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Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Looking away Emi had to struggle a brief moment to speak. "We freed them and killed the slavers above. Im afraid that we failed to act in time to save one of the children. He died from his wounds. The other children have grouped together and fled somewhere blaming us for his death. Its a burden we both share though some of us have been punished more severely than the other." Emi looked over at Nysa sympathy in her eyes. "Either way I will not abide this atrocity to continue and weakened as we are both of us will do our best to free any survivors down here."
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

There will be time for an explanation later I think... If you bear guilt then something could have been done differently. For now, we should do something about the rest of the people here, get them back above ground, and deal with the road. I have a friend farther inside with the power to level this place, but we need to find him. My name is Requis the man said, his eyes glowering slightly as he dug around and found the rest of his gear.

Surprisingly, he had no weapon, instead strapping two thick metal kite shields to his forearms after poking around some more. Annoying... My Armour is Gone he grumbled, the same green swirling tribals adorning his shields, made of a dark, shineless metal as he glared at the dead Jailor, before smashing a shield down edge first, severing his head.

Looking at the pair of women, he waited for their thoughts, and for Emi to free the other prisoners while drinking again, still in fairly rough shape but standing and willing to fight.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi felt her loins tingle at the sight of the man but went back to her task. Freeing the keys and what ever else of value the jailor may have had before heading to the cells and unlocking them. "Any of you still willing to hold a blade and use it arm yourselves. Nysa please check the passage way."
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa swished her tail happily "Requis?" she giggled happily "That's a funny name. My name's Nysa and this is Emi~, she's a samurai." the kitsune nodded firmly.

Watching Requis sever the head Nysa couldn't help, but look away in fright and disgust "Ew~..." she eyed the double shielded knight briefly as Emi looted the body "Are you a knight? I've met a knight once he had a sword and shield, where's your sword? Why is it called sword and board?" she looked to the man curiously. Of all the people in this dark, grim dungeon Nysa was kinda the stand out.

Emi sighed lightly unlocking all the prisoners "Nysa, please check the passage way." Nysa nodded lightly and quickly ran back to look for any incoming enemies, only peeking outside not daring step outside without Emi's permision.
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

As Nysa peered outside, Requis obviously not much in the mood for further speaking, the other prisoners all nodded grimly, all wanting to go home, and snatched up the torturers odd assortment of blades and knives, looking more then a little angry, and quite happy to deal with any problems heading their way currently. Although they were probably only interested in just getting back to their village.

Requis however had already stated his plan, and was fully intent on moving with or without the two girls or anyone else for that matter as he moved towards the door. I'd ask why you're wearing that collar, but I can guess little fox. But step aside, maybe when I figure out exactly why someone put it on you, I'll help get it off. Maybe. For now we need to handle this place

Nysa, probably more then happy to move, due to the fact that two guards were walking down the hallway straight towards them, was roughly shoved aside, not by Requis, but by the angry mob of prisoners, who tore passed the girl, and proceeded to butcher the guards in a screaming fury, before charging back the way the girls had come. Yup, they were the villagers, some of them anyway.

Emi would probably also note that with this distraction, if they were going to head deeper, or escape, this was there best real chance, and Requis seemed to set her body on fire, there was nothing wrong with following a violent, shield toting, blacksmith straight into a possibly lethal situation... right? Right.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysas ears shot up at the promise of helping her end this dreadful punishment beset in her. Looked like she found a new friend! The Kitsune would quickly get behind the man keen on following him through with whatever plan he had, helping out in the whatever meek way she could.

The girl turned to her companion "Come on Emi! Let's help Rekki! He'll help Nysa too!" she grinned happily calling over her samurai friend.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi nodded in agreement as it suited her intent to see this threw. Following the blacksmiths lead they would look for his powerful friend the more help they can get the better off they would be.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

The shield bearing blacksmith wrinkled his nose slightly at the odd nickname, but otherwise maintained his silence as he raised his shields and looked around before checking the other doors. The other rooms all seemed to be emtpy holding cells, with shackles, leg irons, collars, cells, and another torture room.

Seeming glad that they hadn't found anything to indicate his missing friend, he looked at the two women "So he wasn't captured with me, we still need to find him, there's only two routes to take, further down the main tunnel, or the back path here" He said pointing to the end of the hallway they were in, though he seemed like he'd rather not take the main path now that there were probably slavers filling it and chasing the villagers, or fighting them... Regardless it had garnered a lot of attention.

There decision was made for them when an explosion was heard down the back path, and Requis started running Yup! That's Horus! He shouted, his shields raised like a wall of steel as he moved.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Well it was either follow Rekki or join the bloodthirsty mob... Nysa quickly scurried after the shield-bearer, glancing back to make sure Emi was right behind her as well. The samurai girl still remained the only one the Kitsune trusted right now...
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi followed close behind sheathing her blade. At the sound of battle her blood lust started to boil to the surface again so it was probably best she didn't have the blade at the ready.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Following the ironclad walking wall of metal was probably for the best, given the bloodthirsty samurai's disposition, and the currently crippled nature of Nysa. Down the darkening path they went, and keeping up with Requis was difficult all on it's own, the athletic man setting a punishing pace as he blasted through the corridors. They passed doors, torches, and more then a few, broken, confused faces when they barrelled into a large room.

