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Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

With the sounds from behind getting closer, she didn't bother to examine any further in her haste, ducking through the archway and hopefully to someplace she'd feel a bit safer...
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza watched as Annabelle charged ahead. She glanced to Vezina in dismay then shook her head. She at least had a point. If these creatures attacked, kine would just get in the way.

"Do you have any idea what the crazy putanna said? Porco mondo..." The Lasombra muttered to herself before starting to jog after the other cainite. Where are you Jourdain? She thought to herself as she went.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina looked at Eliza with a haunted look. "We're being hunted. Trust in her, she's been through battles before. Let's move!"

The survivalist mentality that had not ever truly left the Tzimisce took over and she hurried after the Gangrel soldier, expecting the newcomer to follow behind as best she could. She had not met a Lupine, but the horrible stories Gyulu told mirrored the ones the Transylvanian peasants had spread around at their campfires throughout her childhood. That her master - empowered by the strength of the blood - would still fear them made her doubly cautious. She did not wish to meet one of them, but if she did, she wanted it to be on safe ground and with the aid of numbers on her side.

Catching up to Anabelle, she made to get into the gatehouse, silently wishing she had had a good excuse to bring her bow with her. She worried that in a fight she was going to be not very useful.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Anabelle reaches the bridge before the other two, just after Jocelyn ducked back through the arch way. Vezina and Eliza arrive a few seconds behind her, all eager to get somewhere safer. The howling currently sounds as though it's coming from the docks they had just recently vacated, though it's difficult to say if it's coming from near the Black Wolf or where Eliza had docked.

The howling seems to not be moving for the moment giving the four Cainites some time to prepare. The three stand looking at Jocelyn, each aware that she's Kindred and she in turn looks back at them. Looking around there seems to be little of use in the immediate vicinity but a heavy wooden door does sit in the wall of the gatehouse, likely leading to storage or guard rooms. The inclement weather is keeping people off the streets, including any guards that might normally patrol the city.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Anabelle looked at the other woman for a moment, before noting the door. She moved towards it, kicking near the latch as hard as she could, hoping to bash any locks open without fully ruining the door.

"Inside, if they are hunting us, then the doorway should be enough to narrow them to one at a time... if they can even fit through," Anabelle said, before turning to face the newly met Cainite.

"You best join us,"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jocelyn stopped short once more, staring wide-eyed at the three others like her she suddenly found herself face to face with. "Uhh... Yeah, we should go inside, I think..." She said slowly, focused on Anabelle as she spoke.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Our best defense it to avoid battle at all. Even with a defensive position, we are ill equipped to fight an entire pack of Lupines." Vezina observed, taking in the guardhouse's layout.

"Is this the only way in or out?" She gestured towards the archway.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza pulled up next to the other two, only vaguely noticing the new arrival. She was staring in the door with a mortified look on her face, images of a slaughter by these barbaric creatures with no way out swirling in her mind. She might have even slipped away by herself if her images of that alternative weren't just as horrifying.

"We don't appear to have any better choices. If you can prevent them from seeing me, I can crush its skull or at least damage it very badly."

Eliza said as she went into the guardhouse. It was really more conjecture than anything, but Eliza assumed she was strong enough to hurt the things somehow. She was actually planning to try to lure them away with shadows but didn't wish to give away those secrets...
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I think we should just hide in here and try not to anger them." Jocelyn piped up, looking for a good place for her to do so. "I think I saw protective wards on this building, I don't think they can enter it..."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"That would indeed be preferable," Anabelle said, crouching in the shadows by the door, pulling her sword from her sheath and resting it across her knees, fingers curled firmly around the grip.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Once inside the gatehouse, Eliza moved to the side of a window and pressed her back against the wall. She glanced at Jocelyn and at her mention of wards, looked around the room until finally arching her snowy eyebrow silently.

She took a deep breath and listened intently for any sign of monsters outside, preparing herself for her plan.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

The archway is the only way on to the bridge and the door is about 8 feet past the gate. Other than coming from the opposite end of the bridge or over the sides there is no other way onto the bridge. The door is fairly easy to break in as it wasn't meant for defense from this side of the gate.

A single window looks out over the river and a few arrow slits face out off the bridge towards the street. The only furnishings in the small guard room are a set of bunks and a few chairs. A couple of old crossbows sit in a rack along with a handful of bolts, the dust in the room suggests it hasn't been used lately.

