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Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

After getting her fingertips hurt Nysa was rather reluctant about this whole training business, but still... she said she'd follow Emi. Perhaps one more time...

With the samurai girls close instructions Nysa pulled the string with slightly more force, her hand almost wobbling from the pressure and let go! The arrow actually took decent flight! It was 2 feet off target, but it flew and reached the aimed object! The Kitsunes eyes widened "Oh~~" Nysa looked back at Emi and quickly hugged her "Nysa's an expert warrior now! Thanks Emi~!" Well to be fair it was progress and very good progress at that, but Nysa seemed to be flatout too weak use the bow to full effect.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Well she was far from an expert warrior but with a little persistence and training she could be a decent archer which would probably save her life in the upcoming trials ahead. "Just keep practicing and you'll be an expert archer in no time. If you want to take a few more shots go a head but we should get moving soon." Emi once again looked at the map she had gotten trying to gauge how far away the nearest mark on the map from the town was.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

The nearest marking on the map appeared to be roughly a half mile away, not a huge distance by any means. The children had all slipped their shackles by now and headed off without hesitation, whether they had a destination or not was completely unknown, but Sue had left holding the hammer in one hand and a short sword in the other.

The marking on the map in question was a chest with three slash marks and what looked like a hooded face above it. What the hell that meant was anyone's guess but if the slavers had anyone else hidden, it would probably be somewhere on this map, as would any stash points or meeting places for potential buyers.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi didn't regard the children as they moved off on their own accord but knew that most of them would be in serious trouble in no time. Whether from slavers or just wild creatures. Doubting that they would listen to her she had to act fast. "Okay Nysa where going to check on this location in the woods maybe their is some supplies we could use." Looking at her tailed and collared companion Emi felt bed for the young woman but feeling bad would not save the day only action could help them now. "When we get close Im going to scout the camp out I want you to put your new found bow skills to work and give me covering fire if there are more bandits there okay?"
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"Aye Sir!" Nysa quickly stood at attention clumsily giving a salute to Emi as she followed her off, her tail swishing happily. Looks like she trusted herself completely over the samurai now. That poor poor samurai....
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

The path to the location on the map was simple enough, although it was highly confusing when they reached it, being a small clearing amongst the trees with no discernable significance whatsoever. Although there didn't seem to be any grass growing between the trees which was strange.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi eyed the scene and was a little concerned. Turning to her somewhat weakened companion Emi spoke in a whisper. "Okay Nysa climb this tree and keep an eye out if you see any bandits give a shout okay. You may even get a chance to practice your expert bow skills." With that said Emi checked her gear freeing it of any hindrances before sneaking out to the clearing keeping an eye out for any ambushes.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa nodded eagerly at the girl and quickly got to climbing up a nearby tree, with surprising finesse actually. Seems all the years of joyfully playing in the woods would pay off atleast somewhat.

Getting comfy on a bigger branch Nysa, moved aside some leaves and look around, for any potential danger. Even for her this place smelled of possible trouble.

The Kitsune looked down and with a half-shout called out to Emi "Ready, Emi~" as an arrow in hand and placed on the bow, ready to fire... Though judging by her past training Emi may be on her own if things go too sour.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

As Nysa positioned herself in the tree to overwatch everything, Emi snuck into the clearing to look around. As before the ground was what seemed the most unnatural about everything even as the pillar of sunlight illuminated Emi and everything else in the clearing with a soft glare that forced a mild warmth to permeate the area. Emi found nothing else besides the clearing, the ground devoid of any grass or other plantlife growing there, and the shadows of the surrounding trees, but as she moved, she scuffed the dirt with a step and felt something else beneath her, the dirt that covered the ground seeming unusually loose beneath the footing of the practiced warrior.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Maybe this was it? Who knew what the slavers had hidden here. Hopefully it wasn't a mass grave or the like. Still it was worth investigating. Emi kneeled down and scoped some of the dirt away hopefully it wasn't to deep she didn't have a shovel to dig with.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa leaned out, looking curiously at what Emi was doing. This was no time to be playing in mud! Still she'd keep the bow in hand and eye the results with great interest.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

It took a little work, but the dirt itself was fresh, lose. After the first few swipes of her hand however, Emi found exactly what her hunch had pointed her to. There was a trap door underneath her hidden by the dirt. It wasn't greatest hiding job ever, but given that it was in a clearing most people wouldn't check with much interest, it had obviously served it's purpose.

