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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Your handywork I assume." Rikke smiled lightly to Yenna, as they passed by the recent dead. Soon enough though the group finally reached the swamp... in all of it's 'glory'.

Goosebumps ran across Rikke as she looked on to the sight "Alright think it's time we contact the sisters and let them know we're at the swamp." she'd look to them sharply "From here." the rogue would keep some distance from the swamp itself. She'd rather fight off a batallion of gobbos than spend more tiem than needed in THAT place.

Unclipping the mirror Rikke would initiate the conversation "Jess. Jess can you hear me?" she'd smile widely and briefly explain their current situation, even turning the mirror to show off Mika. If that was a success she'd look to Yenna and call her closer with her gaze "Right, now we need to discuss the whole distraction business. Handing over the mirror to Yenna. Talk to you soon!" Rikke would lean in and kiss the mirror gently, quickly wiping away her wonderous lip marks and handing the communications to Yenna.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Either way Rikke we have to cross the swamp might as well get used to it." With that said Yenna waited as Rikke contacted Jess. Once more Jess was in an very well made dress though she clearly looked uncofortable. "Oh Rikke I was so worried Amber said you had gotten lost. Wait whos that?" Of course they had little time to explain things and Rikke immidatly handed the mirror over to Yenna after giving Jess a kiss. Taking the Mirror Yenna discused with a yet unseen sister and nodded as the reply came. "Yes Mistress we will be ready." After a moment Yenna returend the mirror. "Apparently fighitng has already broke out as the scouts ran into each other about an hour ago. We need to hurry before this whole area becomes a battlefield."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What?!" Rikke turned to Yenna perhaps too surprised at the news. Yoldra was supposed to hold the attack! What could've happened? ''I see... alright let's head out. The longer we delay the longer those forces can't retreat." with renewed vigor the rogue would lead them onwards, holding the necklace in hand 'Yoldra, we're in the swamp. Stay safe out there.'
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"This way. If im correct we are in the lowlands of the swamp and given this mountian behind us we must be close. If we head north and east we should get to dryer ground and be near our exit in an hour." Yenna pulled out a small metal box and looked it over regarding it for a time before walking letting the other follow. Mika for her part held tight to Janet hindering her movement some but from the sheer look of terror on the girls face Rikke could hardly blame her. "When we reache the uplands of the swamp we will be in danger of enemy scouts so keep your eyes peeled."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Is there a landmark around here, Yenna?" Rikke looked to the fallen angel and turned to Mika "Janet, we'll need to leave Mika here and... a friend will make sure she's safe until we get back." the rogue looked to the two in a sorry fashion, but it couldn't be helped "But I can't quite reach her right now. She's likely in the battle."

Rikke turned to Yenna who likely heard the words "Yoldra. Do you know her, Yenna?" she'd remain calm as she listened to the answer, chances were those two butted their heads on more than a few occasions.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Im not familar with this part of the swamp, but I have my compass and if Im right that mountain is the same one that we would have normaly exited had the passage not been blocked. We are just on the other side of it. The good thing is it saved us time navigating around it."

Janet looked at Rikke skepticle. "A friend humm. I think Ill wait for that friend of yours."

"Cow we don't have time for this. You may not be able to catch up if you stay here."

"Ill be fine me and Mika will stay hidden and wait. Give me good directions and Ill catch up in no time." Yenna looked to Rikke leaving it up to her to solve this issue.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Oddly enough Yenna remained silent on the Yoldra matter, which made it all the more suspicious. However a new issues quickly arrised as Janet made her wish known. Rikke quickly paused at Janets offer and looked to her briefly, there was little questioning her resolve on the matter "I guess there's no helping it." the rogue turned to Yenna "Lead us some way ahead, so Janet will know the route."

The heroine turned to her friend "You'll likely have to slip by after the battle, so there may be tighter security here." she'd listen to the answer and smile kindly "Don't even think about not showing up at the exit."

"The friend in question will be a demoness, a demon that tried to take over my body on numerous occasions until she was defeated." Rikke smiled as they continued onwards "But in this tower, she's the only one we can trust with Mika. She won't hurt or enslave her, in her mind that would be too boring and droll."

Still reaching as far as Yenna would recommend Rikke would hug Janet deeply "Please just stay hidden. If you can't reach us, just get out. Don't you dare get caught alright." the rogue smiled warmly her command or threat all too clearly compassionate and caring. Still with the goodbyes done, the rogue would have to just trust her knight and turn to Yenna "Alright, let's continue."

Lead the group ahead before splitting up
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Now that Rikke thought about it she couldn't really blame Janet for staying. After all she is an honor bound knight and Mika is the closest thing to an innocent in this gods forsaken realm. Still as they moved on Yenna didn't seem pleased. Still at a hidden cospe of woods the party split. Janet and Mika from Rikke and Yenna. Looking at the two Mika ran up and kissed Rikke on the cheek before moveing to Yenna and hugging her.