Torches lined the walls, high above reach as Requis literally smashed through the wooden door that led inside, and what greeted them were the faces of slaves, chained by the neck to the walls without much freedom to move, blood, gore, and other assorted bits of people scattered around a smoking hole in it's center. Looking up gave the girls their first look at Requis' Companion, Horus.

Standing above it all, on a small, most likely self made platform of shimmering energy, was a practically ancient looking man, his dark red robes bearing the mark of an Empire Warmage from before the invasion emblazoned across his back in gold leaf, his hands still glowing with whatever power he had used to just dispatch his opponent. Matted, bloodsoaked black hair hung down his back in tatters, stopping just passed his shoulders as he looked around, his face a twisted visage of hatred and rage before he landed in the crater, and dusted off his hands.

Horus! So you are alive, I wondered at that blast. What happened? Requis said, striding up to the man without a second thought and turning him to look at his head, a cut under his hair from some kind of blow now visible, and bleeding heavily. Sighing, the mage ran a hand over the wound, and it sealed as if it had never been there at all. Led here with that damnedable collar in place, took me this long to crack the thing and deal with the men holding the leash. It's done now. He answered, his voice practically dripping with venom. I assume that if you're here, then you slipped your own bonds, what of the others?

They're Fine, thank the women here for not having to come to my rescue, they said the children are free and moving into the forest, probably towards the next village. But we need to deal with this, something else dug this tunnel, it's too clean, to well established to just pop up overnight. Requis said, looking around at the many people chained around the large, dirt floored room. Don't bother with them, they're completely broken, one and all. Horus said, turning now to look at Emi and Nysa, like Requis, his eyes lighting on the collar she wore. Now I have to ask, What she did to warrant that collar. Tell me child. He said, and for just an instant, he reminded Nysa of Gregor, that same, cold gaze flashing through his eyes, somewhere between anger and distrust and disappointment.

Such a thing is not done lightly. In fact, such a thing is almost never done. Who did you anger would be a more appropriate question, and why? Jilt the lover of a nobleman? Slight an Angel? I would hope not, because if I summon one here for this alone, and they were the ones that placed it, it would not go well for you Small Fox. In fact, even if they were to find you free to wield power again, it would be invasive, your mind and life picked over, your fate decided by choices both past and present.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi looked to the man taking a protective step between Nysa and the mage. "We have no time to deal with that at the moment. We should free all we can and punish those who have done such things." Emi looked to both men before moving to the slaves. "I will not leave these poor souls to die like dog chained to a wall broken or not they deserve a chance to escape to take back their lives if they can muster it." Emi check the keys she had to see if they would free the captives her blood-lust having calmed somewhat
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa lowered her gaze in an fairly guilty fashion, what she had done? It was more what she didn't do. Also a judgement of her past transgresions... she saved villages from bandits and starvation... but burnt a few estates aswell. Stopped invaders from devastating caravans and families, but burnt hefty sums of the forests in the process. She never meant it, a free spirit right to her core... but could she really stand an angels judgement... The kitsune raised her eyes to meet the mages cold piercing gaze at her, the sight almost making the childish girl yelp "N-Nysa--" thankfully Emi stepped in and said her peace, almost like a shield against the judging glare.

"Aye! Nysa can help!" thankfully it was one thing Nysa COULD do without much worry, if there were several keys the girls could get these folk out of chains asap.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Horus looked at Emi as she shielded Nysa from his intense scrutiny, and he smiled. Ahhh, the true test. Yes, be proud little fox, this woman here has already decided whether I trust you or not. And in this place, that is everything He said darkly, at both of them.

He did nothing to stop Emi and Nysa from freeing the people around the room, and some even had the sense to get up and walk away. but the question of horus remained. It seemed he was everything Requis wasn't. Where Requis had been concerned for the well being of the other villagers, Horus was more interested in their direct progress, not will to spend or waste time on things no immediately pressing for his attention, and if anyone here could claim pure arrogance in power, it was him.

The slaves that were too run down to move, simply laid there against the wall, and Requis promised to oversee their return to their homes, AFTER this current business was handled. The other door at the end of the room was still waiting for them, and Everyone present could tell, that through that door, marked the beginning of the end, of this enterprise. But how, who, or what, was uncertain in entirety.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa helped up whoever was too weak to stand, honestly it was getting harder and harder to keep her spirits up seeing all of these tortured souls here, in this dark and damp place. The gazes of the prisoners, too weak and seemingly already given up looked to Kitsune much to her heartache. Perhaps they won't give her apples, but how could she refuse those speechless cries for help. Soon enough both girls got the captives out of their cuffs with Requis, eaher to assist however he could.

