fucker wake up?" : 3 auto successes, needs Tough; also put 1 success on Override the Computer (Alien) task.
Looking for answers : Shuffle one discard pile, then look through those cards. You cannot share your findings.
"Any one of them move, you fry 'em." : During a Tentacle attack, discard this card as being worth 2d6 cards.
"should be someone a little more even tempered, Faye." : You become the new Captain.
"Watch who you're with, real close." : 3 auto successes, needs tough; you must remove a success from any one task.
"Maybe they found a fossil?" 3 auto successes, needs medical; put a success on the Override the Computer (Alien) task.
"It's getting late, let's hurry up." : 3 auto successes, needs Tough. Also, force another PC to discard one card.
"Maria, did you notice anything strange?" : 3 auto successes, needs Cargomaster. Also put one success on the Override the Computer (Alien) task.
"Come out and fight!" : Roll 4d6; also add one success to the Override the Computer (Alien) task.
"Some of us must still be human!" : You may play this card in front of you. Discard this card from play during a Tentacle Attack, with this card being the equivalent of 3 discarded cards.

Crew Deck 2
Flamethrower : Roll 5d6 or cancel a Tentacle Attack. x2
Shotgun : Roll 3d6 x2
Reiko's Revolver : Roll 2d6 x2
"It's designed to breed with anything, and now it wants us." : 1 auto success, needs biology.
"She could be one of them!" : Re-roll all the dice used for one encounter.
Computer Simulation : You may either force the Alien player to discard one card for each PC still playing, or you may put on success on the Research Task.
"I'd say this ice sample is over a million years old, at least." : 2 auto successes, needs planetology.
"It won't stop. Neither can we." : 1 auto succes, needs tough.
"If you ladies don't mind, let's stop the chit chat and kill this alien." : 2 auto successes, needs Muse Captain
"I knew her... she was my friend." : 2 auto successes, needs Muse Captain
*Play Immediately* : The current Captain must choose to remove a success from any one task.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me." 2 auto successes, need pilot; OR discard during a Tentacle Attack, with this card worth 2 cards.
"We'd better seal off the lower levels." : Prevent the Alien from rolling on the Alien Ship this turn.
"I suggest we only eat out of cans." : Force the Alien to remove an Exposure card from play, of your choosing.
"Come on, four stitches - barely grazed you." : 2 auto successes, needs medical OR discard to put 1 token on Research task.
Explosive Charges: Roll 4d6 OR remove 1 dice from the Alien Ship task.

Crew Deck 3
Flamethrower : Roll 5d6 OR cancel a Tentacle Attack. x3
Holo Recording: Draw 2 cards. x1
"Whoa! That was close!" : 2 auto succusses, needs Lucky. x2
*Play Immediately* Nervous Breakdown : The Captain places this card on top of one NPC (not in the Brig). This NPC cannot be selected for encounters for the rest of the game.
*Play Immediately* New Captain : The Alien player chooses a new PC to be the Captain.
Molotov Cocktail: Destroy one Tentacle Monster during the Final Battle OR remove a die from the Alien Ship task.
"Maybe we'll heat things up a little around here." : 3 auto successes, needs Pilot. x2
Torn uniform : Force the Alien Player to indicate two Exposed NPCs, one of which must be human if possible. If it is not, the Alien player must indicate this.
"Yeah, well fuck you too!" : 3 auto successes, needs Tough. x2
"The truth is in the blood." : Conduct an immediate Blood Test on one Exposed NPC. If Human, that NPc's status become Safe. If a Tentacle Monster, begin a Tentacle Attack.
Laura's last stand : 3 autosuccesses, needs Muse Captain
Halley to the rescue: 2 auto successes, needs Lucky x2
EMP blast : Remove up to 3 successes from the Override the Computer (Alien) task.

And here are the Human and Alien Task Cards....


Powerfist Battlesuit -- 2 successes needed
Max crew - 3
Key Skills - Mechanic
Success - Once only, trigger to cancel a Tentacle Attack OR destroy one revealed Tentacle Monster during the Final Battle.
Lifeboat Shuttle -- 6 successes needed
Max crew - 3
Key Skills - Mechanic, Pilot
Success - Go straight to Self Destruct/Wait for Rescue; with only the PCs included.
Satellite Array -- 5 successes needed
Max crew - 2
Key Skills - Communications
Success - Go straight to the Self Destruct/Wait for Rescue Endgame.
Research -- 3 successes needed
Max Crew - 4
Key Skills - Biology, Languages, Medical
Success - Reduce the sucesses needed by one on all future encounters.


