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Catherine (Tiffanian)

Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

The captain sighed. "I beat them and I beat them and they never learn. Very well, lass, I'll see that you're escorted by one of the trustworthy wastrels to your quarters tonight. Do me a favor, next time one of them treats you like anything less than a passenger, put an arrow in their heads. Either head should do." He seemed both thoroughly unsurprised and thoroughly frustrated at hearing the treatment that Catherine had receives, it was clearly not the first time a woman on the boat had been harassed. "As for lending a hand," he trailed off with a thoughtful pause. "There's always room for another spotter in the crow's nest," he offered, at first. "Or, if you're really feeling energized by the fresh air, you could help the men do some scrubbing." The man didn't seem to believe that Catherine would take the second option, offering it up almost as an afterthought. "There's one other thing that needs done by someone who isn't a lazy wastrel. A bit of inventory checking. It would be below deck though..." The manner in which he trailed off after the last task was ominous at best.

"The men might harass you, whatever you do, but the last two probably carry a fair bit more risk o' that than watch duty. If any of them attack you, you have my approval to murder the scum and leave the body to the seas. You can start whenever you'd like with whatever you'd like, just tell the men on duty that the captain sent you." The words were all but a dismissal. Unless the young woman needed to ask another question it seemed that she had everything she needed to begin doing a bit of work on the ship.

Destiny Strength: 4
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.


Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

"I suppose I can do that" Catherine replied, frowning slightly, "but I don't like being more violent than I have to be. I haven't killed a man yet, and I don't know that I want to start now." She listened to her options for helping out on the ship quietly, pondering what the captain had said, and replied "I would help you with the inventory, but I think I'll avoid going below deck for the time being. And scrubbing the deck would probably be a bad idea in this dress" as she thought back to both the men trying to rape her, and the fact that they still had her panties... "I assume I'd be looking out for land or other ships if I played lookout?" she asked, waiting for a little bit of explanation about the job she would be doing before she headed to one of the crow's nests, preferably one that wasn't occupied as much as the others were. Climbing up might be a dodgy business, but she couldn't just stand around with nothing to do. Besides, she imagined that the view would be quite something, at least for a while, considering how beautifully done the game was so far.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

(When I said slow I did not actually mean this slow. >.>)

The captain nodded at her assertions that the latter two jobs were probably more dangerous choices for her than the crow's nest. He seemed a little surprised by her question, however. "Er, yes, I suppose you haven't been out to Westhaven before, then. The waters are a little... Dangerous. There are beasties unlike anything we've ever seen in civilized waters before, things only heard of in story books before." The scarred man sighed, bringing his hand up to scratch his stubble. "Normally, I wouldn't be one to believe in such things except, well, we've been attacked three times before. So, you'd be watching for land, ships, and beasties. There's so many different types of sea devils that I can't even tell you exactly what to look for, I'm not familiar with the lot of them yet. But, they're not very subtle creatures. You see something that seems off, call out to the others, they'll confirm whether it's something looking to sink us or not." Catherine could ask additional questions if she needed to before heading off.

When she did make the trip, she quickly found herself at the base of the middle mast on the ship, the crow's nest atop it seemed to number the fewest in sentries. A rope ladder led up to it, about as dangerous and unsteady as anything Catherine had ever seen. Once she started up the ladder, the young woman quickly found that, regardless of how difficult it was to pull herself up, the game didn't let her slip and plummet to the deck. A few times she lost her footing or her hold on the ladder and each time her body seemed to correct itself without her input, setting her safely on the ladder again. That safety net, so to speak, made a potentially terrifying trip much less so. The game's precautions made her trip much quicker than it would have been, too, allowing her to reach the crow's nest in short order.

The view from her height was impressive. In truth, it was the same view of that far-reaching, blue ocean that she had found on the deck earlier but she could see further because of her altitude. The bigger and more noticeable improvement was the distance she had put between the hustle and bustle of the ship and herself. While she could still hear the clamoring, she was high enough up that it didn't overtake her ears entirely. Even though the orders were still audible and she could still see the men on the deck below scurrying to and fro, the subtle change made the view feel much more serene.

