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Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Status: Emi: Hp: 52 Ep: 39 Pp: 39, Fine.
Nysa: Hp: 42 Ep: 67 Pp: 74, Fine.

Well.... Shit. This was the thought of most everyone that stood before the magistrate of Lockacre when a mistake had been made, and one had most certainly been made... There was no real telling who had started the fight, but the fire that had decimated the Inn, ironically named "The Dancing Fox", was surely and rightfully blamed on Nysa, the small kitsune probably still being an obnoxious pain in the ass while the other woman was tightly held right next to her as they were marched through a long and well decorated hallway and into the court room, the only people there being a slew of guards everywhere, wearing matching plate armour, the owner of the Inn that had been burned down, sitting and still red in the face, his exceedingly fat belly hidden behind the well lacquered hardwood table across the room, glaring at them, a man to the far left against the wall, concealed by long blue robes, and the magistrate himself, looking extremely annoyed atop his raised platform, his features drawn into a scowl as both women were roughly shoved into chairs.

The Magistrate leaned forward, an older man, probably in his late 50s with short grey hair and harsh lines across his face, and spoke in a tone that reminded anyone listening of a soldier. "I Could ask what happened, or why there was a fight, or who was to blame. But I don't really need to. You!" He said pointing at the kitsune with a long gnarled finger "Had no call burning down the Inn, whatever the slight. and You!" He basically shouted, pointing at the purple haired swordswoman on her left "Didn't need to ignore every guard screaming at you to stop until you were knocked out. As far as I know, you two don't even know eachother!" He shouted, slamming his hand down upon the table.

The fat man to their right, the apparent owner of the Inn, was grinning like a cat, a younger man, probably mid 30's with a paunch that had to be considered legendary and wearing red and gold lined finery that showed off his exceeding wealth chuckled and started to speak, until being silenced by a glare from the Magistrate. "Don't even start Rellus! You know they don't have the coin to rebuild the Inn, and you aren't getting any slaves. so Shut it" the Magistrate said angrily, knowing exactly what was on Rellus' mind before the words had even left his mouth, which wiped the smirk right off the fat man's face and caused him to glower, his bright orange hair making his red face look all the more amusing.

"Now... I have no idea how to punish a mage" He said glaring back at the kitsune, but the Academy does. "Gregor. I leave them in your hands, They are banished from Lockacre until you say their punishment has been met". The robed man, hearing his name, nodded and pulled his hood back, revealing a man who could only be called ancient. He was far from weak however as he walked over to the two with a confident stride and set a pair of small metal rings on the table in front of them. His hair, long and bone white, was offset by his weathered features and sharp, blood red eyes. "Those go on your ankles, one each. No exceptions. Meet me outside when they're on, if you don't the guards will make you, if they fail, I will make you, and I am not to be trifled with" he said menacingly, with a voice that reminded them both of harsh winds and storms told of in tales, his power almost palpable for a second as his eyes burrowed into each of theirs in turn.

Grinning at them, suddenly all smiles, he turned suddenly and strode out of the room, the guards all very nervous and leveling crossbows until Gregor's order had been followed, or something was attempted. It was obvious that he was, in fact, going to wait outside....
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi marched stoically into the magistrates hall doing her best to keep an air of grace and dignity even as she was heavily weighed down by the manacles they had attached to her. In a way she was proud that the guards respected her strength enough to need a fully armed escort to keep her inline. Though she did feel some shame in being held responsible for injuring several guards, citizens, and mercenaries but once the blood lust took hold there was little to stop her from fighting till she dropped. Still even in the heat of battle she had kept her cool and not used her blades on her opponents a fact that secretly pleased her. While she may be in foreign lands murder was still murder and she was glad the charges had only been for assault. Still if she had been home the pervert that had fondled her breast would have lost his hand instead of some teeth.

