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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Each blow would be decisive, her dance of death done the rogue flicked her blade of the blood and turned to the final goblin who had already legged it a fair distance away. The rogue pulled out her throwing blade and took aim... but he was already too far away. With a light tisk, she'd resheathe the venomous weapon and turned to her friend.

"Hey, hey~ hey~" the rogue sheathed her, flicked clean, blade and would quickly approach Janet, kneeling down next to her and smiling warmly "They probably saw our torches and planned this attack for a long while." she leaned down to try and catch Janets gaze with her own encouraging eyes, only to see the fair deformations of the knights armor "Shh~ Come on let's get you treated 'kay?"

Rikke knew the tears were not from the battle injuries, Janet didn't seem the kind, but no doubt the sheer stinging pain accentuated whatever drove her to this state "They beat on you pretty hard huh?" unless something happened, Rikke would try to calm Janet down and heal her up via the plain medicine they brought. Saving the healing potions for battle situations.

Heal Janet up via rest

Only combat restarts/continues use a healing potion
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The wounds didn't seem to bad mostly just exhaustion and bruising. As for the tears that was hard to explain. It could be any number of reasons and it was up to Rikke to dig deeper if she wanted. Janet snickered at the they beat you hard comment. "They hit like the fresh meat at the princess." It was a lie of course some of the bruises where deep. Still Rikke did her best to treat any cuts. It seemed for the most part good rest would have to suffice.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Still we got a problem..." Rikke looked to the forest where one of the goblins ran off "He's gonna bring much more now. Goblins aren't smart enough to know to keep away." the situation was actually much worse than it seemed. The camp would soon enough begin to reek from the corpses. It was still dark outside and a new force was likely moving on them as they spoke.

Rikke would throw Janet a healing potion "Come on, let's move on. These things are starting to reek. If it gets too bad drink it 'kay." the rogue nudged towards the healing potion in question and picked up one of the torches. It was time to head out.

Still the route would have to avoid the general direction the goblin went, it was just a hope against hope that he did not go towards the strange structure that was their goal.

Continue onwards, unless that means taking the route the goblin took when he flee'd
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nodding gloomly Janet got up her sore muscles causing her to wince in protest but the stoic knight got to her feet. "Lets move Rikke before those things come back." With that the duo set out threw the night their torches casting brife glimmers of light threw the fetid swamp. Wet splashes echoed around them as well as a few shrill cries. The little goblins where chasing them but the cowards kept out of sight and out of range of gun or dagger. No rest was given as Rikke moved threw the jungle with Janet. "Ya know talking with spiders right now wouldn't have been so bad." Janet tried to lighten the mood slightly but due to the broken way it came out killed any humor the statement might have had. Threw the night the goblins chased them seemingly everywhere but not willing to engage. Perhapse they just wanted Rikke and Janet to run themselves out or to simply give up but nether woman would relent.

Soon however the object of their desires came into view. It was a broken stair case made of stone with some metal hand rails. The stairs if you could call them that where fairly wide, easily large enough for at lest 4 people to walk side by side if need be. Sadlly however the stair case was broken into floating chunks that streached up to the cliffs above. "Im starting to hate this place." Smirking Janet swigged down the potion and drew her blade backing up the first part of the stairs which was still attached on the ground. Following her gaze Rikke saw many more goblins than before each one snickering and laughing and pointing. They didn't seem cowardly and their numbers by the goddess their numbers. Rikke and Janet would be overwhelmed in moments if they stood and fought....
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Was this whole place infested by the darn creeps! The heroine moved onwards through the jungle, their torches and the night light guiding them onward, throughout their forced march Rikke kept her hand on the pommel of Beauty, her eyes sharp if any one of the green bastards dared approach. Though the further they went the more and more, snapped twigs and brushed leaves echoed around them. Until finally...

"We made it!" Rikke smiled widely looking to the structure, for how broken and busted it was it was still atleast something! Though her relief would be cut short as the clear mocks and snickers echoed behind them throughout the forest. Only to meet the heroines hateful gaze, her hand rested on her blade clearly showing there would be losses if they dared attack... though even if the girls had the skill and power, the goblins had one thing far far in their favor.