That serenity was broken before long by the only other person in the crow's nest. "Greets, girly," the sailor gave as a gruff greeting. He was not necessarily threatening, though he was far from warm. The man did not fully turn to face Catherine, only turning his head to look at her.

Destiny Strength: 4
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.


Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine listened to the captain as he spoke about the dangers that lurked in the waters around Westhaven, and she couldn’t help but feel a bit of anticipation. She had wondered how the game would work in her high setting for monsters on this level; whether there would be some on the boat, or if it would wait until they made port. This seemed to confirm that she would have sea monsters to deal with in the early game, and she was interested to see if they lived up to their reputation. "Alright, I’ll keep an eye out and hopefully I’ll see things before they become a problem" she replied, adjusting her glasses self-consciously. "With any luck I’ll be able to do something about them too" she said, hefting her bow and putting it around her shoulder, so that she would eventually be able to climb up to the crow’s nest. Having no further questions, she said her goodbye to the captain and thanked him for his help before descending the stairs onto the main deck again.

She was soon at the middle mast, which had the crow’s nest that housed the fewest sailors (only one), and she found herself confronted with a very dodgy looking rope ladder. She closed her eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, and then began the business of climbing up the thing. It was a scary thing at first. The sway of the ladder, the height she was getting to, the seeming weakness of the ropes, none of it made her feel particularly good about her climb. Then she lost her footing for the first time, and by all rights should have been in grave danger of falling, but instead her body moved nearly instantly, without any input from her at all, and got her back onto the ladder. She let out a sigh of relief as she realized that, much like during combat, the game would help her along in dangerous situations. Newly motivated by the knowledge that she wouldn’t be allowed to plummet to serious injury or death, she began to climb more quickly up into the crow’s nest, reaching it relatively soon after starting her journey upwards.

When she got to the top she was rewarded with a wonderful view. It was much the same as it had been from the deck, but the increased height meant that she could see seemingly forever, which was impressive to say the least. A beautiful clear blue sea for miles around. Further, she was now relatively far removed from the bustle of the deck, and could look out onto the scene in peaceful quiet, with nothing to interrupt her view. She was forced out of her reverie by the greeting of the sailor who also occupied the crow’s nest, and she unslung her bow from her shoulder and became a little more focused. "Hello" she said, turning to look at him. "I decided that I ought to help out where I could, instead of just sitting around being lazy and making you guys do everything. So what’s your name? I’m Catherine" she said, turning again to look out over the water, a little more carefully to see if there were any disturbances in the clear blue water.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

General Success Roll: 7 vs 3. Catherine wins!

1/2 Successes.

"I'm Roger. Good to meet ya," he replied. "Most of the lady travelers we have lock themselves in their quarters and stay there until we reach Westhaven. For good reason, too. If the sailors don't get 'em, the sea devils usually do." Despite the dangerous words, it didn't sound like a threat, merely a warning. The sailor never pulled his gaze away from the seas, even as he expanded on his warning. "As noble as your effort is, try to be safe. I'd hate to see another lost to this journey," he stated with a sigh, even as he continued to watch the ocean. Catherine's own vigilance was no less intense than the man she was sharing the crow's nest with, even though her reliance on glasses had made her the less likely candidate for the job. She watched the ocean for anything strange and found nothing. There was still a large amount of time left in her shift though, she could probably make smalltalk to Roger, work out the rest of the shift in silence, or abandon her post, if she desired.

Destiny Strength: 4
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.


Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

"Good to meet you too, Roger" Catherine replied, still looking out over the water. "I know it's dangerous, but sitting down in my quarters would be intolerable. Sitting around alone for who knows how long, bored and being a lump of deadweight, I just couldn't do it." She adjusted her glasses again, peering out to sea, and said "I'll be as careful as I can, don't worry." After a time spent in silence she asked "so what led you to become a sailor?" in part to pass the time and in part out of genuine curiosity as she kept an eye out for the monsters supposedly carried off most of the female travelers who dared to set foot on deck.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

15 vs 2.

