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ACT [bubble gravity] うたかたグラビティ/ REISEN'S ACTION (RE198619, RJ198619)


The link works... I think the problem might lies in either your connection or browser.

that wouldn't make sense because then this would have happen a lot more if that was ture.

The link works... I think the problem might lies in either your connection or browser.

Or maybe he's still doesn't understand the riddle txt

Don't pick on him guys. I am actually trying to get the Megadownload working myself and get the exact same error. And yes I did figure the puzzle out, though I have to admit I was confused for about 1 minute.
Problem is: You piece the "puzzle" together and go on mega and the moment you click on "Download in browser" the "temporary error, try again" message pops up.
Yes tried several browsers, same problem. Other Megalinks seem to work.

Might try MEGAsync, maybe that will work, or just wait. Chances are it IS a temporary error.

So at least I can understand Bigshot here, even though his first messages kind of indicated he wasn't understanding the .txt thing.

Don't pick on him guys. I am actually trying to get the Megadownload working myself and get the exact same error. And yes I did figure the puzzle out, though I have to admit I was confused for about 1 minute.
Problem is: You piece the "puzzle" together and go on mega and the moment you click on "Download in browser" the "temporary error, try again" message pops up.
Yes tried several browsers, same problem. Other Megalinks seem to work.

Might try MEGAsync, maybe that will work, or just wait. Chances are it IS a temporary error.

So at least I can understand Bigshot here, even though his first messages kind of indicated he wasn't understanding the .txt thing.

Yeah it probably is just a browser (or potentially hardware) problem. It's kinda ridiculous to believe that someone who could post here (and you know find this site and register with all the technical skills that requires) would not be able to use Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v. To be honest, MEGA gives me problems to, though usually it tells me that my browser space is full even after I just cleared the damn space (never happens when I use firefox though). Though next time, he should report the error he is having and not simply say the link doesn't work.

Yeah it probably is just a browser (or potentially hardware) problem. It's kinda ridiculous to believe that someone who could post here (and you know find this site and register with all the technical skills that requires) would not be able to use Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v. To be honest, MEGA gives me problems to, though usually it tells me that my browser space is full even after I just cleared the damn space (never happens when I use firefox though). Though next time, he should report the error he is having and not simply say the link doesn't work.
Don't worry dood, it works just fine, people just need to pay more attention to their Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Vs, I reckon. Thx again.

I just plain can't download the text file - tells me my hard drive is almost full.

(It's because my hard drive was almost full)
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I've played some bad H-games in my time, but good god... Where do I start? Do I start at all? The gameplay's fucking awful. Level 3 is probably the most "fun" because you're not swamped with bullshit, but that's only cause the enemies aren't very challenging. As for the rest... There's two variations of a static enemy, an ethereal pair of hands that shoot energy. The second can throw them in any direction, and with the height you can('t) jump, the distance you can dash etc, they're almost impossible to evade. There's a flying enemy who, if it gets too close, will be behind the origin of your shots. Some level elements (buzz-saws on rails) can become detached from where they're meant to be. The fourth level has some stupid-ass mini-boss, basically a re-skin of the first boss - and this time without a health bar. The dash doesn't take you far enough to go through him, so you HAVE to take damage at some point. The level design is all over the fucking place, with no clear direction, I just somehow managed to stumble my way to each boss. Few health pickups and no way to heal in bossfights; leaving and re-entering a room will repopulate it. Weird controls (Duck + jump = dash, but you can't be pressing left/right, oh no.). No CR, only GOR, mediocre art and stiff animations, with the exception of the bosses which are slightly better quality. Yeah, this game's a pile of shit, wait for a full save if anyone can endure the torment and just peruse the gallery.

B-but it has a 4.29 rating on DLsite. So clearly, you are in the wrong. Clearly!

Also, you forgot to mention the perma-stucks in the wall sometimes, and the fact that her sprite looks as though she is a futa with that weird panty when the skirt is flipped...

For some reason any other keys besides Z, X, C does not work. I cannot scroll through the menu or move at all. I'm using dood's MEGA version.

The gameplay seems a bit caught, but the game is interesting, the best of all is that it is not so hard to play

yeah, tried it, was a little disappointed. Gonna wait for a full save for the h-content since even if you get a game over, the gallery does not unlock. I guess you have to finish the full game for this...

Oh and funny finding you here gillenew, i just tried your game on newgrounds. That crab girl is killing me xD