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Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Thankfully their encounter was quick and silent though it could have been better planned. Scowling slightly Emi approached Nysa. Thankfully she controlled her voice. "Nysa next time we plan an ambush please do not run out into the open with a lit torch unless its part of the plan. What if those sentries had raised the alarm or worse had bows. I cannot heal your wounds or my wounds Nysa remember that." Emi tried to control her voice but it had the slight tremor that gave away when someone was angry. "Now lets hide the bodies in one of the side passages here." Taking the loot Emi hide the bodies in one of the other passages leaving the one they had come out of empty. "Okay Nysa no torches we will let the sentries light give us direction it should hide us better."
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"Torch is out Emi~" Nysa waved happily to the samurai girl "So~ what's the plan?" and just how long did she survive on her own for? Nevertheless seemed whatever deities watch over careless Kitsunes trully intervened this time around to save the girls from their gloomy fates.

Nysa listened to the rather calm and reasonable, even if with a hint of anger explanation on why and how she should not actively try to get both girls in killed or worse, making the Kitsune lower her ears in guilt "S-sorry Emi..." still she helped out in whatever way her meek body could help out and continued to follow Emis lead.
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

With those ears Emi couldn't be made for long it was like scolding a puppy still she had to be serious it was obviously for the girls best interest. Still sounding stern Emi spoke again. "Apology accepted but remember Nysa we only have each other here every thing we do must be thought out. Now quickly we have some more guards to take out."
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa helped out in whatever way she could in dragging the bodies, though most of the pressure fel on Emi. The Kitsune just didn't have the phisical prowess to drag around armored guards. Still Nysa atleast ripped parts of the corpse clean pants and tried to soak up and clean whatever blood was splattered around. It wasn't particualary effective, but atleast it wasn't the obvious brutal sight it used to be.

"Ready Emi~" Nysa threw the bloodied rags back onto the hidden corpses and quickly joined Emi, to wherever they proceeded
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

With the bodies hidden, and the road open to them as their intrusion had yet to be discovered, it became a tactical nightmare. There was a lot here they didn't fully understand, and information was important. Or they could just focus on killing everything that breathed down here and saving anyone they could. Still, it was time to move on. Both girls could be safe in the knowledge that the bodies were going to be hard to find in the dark, adn it would be awhile before anyone really began to worry about their abscence. Emi had particularly noticed that their outfits had lacked any kind of insignia, so they weren't part of any of the larger more well known groups... like a country military, so that was a major plus.

Heading further down, the side passages were still available, and the sentries further up were getting easier to notice as the tunnel began to become more properly lit, making hiding a little more difficult. However, once the ceiling began to rise, about 60 yards away from the next gathering of men, pillars would be seen supporting the ceiling every 20 feet or so, giving them something wide to hide behind if they had to. The next group of men was 4 in total, and were much more awake and alert then the other pair had been, as well as wearing what looked like heavy mail armour. They could try to find a way around, or just continue slashing their way through.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Keeping her voice in a whisper Emi turned to Nysa. "Okay Nysa these guards are heavier armed than the other ones we may need to find a way around. Stick with me and keep as quiet as we can. Unless you have an Idea Nysa" With that in mind Emi would keep to the shadows as much as possible and see if their where any way to flank or other wise out maneuver her opponents.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa peeked over Emis shoulder noting the heavily armored guards upfront, curiously eyeing the potential enemies. These looked to be way out of their league... "Okay Nysa these guards are heavier armed than the other ones we may need to find a way around. Stick with me and keep as quiet as we can. Unless you have an idea Nysa" the Kitsunes ears twitched lightly, the cogs in her head working overtime before they finally finished their work with a silent giggle "Aye~" she nodded eagerly... amazingly she actually had a different idea "Let's go explore over there Emi." she pointed casually to a sidepassage on their left and smiled hopefully at the samurai.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi looked at the passage Nysa pointed out but with the choices at hand might as well let the Kitsune pick which way they explore first. "Okay Nysa we need to stay quiet." She would follow the kitsune as dangerous as that was getting every hour they seemed to be together.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

The side passage the pair entered turned out to be surprisingly unguarded, and really that was a blessing. It was highly likely that with the group above dead, that this post for whatever was going on was now understaffed, and thankfully no one had figured it out yet. Dark, dank, and blessedly empty, both Emi and Nysa found themselves looking at steadily more and more well kept stones and wooden doors. Every one of these doors was closed, a total of 4, 2 on each side but otherwise utterly identical.

