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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

When both Sarah and Zaleia were ready, Chris spoke.

"Zaleia already knows what I'm going to say, but I'll warn you too Sarah. We're about to teleport, which means for a moment my hand will be on your shoulder. You may feel a slight ... tingling when we rematerialize. Anyway, let's get going."

Placing a hand on their shoulders, he summoned his will, and the three vanished.

((Will make a new thread later on for this, not a lot of time this morning.))
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

((Double Post FTW. Forgot to add for everyone else somehow.))

Deftly moving a step back, Helen smiled back lightly.

"Your more than welcome to stay, however you will need to think before reacting when it comes to some of our residents. Tell me, what kind of other 'demons' as you called them have you encountered?"

It took quite some time before Sally returned to the edge of her tank, still seeming very shaken, and most definitely worried. By the time she had though, Chris and the others would have already left.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Dante smiles as Helen backpedals, thinking back on some of his adventures. "Oh, I can't even begin to explain them. I met this one, though, had a nasty temper, and loved to burn things. Had a sword the size of a truck, and tried to slice me in half with it." Dante says, recalling his encounter with a Demon known as Berial. "Apparently, he was some kind of big-shot in Hell. Some kind of lord of fire. Didn't stop me from knocking him down a few notches." Dante states, smiling as he interlocks his hands behind his head. "As for the residents, I promise I won't hurt them unless they attack me first."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki smiled when she saw Sally in the tank again, reaching out and placing a hand flat on the glass. "Ssally ookay?" She asks once she knows Sally has noticed her.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Helen nodded.

"Fair enough, though I doubt you'll have anything to worry about from the residents that are out an about. As for ..."

She was cut off a sudden flash of swirling red light appeared in front of the two of them, as John appeared.

"John. Back so soon?"

He nodded slowly, his gaze falling upon Dante as he seemed to gauge him.

"Yes, we had a bit of an incident in London, one person should be in the infirmary now. We also have a rather large abnormal who was forced out of his home beneath the city by what sounds like tear gas or something similar. He's waiting in the large storage unit now. Must admit, that was a rather difficult shift. Who's our new guest?"

As he spoke, Dante would note that he had a English accent, though he spoke in a tone that made it clear he chose words carefully to get his point across with as little chance of miscommunication as possible.

Sally seemed to hang there for a moment, as if she didn't even notice Mikki. Then, she communicated.

"I don't know. So much pain, hostility. I ... I can't sense them anymore. All of them have gone silent."

Przemek soon discovered the entry, which was a large hole in the ground that seemed it might have been a sewer system that was never finished. As he got closer though, he could detect that something else was already inside of the area, though he couldn't see it as of yet. He could however hear the slight thumping noise of it moving away from him, deeper into the tunnel system.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

At the swirling lights, Dante's hands flew down from his head and to his sides as he stepped his right leg back slightly, a smile on his face as he noticed Helen knew the man who had teleported in. "That is going to take some getting used to." he states, then steps his right foot back to a regular standing posture as he relaxes and runs both his hands through his hair. "The name's Dante. I'm...Well, lately I've been tricked and fooled into hunting abnormals, but I normally hunt demons." he states, his tone back to being playful and casual. It would be then that John and Helen would notice Dante had a slight look of fascination in his eyes, most likely about the teleportation.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

If he had still been a human, Przemek would have chuckled at the prospect of already finding someone he could take his irritation out on. Instead, the ghoul merely smiled and moved forward, his instincts kicking in as he began to silently stalk the being in front of him, creeping through the entrance. His heightened senses scanned the area, looking for potential traps while he exercised great care to move quietly before he got into striking range. A part of his mind, the one that made him a hunter was leading him now, analyzing the situation and making plans. The rest - remains of a young human, no longer dominant but still sticking around - mused about the fact that it was way too simple. He barely took a step in and already picked a trail of someone waiting to have his day ruined? If classic RPG's ever taught him anything, the situation was probably more complex. Or there was a trap, at least.
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Uh, I'm Alec. She's Melissa. And no, she's not my girlfriend. She's an acquaintance."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

John looked at him for a moment before replying.

