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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Actually that isn't too far from the truth. Only from what we've seen, her 'kiss or sting' doesn't cause you to become poisoned, rather it seems to act as a sort of aphrodisiac. Essentially her kind are nymphomaniacs. They were given the name Alvarus Nyprohmas. Usually Alvaru's for short, is easier. They aren't hostile, but they have a major case of not liking to take no for an answer. Oh, and they don't care if it's male of female, is the same to them, they seem to get a high off of the chemicals released rather than actually caring about the act itself. You'll have to ask Kate about that one, she's the one who brought her in here."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*blinks a bit taking in the information she had just been told then snickers about it*

"really from the sound of it i imagine a few of yall would have been glad to experiment and help her out some with all of that."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris shrugged.

"I wouldn't be surprised, though if anyone has, they probably wouldn't admit it. I know for a fact two people here haven't, myself and Ashley. Ashley and I are ... well, let's just say relationships with your boss's daughter can get rather interesting and complex and leave it at that, aye?"

It would now suddenly dawn on Zaleia that during this entire time, she hadn't once seen Chris actually take a breath, which might make her wonder ....
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"well relationships with anyone can get like that..thats as far as i'm going there though. so i take it you all consider her dangerous hmm? if she is kept locked up in that thing"

*she glanced along at a few of the other areas nearby*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris shrugged.

"Enough to keep her there and keep her from going around trying to rape people yes, but truly not a major threat. She's in this area simply because she doesn't belong in the same sector as the creatures who, if given the chance, would rip you limb from limb. And not all of the abnormals we have here are kept in places like this. A good number actually wander about, some of them can actually blend well enough to go out into the public much like you or I do. Generally speaking, we only place abnormals in these pods if they can't blend in, and are somewhat simplistic in mindset. For example, our friend in there only really thinks about sex, so we have her in there. Others ..."

He was cut off as a thud sounded against the barrier in the pod right next to Zaleia. If she looked, she would spot a creature that looked like a cross between a dog, walrus and something else completely alien to her. It seemed to be watching her, acting like it wanted to come out and play with her.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki came back from the shelves with a small (for her anyways) armful of various barks, and a roll of paper towel. She sat down and proceeded to mash the spples, syrup, and cinnamon together with her hands, then broke the bark into chunks and scoop the mix onto them, using the paper towels to clean her hands after she licked what she could off of them. "Mmm!" She exclaimed with a grin as she started eating it.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*frowned turning to see what made the giant thud she simply blinked a little wide eyed at the creature on the other side of the barrier*

Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Miranda just smiled, clearly pleased to see her new friend happy and enjoying herself, then went back to tending to her food as the oven let out a light noise, indicating it was time to take out her own food. Grabbing that, she sat down across from Mikki, and waited for her food to cool enough to eat.

Chris turned around, then let out a short laugh.

"That is a Steno. Overwhelmingly docile, much like Sally in that regard, save for if you threaten their young or try to harm them. They seem to have limited intelligence as far as understanding people goes. Also, like a dog, they seem to form instant bonds with some people that they like, while others for some reason they refuse to have anything to do with them, even refusing to eat food offered to them by those people. This one here actually was born in the Sanctuary, it's mother was brought in after having been gravely injured by the Cabal. We weren't able to save his mother unfortunately, her injuries were too severe, but as you can see, junior here is perfectly healthy. Actually, I think he likes you. Anyway, they are extremely endangered, their tusks are sought after by poachers even more so than those of an elephant. Hence why we try to keep them on a low profile if and when we have to move them, there are people who will kill just to get their hands on a single tusk."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*frowning she just shook her head at the last little bit clenching her fists breifly*

"i always wished i could find some of thos epeople who kill all those endangered animals for their pelts and tusks and all that..make them sorry they were ever born"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris nodded solemnly.

"If you stick around long enough to meet the Big Guy, you'll get along well with him. He feels much the same way, actually as I recall he once actually scared the crap out of a poacher so badly the guy had a heart attack. He doesn't talk about it much, but as angry as he gets ... I wouldn't be surprised if he's killed a few poachers too."

He seemed about to say something else, but was once again cut off, this time by a voice.

"Whoa, check it out. Who's the new hottie?"

It would take a moment for Zaleia to find the source of the voice. It was a small, winged .... person? Pixie? Whatever it was, it was flitting about just over head, looking at her with a smile.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*startled slightly by the voice turning left and right then a quick circle before finally taking note of the source*

"okay someones playing a...OH..theres where it came from..wow...its a ....fairy?"

