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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No more delays. I promise." the rogue gently placed her hand on the tail running her touch lovingly along it's length. Rikke would slowly turn to face Jessica, the surroundign seemingly warping and changing to sight oddly familiar.

Rikke blinked as she noted the familiar setting, the chambers were so exceptionally close to what she had found in the mansion "What is this place Jess?" the girl eyes wandered to the purple bed "Why are we here?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess shuddered as Rikke ran her fingers along the tail causing it to pull her even closer. "This place is mine.. our... their room. They want things to be as before though it cannot be. Oh the things they said the would do to you for taking me away. I-I changed their minds so they would stop saying such hurtful things." Jess hugged Rikke close. "I think I made it worse though. Now they want to add you to the family. Don't let them catch you Rikke please."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Add me to the family?" Rikke furrowed her brow briefly, before glancing to the deep purple bed. While the rogue would hug Jessica back, but would lean out to ask something she had on her mind since she departed "Jess, I need to know."

The heroine looked to her lover dearly, but firmly "Are the Sisters our enemy?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was hard to pull away from Jess for a varity of reasons most of which involved Jess refusing to let go. After a moment however Rikke managed to free herself or rather untangle herself and ask her question. "No they are not our enemy but.. they are not our friends either. Don't le them get you Rikke.. the things they will do to you." Jess had tears in her eyes as she looked at her lover. Thats when Rikke saw it perched on the top of Jess's head was a crown of obsidian with gold wire philgree accenting the dark glass like sheen. The crown had 7 points earch mounted with a gem stone each color representing a sister including a deep purple gem.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Of course Rikke didn't force, the sweet embrace of her lover felt all too real and all too comforting, but before she woke it was something the rogue had to know.

The heroine smiled widely and ever so confidently "Well I won't give them the chance. I just might be tricky to catch." the girl giggled lightly and grinned though once more the distinct colors of purple caught her eyes.

"But...why do they want me in the first place? Revenge?" while Rikke could guess it was her relation with Jessica, but the bed, the gem... somehow the girl felt there was more to her rescue than met the eye.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess held Rikke tight kissing her gently. "I told them that I had a love someone that I belonged to and I would not be seperated from you. Thats when they all got misty eyed and said they would make sure we would never be apart again and to make sure they would bring you into the family. I don't want them to Rikke it would change you... and not for the better." Jess whimpered softly as she held Rikke the edges of the dream scape slowly fading.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled lightly at the misty-eyed comment, seemingly ignoring the foreboding ending of what Jessica said "Jess..." as the dream began to fade the rogue would gently take her lovers hands and look to her dearly "No matter what happens, I'll always be myself. Trust me, 'kay?" she smiled a wide encouraging smile, her eyes sparkling gently "I'll see you soon, promise."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess clearly had tears in her eyes as she looked up and into Rikke's own. Leaning up she kissed Rikke deeply. Then the whole scene went black and Rikke awoke with a jolt the taste of Jess's lips on her own still lingering. Nearby Janet turned and groaned trying to find a comfotable spot. Looking at her knight and the surrounding camp Rikke could do nothing but sigh as the barest hint of dawn was showing threw the rocks.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would smile from the seemingly lingering presence and sigh gently, it was likely early morning. The rogues sleep needs had been diminished, just like the need for food or water, after her change. Janet on the other hand, could certainly use a breather.

The heroine would silently stretch and approach the edge of their flying isle, the sight below nothing short of breathtaking as she could once more see the whole of the floor. From the swampy entrance to the much more lush and dry forests of the spiders and goblins. It was a wonder whatever happened to the demons and the spiders down there... but Rikke couldn't aid them as she was now.

Spending some time with her thoughts Rikke would once more set up some food for Janet when she woke and after a refreshing bath, would see what was the situation. If Janet was clearly safe and in deep slumber, Rikke would walk up the stairs and look around the initial entrance not straying to far in. If Janet had woken up then the two should move on. Somewhere Jessica was waiting... as well as the sisters.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet seemed completely tired out but Rikke couldn't fault her to much for it. After all she had basically climbed the entire stair twice and then helped her dig graves. Deciding that the area was safe for now Rikke hazarded a small look around. The sight above hadn't changed to much from yesterday with the exception ofthe graves. A wind howeled threw the ruined town and left Rikke wondeirng about this strange place. After awhile if she didn't head further in Rikke would hear a foot falls behind her as Janet acended the stair smiling. "Good morning!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mornin' " Rikke smiled warmly as she leaned on the entrance and looked down to her knight "All set to move out?" the rogue looked on to the surrounding plains, mostly devoid of Flora and bearing marks of either conflict or something far darker.

