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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"I'll 'elp 'Enry. Tell e 'at to do." Mikki replied with all seriousness. This Sanctuary was her home, she would do what she could to help.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Henry shrugged before he spoke.

"Not really sure. I mean, if you can get down there and find out why the camera systems aren't working that might help. Take a radio with you though, stupid comm systems down there seem to be shot too."

As the ghoul inched closer, the scent of blood got stronger. There was now no doubt in his mind it was human blood, though the scent of said blood wasn't one he'd smelled before. Which might mean one of their new guests had been seriously injured, judging from how strong it was. As he drew nearer, he heard the sound of glass shattering from inside the med lab.
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Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The ghoul paused, considering his next move. After a moment of deliberation, he moved forward, all senses alert and focused, as he slowly crept up to the door leading into the lab. He stopped near it, listening in for a moment, before suddenly bursting into motion with inhuman speed. Slamming it open, he lunged into the room, landing in a low stance, ready to rush at or away from anything that could have been waiting for him inside.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki nodded, taking one of the radios on the table into a hand large enough to wrap around a toaster, then went off towards the med bay at a jog, being careful not to run into anyone along the way.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki got about half way to where she needed to be when she suddenly spotted the big guy staggering about like he was drunk. Something seemed ... wrong here, but she couldn't place what it was until suddenly without a word, the big guy just toppled to the ground with a crash.

The ghoul noticed several things at once. First, the door came open far too easily, in fact, it pretty much fell off it's hinges when he touched it.

Second, he could now see the source of the blood he'd been smelling. On the floor lay the body of a woman he didn't recognize. Her throat had been slashed open along with half her stomach and chest. He wouldn't even have to look closer to know the poor girl was dead, with injuries this bad she'd have bled out in mere moments. She might have tripped the alarm before dying though, but she'd likely been dead since it started going off.

And that was when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. As he focused on that, he saw something that would make most people either freeze in fear, or run screaming.

Off to the side and front of him stood a creature, something his mind didn't at first recognize. When it did, it then also recognized who said creature was.

She had sharp ten inch claws extending from her finger tips, and when she turned around he could see the demonic black eyes and the sharp teeth she had. He had no doubt after hearing the stories about Tesla as to what he was seeing. The woman in front of him was a Vampire, specifically a Sanguine Vampirus. She also happened to be Ashley Magnus, and she looked very much like she was considering making him shredded victim number two as she took a step towards him, letting loose a vampiric hiss.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

It didn't take the ghoul much time to process everything and figure out who, what, how and why. In fact, it was painfully obvious, so he quickly disregarded pondering his discovery in favor of attending to a more pressing matter, namely the feral berserker he was about to face. "Well, f***." Przemek quickly adopted a combat stance, claws ready. As much as he didn't want to harm Ashley, he had a good idea about the difference in power between the two of them, so he knew that holding back was out of the question. He was screwed, no "if" or "but" about it. He couldn't outrun the creature, so he had no choice but to stand his ground and hope that she'd attack inefficiently like all good mindless killing machines. "You know, Ashley, I do hope you recognize me. It's Przemek, remember? I saved you from the Cabal facility and all?" He spoke, though he didn't believe he could get through to her. It seemed the ghoul would have to do this the hard way - try to beat the rage out of her first and hope she'd come to her senses. 'This just ain't my day...' He thought grimly. 'I swear, if I somehow survive this, I will personally gut Stallers first chance I get, no matter what happens later.'


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The creature that Ashley had become tilted her head quizzically at the ghoul, seeming to register the words, but acting more like she had no idea why he thought words would phase her. Still, there was something off about it, a sliver that perhaps somewhere in there, the real Ashley was still inside, but somehow forced into the role of observer.

Despite this, she lashed out quickly, though not with her claws. A single kick came suddenly, with enough force to push the ghoul back even though he 'blocked' most of it. Still, this was enough to get distance between the two of them. He could see an almost warring look in her eyes, but it was very quickly subdued. He almost got the impression that someone was controlling her, and that it wasn't just a rage out. Then, suddenly, Ashely grabbed a large vial of blood from the table, blood in the kind of vial Helen would never have used, so it had to be important. Then, with one final snarl, Ashley vanished in the same way John generally did when he teleported.

