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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Helen, who had just arrived nodded.

"Yes, John has proven to be very helpful when he's around. Anyway, perhaps you both would like to check out the rooms we have?"

Miranda did her best as she bit down not to grimace. The bark was ... rough, but not what she'd expected. The onslaught of sugar though was too much.

"Hmm, a bit much in the sugar department for my tastes to be honest. I must be careful with that, no idea what too much sugar will do to me."

No matter what Przemek tried, the snake seemed to be a half step ahead of him, ensuring he couldn't get the eyes, though he was able to score a few rips in it's scaly skin. More importantly though, in order to keep ahead of him in battle tactics, the snake had stopped moving forward, so he had it's full attention now.

Chris nodded.

"First, weapons. Ah screw it, walking is too slow."

With a sudden move, he had put a hand on her shoulder, then suddenly Zaleia found herself standing in a room with a LOT of guns, clearly the armory.

"Grab something that suits you, they all are either stunners or actual guns. Take one of each, and let me know when your ready."

((Yes, there's damn near everything there, including full auto's.))
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*shrugs her shoulders a bit and looks at him cluelessly*

"how the heck am i supposed to know what suits me...i havnt ever fired a gun...umm just gimme one of the stunners or whatever and tell me how to use it when we get there okay?"

*she looked at it all truly clueless on what gun to use*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Certainly, lead on," Sarah said, letting someone besides her leading. It was mostly due to unfamiliarity, but mostly out of habit.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek was getting annoyed. He couldn't taunt the damn thing because it was a snake and showed no signs of human-level intelligence. It's strenght and speed were incredible, so he couldn't score a good hit, even though he managed to scratch it here and there. Fortunately, he told Sally to get some reinforcements - his only chance was to stall it long enough and pray that someone strong comes. The ghoul continued his assault, trying to hit all the weak spots on the monster's head that were within reach.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Max stands in silence as John teleports away, partly because he doesn't really know how to deal with strangers though it's mostly because of Sarah's previous outbursts before with Dr. Magnus.

Once the doctor has arrived Max simply nods and follows the older woman to wherever the rooms were to.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris stared blankly at Zaleia for a moment.

"Crap, your not joking. Ok, here."

He handed her a smaller stun weapon before grabbing a large stunner himself, and a rather large looking full automatic weapon. She noticed he held each of the weapons one handed, rather than slinging one on his backside.

"Right then, ready to go face the big snake?"

Leading on, eventually Max and Sarah found the first set of rooms with Helen.

"There's rooms like these throughout the Sanctuary, so if this wing doesn't suit you, I can always find you something you like."

Each room had a large bed, work station, lamps, typical things you'd find in a bedroom. However each one looked as expensively decked out as a five star motel, or better.

The snake seemed to be getting pissed with Przemek too, thrashing about, then suddenly taking off for a low cut in the ceiling, apparently trying to smash him against it at breakneck speed.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek was not eager to get smashed. He decided to loosen his hold and simply roll - or slide - along the creature's back. Should he be unable to do that, he'd simply drop down. Whatever the case, he wanted to get off the head before the serpent crashed into the ceiling, hoping the beast would stun itself.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*taking the small gun she stuffed it into the front of her shorts and clapped her hands together again*

"stop asking and just lead the way this thing is toruble right? lets go!"

*she seemed rather eager to get going to help whoever they were going to help regardless of really knowing what they were up against*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Certainly don't hold yourself out on making people feel comfy," Sarah responded, taking in the well-furnished room she had been led to.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki just grins and starts tearing back into hers. "Mmm!" she says with gusto. It's obvious that this is as close to junk food as she gets.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"These are pretty impressive," Max comments as he scans the room, his eyes resting on the bed. "And it has been a long time since I've slept on a bed..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Helen lightly smiled.

"I've always found the first thing when inviting someone into your home is that you need to make them comfortable, make them feel like it's their home too. Was something my father taught me many years ago. When this place was built, I took great care to acquire the types of things one would find in a nice home. It's a shame though really, there are so many other people like you out there, those who have some sort of special, or unique abilities, many of whom are too afraid to seek out our network. Unfortunately, a few of them do and never make it here before the Cabal get to them. What do the two of you know about the behind scenes history of World War Two?"

Mikki and Miranda were interrupted a few moments later by Henry's voice.

"What the heck are you two doing? What's that sweetish smell?"

He seemed a bit amused.

Przemek found that the snake wasn't quite as smart as it thought. He was able to avoid being smashed, though in order to do so he had to drop clean off.

Fortunately, the snake never bothered to realize he wasn't there anymore, and slammed right into the part of the ceiling with it's head.

That's where his luck ran out though. While the snake stopped, it was completely unfazed by the blow, turning now to face the ghoul with fangs beared, dripping with some form of liquid. Przemek didn't need anyone else to tell him this was one pissed off snake.