Looking unmoved as the Judge handed out her sentence Emi was confused. By far she was no shugenja and could help herself and had to ask the judge about her punishment. "Your honor I am no shugenja why am I being given the same punishment as the fluffy one?" Emi hoped she hadn't insulted the Magistrate as she was still unaccustomed to the foreign customs and laws.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Sorry longer since it's kinda an intro to the character ^,^
Nyssa happily made her way through the hallway, her eyes running curiously along the decorated walls and surfaces, her arms lightly bound infront of her. She would've probably inquired what they were depicting or why she was even brought here, but some poor sap decided to gag the Kitsune with some cloth as if so she'd "not cast any spells anymore", well to be fair most of the simple guardsmen aren't well aquainted with the intricacies of magic and still believed the spells have to be "called out".

Nyssa stopped by near one of the fully armored guards and examined the canned man. A few pokes and smacks later, the Kitsune started to wonder what other qualities the canned man had... perhaps versus heat or air, or hot air, water? Though much to her dismay the rear guard behind her closed in and harsher than Nysa would've liked nudged her forward with his pike blunt end "MOVE!"

Perhaps he shouldn't have done as the Kitsune quickly turned to him and even as she turned to go forward her upper body faced the oppressor with a rather angry glare. Shortly they reached the hall at the end and the Kitsune was forced forward before the council.

Nysa stood there for a moment absolutely oblivious to what was said to her, thinking of whatever air-headed and happy thoughts she came up. That is until the hooded man made an appearance. This was a man she could not really mess with, every word uttered and step taken resounded with great power. Nysa lowered her ears and wrapped her tail around her leg out of the pure fright, she didn't do anything bad did she? She actually listened to whatever the man said, making her best innocent puppydog eyes she could muster. Right up until the man finally made an exit, the kitsunes ears seemingly shot right back up, her tail uncoiled. Safe!

Though the red-eyed man might've overestimated Nysas acceptance of her punishment. One of the heavily armored men approached the girl one of the rings in hand, all he had to do is clip this dang ring on the darn troublemaked, get in line, wait it out and go home. But no, this had to be one of those days for the poor fella. He could just fell this won't be easy as the Kitsune waved her tail to the sides in a angered manner.

The guard leaned down and attempted to clip the magical restraint on the kitsune though every time he gets in position the darn troublemaker moves her leg. The man leaned deeper and deeper, now she had her, the girl couldn't move anywhere without actually stepping away. When suddenly Nysa quickly jumped up on the mans back and removed his helmet "Hey stop her!" while some of the fellow guardsmen let out muffled chuckles, others raised their crossbows... but the girl didn't really do anything worth to shoot or threaten her, so they just stood like that menacingly.

Meanwhile Nysa made a B line towards one of the guards stationed around the hall and swung the helmet in hand with all her might right into the poor guards helmed head, knocking him out completely. Yes you've guessed it, he was the oppressor from before. Grinning madly Nysa could hear a slight 'clip' as the ring was firmly placed on her left ankle.

She eyed her new accessory, then the guard then the accessory again. Wait what was the story with these rings again? Ah well, more importantly could she finally get out there? Nysa looked over to the other girl.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

The fluffy one as Emi had taken to calling her had proved somewhat distracting and maybe mildly amusing had it not been for their current predicament. Though seemingly taking her punishment in stride Emi had no idea that the young girl had hardly heard a word spoken to her. In fact Emi was about to pose her question when the young lass preformed her mischief much to the dismay of the guards. The apparent disregard for authority and the prompt KOing of the guard let a little more weight and ernisty to Emi's question as she didn't want to be face any additional punishment that would undoubtedly follow the fluffy ones antics.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Everyone was too shocked to act really, except the Magistrate, who roared in response to Emi's question and answered with what was probably dooming knowledge for the swordswoman. "UNTIL YOU ARE FREE YOU WILL SHARE EACH OTHERS FATES! THIS IS THE DECISION OF THE ACADEMY AND IS BEYOND CONTEST!" He snarled, standing and smashing a gavel down upon the platform.

Nysa, her path unimpeded until she had actually assaulted someone, felt a crossbow bolt whistle dangerously close to her ear and slam into the wood, splintering the section of the door frame as the anklet was snapped into place, and Emi's as well if she made no move to stop them. The guard she had clanged made a muffled shout and collapsed into a jumbled heap, not moving, knocked our or possibly dead given how hard she had struck him, apparently forgetting that humans could be fragile. As Nysa looked around, she would find every crossbow in the room leveled at her this time, the threat more then apparent.