It took a few moments for him to realize she was gone, and had no intention of coming back. Still, the situation was clear. Ashley was probably working for the Cabal now, and somehow, she'd completely duped him into bringing her right to where she wanted to be. The only questions were, what had she taken, why, and the most important one. Was there anything left of Ashley to save, or was she completely gone to them now?


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Oh! 'Igguy!" Mikki called out in a worried voice as the big guy collasped on the floor. She ran over to him, trying to see what was wrong, and if he didn't object too much, trying to drag him into a side room and out of the hallway. As soon as she had a free hand again, she was on the radio. "Enry! The 'igguy is hurt, 'at do I do?"


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Alec stopped just short of crashing into John.

"Druitt? What's happened?"

An extremely large wolf burst into the med lab, which Przemek might recognise as Abby by it's scent. She growled and bared her teeth as she looked around at the dead girl and the ghoul, but calmed down after seeing that there didn't seem to be a fight going on and shifted into her near-human form.

"What the hell happened in here?"


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek stood there in silence for a moment as he pieced everything together, then took a good look at the destroyed lab and the dead body. He sighed, closed his eyes, took a deep breath before letting out an enraged howl the likes of which he had never produced before. Ghouls were lonely predators, yes. But he had a lot of respect for those who hunted together with him, even if he wouldn't admit it. Cabal's newest stunt, combined with the fact that not only they've caught them unaware and unprepared, but on their own territory no less, was the last straw for him. Seething with rage, he turned to Abby, taking a moment to recognize her. "Those inbred fucks. This went too far." He didn't seem terribly willing to fill her in, speaking mostly to let the steam out. "That fucking does it. I'm gonna find Magnus, I'm gonna tell her what happened here and I swear to god if she DOESN'T do what NEEDS to be done THEN I WILL FUCKING DO IT MYSELF!" Rushing out of the door, the ghoul set off to find either Will or Henry, or whoever was in charge at the moment. This was, without a doubt, a declaration of open war.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

As Mikki waited for a reply, she noticed blood trickling from the Big Guy's ears and nose. There didn't seem to be any sign of injury though.

Finally, Henry replied.

"Shit, where are you I'll come down there. These systems are shot beyond a quick fix anyway, won't hurt anything if I leave."

John seemed in an extremely bad mood, something confirmed when he spoke.

"As far as the alarm, I'm not sure. Seems to have originated from the medical bay your friend was in earlier. To top that off, one of our companions who was injured during a rescue mission earlier today just started going downhill rapidly. It looks like she's been infected with the Lazarus Virus."

The ghoul hadn't gone too far when a sudden flash of light caught his attention. This time however it wasn't Ashley, and it wasn't John. Chris seemed to have returned with Sarah, and they had just teleported in.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"I a'out 'alfway to the Med'ay, in a sside room." She replied, grunting a bit as she lifted the big guy onto a couch or table, whatever was convenient and looked like would hold his weight. She noticed the blood trickling from his nose and ears, and tried to find something to put under his head to raise it, holding his head carefully with his hands and trying to peer into one of his ears.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"...Bloodeh hell I'll never get used to this..." Sarah complained, shifting herself after the teleport and quickly looking around, before giving a surprised blink at the blood and other signs of trouble. "The fu? What's the situation here?!?" she exclained, one of her hands slid into her bag.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The ghoul was a little pleased that he found the right people to talk to. The fact that said talk would probably be difficult as Hell did little to calm him down, though, and he had involuntarily slipped into something once dubbed as "Angry Marine Mode". The first sign of which was disappearance of indoor voice. "OI! MAGGOTS! WE GOT A PROBLEM HERE!" The second? Distinct lack of politeness. "SHIT IS FUCKED UP! CABAL FUCKING GOT ASHE AND TURNED HER INTO A FREAKING BLOODSUCKER! NOW SHE STOLE SOME WEIRD SHIT AND DISAPPEARED! THEY FUCKING WANT A WAR WITH US!" Przemek strode up to the pair, screaming all the way. He was getting a bit too high on rage to control himself and behave normally. "WE HAVE TO FUCKING KILL THOSE COCKSUCKING MAGGOTS!"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Alright sit there Mikki, I'm on my way."

There didn't seem to be anything for Mikki to use, however when she peeked into the Big Guy's ear, she couldn't see what the cause of the bleeding was. Still, his breathing was even more erratic than normal, and his body periodically twitched like he was going to move, but he didn't. Something was clearly very wrong.