2/2 successes.

"Adventure, at first." Roger grunted the words more than spoke them. "Thought I'd see the parts of the world that nobody had ever seen before, find treasure, go down in history, that sort of thing." The sailor sighed again. "Now I'm just here because I've got no other skills." As the glum man spoke, Catherine managed to keep her focus on the ocean around her. It was peaceful, though. For the lack of action around her, she might as well have been sight-seeing. One odd thing that the young archer did find was the movement of clouds overhead and, indeed, the movement of the boat. Both sped up occasionally, mostly at lulls in her conversation with the other watcher.

A sigh punctuated Roger's intent to add more to his remarks. "I've lost so much to the sea and this damned boat, what I wouldn't give to be free of it." Even with his less than inspiring mood, the man had kept an eye out throughout his sulking. He didn't even turn to Catherine, too busy watching for the sea devils he had warned of earlier, as he returned the question. "What about you, girly? What takes you across the sea?"

It might have come off as a bit of a strange question, given that she had been put into the position by the game.

Destiny Strength: 4
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.


Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine listened to Roger's reasoning somewhat sadly, his glum tone and bleak outlook bothering her a little. "I'm sure you could do something else with your life if you really wanted to and tried" she said, not quite looking at him in order to keep from taking her eyes off of the sea in her lookout for monsters. The time went by quickly. Surprisingly quickly, in fact, and Catherine noticed that it seemed as if the game literally sped up time when nothing was happening. She continued to try and make some small talk with Roger, trying to lift his spirits or at least make him a little less depressing, with very little success. Finally he asked her the same question she had asked him, and gave her a bit of pause as she recalled the backstory the game had given her. "Well, I'm looking for adventure in Westhaven myself. And money. I've always been poor, but I don't want that to be the case for the rest of my life. And I'd like to be able to make my future children comfortable, when I eventually have them" she answered, trying to stay true to the game's depiction of her past self and add on a little of her own flavor to it at the same time.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

"That's kind of you to say, girly, it really is," Roger offered in response to her comments of what he could do with his life. She could hear the beginnings of a 'but' on the horizon, though he didn't speak again until after she had offered her reasoning. For the first time since she had entered the crow's nest, the sailor turned to face her in full. Unlike the others had, Roger didn't stare at Catherine's body with lecherous intent, instead he was focused solely on her face. "You're a brave and noble girl, Catherine, y'know it? You remind me of my wife before she died. I'll make sure you get to Westhaven in one piece or I'll die tryin'." He gave her a respectful nod before turning back out toward the sea.

By that point the game had sped up throughout almost the entirety of the day and no trouble had come. The sun was setting on the horizon and Catherine's watch had passed with no danger. A few sailors came crawling up the rope ladder to relieve the two. They gave gruff nods to both the young woman and the other sailor. "Boss sent us, you two are done for the day," a familiar voice said with a smile at the archer. As the first man spoke, the other attempted to give Catherine a little more than a nod, his hand stretching for her breast. Roger caught the offending man's wrist and warned him against it with a painful looking twist and a glare. It was enough to get the man to give Catherine plenty of room to move. With the new shift in place, all that was left for the other two was to climb down the ladder.

Assuming they did, the trip down was as unremarkable as the first, with Roger allowing Catherine to choose whether he should go down first to ensure that she didn't fall or last to avoid the possibility of him looking up her skirt. Regardless, nothing really came of the descent. As soon as her feet hit the deck, a grouping of EGG boxes came up. Roger obviously didn't notice this, though, and spoke up even as Catherine dealt with them. "Well, girly, you can probably either get some shuteye, raid the lower deck for a snack, or you could probably speak to the captain if you'd like. Although if you've another destination or task in mind, I've no intentions of stopping you from seeking it out."

Skills Unlocked!
Spotter - Passively offers an increased chance to detect ambushes and traps.

Summon: Roger (Costs 1 DS) - Summons Roger to rush to your aid as quickly as possible.

Achievements Unlocked!
Baby Steps... (+1 Destiny) - Earn your first skill.