Ducking into the room the 4 Cainites wait and prepare fro whatever may be coming. Listening over the icy rain outside of the small room they can easily hear that most of the howls from within the city proper have died down but the one from Southwark is drawing ever closer.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Is anyone good with a crossbow? If we can do some damage without all of us being next to the bastards that would be nice for the shooter," Anabelle said carefully, before bowing her head.

Her lips moved, but the words were too quiet to be heard even by her fellow Cainites.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza closed her eyes, reaching deep within her self to get in touch with that familiar dark, shadowy heart at the core of her tortured soul. The dark room seemed to grow ever darker, though of course it could have just been a trick of the fading moonlight. It was not.

The young Lasombra pictured the bridge outside and the mist that the icy rain created. In her mind, she created new additions to the scene. Two shadowy forms suddenly took shape at the side of the bridge. Narrowing her eyebrows, Eliza forced the shadows to suddenly run across the street and then start to slink in the opposite direction of where she imagined the monster to be. She hoped it would notice them and chase them into the mist.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Anabelle felt her eyes widen as she watched the room darken. Memories of the Mediterranean filled her mind, images of drowning men amongst the black oceans, and strange things that she had not thought possible until that same night her entire world had been shaken to its core.

Her grip tightened on her sword, and she pushed the memories away as best she could. A fight was quick approaching, and she would need to be ready, regardless of how uneasy this Eliza woman made her.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

You can't make the shadows run but you can make them slowly walk and you do need line of sight to the shadows you're moving. That's 2 blood points spent if you're keeping track.

The shadows in the small guard room seem to deepen and shift slightly as Eliza concentrates. Peering out through one of the arrow slits carefully Eliza concentrates on a pair of shadows near the archway and makes them move slowly away from the bridge as though someone is sneaking along. While she is concentrating on her distraction a huge bipedal wolf-like creature springs into view from the direction they had previously run.

Anyone else looking out an arrow slit or the door can see the 9 foot tall monster with it's wolf-like head and tail lumber towards the bridge and stop before tossing it's head back and sniffing the air. It doesn't seem to notice the slinking shadows as it looks around the broad roadway leading to the bridge.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina peered towards Eliza, saw her concentrating, and then followed her line of sight towards the moving shadows. According to Gyulu's lessons on the history of the Cainite clans, the Brujah were never known for their shadow play. That was the province of the Lasombra. Good to know now what clan Jourdain was - now the only question was why he bothered to try and keep it secret?

But this was a small matter for another time. A far greater danger now presented itself in the form of a nine foot monstrosity, bearing the face of a wolf.

When Anabelle had mentioned the crossbow, Vezina slowly raised her hand, indicating that she could handle the weapon. This might not be entirely true however, as while she was a decent shot with a hunting bow, a crossbow, with its heaviness and altered method of delivery, would offer her a challenge as she'd never fired one before.

She was careful not to make any sound as she made her way over to the crossbow, hoping that the creature on the bridge would pass them by. Picking it up as gently as she could, she checked to see if it were already loaded, and if not, if there were a bolt nearby.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza frowns, seeing the beast isn't noticing her slinking shadows so far. Maybe it has poor eyesight, she thought to herself but seeing how big the monster was renewed her determination. The young Lasombra concentrates hard on the two shadows and nudges them onward, continuing their journey away from the bridge. She tried to make each start to diagonally veer to opposite sides of the road, creating more lateral movements that might catch the beasts attention. At the same time, she maintained the unnatural darkness within the guardhouse to mask her own presence and the others. Her kiwi gaze within her dark hood leveled fiercely on the wandering shadows, willing them to be seen.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jocelyn started to shake her head at the offer of a crossbow, then stopped for a second, cocking her head to the side as if listening to something, nodding a bit and going for one of the weapons. After that, she went over to hide under one of the bunks, not caring to even see what the hellhounds outside looked like.

sorry for the wait and meh post. Also, using obfuscate once she gets down there.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

The monstrous creature strangely continues to sniff at the air every couple of seconds while Eliza attempts to distract it with the shadows. This continues for a few more minutes until she begins to make the shadows veer back and forth across the road. The beast stops sniffing the air and howls quickly before it starts lumbering after the slowly escaping shadows down a side street. The lupine creature continues down this road even after Eliza has lost sight of the shadows.

Unfortunately a less menacing foe has appeared as if in answer to the howl, a small pack of feral dogs. The dogs sniff the ground and begin to pad towards the bridge slowly stopping near where the lupine had been previously standing. They don't seem intent on moving from the area any time soon and the howling of the creature continues in the distance.

Jocelyn easily hides herself from the creature or anyone else who happens to turn around and look for her.
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