When and if both anklets were in place, the dull and unassuming metal would tighten, and hopefully Emi didn't put up a struggle considering the guards were now far beyond playing nice. As the metal comfortable conformed to their ankles, they began to hum softly and warm for a moment, before once again becoming simple metal. But both women suddenly realised an itch in the back of their minds. They knew, without a single fault in their minds, were the other was, at all times, without exception. Whether there was anything more to these little devices was as of yet unknown, but the guards were no longer up for games. They had been told to meet Gregor outside.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi looked down at the anklet as it warmed and sealed itself to her skin. Looking over at the fluffy one a sense of dread filled her and her eye started to twitch. No doubt that very interesting events where in store for her. Walking past the Kitsune Emi hopped that there was a bright side to this turn of events. Well at lest she didn't get sold into slavery that was always a plus but if her father ever finds out she had broke the law it might not be a the worse fate she could have met. It was time to see what the old shugenja had in store for her.

"Come on fluffy one before they do decide to sell us into slavery."
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa agressively looked up from where the bolt was fired only to meet a horrifying sight nigh-all of the crossbows around the hall had been aimed at her. Lowering her cute little ears once more, Nyssas expression changed from a happy grin to a scared kitten.

As soon as Emi's ring was in place, Nyssa could feel the anklet warm and tighten up, stopping it's pressure just short of uncomfortably tight. The odd sense of Emi's presence quickly lodged into the Kitsunes mind, what exactly were these anklets? Nevertheless poor Nysa was scared out of her mind right now and didn't really question it.

"NOW GET OUT!" the magistrate exclaimed with a booming voice, obviously not pleased with either of the girls. Nysa quickly ran up to Nysa and tugged her lightly as if to speed the girl out of here
"Come on fluffy one before they do decide to sell us into slavery.". The kitsune nodded eagerly and quickly made her way out.
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

As the two left the room, the doors slammed shut behind them and they were hustled out of the building, Gregor standing there and grinning like a cat, the key to their manacles in his hand. "Welcome ladies! To your Punishment! It's very simple" He said grinning widely and gesturing grandly around them.

"You will be going to the Desert, on foot, without exception. Your anklets will keep you from mounting any beast of burden, nor a carriage. Attempting to fly will yield similar results, and magical travel will set you back. You will continue until you reach the Desert and you will be given the next part of your task. You will not be free until I say so, and you will be unable to move more then 50 yards from eachother. Its unpleasant if you do, I don't suggest it." He said snickering softly.

"If you need me, simply shout my name, And if I decide its an emergency, I'll come to help. Otherwise, you're on your own, I should probably note that you will be sharing dreams as well and have 6 months to reach your goal. If you fail, you will become two minds, in one body. It's unpleasant." He said darkly, his eyes narrowing before he turned and lightning struck him with a blinding flash, leaving nothing there then a black scorch mark on the street.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi blinked as the shugenja telported away slightly stunned by the revaluation. "Two minds in one body?" Looking over at the fluffy one Emi repressed a shudder it didn't sound pleasant not to mention their combined appearance could be horrifying. Shrugging that horrible image aside Emi did her best to reign in her fox tailed companion. "Hey fluffy one do you know where this desert the shugenja mentioned is?" While waiting hopefully for an answer Emi looked about to see if her gear had been brought to her.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa partly listened to the man and partly just gazed at the suns reflections on his head. Hair did not seem to come across that land for a very, very long time. Though she did hear something along the lines of horrible punishment if they don't reach something in the desert. The Kitsune decided she'd just fill the gaps in with vivid imagination.

With a bright flash, the man disappeared, removing the restraits from Nysa... well almost all restraints. The kitsune quickly darted around in curiousity around the spot where the man disappeared, how did he do that?!