The door itself was made of old split pine that smelled strongly of stale air and must, the dust coming through in a soft gasp of air as the splits in the wood were uncovered and the trapped air underneath leaked out. A single iron ring set near one side was the easiest way to lift the hinged contraption itself and revealed a worn set of stone stairs. Beyond that there was no telling as it was dark inside, but the light from the sun shining overhead showed that it was deep, and that there were several unlit torches and a tinderbox sitting about halfway down in a small alcove.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

The Kitsune got so curious that she dcided to really lean out! A little bit too much actually as she suddenly felt the branch slowly go down along with her "Oh?~! KYAAAH!~!!" Nysa quickly grabbed the branch, which thankfully didn't flatout break off, but simply bend down dropping the Kitsune on the ground from a fairly low height.

Nysa quickly ran up to Emi, her curiousity would not be denied "Whats is it? What is it? Oh~ Secret door..." the kitsune wiggled her tails with interest, but didn't do anything else. Oh~ if only she had her magic right about now...
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi's eye twitched wasn't Nysa supposed to be watching out for danger. Sighing Emi collected herself she should be happy that the girl listened to her at all even if it was short lived. "Yes I think so but it will probably be dangerous so keep your sword ready a bow will almost be useless down here." With that Emi headed down the stairs trying to silent as possible.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa followed Emi to down the stairs her eyes wide and innocent, almost hugging Emi from behind "Emi, Emi! I can't see... Emi... let's go back, it's too scary. Nysa scared, Emi~" the Kitsune clutched tightly into the samurais shoulder obviously she was scared out of her wits... goodness forbid something actually jumped the duo. Poor Nysa never had to worry about anything with her magics by her side... but now.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Well that didn't take to long. "Nysa its okay smell the air we are probably safe still if your worried grab a torch and use the tinderbox to light it. That should give us some light and stay behind me I will try and protect you as best as I can."
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

It was a very nice assumption that a free Kitsune who always abused and relied on her magic knew how to actually light a darn torch without shooting fire at it... but that didn't mean the assumption was correct. Nysa took one of the unlit torches and just eyed the tinderbox for a moment constantly keeping within inches of the samurai girl. "Emi... how does this work?" the girl bonked the tinker and torch end a few times, to no avail. It may seem common knowdlege, but Nysa off all things was not a common Kitsune.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"I see" Emi kept her composure and took the two objects from Nysa. "Well first you take the metal ring in one hand like so." Emi held the D shaped metal so that her fingers where in the open part of the metal D much like a cup handle. "Then Nysa you grab the flint." Emi showed the kitsune the chunk of rock included in the kit. "Now what you want to do is strike the two together to get a spark. It may take a couple of tries but you can do it. Now you want the spark to hit the torch head like so." Emi used the flint and steel to create a spark giving it a few tries to to light the torch. "There you go Nysa thats how that works." Emi smiled it was going to be a long trip.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa eyed the proceeding with great interest wagging her tail froms ide to side and gently twitching her ears "Oh~" with the torch lit, Nysa would be the bearer of light for now, it was likely one of the few things she was useful for at the moment "Nysa hopes she won't need tinder for fire. Emi will help Nysa get her magic back" the Kitsune grinned happily at the samurai, oblivious to just how high a task that was. Still with fire in hand the Kitsune wasn't a cowardly mess she was when they entered, though she still remained mere inches from the samurai girl.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

The flickering light from the torch easily illuminated a good section of the hallway, and it was childs play to use that light to light the small sconces holding other torches along the walls, the tunnel itself showing to be roughly hewn stone blocks set without mortar. A hasty rushed job, but a sturdy one nonetheless as far as stonemason was concerned. The path itself continued straight onwards for quite a way, the light flickering across the walls and floor ahead of them only to spill onto the entrance of a spiral staircase made of iron heading further down. From the look of things above, it seemed the path split at the bottom to their left and right.

With Nysa being next to useless currently in the role of decision maker, it was probably up to Emi to decide their route. The staircase itself proved to be both sturdy and well made and the pathways open to them revealed next to nothing about their destination, probably leading into a network of tunnels used by the slavers and anyone else of ill repute to run illegal goods of varying kinds. Maybe that was what some of the strange lines on the map were....