Rikke narrowed her eyes at the sheer number of possible opponents "Damn it... think we have their whole tribe after us." the rogue looked to her knight chug the potion "You still good for a bit of climbing?" she'd quickly uncoil the rope she had on her shoulder and throw it to Janet "Wrap this around your waist. Just..." her eyes wandered to the beaten to structure, clearly magical in nature "Incase we slip.."
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The goblins jeered and laughed as Rikke got her rope ready. Hardly had Rikke got the rope off her shoulder when the first goblin charged. He was foaming at the mouth his wooden mask nearly bouncing off his head. This threat was ended quicky by Janet who brougth her the blade down on his head. "I don't think we are goint to have time for that." Looking back Janet rushed up the stairs and jumped to the first broken set of stairs. Thankfully it didn't move and remaind as if it was fixed in the air. "Come on channel them up this way!" As Janet spoke some more shrill cries echoed out as about twenty goblins started to run at Rikke!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemingly the whole darn forest split apart as a horde of the damned green bastards dashed out! "Eeep!" Rikke would quickly follow Janets lead, but still throwing her the rope "Well then we improvise, wrap it around while we move!" the rogue was no expert climber, but she couldn't help but all too well know this tip. A tip learned from stories of survivors thanking it for their lives.

Either way, it was less funneling or channeling them and more of a dash up the stairs in escape right now! The climb was absolutely the agile rogues forte as she'd make her way from one piece to the other actually taking the lead and spurring Janet onwards!
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Clearing the first jump Rikke tied herself and made ready for the next when the goblins reached the first part of the stair. Janet made ready as they horde paused a moment for one of the big ones to bark a sharp command and a little one ran off back to the cover of his fellows in the swamp. "Rikke get your gun out we are going to need it!" Janet fixed a stance and waited her steely gaze eyeing the bunched up mass. She had the high ground and a narrow space she could handle them.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Go I'll cover you! I'm a harder target if they do end up getting near." instead of her gun Rikke drew her poison blade, the big ones were the clear targets. And likely the only ones that could potentially keep up with the due to the fair distances needed to jump at times.

The poisoned blades shined between the girls fingers before she threw it at the nearest big goblin in sight "If we get high enough they won't be able to follow." atleast that was the hope.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Don't be a fool Rikke!" Janet spoke her voice harsh as the dawn started to break. Her blade flew true and struck a big goblin dead on dropping him. "At these close quarters your dodging will be wasted.. this is a matter of armor." Janet brought another goblin down who was foolish enough to jump by himself. Beyond the pool of goblins more was joining the mad rush quickly replenishing the numbers. "Besides this is a figting retreat not a last stand." Janet quickly moved and jumped to the same platform as Rikke. "Anyway Im your knight and I will protect you even though you did charm me you little brat." Janet winked the purple shimmer having faded from her eyes.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ha~? I'm not the one who wanted to try out their new cock." the rogue smirked at her "Now keep up slowpoke." Rikke winked slyly and would lead the way onwards, carefully looking not to end up stranded at the floating platform with nowhere else to jump.

Though then another thought crossed her mind, did these goblins actually know of weapons. The rogue glanced to her revolver, perhaps it would scare the primitive creeps back. She pulled it out and let loose a few a shot in the general direction making sure to shoot a tad away from Janet!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The echo of gun fire indeed slowed the mob slightly but sense it did no harm they quickly bubbled back up and made the jump to the next platform. "These guys don't quit!" Meanwhile as Rikke was looking for her next jump a sudden drone of giant wings filled the air. Looking up a group of was flying towards them.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened at the sight! "Wasp riders incoming!" she looked down to Janet "Change of plan, full-on retreat!" fighting off a mid-air assault of wasps and trying to keep the goblins at bay at the same time seemed like a lost cause!

Still Rikke would aim down and let loose a few shots at the wasps, trying to spook them or hit the riders. Meanwhile rushing to hopefully shelter wherever these stairs lead up to!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked at the situation there was no way they could both climb and avoid the wasps. If they ran the goblins would catch them as they dodge the wasps attacks. If they fought the wasps the goblins would overwhelm them. Looking at Rikke Janet smiled. "FOR THE GODDESS!" Taking a giant leap Holy magic flared up igniting Janets blade. White fire lashed out as Janet hit the ground severing several goblins where they stood. This sudden onslaught pushed the goblins back causing many to fall. "I got these jerks Rikke you get the wasps!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Take care of them?! Rikke turned to the group already nearby, how was she supposed to do that exactly. The rogue drew her blade "Darn it!" still her terrain did give her one advantage...

The rogue would rush forward upwards, jumping from stone to stone with exemplary grace and dexterity until she was withing reach of the nearest wasp! Making sure to avoid the stinger, Rikke gave one more dash onwards and would leap to the rider slicing at him, hopefully killing him on the spot before turning her blade on the oversized insect aswell!

