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ACT Caprice Doll

Re: Caprice Doll

To wrap things up, I'll throw in the basic control scheme. I believe you can customize the controls, but I never bothered.

CONTROL: Hold to sprint.
SHIFT : Tap to jump, hold to extend jump.
Z: Attack with currently equipped weapon.
X: Special attack for currently equipped weapon.
A: Turn on/off dialog box at the bottom of the screen.
Q: Reset weapon to initial basic swipe.
SPACE: View current weapon controls.

WAT. That's not even listed in the control config.

.....Yes it is >.> (1st post tl;dr is bad)
Re: Caprice Doll

(so blocks and falling crap don't have cgs).

For anyone disappointed by blocks not having their own cg
Re: Caprice Doll

Scira, you have far more free time on your hands than the rest of us....
Re: Caprice Doll

I just thought that i would point this out, there is a password entry screen at the blue flower/sage thing just press P when you are in there. no idea on what any of them are though, sorry i know its not that helpfull
Re: Caprice Doll

Hey guys, I found a secret on this game:
Re: Caprice Doll

what do you mean "so not clicking that"?:confused:

Specifically, you claim to have found a secret, but you put it up on mediafire instead of just flat telling us?

It makes your link look suspicious, thus most people aren't going to click it.
Re: Caprice Doll

Specifically, you claim to have found a secret, but you put it up on mediafire instead of just flat telling us?

It makes your link look suspicious, thus most people aren't going to click it.

He's talking about the alternate end to level 4 (I copied the image in his .doc and attached it to this post, there's nothing wrong with it by the way). Though he seems to be suggesting doing it the wrong way. I remember getting there through a real, visible platform, while he uses an invisible one. May be a bug on his end, though.

I don't want to go and check it right now, but if I'm not mistaken you get a vial with lots of colorful lights inside, near the end of the level. Then, if you go back, you'll actually see a platform, which makes the jump easier.

If that's not right, then it's for another level :)


  • secret.jpg
    69.4 KB · Views: 41
  • level4.jpg
    62 KB · Views: 32
Re: Caprice Doll

He's talking about the alternate end to level 4 (I copied the image in his .doc and attached it to this post, there's nothing wrong with it by the way). Though he seems to be suggesting doing it the wrong way. I remember getting there through a real, visible platform, while he uses an invisible one. May be a bug on his end, though.

I don't want to go and check it right now, but if I'm not mistaken you get a vial with lots of colorful lights inside, near the end of the level. Then, if you go back, you'll actually see a platform, which makes the jump easier.

If that's not right, then it's for another level :)

Actually, when I finish level 4 by my way, it still continue to level 5 normally. I think it's just a shortcut way to end level 4, not the alternate end.
Re: Caprice Doll

Someone who's actually gotten the blue orb in the beginning in 3-3 want to upload their save?
Re: Caprice Doll

Someone who's actually gotten the blue orb in the beginning in 3-3 want to upload their save?

To unlock the EX3 stage (The only place I remember seeing the enemy for the 3rd row, 2nd column), you must go to the 3-3 stage with the frog power. Right at the beginning of the stage there is a path of falling platform leading upward. Once at the top, you must jump and use the frog power special to reach the bleu sphere. The tricky part is making sure you are at the highest of your jump right under the sphere since after using the special you can't move and just fall down like a rock...

Just try it a few time. Since It's not at the end of a stage, you can simply reset by jumping in the nearest hole to give it an other go. If you were able to reach 3-3, you should have the patience to succeed ^_^.

( Deleted the game a few days ago and too lazy to redownload it with Miyoko's save (Hope you don't expect me to redo it all oO;;) and repost the modified save. Sorry ^^;; )
Re: Caprice Doll

EDIT: Nevermind! I feel like an idiot now. Never would have guessed to try the Z key...
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Re: Caprice Doll

Soo..i downloaded the game and tried to start it. I started up normally, only now i can't click anything in the title page.

Some had a similar problem?
Re: Caprice Doll

Are you using the arrow keys & Z to select, or trying to use the mouse?

Because the mouse doesn't do anything. Try pressing the up or down arrow keys.
Re: Caprice Doll

guys,i have a problem after the sixth level i can't use weapon
Re: Caprice Doll

Yes i tried using the arrow keys and z button...but nothing is even highlighted in the title menu.
Re: Caprice Doll

What the fuck do I do on the third level with the square blocks?
I'm tempted to just give up on this game and just use the fucking 100% save, I'm tired of missing jumps because im not on the last pixel of a ledge when i hit Shift
Re: Caprice Doll

Run. It's ctrl or something.
Re: Caprice Doll

Great. So if you miss the jump you might as well be dead anyways z-z