With the town sorted the two could continue onwards, their objective - Find one of the sisters on this floor and continue their climb upwards.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well as set as anyone can be in this place." Heading out Rikke passed threw the burnt out town. This side was in slightly better shape but still burnt. Passing the shattered gates Rikke found a dry plain with brittle grasses and a few stunted shriveled trees. "Geez not a very pleasent place is it." A dry riverbed seemed to circle past the outer wall and was full of the bleached bones of fish and one rather large preadtor looking lizard. Thankfully they had been long dead. Following the river which seemed to have been rather wide Rikke soon sptted a small tower or outpost in the distance a big black flag fluttered in the breeze. From this distance it was hard to tell what was on the flag but it clearly had a design on it that shimmered like gold.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was indeed quite the sad sight. The two would travel onwards until a most peculiar sight. At first Rikke considered it would be part of the town, perhaps a guard post... "That flag." the rogue looked to her knight "Does it seem out of place to you, Jan?" the flag was not weathered or ripped, nor did show any signs of aging.

Rikke would pause looking to Janet, just to check if she caught on to the details as well. Though the flag was unrecognised yet "Let's approach with caution just in case."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet nodded and ducked off the road using the shrivled shrubs as cover. "Im not sure its hard to make out that design but it seems familar somehow." Examining their route Janet nodded to herself. "Plenty of cover but given all the dried out trees up ahead I doubt they will see us." Moving forward using the bushes for cover They made good progress. About half way to the tree cover Rikke looked up to the flag once more and her breath caught in her throat. The flag... it had the Pesli famiy creast on it though the colors where all wrong.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened as she recognised the flag, her shock seemingly palpable. What was this doing here? Were the sisters using the Pesli sign as their own? OR was this Masters way of mocking the kind house? "Rikke?" Janets voice would break the rogue out of her trance "You okay?" the knight smiled gently "Y-yeah... sorry." the heroine smiled sheepishly and returned to proper hiding.

"I know that flag. Its the emblem of the house where I met Jessica and fought the Master..." Rikke paused thinking through their options "Let's get closer. We may have found the forces of the Sisters." with a stern nod the rogue would lead the way forward making sure to keep as low a profile as possible.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading closer they soon hit the cover of the trees. Here Janet slowled considerably as she navigated threw crunchy leaves that Rikke had little trouble with. If she kep this pace however she would out pace her knight quickly. What ever she chose she would soon reach the edge of the wood and spot the fort. It consisted of a single multistory tower with a small wall the height of an average man. The stone was grey its cut uneven giving it an rushed together look. Having to climb up for slightly better view Rikke saw that within the walls a small stair lead up to a wooden gate. This looked to be the primary entrance to the tower. Two guards stood watch looking far more competent than the usual demonic warriors Rikke had fought. They also seemed better armed. Each wore what looked to be decent armor and where well kitted out. Each had a good qality blade paired with a lever action rifle.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would at first indeed solely focus on reaching the tower as swiftly as possible, her thoughts completely locked on the flag and possible meanings behind it. Still thankfully she'd remember to allow Janet to keep a reasonable distance with her, if only via the rogue stopping to scout the route forward.

2 guards... and very well armed, Rikke ducked back and considered her options. What if they are not hostile. The enemy of her enemies? However the tower was fairly near the town, noone with a decent heart would the city in the state Rikke found it.

As the rogue thought things through Janet finally caught up "Two guards, heavily armed." Rikke smiled lightly to her friend "I'll go first and take one out. Then we try to talk to the other one." the rogue turned to her friend "The moment the first one hits the ground, I need you to come join me alright?"

Stealth Attack:
Lightining strikes to disable/knockout, on the #1 Guard.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke wait! What if there are more inside? I doubt they left only two guards for this entire tower." Janet had a look on her face that showed clear skeptisim. "I just want you to think this threw Rikke. I doubt these guys will care if you kill these two or even capture them. We would need a leader or an officer for that to work."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was about ready to go, when Janet interjected "Oh..." the heroine ducked back down "Hum... good call, but whats the alternative?" the rogue subtly glanced to the two guards "They don't look talkative." passing the clear outpost was also an option... but sooner than later the duo would have to face off with the enemy. They had to use this chance to learn more about them!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Maybe we should just watch them for a moment. Ya know gather some intel. This is a forward area it has to have someone in charge." Janet looked up at the tower. "I suppose you could try to sneak in if you needed to.. though I wouldn't be able to follow."
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