You've Got a Friend In Me (+1 Destiny) - Gain your first companion summon.

Destiny Strength: 6
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.
Spotter - Passively offers an increased chance to detect ambushes and traps.


Summon: Roger (Costs 1 DS) - Summons Roger to rush to your aid as quickly as possible.
Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Baby Steps... - Earn your first skill.
You've Got a Friend In Me - Gain your first companion summon.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine could almost feel the negativity coming off of Roger as he thanked her for her assessment of him. It was starting to get to her, she didn't like it when people were down in the dumps around her. She briefly turned to meet his eyes after her story, to get a good look at his face for the first time. Refreshingly, his eyes didn't wander down her body, instead staying focused on her face as he complimented her. She couldn't think of anything to say as he compared her to his dead wife, having to make an effort not to frown. That probably explains some of his attitude... I can't imagine being a very happy widow she thought as they both turned back to their jobs. "I don't know that I would call myself noble" she finally replied, staring out to sea. "Thank you, though. I hope it doesn't take anything so drastic to get me where I want to go."

The game seemed to speed up significantly now as they passed their time quietly, watching the sea roll past. The sun eventually started to set in the sky, bathing the faraway clouds in orange and pink light. It was a beautiful sight, and Catherine tried to allow herself to enjoy it despite having to watch the waves for monsters. Finally a few men climbed up the rope ladder to relieve Roger and her, one of them actually one of the men she recognized from below decks. He hadn't been one of the ones who had attacked her, so she returned his smile warmly, paying less attention than she should have to the other man. He reached out to give her breasts a squeeze, but Roger grabbed his wrist and twisted, putting an end to his lecherous attempt.

With that done with, Catherine edged around the men and allowed them to get to their proper posts, and then waited for Roger to start down the ladder first. While she wasn't worried about falling after the way the computer had helped her on the way up, she didn't want to seem to be calling the man's intentions into question by going first. It was an easier trip down than the trip up had been, Catherine only stumbling a few times along the way and quickly righting herself with a little help from the game. When they got to the deck, she was confronted by a number of popups, one of which told her about the achievements she had unlocked, the other telling her about skills she had unlocked. It seemed that her perceptiveness had increased, which was good, and that she had gained the ability to summon Roger by paying "Destiny Strength." She liked the idea of him as a recurring character, she decided. He seemed like a good guy.

While she got rid of the popups, Roger laid out her options, and she took a moment to think about them once he was done. It's a little early to sleep, and it might be good to eat, but I don't know that I want to wander around, and I'm not hungry yet. Maybe later... I could talk with the captain, but... her thoughts trailed off, before she looked up to him again. "I think I'd like to go back to my quarters. Would you be willing to escort me there? Last time I was below decks was a little bit... Ah... People got a little hands on" she said, trying not to blow the incident out of proportion.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

(With his promotion to actual companion, Roger receives a text color all his own! Hurray!)

"Of course, I'll see you there safely," the sailor responded with a nod. Despite the general burliness and dangerousness of the men who had assaulted her earlier, it seemed like Roger was capable of putting up a fight. The sailor had a wiry build, from what the archer could see of it, his body was no doubt honed by the amount of physical exertion required by work on the boat. He wore a stereotypical white and blue striped shirt, with sleeves cut off, showing his arms, and brown pants. A slight tan was visible, probably for the same reason that most of the others on the boat had tans. He had short, black hair, with stubble on his face that matched in color. Brown, studious eyes kept watch for other crew members as Roger took the lead in escorting Catherine back to her quarters.

Their return to the lower deck was first heralded by the overwhelming stench that had been present earlier. The second most noticeable attribute was that many of the sailors had gone, with the exception of the man Catherine had beaten earlier and the two that had molested her. It quickly became evident that the three had no intentions of letting her pass easily. Mostly, as the burly man flung her wadded-up panties at her, the garments softly brushing against her face before falling to the floor. "What did I tell you, boys? They always come back. 'Ey, Roger, why don't you grab the bitch and we can all have some fun with her." As perhaps expected, the crewman responded with a fierce growl. "I'll break your jaw for even suggesting it, boy." Roger put his arm out, motioning for the archer to remain behind him. It was then that the first man that Catherine had defeated spoke up, still sporting the wheeze she had given him. "Do you see what she did to me?" Wheeze. "It's only fair!"