"Hey fluffy one do you know where this desert the shugenja mentioned is?" suddenly the Kitsune stopped dead in her tracks and looked over her new accomplice with great curiousity. The swordgirl had obvious signs of corruption, but did not seem evil by herself.
"Mffffhh anff gnnnfff mhmmma hhhnmmm?" someone should really help the Kitsune remove the cloth gag from her mouth... if they dare.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi looked down at the mumbling girl and chuckled silently to her self while keeping an air of calm around her. Raising an eyebrow at the humorous sight she keeled down to the Kitsunes height. "Fluffy one you have gag in your mouth would you like me to remove it?" Mistaking a group of mumbles for a yes Emi reached out and pulled the gag free hoping that she didn't just make the biggest mistake of her life. After all the guards had gagged her for a reason.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"O~ Thank you!" Nysa jumped up and hugged Emi warmly "Hi my names Nyssa. What's yours? hahaha~ that sounds funny. Did you so those meanies inside! They almost hit me and cut my dress! Do you like it I just found it, a lady said it's too big, but I said nuh-uh silly. But then she got angry because I bit an apple. Do you you like apples? You have funny eyes, what happened? OH! And I love desert lets go find some!"

Dear lord, she said all that without stopping. One could only guess the gag just slowly but surely built ALL that up in there and it just exploded into one great big quick speech.

Though as if expecting answers to everything Nysa swayed her tail and hips cutely and looked right at Emi with her big blue eyes.
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Her surprise at the sudden hug wore off and Emi did her best to answer all of Nysa's question but kept getting interrupted with each new one that spilled forth. "My name is Emi Sora samru.... Yes I di......its a very pretty....Yes apples are.... What do you mean whats wrong with my eyes?"

Giving up on keeping up with Nysa's questions Emi just sighed and began to fully realize that this was a far more cruel torture than being eaten alive by ants. "Nysa Gregor said we have to go to the desert or we will be stuck like this forever (or worse if the old shugenja wasn't lying). Have you seen my equipment and we should buy some supplies for a long journey." Hopefully the playful attitude of her new companion only hid truly seasoned adventure." But as Emi watched Nysa chase a butterfly she could feel the tell tale signs of her eye twitch beginning anew.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Thankfully Emi was saved from the onslaught of questions and insanity from her new companion by a guard striding forward with their confiscated equipment in hand, most of it a rather impressive amount of weaponry for the tainted samurai. Setting it on the ground, and eyeing the Kitsune suspiciously, he left as simply as he had come, not wanting to be around the two exiled women. If they took the time to search, they would find no coin in their purses, only identical notes that read. "Taken as recompense for damages incurred"

Although penniless, at least they had all their equipment, although the samurai was probably the happier of the two considering the goofy kitsune had little in the way of gear to begin with.

The sun was high in sky, signalling noon or a little after and they had their task. But the people in the town shunned them as the exiles they were, word apparently spreading fast about the two and their punishment, refusing to even look at them directly, regardless of what they wanted or needed. They were on their own.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nyssa approached the pile of junk eyeing it curiously, a particulary familiar butterfly wing sticking out of the side of her mouth. When suddenly something caught her eye as she greedily shunned most of the light armor platings and weapons aside to reveal a rather average looking stick "YAY!" the Kitsune victoriously raised her stick and started doing laps around the samurai girl. To be fair it was a darn fine stick from nice thick wood. Heck it even gave off a pleasant scent of sap too.

"I bet we'll be best friends! We'll go camping, fishing, we'll comb our tails and you'll always cook something yummy~! Oh~ We'll have so much fun~!" Nysa continued running around Emi for some time as the girl got her gear in check. Though when she was ready both girls went on to try and get some supplies.

Reaching a rather active merchant street Nysa quickly abbandoned Emi and started darting from stool to stool trying get freebies, absolutely shamelessly ofcourse. Though the populace seemed to not give way at all as most of them either stopped her in the act or forcefully shoo'ed her away.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi kept her mouth shut as she checked over her gear making sure none of the brutes that had handled it damaged anything. Not to mention she didn't want to break the little girls heart or be the next target of her insanity. After all she had no tail to comb and she was sure that Nysa would be rather disappointed at her cooking ability.

Satisfied that her gear hadn't been damaged by the thugs Emi checked her purse only to find a simple note. "Damages incurred? I didn't set the fire and by no means would the chair and glasses I broke cost 50 denari to replace." Irked and annoyed Emi could only sigh. "Well Nysa looks like we get to go camping and fishing sooner than we thought."