"Demons you say? Interesting. Perhaps we can talk later about what classifies as a demon to you. Regardless, I'm John. Welcome aboard I suppose."

Helen allowed them to exchange greetings, then spoke again.

"John, we may have need for your teleportation again very soon. I've been informed by message that Nikola is still alive. Also, he apparently wishes to meet with us to discuss a possible cure to the Lazarus Virus."

John blinked slightly before he replied.

"Nikola you say? Hmm, I'm surprised he's still alive after our last encounter. I don't suppose I can talk you out of going?"

Helen shook her head in reply.

"Afraid not John. If he really does have something, we can't afford to pass up that chance. However, I agree that we need to be careful. We're all going. As soon as Ashley gets back here, you, myself and Clara will be preparing to go. James is on his way now, he should be here in a few hours."

Przemek soon realized that he was following a person as they stopped moving, checked something with one of the pipes along the wall, and then pulled out a radio. It was then he realized the person was in fact a female as she spoke.

"Hey Joe, I'm in tunnel 3 now. No sign of trespassers at all, but there's some definite damage done down here, couple pipes have damage to them. Looks like someone came down here and intentionally wrecked them to let out the gas in them, over."

She seemed a bit angry when the only reply she got was a burst of static for her trouble.

"Damn ... piece of shit. Great, stuck down here with a radio that doesn't work, no way of fixing these pipes and no idea if more gas might come. Brilliant idea sending one person down, goddamn jackass."

As of yet, she hadn't seemed to notice she wasn't alone, however she did produce what seemed to be a taser weapon.

"Really starting to wish I hadn't taken this security job ... ugh, what the hell is that smell?"

About then a wave of something like sewage washed over Przemek's senses, and then suddenly he would detect a second presence not far, something that probably wasn't human.

Henry seemed startled but recovered quickly.

"Oh. I'm sorry. didn't uh .. yeah, sorry man, just kinda thought she ... you know. Ah screw it, never mind. So .. what happened to her?"

By now they had reached a medical facility, which to Alec would seem to have more in it than even a hospital would, despite the fact it wasn't an extremely large room.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Dante raised his right hand, his right index finger extended while the rest of his hand was balled into a fist, about to respond to John's comment about talking later when he overheard the conversation, deciding to interject. "If this Nikola fellow is so dangerous, maybe I should come along and protect you. It'll be a good show of faith on my part." he interjects quite rudely on the conversation, seeming to be a habit of his, rudeness. "Plus, if he really is dangerous, you could use the extra....I don't know how to word it correctly, in all honesty." he states, lowering his hand and crossing his arms, though his hands do find their way into his jacket and under his shoulders. "I guess you could say firepower?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki nods solemnly, then smiles a little, hoping to cheer Sally up. She concentrates, trying to think at Sally, instead of having to speak through the glass.

They'll be okay. All the books I've read, the good guys always turn out to be fine. You'll see!
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Sally still seemed down, but she responded at least.

"I hope so. However the last time I lost contact with a group of my people ... It was because they were all dead. I'm ... I'm afraid it may have happened again."

Helen and John shared a look for a moment before both shrugging.

"I suppose it might work out. That'll make four of us going, not counting John. Two trips then?"

John nodded.