The burly man scoffed. "Roger just wants to be the hero and bed her himself. Didn't you have that girl a few trips ago? You know, before she was dragged off by the sea devils." The man said with maliciousness dripping from his voice. If looks could kill, Catherine's former assailant would have exploded in a cascade of gore for the glare that Roger had set on him. The three potential assailants took up positions in the narrow pathway, blocked from Catherine by the increasingly furious Roger in front of her. "Whatever, we'll just beat your ass and then make you watch what we do to her." The wheezing man piped in; "I like that plan!" It looked, and sounded, as though they weren't going to get through without a fight, unless Catherine had some grand plan to avoid it.
Destiny Strength: 6
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.
Spotter - Passively offers an increased chance to detect ambushes and traps.


Summon: Roger (Costs 1 DS) - Summons Roger to rush to your aid as quickly as possible.
Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Baby Steps... - Earn your first skill.
You've Got a Friend In Me - Gain your first companion summon.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

"Thank you" Catherine replied with a smile, glad that Roger was willing to help her get to her quarters, as she was sure some of his fellow sailors would be there waiting for her. The man was relatively thin, but not in a bad way, as his sleeveless shirts revealed tanned and muscled arms, likely the result of years of hard work aboard the ship. His short black hair was relatively well-kept, and he seemed to put more effort into hygiene than most around here. In all he was a fairly handsome man, she thought as she followed him towards the lower deck.

As the two descended the stairs, they were greeted by the intense smell of animals and gunpowder that had been there before, though Catherine tried not to pay it much mind and succeeded somewhat. As they got to the bottom of the stairs, though, they were greeted by something less pleasant, and she was glad she had brought Roger along. Everyone was gone from the lower deck, besides the two men who had molested the young archer and the one she had knocked out, and soon afterward she felt her wadded up panties brush against her cheek as one of the men threw them at her. "Oh, thank you" she called out, not letting it get to her, "I was going to ask for them back." She bent down to grab them, and checked to see if there were any suspicious stains on the garment before slipping them on.

As the small, wheezing man with the busted nose spoke up, Catherine brought her bow out off of her shoulder, and replied "I could have put an arrow in the back of your head, you know. But I didn't, because I try not to do things like that. Why are you trying to make me regret sparing you, little guy?" with a mock-friendly tone in her voice. She still didn't have any intention of killing anyone, but maybe her act of mercy would somehow inspire the man to think a little harder about his decision to attack Roger and her.

The burlier man's words were a little more... hurtful, at least for Roger. Catherine couldn't be sure if there was truth to what he had said, or if so how much there was to it, but from the look Roger gave him it certainly made the sailor mad. As the men got into position in the narrow hallway to block the two of them from getting to Catherine's quarters, the young archer notched an arrow to her bowstring, pulling it back and aiming towards the middle of the hallway. There was no way all of them would be able to get out of the way of this arrow assuming her aim wasn't horrible, and she called out "fine, we can do this your way" as she let the arrow fly towards the men.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Round 1

Catherine's Attack: 15 v 10. Catherine wins.
Roger's Attack: 20 vs 2. Roger crits.

Roger's Defenses: 6 vs 13, 11 vs 10, 6 vs 3. Roger takes 1 hit.

Round 2

Catherine's Attack: 2 v 1. Catherine wins.
Roger's Attack: 5 v 20. Roger misses.

Roger's Defense: 2 v 11. 6 v 15. Roger takes 2 hits.

Rolled 2 rounds because nothing of particular interest happened in the first and the burly guy was almost down.