The wood, slightly warped with age, but still thick and solid with a heavy iron ring set into it's center, both women realised that none of them were locked, and the two on their right had muffled noises coming from them. The passage itself continued onwards into a steadily rising staircase that according to the map, led to another part of the village. They were free to check all of the doors in any way the chose, but the realisation that eventually the slavers above would be missed was slowly sinking in, and their time was starting to run short.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysas eyes widened at the sight, so many mysteries in one hallway. Now which one to explore first!? The Kitsune swshed her tail happily and pointed to the first door on the left, before starting "Eeny meeny miny moe~ catch the wolfie by the toe~ if that wolfie is couragious~ You should feel oh~ spontagious~" noone was really sure if Nysa kept to the right counting, but her finger landed at the further door on the right. "How about that one Emi?" the Kitsune grinned happily.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi nodded and put a finger to her lips to signal silence as the approached the door. Readying herself Emi gestured for Nysa to open the door to see what lay beyond.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Usually Nysa would just non-chalantly open the door and plainly peek inside... but Emi did scold her quite recently to be more subtle. So instead of just slaming the door open Nysa carefully pressed down the lever and opened just enough for both girls to catch a peak inside.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

The room they had chosen was revealed to be either some kind of prison, or a torture chamber, or both and thankfully both women's spying was still unnoticed by the single, behemoth of a man sharpening a very long, and twisted knife as several people cowered and whimpered within iron barred cells against the far wall, all staring at the floor, seeming broken and defeated save one. The One, was a man, strapped tightly to a chair, his arms and legs bound completely to the wood with leather straps and was completely nude, several vicious looking and uniformly bar shaped burn marks across his chest and thighs.

Refusing to speak as he glared at his tormentor, the dark haired and tortured man was of an athletic build and bore several strange tatoos down one arm, the bright green ink across his tan flesh swirling into several shapes that were simply impossible to make out at this distance.

As the man sharpening the knife finished slowly grinding it against a stone and walked into plainer view, they would see he was clad in thick leather armour with segmented leather plates across his back and chest, and down his left arm, the metal stitched into the leather there seeming far heavier, and much thicker then the other plates almost like a banded shield. His hair was a dirty red and his lips were thin and twisted into a cruel smile before speaking. "So... It's been three hours of this, and I'm not getting bored. Where is she?" He asked dangerously quiet, the captured man refusing to answer only earning him the hissing pain of having the blade drawn across his right unadorned arm, blood welling in a thin line from the wound.

"I'll still kill you, and you will break eventually, and then you'll sing like a songbird, I'll get what I want, and have a great deal of fun doing it" The armoured man hissed, grinning still, a mad glint to his eyes as he let them roam the room, looking at the other devices that adorned his lair, several bloodstained tables, benches, and even a rack set along the walls, and a table near the cells set with thumb screws behind which sat a wall of some of the cruelest looking blades and steel implements either woman had ever seen, the man was an obvious sadist and took a great deal of pride in his work, his captor wouldn't be able to hold out for long and the injuries he already had seemed only to be a warm up before the main event given the equipment within this room.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi had seen enough had heard enough and well just had enough. Rushing she only had eyes for the torture going about his grisly work. Drawing upon her focus Emi drew her blade in a quick succession of strikes at the villain. He was big so she kept herself light on her feet.

Emi attacks using lighting strikes, death from draw, Spirited Warrior X=5, and battle dance if the bastard survives all that. so it should be 3 attacks at +63 hit d12 + 36 dmg +12 dodge (72) -4hp per round ignoring av and +10 damage from spirited warrior
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

As Emi lunged forward seemingly possesed Nysa quickly ran to the prisoner, making double sure to make as wide an arc around the sadistic creature as possible, even hugging the walls if need be. Hopefully the samurai was more than a match against her opponent and it would not turn it's gaze to the helpless mage.