"Yes, unless someone wishes to rematerialize without certain body parts."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Dante, upon hearing the idea of losing some of his body parts, straightened up and gulped once. "I'd prefer it if I got there in one piece, thank you." he says, his arms sliding out from his jacket and then hanging down to his sides. John might pick up some subtle movements in his hands, such as his index fingers twitching occasionally or just his gloves that he wore, that would indicate him being an experienced gunfighter. And the sword he had on his back, it seemed to move on its own every so often, small twitches a normal human wouldn't be able to notice or would attribute to his moving around, though he was standing still.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Altough he was a little suprised by the fact that he was tailing a woman, Przemek didn't let his guard down. Some girls could be deadly. However, as he listened to her talk, he realized who she was and why she was here. A civilian, probably employed by a gas company. The leak was probably what forced that big guy out of this place... And not it seemed that there was something near here... Something that was probably coming this way. The ghoul tensed. That woman was the last thing he needed here, especially with something foul wandering around. Moving silently, he approached a little closer, in case the thing up ahead decided to attack. Saving others was not something he did often, but Przemek realized that this time, he might have to.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

It came barreling down the tunnel like something possessed, a large bug like creature that had sharp swords for arms. It let loose a terrible howl, and as it did, Przemek could see some sort of cloud come from it's body, quickly realizing it was secreting some kind of gas like substance. The woman started to let out a scream when the gas hit her, and when it did the effect was instant. She collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain, convulsing as whatever the gas was began working on her. She was completely helpless as the creature then started moving in for what Przemek could only assume was it's meal, completely oblivious to the presence of another being.

John merely smiled.

"I thought you might say that. Well, since we're waiting for dear old James, shall we find something to eat?"

((Hmm, I swore I had replied to this. And it seems I have to poke Bartnum, Lurker and Dreana again, as well as Shrike.))
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

((Oh, whoopsie! hehe...))

Mikki made a 'Hurrgh' sound in response, probably trying to console her. then she got excited and started thinking at Sally again.

I know! We'll go swim! Helen said you like it when people go swimming with you, right?

By that time, she's already stood and was headed around to the hallway that lead to Sally's pool.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Oh fuck." The ghoul let out a curse as he sprung into action, dashing towards the woman. Great. Poison clouds. Last thing he needed right now. He hoped it was nothing dangerous - altough his unnaturally fast regeneration made him more resistant to poisons, a strong enough toxin could take him out. And this one seemed potent... Unless it was a kind of tear gas, like the giant mentioned. In which case, his superhuman senses would probably be very unhappy for what he was about to do. His aim was to rush in, grab the woman and run for his dear life. He had no weapons, so ranged combat was out of the question. And in a cramped space like this, avoiding the cloud would be impossible. On top of that, he couldn't fight here with a civilian! Przemek could feel his frustration rise. This was turning out to be a really bad day.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Only if you have strawberry sundaes in the fridge." Dante states, his tone quite serious now. "And who IS this James person we're waiting on? I just got here and I don't even know half the people you all are talking about." Dante says, throwing his hands up in the air near his head in a shrug as he bends his head forward.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

John chuckled before replying.

"Doctor James Watson, also known in stories as Sherlock Holmes. Yes, he does exist. As for Strawberry Sundaes ... Helen?"

She nodded after a moment, most likely doing a quick inventory count in her head.

"Should be some left in pantry three, if you want to follow me then."

Przemek found that the gas was in fact something similar to tear gas, albeit a bit more on the nasty side. Still, his natural resistance would be enough ... if he didn't stop to take a bath in the stuff. For the woman though, she was no longer moving, apparently having blissfully passed out. As he moved in and took her, the bug creature roared in anger at the intrusion, taking a swipe at him. It would miss, but by only a few inches, enough for Przemek to feel the wind whip behind it's arm. Then, the bug began to pursue as he turned to run like hell.

Sally barely had a chance to react before Mikki was on the move.

"I suppose ... I just hope there isn't another flash like that or ... I don't know what I will do. I apparently attacked Chris."
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Bunch of guys who were after me used her as bait. Looks like she got beaten up pretty badly, but she was like this when I found her so I'm not sure exactly what happened. The bald guy thought they might have done something to her, so he said we should bring her here. And that I should stay here as well, in case they go after me again."

"So, what exactly is this place? I think your friend called it the Sanctuary, but he didn't say much else."
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