The burly thug seemed ready to make a lewd retort, at least until he was cut off by the sudden presence of an arrow in his shoulder. Roger seized the opportunity and stepped forward, driving his palm into the man's nose with a disturbing crack. With a projectile sticking out of him and a freshly broken nose to match his comrade's, the man roared in anger and took a wild swing, which Roger ducked. In the meantime, the wheezing man was trying to find a way around the two combatants to get at Catherine, but simply couldn't. With his path toward the archer blocked, he instead drew his pitted weapon and took a thrust at Roger, hoping the man too busy to notice. Thankfully for Catherine's only ally in the lower decks, he noticed the dangerous blade coming for him at the last second and barely managed to bat it out of the way.

Roger was not so prepared for the weaselly thug, however, as he all but slithered into the melee and took a cheap shot at the man's side. It connected. The blow was bad enough that it caused Roger to recoil in pain. Catherine, who had already prepped her second arrow, used the sailor's temporary absence from the fray to put another shot into the burly thug. The force of her second attack threw her former assailant to the ground. With that threat down, Roger attempted a counterattack on the thug who had struck him, but the little man was too fast. For his troubles, the sailor received an elbow to the stomach and, while he was distracted, a deep gash in his forearm.

Things were looking a bit dangerous for Catherine's ally. The archer would have to remove another attacker from the fight as quickly as possible if she wanted to keep Roger conscious.

FP: 4/4
AP: 0/10
DS: 6

FP: ??-3/??
AP: ??/??

Burly Thug
FP: Unconscious
AP: ??/??

Weaselly Thug
FP: ??/??
AP: ??/??

Wheezing Thug
FP: ??/??
AP: ??/??

Destiny Strength: 6
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.
Spotter - Passively offers an increased chance to detect ambushes and traps.


Summon: Roger (Costs 1 DS) - Summons Roger to rush to your aid as quickly as possible.
Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Baby Steps... - Earn your first skill.
You've Got a Friend In Me - Gain your first companion summon.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine watched her arrow fly about as straight as any arrow could, lodging itself firmly in the burly sailor's shoulder. Roger quickly made his mark on the fight as well, slamming the man in the face and shattering his nose. Her ally soon began to take his licks, though, with a punch to the side. In all this, the archer reached back for another arrow, managing to fire off a quick one that jammed into the burly man's stomach, knocking him back onto the ground, unable to fight.

Meanwhile, Roger's part in the fight wasn't going so well. The thin, weaselly man dodged his attempted blow, knocking him back into a deep slash from the wheezing man's rusty dagger. This could get bad really fast... she thought, reaching back for another arrow, notching it into her bow. He needs help fast... And that man I punched out earlier seemed pretty weak... Maybe power attack would work. She took aim as carefully as she could and then tried to mentally summon up the Power Attack skill and shoot an arrow with as much force as possible at the wheezing sailor, hoping to knock him out of the fight as soon as possible.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Round 3

Catherine's Attack: 6 vs 12. Catherine misses. D:
Roger defends!

10 vs 13 and 4 vs 3. Everything misses Roger.

Round 4

Catherine's Attack: 18 vs 16. Catherine wins!
Roger defends

11 vs 12. Last guy misses Roger.

Catherine pulled her bowstring back as far as she could, until the effort of keeping it taut made her arm weary. She took careful aim. Sights on the weaselly man, who even then was trying to impale Roger with a dagger. Roger dodged and was out of the way for only an instant and the archer loosed her arrow...

Only for it to powerfully bury itself into one of the walls that the cots hung from. The wheezing man scoffed and went back to his effort of trying to carve Roger up. The woman's comrade had gone on the defensive, however, and was admirably blocking the weasel's lightning fast punches and kicks and weaving out of the way of the worn dagger.

Roger's efforts gave Catherine another chance to draw her bowstring back. She calmed herself, taking a deep breath as she pulled it taut yet again. Then, taking careful aim, she released the arrow along with her breath. It struck the wheezing man in the shoulder. The force of the shot sent him spinning to the ground. Whether he was simply too afraid or to hurt, the shot sailor stayed down. This left it down to the weasel, who didn't seem ready to give up. He launched a kick at Roger's side which was deflected by the man's forearm.