If successful in slaying both the girl would jump to the nearest platform and cry out "LOOK OUT BELOW!" hopefully the insects corpse crushing a few of the goblins upon landing!

Sudden strikes!
Lightning strikes!
One on the rider 2 on the wasp
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Jumps and attacks! 72 vs 50 hit! 56 damage
GR2 attacks 62 vs 58 hit 23 damage after armor
GR3 attacks 62 vs 58 hit 26 damage after armor

Rikke: Hp: 13/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 33/45, Status = hurt

Like a deadly gracful dancer Rikke lept into the air slicing the first rider off his mount. Brakish blood splattered over the stone stair as the goblins sword missed its mark. The Wasp on the other hand flew away once it was free of its rider the poor beast having been cowed to do such things should it lose its rider. The other two however where soon upon Rikke quickly slashing at her and landing some telling blows as they weeled away from their charge. Janet meanwhile was a reaper of death as she cut down waves of goblins that dared to appraoch her walk way.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her attack a grand success! The rogue finsihsed off the raider and would aim for the wasp only to not the creature clearly starting to panic and fidged around, going as far as throwin off the unstrapped rogue only for her to land on one of the floating platofroms hard! "Oof..." still dizzy from the throw off Rikke would get to her feet--

Only for a clear buzz to approach from behind! Before she even finished turning around the attacks had already landed, the blades gently cutting at her and tearing into her leather! Two dashes buzzing by each with a mirrored slash against her! "Aaah~!" Rikke winced in pain a the sharp cuts. These were no rookies!

Still she had some time before they'd circle around and dash forward, Rikke quickly uncorked the healing potion and drank some of it, pouring some directly on the ripped leather and sharpening her eyes. Enough showing off this time...

The rogue steadied her breath and focused herself, the flyers steering around and once more diving for her! Though this time they made a fatal mistake, instead of a tandem strike the two aligned in a line for a follow up attack. Likely first one to throw her off and the other to end the fight.

The rogues blade flipped in her hand as she took on a familiar stance she hadn't use in awhile. Hopefully her counter skills were still as sharp as ever.

Desperate avoidance for 3EP
Defensive Stance
Counter with Lightning strikes!
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke assumes a defensive stance with desperate avoidance 78 dodge
GR2 attacks 51 vs 78
GR3 attacks 61 vs 78
Rikke counters with lighting strike 70, 73, 66 vs 50 all hit min damage is death
Rikke coutners with lighting strike 63, 81, 77 vs 50 all hit min damage is death

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 30/45, Status = hurt

Rikke readied herself as the buzzing duo came in close. Indeed the first one attacked clumsely to draw off Rikke's guard. However while he made a good brawler Rikke was a duelest and his strike while good enough for a standard soildier was easily dodged letting the rogue place three percise and deadly strikes ending his tainted life. The wasp on aware of his riders death flew off in a direction not receiveing any commands to stop. The last goblin tried to pull away upon seeing his friends fate only to feel his mount shutter as Rikke took the creature down with three more blows. The wasp shuttered and fell banging on the stone stair falling down crushing its rider. Rikke's blood was pumping as she let out a triumphant yell only to see five more wasp riders approaching fast.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her attacks finished Rikke slowly opened her eyes with all too cocky smile, the crash of the wasp at the bottom echoing her victory through the goblins ranks. She actually did it! Gods it seemed like forever since she really such a fierce battle. Her giddyness boiling up would burst out in less of a yell and more into a cheer with a jump "Ya~~ haa~" she cried out happily... before seeing the real air force approach.

A cold chill ran down the girls spine, but she quickly gathered herself. between being forced through the jungle to actually traversing this forsaken staircase... she just needed to hang on a tad more. Hopefully Janet shared similar success down in the mess of things.

Rikke once more steadied her breath as best as she could and faced the riders, for the time being she had her hands full aswell!

Desperate avoidance 2
Defensive stance
Counter with Lightning strikes!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke spends 2 ep for desperate avoidance. 76dodge
GR1 attacks 53 vs 76
Rikke counters obliterates her foe. 64 75 74 all hit min damage kills

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 28/45, Status = fine

As before three of the wasp knights came flying in fast and strong only for two to peel away as the lead member went straight for the rogue. This fool of course was quicky dispatched his mount flying off riderless as the goblins body rolled down the broke steps and off to plumt to the ground with a crash. Reading herself once more Rikke eyed the remaining foes. She was surrounded and they all seemed to be loading somthing.