The Kitsune would quickly run up to the man and see if she had a way to free him, be it a clumsly slam against any bindings, attempts to undo the bindings or what have you. She'd be all over it, perhaps the man could even help Emi out.
Attempt to free mr. Tattoo
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Status: Emi: Hp: 52 Ep: 34 Pp: 39, Fine.
Nysa: Hp: 42 Ep: 67 Pp: 74, Fine.

Emi 19+63=82 vs 56=50+6 Hit for 8+46
Emi 6+63=69 vs 70=50+20 Miss
Emi 12+63=75 vs 63=50+13 Hit for 1+46
Total Damage=101-10=91 o_O Need to give you something Nastier... Dead

Nysa, Nat 1 for freeing bound man, epic fail, Nysa steps on her own tail and trips not 2 feet into the room.

Well maybe a little more recon had been called for, but Emi charged in without a second thought and before the Torturer could really react to such a violent and upfront attack, 2 vicious blows had been torn through his arm and chest, blood spraying violently in a wide arc as he fell to the ground, if anything making the tainted samurai only look more insane then she already did as the prisoners just stared in shock and the man heaved a sigh of relief.

Nysa however had tried to follow, and in her haste had somehow miraculously managed to step on her own tail and faceplant rather gloriously into the floor, smacking her head with a whiney groan and missing the entire thing, only looking up in time to see the man laying on the ground in a growing pool of his own blood. The bound man, who had been silent this entire time, looked at Emi and sighed. "So, um... Thanks. Would you mind?" He said rather raspily, lifting his hands slightly under the leather hoping the samurai would release him rather then cutting him down as well. It was always nice to assume the best when something like this happened after all, although he stayed silent and waited to see what the pair would do, though he was grateful to not be under the torturer's knife anymore, if she was there to kill him, then at least it would be quick if his tormentor's fate was any indication...
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

It was just not the poor Kitsunes day... Nysa quickly got to running to help the man, only a waist high-wall in her way. The heroine stuck her tongue out and powered up her wind magic to easily leap over the obstacle... no wait! *POOF!* she didn't make the minor jump...

Nysa quickly grabbed her face, the stinging and burning pain coupled, with red blush made sure she was busy yelping in dismay while Emi actually slew the monstrous opponent. Well hey atleast Nysa tried...

Still with the enemy beaten, she could help Emi and the man now. At the very least provide morale support.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi's chest heaved her blood lust far from sated but there where no foes at hand. After a moment her breathing returned to normal and she used springwind to cut the man's bindings without a word. Bending down she searched the jailor for keys to the cells.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

The man rose slowly, and carefully, eyeing the pair as if her were still afraid of accidentally insulting his would be rescuers as Emi searched the corpse for keys. Of course it would be too much to ask that nothing else happened, because as Emi knelt nearby to rifle his body, his eye's snapped open with an angry hiss, blood spattering from his lips as his arm shot out to grab the samurai's, before his eye's rolled up and a wet gurgle sounded from his throat, his grip going slack as he finally died, and this time, he was kind enough to stay dead.

The keys, hanging from his belt were easily found, and she could unlock all of the cages, though the tattoo'd man was heading to his bench and retrieving his tattered pants, as well as a drink from a canteen, the rest of the water being poured over his burn wounds as he hissed in pain through his teeth.

"Really, thank you for the rescue, But why are you here? This place... it's no place for the casual exploring, you have to have a reason" He said quietly, eyeing Nysa in particular and looking at her collar, as if he recognized the metal work, though he didn't speak on it. "Tell me, the children, there's a village nearby above ground, tell me the children are alright" He seemed to have a personal interest in their survival, and judging from the old burn scar on his body, that were random and varying, he could very well be the town's blacksmith...
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa nodded eargerly "Aye! They're free!" she grinned happily, but visibly dimmed her mood when she remember what occured fully "...but they refused out help and..." her ears flat against her head she turned to Emi hoping the samurai would explain one of the childs fate. It was true they were free, but the recent incident did cause one of their leaders or heroes to perish, not to mention the rest of them to wander off. The poor Kitsune didn't have the heart to tell it to the man.