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Bond of Blood (Action Platformer)

Re: Bond of Blood (Action Platformer)

While the pixel art quality isn't quite there, it's still OKAY so sometimes things like stripping enemy soldier's out of their panties can still kinda cute. If the author ever finishes this game and starts a new project, I'd say it'd be one to keep an eye on.

The action sequences are pretty whatever though. Swapping characters is one of the neatest ideas, and your mind instantly goes to getting trapped/raped with some characters and trying to use the others to save them. Instead, you get kind of a sour experience where you're swapping between characters to slide under an obstacle, and to punch bricks, and to double jump. Stealing panties is cute but really is just another brick to smash or obstacle to slide under. The AI just sort of stands there right now.

The story mode is pretty lousy and I got absolutely no enjoyment from it. There's content from it, but thankfully the author made it so you don't really need to participate in the story mode to get to action sequences.

Overall, while I really can't recommend and it's really easy to compare it unfavorable with games like Barrage, and while I do not see this game ever becoming something I probably could recommend, I do feel like with some practice with pixel art/animations and better design going into his next project, it could be one to look out for.
Re: Bond of Blood (Action Platformer)

Overall, while I really can't recommend and it's really easy to compare it unfavorable with games like Barrage, and while I do not see this game ever becoming something I probably could recommend, I do feel like with some practice with pixel art/animations and better design going into his next project, it could be one to look out for.

That's mostly how I feel - there's potential, but it's not quite there yet. I've seen worse pixel animations, at least, and this is making me wish for another platformer with multiple playable characters that can get grabbed, stripped, and raped by random enemies.

Only thing I'm going to mention about the writing is that I'm glad it's skippable (and from what I can tell, the animations you can see at the hotel are just the same ones you see out on the field). Sometimes I think I should try making my own game, as I can make passable sprites and can write well, but the caveat is that I've always hated trying to program anything. A couple of courses in college was enough to make me realize I'd probably end up hanging myself if I had to do it for a living. It's hard not to respect anyone who can actually handle it.
Re: Bond of Blood (Action Platformer)

Looks like there should be a new version in a few days, looking at his recent patreon posts
Re: Bond of Blood (Action Platformer)

OK looks like there is a new demo, the "E" version, i was so ilusionated for it, new chars, new enemies, and pearl and Becky can be assaulted... then i played it, well, looks like now the chars CANT get raped and some of them have some kind of counter on their heads, the more you play with them, the more the counter fills, and when its full, you cant keep playing with them and they are raped, but wait, its not the same animation than older versions, its a new one, and allllll the chars have the same. I am so much motivated with this game, but i think that removing that animations wasnt cool. I wish im missing something and im wrong, but if the old anim are missing...pffff

PD: Sorry for my bad english
Re: Bond of Blood (Action Platformer)

I don't know if creator reads this thread or not.

But capping this enemy soldier made the game crash, I don't know why.


Its nice to see that there's panic mode for becky/mary ann now. Although I didn't find the hentai animation fapsworthy. Maybe someday in the future. I question the wisdom of the soldier next to becky who is very interested in cumming onto other soldier guy's right hand instead of onto Becky's face. Hidden Yaoi content confirmed. XD

Maybe he's just really into Male soldier's gloved hands fetish?

If anyone of you guys are a patreon, i'd like it if you could mention it to him/her.
Re: Bond of Blood (Action Platformer)

When I tried the new public demo last week, I noticed that all of the old rape animations in Wendy's mode were gone, which just about killed all of my interest in the game at this point. The creator did say in an earlier Patreon post that he only took them out for now and was going to put them back in at a later part of the game, but I can't imagine most people who try the game for the first time are going to want to support it when there's basically no sex (though I assume the hotel animations are still in, they don't do much for me when they're not part of the combat). I also wonder how long it's going to be until they get to the point where they're back in, but judging from what I've seen from many Patreons - even ones that have hundreds of supporters and practically make more than I do in a year - I wouldn't be shocked if it took years to get to that point.

He did say that he wasn't prioritizing rape animations because none of his supporters were clamoring for it, but from my own perspective, if I only had 15 backers and wanted more, I'd figure I needed to change something up. I don't know the author's intentions, though, and their goal may just be to make the kind of game they want, with the supporters being a bonus. The art and content thus far just isn't enough to make me personally want to support them, at least.
Re: Bond of Blood (Action Platformer)

is there a link to the demo or is that something you have to pay for?
Re: Bond of Blood (Action Platformer)

is there a link to the demo or is that something you have to pay for?

If you go to the patron page (link in first post) then the link to the latest public demo should be three posts down.
Re: Bond of Blood (Action Platformer)

ok for some odd reason I can't download it not sure why...
Re: Bond of Blood (Action Platformer)

I can't get the public free demo to work - it opens up to a blank white page and that is all. No error messages or 'not responding' error's.

OS: Win10 64-bit
Locale: Set to Japan
Ram: 16 GB
Tried as Admin Account: yes
Tried re-downloading: yes

I have all the RTP's installed and can run other games of various engines, just not this one. Anyone have any thoughts on what to try?

Found the culprit - it's the Windows 10 "Creators" update that got pushed on me a few days ago. It broke the RTP's installed. I re-installed the RTP's, and game is working fine.

Leaving this here, in case anyonme else has troubles with RTP games and has Win10 and got the "Creator's" update - if you did, and things aren't working anymore... re-install the RTP's.


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Sorry for the bump but its for an update. For those that are interested, the creator has announced and released a new public demo with a lot of content added on his Discord which you can find a link to at the top of his Patreon page. Honestly though, the best version that is available with all content is only to supporters unfortunately.

Here is a link to his patreon page, you can find the rest via what I stated before:

Hero Demo Missions

Heroine Demo Missions


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Greetings. I'm tetsuya_shino, the creator of the Bond of Blood game. It might appear like my game died since I haven't really posted here at all, but nothing could be further from the truth. I've never stopped working on it, and in fact just put out a new public demo last week. I have also merged the the $5, $10, and $20 Patreon supporter tiers into one $5 tier. So you get access more side stories for just a five spot a month.

I have also addressed most, if not all of the issues the posters above have brought up. As well writing up a walkthough so you can easily find all the hentai locations in the new demo. So yeah, I have been busy. haha

I think the problem with me not posting here would have to be the minimum post count requirements. I understand why they are there, and I'm not trying to argue about them, but I felt more than a little bit discouraged that I couldn't posts links or screenshots of my game immediately after signing up. And that's still actually the case now. (I don't want to spam the boards just to get my post count up.)

So if you are interested in game please google "bond of blood patreon tetsuyashino". There you will find links to the newest demo, the demo walkthough guide post, and the invite link to the Bond of Blood Discord channel (which I'm on almost everyday). Thank you.