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CampGame 0.2 (malleck) (demo)


Demon Girl
Jan 3, 2016
Reputation score

I try one more time to post my game here.
Six people agreed to participate in a private reality show. They haven't been told what it is going to be about exactly. But the final prize is huge. 100 million dollars. Each new day the players will get personal tasks that they need to complete. For each completed task they will receive points. 1 points - 5000 dollars in addition to the final prize.

- You will play for each character separately. And it is your choices will determine how given is task is completed.
- It will be all about the points. Later in the game, it is planned to allow characters to trade between each other.
- On different days, you will play for different character/s.
- You need to keep tracking, how many points each character has, and you will decide who will win the final prize, by allowing characters to earn or to loose the points.
- But to get these points, characters need to do some crazy things.

As it is prg maker MV. You can extend the game as any other window in the windows. Plus you can use a mouse if you want.

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/mPFED"><a href="//imgur.com/a/mPFED">View post on imgur.com</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

link for the game
also this link can be found here
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Re: CampGame 0.2 (malleck) (demo)

I see you are trying to post it again.
I agree. I would be nice if moderator can tell what is wrong with the post before just deleting it. I am thinking to post my game too soon. So it is good to know.

I actually like that MV can give much better picture than ACE. Even though it is not perfect.
Re: CampGame 0.2 (malleck) (demo)

Have you found someone? if no send a message i might have guy who can help you .
Re: CampGame 0.2 (malleck) (demo)

Cool. I like new pictures from new version. Looking forward for it.
Re: CampGame 0.2 (malleck) (demo)

Is new version ready?
Re: CampGame 0.2 (malleck) (demo)

Why hasn't this thread been updated. We are on 0.4, now. Soon the be 0.5. Malleck is sending me the alpha version very soon.
Re: CampGame 0.2 (malleck) (demo)

Probably because the 0.2 is the last version free and who is a patron doesn't post here.
Re: CampGame 0.2 (malleck) (demo)

Okay, yeah, people should post more, if you want your ideas in the game. I'm talking to malleck about real consequnces and quest branching for the players actions. We may even get a new scene on day 2 with Jeremy and Cari in the shower. If people say they want it. We are listening to your opinons.
Re: CampGame 0.2 (malleck) (demo)

There are some screen from new version. Truth or dare and guessing game.
I will upload also demo for everybody.
Re: CampGame 0.2 (malleck) (demo)

i did play this one a while ago, up to day 3.
its not bad, the idea and CG are good so its strange that so few have made a comment.

keep up the good work!
Re: CampGame 0.2 (malleck) (demo)

Give more info about Truth or dare game. How will it work?
Re: CampGame 0.2 (malleck) (demo)

Give more info about Truth or dare game. How will it work?

More screen from next update. Next update (Truth or dare) arrives next week.

Truth or dare is simple. You choice whether you want to hear some truth from character or you choice dare. In that case they will do some stuff.
It will be 3 rounds. Round three is guessing game. Where the game has to recognize the guys by sucking and fucking them.
This time it took longer time. As All pictures are very beautiful.
Re: CampGame 0.2 (malleck) (demo)