The odds were in Catherine's favor now, though, barring any repeated misfortune. It was time to finish things up.

FP: 4/4
AP: 0/10
DS: 6

FP: ??-3/??
AP: ??/??

Burly Thug
FP: Unconscious
AP: ??/??

Weaselly Thug
FP: ??/??
AP: ??/??

Wheezing Thug
FP: Unconscious
AP: ??/??

Destiny Strength: 6
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.
Spotter - Passively offers an increased chance to detect ambushes and traps.


Summon: Roger (Costs 1 DS) - Summons Roger to rush to your aid as quickly as possible.
Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Baby Steps... - Earn your first skill.
You've Got a Friend In Me - Gain your first companion summon.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine drew her bowstring as tightly as she could, aiming carefully as the fight progressed, waiting for her chance... Finally Roger dodged out of the way at just the right angle, and she let the arrow fly at the wheezing man... Unfortunately it sailed to the right, lodging in the wall just behind him, right next to a cot. Her intended target sneered at her, going back to attacking Roger, though the helpful sailor was focusing on defending himself now and doing an admirable job of it, ducking the blade and blocking the other man's punches and kicks. It gave Catherine another chance, and she quickly notched another arrow and took a breath to calm herself. She held in the breath as long as she could, aiming this second arrow, letting it fly as she exhaled, and watched the bolt impale her target's shoulder. He fell to the ground and stayed down, either unable or unwilling to get up, and now it was just the two of them against the weaselly sailor. "Go up to your job and leave us alone, and you won't get an arrow in you" she called out, pulling another arrow from her quiver and notching it. She would only shoot if the man rejected her offer, but if he did she wouldn't hesitate.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherin's Attack: 8 vs 1. Catherine hits.
Roger's Attack: 20 vs 14. Roger hits.

Weasel's Attack: 11 vs 2. Weasel hits and Roger goes down.

The weaselly man looked at Catherine with a wicked grin. "I just want to see you and your man bleed. That's all." Before Catherine could react, he dropped low and scooped up the rusty knife. The archer readjusted her aim, firing at the thug, grazing his left bicep and leaving a trail of red on his shirt. Roger launched a kick at the man, catching him in the right shoulder. Neither were enough to stop the sudden burst of murderous intent as the little man thrust his weapon forward. The knife caught Roger right in the gut. The weaselly crew member quickly wrenched the blade free.

The archer's ally looked down at his stomach incredulously, clutching at the wound to try to stop the blood loss. "Shit. Sorry, Catherine..." Moments later, his arms went limp and he collapsed on the floor. The weaselly sailor tossed his pitted blade from hand to hand as he advanced upon Catherine with viciousness in his eyes, stepping on Roger's back as he came closer to the young woman.

FP: 4/4
AP: 0/10
DS: 6

FP: Unconscious
AP: ??/??

Burly Thug
FP: Unconscious
AP: ??/??

Weaselly Thug
FP: ??-2/??
AP: ??/??

Wheezing Thug
FP: Unconscious
AP: ??/??

Destiny Strength: 6
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.
Spotter - Passively offers an increased chance to detect ambushes and traps.


Summon: Roger (Costs 1 DS) - Summons Roger to rush to your aid as quickly as possible.
Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Baby Steps... - Earn your first skill.
You've Got a Friend In Me - Gain your first companion summon.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine face slumped into a deep frown at the weaselly sailor's words, and she wasn't quite fast enough to shoot him before he bent over and scooped up the other man's knife. She adjusted her aim accordingly and let an arrow fly, though it only clipped the man's arm. Roger delivered a kick to his shoulder as well, but it wasn't nearly enough, and the vile little man quickly stuck the knife into Roger's stomach. "Roger!" Catherine yelled out, looking more than a little concerned as he slumped limply onto the floor. The archer pulled another arrow from her quiver, glaring at the sick little man who soon began to walk towards her, right over the fallen sailor, tossing his weapon back and forth in his hands taunting. "Even now I won't kill you, you scum" she said quietly, her voice cold and flat. She notched the arrow, and pulled back the bowstring, aiming carefully for the man's midsection before letting it fly.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine's Attack: 13 vs 14. Catherine wins (Hurray Bow Expertise!)