Following the road that she vaguely remembered from her brief exploration of the town before the incident at the tavern Emi came across a busy market street that would at lest lead them to the gates of the city. Watching Nysa run from table to table Emi looked stern but deep inside she was amused by the little girls antics but as Nysa drew further and further away Emi could feel a slight tingle on her left ankle. Puzzled at first Emi soon recalled Gregors words. "NYSA STOP!" hopefully Nysa would at lest heed her words before some of the side effects of their new accessory activated. If she was successful in she would apologize to the young girl for shouting and remind her of what Gregor said.
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Thankfully a smoked fish stand had already stopped the Kitsune seemingly at the very edge of the anklets safe zone. "But Emi~ I'm hungry!" Nysa slowly reached for one of the more succulent looking fish when suddenly the fish mongers knife forcefully struck near the girl "None fo you!" the smelly man pretty much coughed up his words.

Nysa blinked a few times making an innocent straight face she looked the fishmonger dead in the eye, while moving her other hand in plain view towards the most nearby fish. "I said this is not FOR YOU!" the man screamed out at the poor little thief and in a thretening manner pointed his finger right infront of Nysa "Now get away from my table, FREAK!" the Kitsunes eyes greatly narrowing as her tail started swishing side to side ever so slightly.

Well ofcourse Nysa reacted in the only proper she could. Moments later the Kitsune strongly bit down on the merchants finger, her jaw not strong enough to bite it off, but dangit those tiny fangs will leave a mark!
Not a poisonous bite
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

As Nysa continued to act like a complete and utter spaz, managing to annoy every merchant on the street, at least the beggars were amused, most offering a slight chuckle before it turned into uproarious laughter as the fish monger took a bite in exchange for his prior insult. Shouting loudly and bonking the Kitsune in the forehead with the flat of his hand to get her to let go, He looked at the bite and scowled, brandishing the fillet knife he held in one hand menacingly. ""Be grateful I don't want to cut up a child" He said quietly.

Thankfully, it seemed the Kitsune had stopped at the absolute limit of the anklets binding, but the humming of the metal was starting to get annoying, although they would both find it lessened considerably the closer they got to each other. All in all, between the ridicule of Lockacres poorest citizens, and Nysa's childlike attitude, the fish monger grudgingly tossed the kitsune a fish just to get her to go away, although further attempts to annoy him would yield no further gifts.

Emi found all of her equipment as pristine as it was when it had been taken from her, although in need of a light oiling which was simple maintenance.The Desert awaited, but 6 months was more then enough time to make it on foot although dawdling was ill advised. It was going to be interesting for the tainted samurai at the very least trying to keep up with the seemingly endless antics of her smaller companion, and keeping her on track. Whether she liked it or not, they were in this together, and nothing was going to change that any time soon.

The river that ran through Lockacre, and granted the town it's prosperity looked particularly beautiful today as the breeze wafted through the town and brought the smell of a nearby apple orchard to Nysa's sensitive nose, which was probably great for her at least. The smell seemed to be coming from the southwest, following the road out of town.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa slightly turned her head 'Child?' a cute giggle escaped the Kitsune "I'm a grown girl, stu~pid"(baka~) though the slight remark seemingly fel on deaf ears as the man was far too busy worrying at the comical sight he became. That silly fishmonger, sure she was short, ran around like an utter spaz and overall acted like an unquestionable child, but to make such a mistake yeesh... So he was both mean and unperceptive.

Whether the man finally warmed up to the childish Kitsune or whether he just wanted to get rid of the pest was up for question, but he grabbed one of his fish and threw it dismissively to Nysa his glance obviously telling the girl to get lost already.

"Thank you~!" Nysa gave the man a small curtsey and ran under a nearby shade to om-nom-nom her freebie dinner. Finally something kept the girl still for a moment.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi watched the scene unfold before her and only quickened her step when the knife brandishing began. But seeming as soon as it begun it ended and once again she went back to her measured pace. After catching up with the young woman as it turned out Emi stood and looked down at her. "Come on Fluffy one we should get moving they will not let us stay in the city over night and we don't have any coin to do so even if they did." Turning on her heel Emi began walking away heading for the gates keeping an ear out for the anklet letting her know if Nysa was at lest nearby.