"Humph I shall amuse you this once girl. Now go." With that Mika made a face and ran back to Janet.

"Becareful Rikke and don't let grumpy gus there bring ya down."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke could only shake her head slightly amused at Yenna "Of all people, you're not one who should be acting holier than thou." she'd snicker in a friendly manner and wave Mika goodbye, before finishing her good byes with Janet "Well then you better get your butt back as quickly as you can." she'd wink playfully to her companion and hopefully only briefly continued with the split up.

Yoldra was likely still in battle, her getting wounded in it by Rikkes sudden distraction would be highly troublesome, so for the time being she'd continue onwards "After you, 'Grumpy Gus'." she'd giggle playfully and give the angel a smile.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading out Rikke had to fight the feeling that she would never see Janet again. It just had to be nerves just had to.

"Rikke your slowing down we need to hurry."

Nodding at Yenna Rikke picked up the pace once more only spareing a casual glance back in Janets direction. The duo walked for about 20 minutes before the sounds of a pitched battle echoed ahead of them. Yenna looked at Rikke and crouched down. "That would be the forces. It sounds like they are in full battle. This is our opertunity we should head east as fast as we can."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What do you think? She'll be alright... right?" Rikke smiled sheepishly to Yenna, though whether she responded or not was up to her.

Nearing the battle, Rikke quickly placed her hand on her pommel "Alright. Let's move!" oddly enough the rogue had fair experience navigating through a battlefield, the Black War provided more than enough practice to such skills.

Following Yennas lead, sometimes even showing her a better path to take the two would quickly try to get past the battle and towards the exit.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"She'll be fine Rikke."

Quickly Yenna and Rikke where off. Thankfully the numorous trees provided ample cover though both would have a fair coating of the low hanging moss on them once they stopped for a breath. Still as they rested a moment the sounds of battle echoed from all around. "This isn't right... the masters forces wouldn't fall back this easily...."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would nod firmly to her companion "Let me check." with that she'd take the necklace in hand, a tell-tale sign of her activating communication 'Yoldra, whats happening in the battle?' the rogue glanced to her friend "Let's continue moving, for now there's no reason to stop." with only the echoes, it was hard to pinpoint where the battle was actually taking place.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Still there was no answer from Joldra and the succubus had been quiet for far to long for Rikke's peace of mind. Nodding Yenna moved forward her blade drawn leaving Rikke to be back up. "We're close Rikke just a little further...... You got to be kidding me." Yenna stopped and looked ahead. Rikke curious looked ahead as well. Before them was the entrance to the next level. Sadly however it was guarded by no less than 3 demon knights.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the knights and frowned "Why are those bastards not in the battle..." not to mention why was there no answer from Yoldra? "Maybe we can find out whats happening with the mirror?" choosing to stay hidden Rikke would consult with Yenna on further actions. Fighting 3 demon knights was risky... to say the least. As well as a prime way to hint at intruders going into the Masters deeper realms.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes that is surprising. Three knights are a powerful asset to be leaving to guard a door." Rikke had her suspcions for one the Master knew she was here her dreams making her presence all to well known. Secound Joldra hadn't spoke with her for some time. Maybe the Master caught Joldra's secret communications with her? "Damn Im not sure what we can do to even the odds."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

More likely than not, Yoldra was outranked with some other demon taking charge of the assault. Though her silence now may hint that she was indeed in trouble... "Well I guess we need to move forward." Rikke looked up to the three knights "If I can get close enough undetected, I'll definedly take down at least one and really bring the hurt to the another one." the heroine glanced around the area about the guards "The problem is getting to them undetected."

She'd return to cover and sigh deeply "Alternative is we try to distract them, but I don't face out chances evading all three of the assholes." If Yoldra was there she perhaps could recall them into battle as reinforcements or perhaps even make the retreat back into the realm... anything! "Let's think this through. You sure you can't reach the sisters commander?" Rikke of course had her previous idea in mind, via the mirror.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I could try to link up with the forces and give orders directly but that would leave you alone. Any message via the mirror would take to long. Its not like they had theset things out like candy." Yenna eyed the knights as if calculating. They where safe for now but neither of them knew when that would change.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We've spread enough already. If the distraction failed we should back off. I doubt the security will get any tighter than this." Rikke looked to Yenna in a serious fashion "I'd rather have Janet here if we're going to fight 3 of those assholes." there was little denying 3 elites of a demonic army standing at the ready, was hardly a easy pass. Especially when Janet would need to cross on her own.

Hearing the echos of battle nearby she'd additionally offer "Perhaps lets check the battlefield. From a safe vantage point of course."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I doubt well get another chance like this. We should meet back up with Janet and figure something else out. Im not so sure if regrouping with the army is a good idea." Yenna shrugged it was up to Rikke however. Head back and regroup with Janet or regroup with the sisters forces. Yenna seemed to think getting back in contact with Janet was a good idea, but with Mika they would have another distraction and danger to worry about.