Chris nodded.

"Alright, off we go then."

Again his hand touched her shoulder, and again they made a teleport jump. As soon as they arrived, Chris withdrew his stun weapon, then quickly showed her the ropes.

"Alright, you hold it like this, making sure the barrel is pointing away from you. Then this part here where my fingers are is the trigger. After you've got your target, you pull that and it fires. Don't be upset if you miss a lot, given you've not used one before. I'm sorry to have to crash course you through this ..."

He trailed off, dropping into a semi-crouch, scanning the floor while seeming to smell the air. After a few seconds of this, he stood and pointed to a junction off to their right.

"That way, it went there maybe three minutes ago. Can't be far, and teleporting down here into another catacomb section is very dangerous. We need to walk this one I'm afraid."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

'Ok... This does not look good.' Przemek was certain that the impact would be enough to give this snake a pause. Apparently the ghoul knew little about the abilities of snakes. This beast not only had a tough hide, it's skull was probably incredibly tough as well. It'd be hard to crack this shell. For now, however, Przemek had to seek cover from the incoming strike. Running back or to the sides wouldn't help much, this thing was damn agile and fast. Instead, he chose to charge forward. Hopefully he'd be able to dive under or jump out of the way of the counter attack more easily if he gave the serpent less space to execute it. Maybe he could get back on it's back again...
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*points the way that Chris was mentionig and without much cautioun she took off running down the corridor. there wouldnt be any teleporting but she was certainly not wasting any time...probably not the best idea*

"i hope your fast on your feet!"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The snake was surprised it seemed when instead of backing off, Przemek charged it instead. In fact, so surprised that it actually didn't attack until the ghoul was almost on top of it.

With a swing and hiss, the snake brought it's fangs down towards him, and missed by no more than an inch or two. This allowed Przemek to get behind it again, but the thing shot forward so fast he couldn't climb on.

Yet it didn't retreat deeper into the catacombs, instead it swung around to face him again, anger visible in it's features as it hissed menacingly, threatening to strike again at any moment ...

"Ah ... shit."

That was all Chris said as Zaleia broke off into a run. She got a decent jump on him to start, but she found he surprisingly closed the gap quickly. They'd been going for almost two full minutes when they reached a corner. Turning, they saw the ass end of the snake not two feet in front of them.

Taking one look at the size of the thing, Chris let out a low curse.

"Fuck ... That's a big one."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*skidding to a stop once the corner was turned she just blinked at the massive snake*

"holy moley i can see what assistance was needed...will these things even work on something that big?"

*she glanced down to the gun at her waist and then giving what almost could be construed as a grin of insanity to chris before she bolted off towards the snakes back end ready to have some fun..she hadnt gone wild in a while*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Besides for rumors of rocket programs and that Hitlar was a nutter, nopes. Pre my times," Sarah said with a shrugs.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

" 'Enry!" Mikki said when he spoke, quickly going and making another bit of her own food, with the same bark she had given to Miranda. " 'Oood, you waant ssome?" She asked excitedly, holding it out to him.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek couldn't believe that his reckless stunt actually worked that well. Apparently, sometimes crazy did work. However, the thing would not be taken by suprise twice. Przemek tried to approach it from it's flank this time, keeping an eye on it's head, watching out for incoming attacks, ready to dive or jump out of the way - even preparing to bounce off a wall should the snake force him to do so. Fortunately, his sensitive ears picked up some other sounds... Footsteps, apparently. Some new scents seemed to appear in the corridor as well. Did help arrive? The ghoul hoped so. He couldn't circle around the damn thing forever.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris shook his head.

"Not a fucking chance ... What the hell are you doing?!?"

Seeing that the snake was rearing back to strike at someone in front of them, Chris pulled out his bullet based weapon, and executed a quick teleport, hoping to at least make it think twice.

As the snake reared back to strike Przemek again, there was a sudden flash of red lights next to him, and then several blasts fired from a weapon. Between those slamming into snakey's face, and the sudden arrival of another person, the snake actually stopped to pause, unsure of it's odds now.

Henry blinked for a moment before shrugging.

"Uh, sure, why not? What is that?"

Helen nodded.

"Well, that's only part of it. Hitler and his men were into heavy genetic manipulation and secret projects. Some of those included trying to exude control over several species of abnormals, in actuality the movies you see about S.S Doomtrooper are partially true. Only the creature was never killed, only incapacitated and is currently residing in the London Sanctuary. Regardless, when World War Two ended, and Hitler died, this work did not die with him or the fall of the Nazi's. Some of them managed to avoid capture ad escape, laying low for years. Essentially those people who tried to hurt you are direct descendants of the Nazi's, out for world domination yet again."
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