Weasel's Attack: 15 vs 11. Weasel wins.

Catherine's Attack: 6 vs 1. Catherine wins.

The archer loosed another arrow on her steadily advancing opponent, placing it right in his chest. It did not stop his advance. The weaselly man closed the gap before Catherine could launch a second attack and lashed out with the pitted knife. Instinctively, she raised her hand to protect herself, getting a long cut across her palm for her trouble. As before, it didn't hurt much, the pain was probably comparable to a splinter. It did tire the woman, however.

But not enough to stop her. She pulled another arrow from her quiver in desperation, backing away from the dangerous little man to buy precious time. Without time to aim or steady herself, she fired again. The arrow buried itself in the man's thigh, finally causing him to go down, clutching the appendage. If the fall of the last man wasn't enough of an indicator, the EGG prompts and change of her DS were, the battle was over.

With the fight over, Catherine had a few obvious options. She could deal with Roger, either by dragging him to her room or using her newest skill. The harassed woman could also put a permanent end to the three thugs. Nothing was stopping her from trying something else if she desired, though.

Skill Unlocked!
Adventurer's Resolve (1:1 DS:FP Cost) - Heals yourself or an ally.

Healing & You
In the EGG, you and your allies will receive healing whenever you reach a safe spot or a checkpoint. For desperate times in-between, you can choose to heal yourself and allies using Destiny Strength, Magic, or other means! Or you can just drag your unconscious friends around, it's your call!

FP: 4/4
AP: 0/10
DS: 9

FP: Unconscious
AP: ??/??

Destiny Strength: 9
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.
Spotter - Passively offers an increased chance to detect ambushes and traps.


Summon: Roger (Costs 1 DS) - Summons Roger to rush to your aid as quickly as possible.
Adventurer's Resolve (Costs 1:1 DS:FP) - Heals yourself or an ally.
Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Baby Steps... - Earn your first skill.
You've Got a Friend In Me - Gain your first companion summon.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine's arrow flew true besides being a little high, which only caused it to lodge in the weaselly sailor's chest. Unfortunately he barely seemed fazed by the hit, and just kept running forward, swiping at her with the rusty knife. The archer raised a hand, intercepting the pitted blade before it reached her chest and taking a cut along the length of her palm. It barely hurt, feeling almost as if she had run her hand along a wooden railing and had gotten a deep splinter. It was somewhat jarring, actually the disconnect between the injury and the way it felt.

Catherine didn't have long to think on it, though, as she took a jump backwards to put some distance between her and the man, desperately pulling an arrow from her quiver with her bleeding hand. She was still stumbling slightly as she pulled back the string, no time to aim at the man still coming her way, simply launching the arrow as soon as there was enough tension in the bowstring. It found its mark in the sailor's thigh, and he fell down, dropping the knife and clutching his leg. As he fell, the EGG popped up to tell her that she had unlocked a healing spell, and also that she and her allies would heal when at a safe point.

Catherine quickly dealt with the popups, walking towards the weaselly sailor, who was still conscious, but in no shape to fight anymore. She bent down to carefully pick up the rusted, pitted knife he had used to stab Roger and cut her. "Worth it?" she asked quietly, as she stabbed it as deeply into the wooden floor as she could and then pushed to the side with all her strength. The metal was old and brittle enough that it actually bent, eventually snapping in two. She tossed what was left of it over to the unconscious sailor it had belonged to, then walking over to Roger.

The archer rolled him over and saw that he was still bleeding from his wound, and had lost a deal of blood, but that his life probably wasn't in any danger. She was thankful for that, and she slung her bow over her shoulder and hooked her arms under his own, beginning to drag him to her room. He didn't seem too terribly heavy, and soon they were in the safety of her room, the wooden door barred to prevent any more opportunistic sailors from entering. She continued to drag Roger onto the straw mat that was to serve as her bed and knelt down beside him, checking to see if she would need to do anything in order to aid in his recovery.