Chris took one look at the enraged ghoul, registering most of what he was saying despite the boisterous tone and choppy sentences. What he was hearing didn't sit well with him, a fact not lost to the others if they paid attention to his eyes, which for a brief moment seemed to change to a darker color. Suddenly, with almost no warning, he stepped forward and literally lifted the ghoul off his feet, pulling him to eye level.

"Start from the beginning, and talk real slow. Fill me in on what in the fuck has happened while we walk. I believe we have an emergency appointment with the good doctor here, and I'm not taking no as an answer. Start talking."

His tone was slow and deliberate, with a dangerous tone to it that may have been anger, or may have been a cover for fear of what may have happened to Ashley. Either way, he slowly set the ghoul back down on his feet, seeming to struggle with his control for just a moment.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The ghoul opened his mouth to scream at Chris again, but was stopped by a voice in the back of his head telling him that perhaps insulting a visibly angry vampire was not a good idea. Przemek paused for a second, closed his mouth, took several deep breaths, obviously forcing himself to get a bit more coherent, before growling in frustration at the partially futile effort and deciding to just wing the speech.

"Ok. So, I dunno whether you've heard, but we found out that there was a Cabal base here, real close. You could spit from the Sanctuary and hit the damn thing. So Ashley called me while I was out on business in town and told me to meet up with her so we can scope the place out. But, before I've managed to get to her, she got caught. So I call for backup, get Miranda, miss spikes and some newbie werewolf to go with me. We get find, find Stallers, Miranda gets shot and evacuated here by the canine - heard she's doing better now - while treehugger and I keep looking. We find Ashe and bust her out - not that hard, since Cabal was actually BAILING from there, so they're done with whatever they were doing here - and bring her here. She wakes up on the way and tells us Stallers got her injected with some shit, and apparently she passed out after getting here."

The ghoul paused to catch his breath. He had a nice set of lungs, but perhaps he ought to remember to use them. "Now this is where shit hits the fan. Some time after we got back, there's alarm going off in this medlab. I run here, finding blasted cameras along the way, and run into Ashley, all pissed off and bloodthirsty now, kinda like you when you're mad, and a dead body. She kicks me away, grabs a vial of some sort - NOT one of the regular ones, so I guess this was important - and teleports. And the weird thing is..." Przemek scowled. "She was not acting naturally at all. If there's anything left of her in there, it ain't in control... But she didn't act like a feral abnormal should have acted - trust me, I can tell. They might be forcing her to obey them somehow." He looked Chris in the eyes. "That's about it. I've got no bloody idea what to do with this, but personally? I think we've allowed those pathetic wastes of space to exist for far too long, and now it bit us." He added angrily, speaking of Cabal.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Not able to find something to prop the Big Guy's head up with, Mikki settled for just holding it up with her hand while he writhed in place. She places her other hand on his chest, trying to offer some comfort. "Shhh... s'okay, 'Igguy, s'okay..."


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Great..." Sarah sighed, sliding the magnum once again from her bag but even still keeping a wary eye on both the ghoul and the nearby area. "So, what's the plan?" she asked, looking to Chris.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Suddenly, the Big Guy stopped convulsing, and was still. When Mikki went to check on him though, suddenly he was on his feet like someone had thrown him upwards, and he just about hurled her across the room doing so. Letting loose a roar, he whirled on her, a look of pure rage on his face as he began to advance ...

Chris paused slightly as the ghoul's words hit home. A stunned look crossed his face when Przemek mentioned about Ashley looking like he did when angry. He wasn't sure when or how the ghoul knew, but he had a good idea what that meant. Which meant the vial had to have been what Magnus was after earlier, which meant ...

"Jesus tittyfucking christ, she stole the goddamn vial of source blood. FUCK."

Taking a long moment to calm down he finally added, "alright, here's the plan. We find Magnus, fill her in on everything, and then we go into damage control and counter mode. I don't care if she likes it or not, for the Cabal to do this .... this is an open declaration. As of right now, consider us at war with them. Where the hell is she Przemek?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Half of Mikki's trip across the room was from her startled jump as the Big Guy jumped back to life, almost falling over a desk before catching herself. He advanced on her, and she went into a half crouch, arms out in front of her with fingers splayed both to try and calm him down, and to safely catch his hands if he decided to lump at her, hopefully without tearing long stripes into him doing so.

"S'okay, 'igguy, s'okay." She repeated, watching him with a frightened expression. "Enry's o' his 'way, you're not 'ell."
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