Alien Ship - 3 successes needed (no success memory)
Needs 5+ on each die for a success.
Throw number of dice currently assigned to this task by other cards and encounters.
Success - The Alien wins.

Override the Computer (5-6 player only) - 10 successes needed.
4+ on a die for a success.
Each Alien Ship phase, the Alien player may discard up to one card in order to roll 1d6 for this card.
A success is recorded on this card.

Bad Blood (5-6 player only)
During each Suspicion Phase, the Captain must choose another PC to discard a card and place it under Bad Blood.
The same player may not be targeted in consecutive suspicion phases.
A player may refuse to discard. If they do, put a success on the Override the Computer card.
Suspicion cards may not be discarded under Bad Blood.

And finally, the Encounters and Events from all three acts.

Encounters and Events

Act 1:

New Eden Orbiting Station, 3782 AD -- All players start with 6 cards.
--If Laura is a PC, she starts as Captain. If Laura is an NPC, the PCs determine a starting captain amongst them.
--The Alien player selects two NPCs and place an Exposure card next to each of them. One of these Exposure cards must be "human."

Explore Outpost 31 -- All players draw one card.
--Crew: 2-4
--Skills: Pilot & Medical
--Target: 3+
--Successes Needed: 3/5/7
--Failure: Add a die to the Alien Ship task.

Autopsy of Alien Corpse -- All players draw one card.
--Crew: 4-6
--Skills: Biology x2, and Medical
--Target: 3+
--Successes needed: 4/6/8
--Failure: Add a die to the Alien Ship task.

Battle in the Cargo Bay -- All players draw one card.
--Crew: 2-8
--Skills: Mechanic, Cargo Master, & Tough
--Target: 3+
--Successes Needed: 2p=6, 3p=8, 4p=10
--Failure: The Alien player kills one NPC.

Review Evidence -- All players my now draw from Deck 2. Everyone draws one card.
--Crew: 4-6
--Skills: Planetology, Languages, Computer Systems, & Communications.
--Successes Needed: 2p=4, 3p=6, 4p=8
--Failure: Add a die to the Alien Ship task.

Investigate New Eden Dig Site -- All players draw up to 5 cards.
--Crew: 2-4
--Skills: Pilot & Planetology
--Target: 3+
--Successes Needed: 3/5/7
--Failure: Add a die to the Alien Ship task.

Act 2:

Someone Goes Berserk -- The Captain chooses an NPC and then draws 2 random destruction cards.
--She chooses and reveals one card, destroying the corresponding task.
--The chosen NPC is put in the Brig and not included in the game until the final confrontation, but they may still receive an Exposure card.

Someone shut down the power in the lab (5-6 player only) -- Each PC must pass one card to the PC to their left or right, as designated by the Alien player.
-- For each card that cannot or will not be passed, add a success to the Override the Computer card.
-- Suspicion cards may be passed.

The Woman in Charge -- PCs vote for a new Captain. PCs may discard auto successes for additional votes. Every PC besides the current Captain gets 1d6 additional votes. The Captain can remain the same.

Matters of Trust -- The Captain chooses and kills 1 NPC. If that NPC was a Tentacle Monster, there is a Tentacle Attacks event.

Conduct Blood Test -- All players draw one card.
--Crew 3-8
--Skills: Medical, Biology, Tough, & Lucky
--Target 4+
--Successes Needed: 5/7/9
--Success: Reveal the Exposure cards of 1-4 NPCs, stopping and ending the test when the first Tentacle Monster is revealed. When this happens, begin a Tentacle Attack.
--In a 5-6 player game, the PCs may alternatively test each other. The Alien player points to each PC one at a time. If pointed at, a PC can either reveal their true nature, or refuse. When a PC is revealed as human, add 2 tokens to the Override the Computer card; that player's suspicion and Exposure cards are discarded, and the blood test ends. When a PC refuses to reveal, remove 1 success from the Override the Computer task. When a PC is revealed as a Tentacle Monster, end the blood test. That PC discards all cards, then receives up to 4 random Thing action cards if there are any left undrawn.
--Failure: There is no blood test, move on to the next encounter.