Nysa swished her tail nervously, honestly she didn't want to spend even a moment longer here than needed. The cold floor, enclosed enviroments and oppressing atmosphere an absolutely contrast to what the Kitsune was used to. She cautiously approached the samurai girl and tugged lightly at her dress "Emi~ let's hurry~" the girl looked to Emi her ears pressed lightly against her head with great big begging eyes, between the butcher and all of these people hurt, Nysa just wanted to finish up getting everyone out and move on. And the end of this dreadful location hopefully rested right beyond the final door...
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi smiled at Nysa "For good or ill Nysa what lies behind this door will be the end of this part of our journey. Lets just make sure its not the end of our tail all together." Emi looked to the armored knight and spared a glance at the mage. "Nysa take Warriors Reach it is a part of me and if you treat it well it will serve you well." Emi offered her Naganata to Nysa it had been the first weapon she trained on and had always served her well not to mention that Nysa couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a bow. "You lead Ill follow Requis." Emi placed her hands on Spring Wind her blood pumping getting ready for the bloodshed ahead.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa eyed the weapon curiously "Emi..." the cute uncertainty in the Kitsunes voice brought a smile on the samurai gi- "Why does this sword have such a long handle? Emi had big hands? How did they shrink? Did you visit that hotsprings?" well on the brightside the gresture seemed to brighten the Kitsunes spirit, right on back to her spastic self "It's not a sword, Nysa. It's Naganata." well this was no time for training or explanation, likely the two men would not have it. Emi adjusted Nysas grip on the weapon and tapped her lightly between the ears "Oh... It's a spear!" "Naganata" Nysa curiously turned her head "Swordspear?"
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi looked at Nysa and spoke a "Naga...." "Swordspear?" "....Close enough." Emi sighed and made a silent apology to her old friend hopefully Nysa didn't find a way to damage him.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

And so it Begins.
Emi: Hp: 52 Ep: 34 Pp: 39, Fine.
Nysa: Hp: 42 Ep: 67 Pp: 74, Fine.
Requis ??? ??? ??? :Fine
Horus ??? ??? ??? :Fine

Requis nodded slowly before moving to the side of the door, before his tattoos started to glow a deep red rather then the usual green. Looking up at Horus with a surprised look on his face, the wizard responded with a grim expression before nodding. Sighing and looking like he wasn't going to like this one little bit, Requis moved in front of the door, before leaning back and kicking it in...

The door splintered before the lock broke and swung in to reveal a room, rather small all things considered with 4 torches lighting the corners and a large desk dominating the center. Sitting behind the desk was a creature that was probably not expected to be the thing leading this operation, in fact, now that they could see him, it was shocking that he hadn't moved out sooner, and he failed to so much as even acknowledge the broken door outside of a rather bored sounding Sigh.

Behind the desk, lounging in a chair, was a man with an alabaster white face, golden eyes framed by a waterfall of jet black hair, and to either side of him, were black, feathered, wings. Refusing to look up as he counted out the last of a pouch of coins and making a note in a leatherbound ledger, at least Emi and Nysa hoped it was leather.. He set the quill down and only then turned his attention to the people who had rudely intruded on his solitude.

You know, It's incredibly rude to enter without knocking. I take it you've been causing the ruckus, freeing my product, killing my men... Am I right in these assumptions? He asked quietly, touching his fingers together in front of his chest as he kicked his legs up on his desk and leaned back further, Are you Really the ones foolish enough to be doing all this? To have Specifically done the one thing that would anger me more then most? Mortals?

Requis and Horus just stayed silent, refusing to enter the small room where such a powerful creature sat, not wanting to limit their mobility, the round room outside it honestly a better battleground. Reaching up to brush his hands against a collar that framed his neck, the black angel tossed his hair behind him and leaned forward suddenly. You know, After I eviscerate each of you, I'm going to have to explain this to my Master, and she... well... Hrm, how do i put this gently. She's going to ressurect you just to flay the flesh from your bones over, and over, and over again for this slight. I'll even bring her whats left of the bodies! He suddenly shouted, standing up and kicking the desk through the door in a shower of wood and splinters, the coins littering the ground with the soft sound of metal on stone even as the explosion of the desk heralded the beginning of this battle, the Fallen One starting to pace out of his office, his wings folding around his leather adorned body, his expression dark... and hungry.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

This was not good. Emi was a skilled swords-woman and had fought many creatures in the past but this one was a first for her. A fallen angel a being of immense power and that was before what ever caused him to fall from grace. She had expected some sadistic slave master or maybe even a demon. Still she couldn't let herself be shaken by what this thing was for it would only lead to defeat. Instead she backed up waiting for the right moment her blood pumping her eyes scanning the room. If the ceiling was tall enough for this thing to fly then they where in for some trouble. Emi's eyes locked on the wings she would have clip them before it became an issue but it would be tricky. She needed to wait for the fallen one to get in the open so she could strike and not block the way for her allies. When her chance came she would have to strike true.

Waiting for a chance to strike when the Fallen angel is clear of the office
Spending 10ep on Spirited user for 2X bonus to attack
Using the following combo
Death from draw with Lighting Strikes and Battle dance (first round only)
3 attacks at +63 hit d12 + 36 dmg +12 dodge (72) -4hp per round ignoring av