*she tilted her head looking at the little thing not wanting to insult it but not sure what to call it*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

'Crap. Sally, I might need some help with this one, but first you have to notify the people up there that the damn thing is heading towards the town through the underground tunnels and it's already going to the surface. If it reaches the city, it's going to raise all kinds of Hell. I'm moving in for the kill now, so they better hurry and get someone down here. I'd really appreciate a big gun, too.'

Przemek tensed, preparing himself. Hiding in a corridor was nigh impossible, but he had to try to get a little closer. Without uttering a word, he silently stalked the serpent for a moment, hoping to get closer. After shortening the distance, the ghoul began to run at full speed, intending to jump onto the creature's back and go for it's head. Hopefully his claws would break through it's scales, otherwise he'd be in big trouble.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Once Miranda sat down again, Mikki paused slightly and examined the medusa's food. Shaking her head a little, she carefully scooped some of her own onto a papery-looking piece of tree bark and offered it to her on a piece of paper towel. "Trie ssonne?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Pixie, and Harvel ... what did Helen tell you about trying to flirt with new people, especially those who could swipe you out of the air with a finger?"

Harvel shrugged, grinning.

"Ah, what can I say. A sexy lady always loosens up my tongue."

Chris seemed about ready to say something, when suddenly both his and Zaleia's minds were 'invaded' by a voice, and image.

Chris, and ... Zaleia I believe it is if I am reading right? You both are needed top side, we have a snake like abnormal, hostile and it's killed at least two people in the catacombs already. Przemek says it's heading towards the surface, through the old tunnel system. Please help?

Inside both of their minds a flash of a large, almost naga like creature popped up, plus the disturbing image of it half eating someone's body.

Elsewhere in the Sanctuary, in the medical bay, John, Sarah and Max suddenly appeared.

"Ah, here we are. Don't go far, I'll be right back."

As he released them, they both got to see what had happened, as John took a step back, then suddenly vanished in a swirling cloud of red mist, then returned with Helen and Henry just a few seconds later. He then bowed his head, and vanished again.

As they looked around, they would note this medical bay was larger than the one they had left, and was a bit better looking, as if whoever had built it had done so with artistic visions.

Miranda looked at Mikki for a moment, then shrugged.

"Alright, I just hope I don't break any teeth, ours aren't as rugged as yours."

Przemek landed on the snake's backside, his claws sinking into scales ... and no further.

Letting loose an enraged roar, the snake literally whipped it's body in a strange movement, trying to send him flying away, meanwhile still moving forward.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"uhhh huh..wait what..i'm confused...you want my help in catching or killing some giant snake? and its already eating people soooo...i dont know..ahhh hell with it lead the way i'll do what i can to help"

*she shrugged her shoulders for a moment then cracked her knuckles psyching herself up to fight some giant scaled beast*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek struggled to sink his claws further for a brief moment before stopping. It'd do him no good. Instead, he decided to go for the creature's weak points and deal as much damage as possible, crippling it. He attempted to use the snake's wild twists to his advantage and launch himself at a wall in a way that'd allow him to bounce off and onto the snake again, hopefully helping him climb further and reach the head. Then, he'd attempt to go for the eyes - and if he managed to position himself just right, perhaps he'd be able to thrust deeper into the monster's skull... Adrenaline surged through Przemek's entire body. The fight was exciting - finally a game worthy of a real hunter.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris's reaction was a bit more dramatic. His face paled slightly, as his eyes seemed to just for a moment fade out.

"Your welcome to help if you want Zale ... but I recommend you get yourself a stunner weapon. Either way, time is critical, that junction of tunnel she showed us ... it leads right up into the most heavily populated parts of Calgary. I don't think I have to tell you what will happen if that thing gets loose among people."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*looks one way and that beofre looking back to him*

"okay which way do we go? if time is of the essence then we need to gwet moving yes? lets go lets go lets go!"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Nice place, definately a lot better then home and the last labratory," Sarah deadpanned, stretching her arms. "Hmm, teleportation, gonna haveta remember that one..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The apple, syrup, and cinnamon had been mixed and crushed into a paste-like substance about the consistency of guacamole and was horribly, sickeningly sweet. The bark Mikki had put it on was birch bark, and had an almost papery consistency.

Mikki herself had stopped to watch, leaning forward with interest. "Mmm?"
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