Battle in the Recreation Lounge-- All players may now draw from Deck 3. Everyone draws one card.
--Crew: 2-8
--Skills: Mechanic & Tough
--Target: 4+
--Successes Needed: 2p=4, 3p=6, 4p=8
--Failure: The Alien player selects and kills one NPC.

Act 3

Veronica Cuts Loose -- PCs vote for a new Captain. PCs may discard auto successes for additional votes. Every PC besides the current Captain gets 1d6 additional votes. The Captain can remain the same.

Destroy Alien Ship -- All Players draw one card.
--Crew: 1-4
--Skills: Mechanic, Tough, and Lucky
--Target: 3+
--Successes: 2p=4, 3p=6, 4p=8
--Success: Remove Alien Ship task permanently from play.
--Fail: The Alien player may roll twice this turn for the Alien Ship.

Destroy Outpost #31 -- All players draw one card.
--Crew: 1-6
--Skills: Mechanic, Tough, and Lucky
--Target: 3+
--Successes Needed: 5/7/9
--Failure: Place this card under the Alien Ship OR if that card has been destroyed, the Alien selects and kills 1 NPC.

Final Battle: All players draw back to 5 cards.
--Crew: All remaining humans.
--Skills: None req'd
--Target: 3+
--Successes Needed: 2p=2, 3p=4, 4p=6
--After a free Tentacle Monster (no revealing req'd) attacks and is dealt with, the Alien player MAY, one at a time, reveal an infected NPC and force the remaining PCs to achieve success again. The Alien may choose to not reveal additional infected NPCs, at which point the Alien points one at a time to a PC and asks her to reveal as a Tentacle Monster or not. If the PC reveals, they discard their cards and the remaining PCs must retake the test. Repeat until all PCs have been given the chance to reveal.
--Success: Go on to the "Self Destruc/ Wait for Rescue" event.
--Failure: The Alien wins.

Oh yeah, and the Alien's eight special action cards that it can further use to trouble our suffering heroines if they prove to be getting too much of an upper hand...

Alien Action Cards (5-6 player only)

One of these cards are drawn every time the Crew succeed at an encounter. One of them may be played during the Alien phase in lieu of regular Alien deck cards being played.

Safety Protocol "Blue" Bypassed : Add 1 success to the Override the Computer task.
Insidious Planning : Remove 1 success from any human task.
Safety Protocol "Red" Bypassed: Add 1 success to the Override the Computer task.
"You can't burn the find of the century!!" : Remove 1 success from any human task.
Reanimated Male Researchers attack! : Prevent any dice from being rolled for 1 task this turn, select task after NPCs have been assigned.
"When this thing attacked the men, it tried to digest them, absorb them, maybe to learn what they knew.": Each PC chooses -- discard 1 card or put 1 success on Override the Computer task.
"What we're talking about here is an organism that imitates other lifeforms." : Each PC chooses -- discard 1 card or put 1 success on Override the Computer task.
"We got to it before it had time to finish.": Raise the number of successes needed to succeed on one encounter by 2.
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Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Interest shown. Will try to post regularly/semi-regularly.


Mystic Girl
Nov 28, 2011
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

I'd like to join in if I may.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Already have more than allowed. I can run a second parallel game perhaps if there's enough additional interest.

Right now the priority is:

LDF -- Mako
Taki -- Marlisse
Toxic -- Maria
Tassadar -- Volunteered to be the Alien
Guan Yu -- Faye
Alkannar -- Halley


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Mystic Girl
Nov 28, 2011
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Ship's cook Halley Nawls reporting for duty!
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Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

I choose Mako Sukotsuto as my character.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 22, 2010
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

I'll take Marlisse.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Despite my better judgement, I choose you Faye!


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

A wild pilot, a nervous biologist, and a doctor who got more than she bargained for... just need the two other heroes to be chosen and we can be ready to play.

Though I understand that Christmas is this weekend and likely things will be not be happening at all until afterward. At least some starting hands can be dealt out and a bit of fun role play can begin before the horror starts. ;)


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

I'll take Cpt. Laura, it will be fun with Taki trying to seduce me. XD


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Tenta... read above. You're an alternate. The game only takes a max of six players, and there are 8 of you in this thread.

If you want, I can do another game for you and Alk and anyone else who wants to join, but right now you're not in game 1.


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: BlueSlime's Tentacles Vs Humans Game (Interest Check)

Ok. :(