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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Start of round goblins 32 feet from Rikke 17 from Jess

Rikke fires a shot: 48 vs 35 goblin is hit! 10dmg!
Goblin tries to net Jess 33 vs 43 miss!
Jess Flees 11 jess dosen't lose ground
Goblins chase 11 Goblins gain 11ft on Rikke
Rikke stopped at took a shot at the net wielding goblin with the desired result showing itself as the net tosser took a hit and his net flew wide. Jess bolted up the stairs with Rikke not far ahead.
Rikke being much quicker on her fee ascended the stairs real quick only to find the room had its center floor collapsed with a gaping pit separating her from the next exit. She could jump it if she stayed at her run.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jump or face off against the horde... not much of a choice. "Jess follow me! I'll catch you if needed!" with that the girl sprinted towards the hole with intent to jump it. If she manages the feat she'd quickly turn around to lend a helping hand to Jessica.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Start of round goblins are 21 feet from Rikke 17 from Jess

Rikke runs and jumps! 24 vs Dc 10 Success!
Jess runs and jumps! 7 vs Dc 10 Fail!
Rikke attempts to catch Jess and pull her to safty: 17 vs dc 13 success
Goblins chase! 20 they gain 13 feet on Rikke and Jess

Rikke ran her long legs easily carrying her over the gap Jess however was a different story. Slipping on the dusty floor Jess footing was far from perfect and she lost much of her speed. Leaping any way Rikke could tell she couldn't make it and reached out her hand to grab her friend just as she began to fall and pulled her to safety when the first goblin was exited the stairs. They had lost some ground but the obstacle will undoubtedly help thin down the numbers chasing them.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Gotcha!" the girl almost lost her balance and tumbled down along with her friend, but thankfully she managed to pull the girl right on up to the other side. Giving a short glance back Rikke met the gaze of the disgusting creatures chasing them. The nasty goblin screamed out likely either threatening the girls or informing his comrades, as Rikke eyed it with disdain "Go! Think they won't let us get away so easily!" the rogue quickly pulled her companion from her knees. Obviously Jessica was far from used to these long distance sprints, but the girls had no choice they still needed to gain distance from the horde.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Start of round Goblins 10 feet away due to crevice.

Rikke Flees! 8ft gained
Jess Flees! 7ft gained
Goblins try to jump 12 vs 10 success

Rikke quickly pulled Jess up to her feet and began running again as the goblins stopped briefly to ready themselves for the jump. Not looking to see if they succeeded or not Rikke and Jess ran threw another series of rooms avoiding obstacles and adding some in their wake. As they cleared another room they saw an upper floor that had mostly collapsed into the room they where in blocking any exit on this floor which only left up. Fortuitously the former floor left a nice little ramp for Jess and Rikke to run up.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Up the ramp!" Rikke stopped to let her friend go first while she herself checked up on their pursuers status. It wasn't looking too good as quite a decent number of the goblins managed to follow them past the crevice! Rikke improv obstacles slowed them down for the time being, but would it be enough.

As Jessica climbed up Rikke quickly followed her. Laying some more suprresive fire down the hallway, just to really obstruct their pursuers.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Start of Round Goblins 18 feet from Rikke 17 from Jess

Rikke fires suppressive fire slowing the goblins down some as well as the obstacles
Rikke Flees! 15 goblins gain 2 feet on Rikke
Jess Flees! 15 goblins gain 2 feet on Jess
Goblins chase! 17 slowed but still at it.

Rikke fired blindly down the hall way making several of the green skinned men duck away but more always followed after keeping pressure on Rikke and Jess as they fled from the horde. The next room made Rikke's stomach lurch there was no exit only onther room above with a collapsed floor they where trapped! "Rikke take a boost from me!" Jess spun around her hands in a supporting position to boost her friend to safety.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke really didn't want to go ahead, but this was no time to argue. The rogue quickly used Jessica as a support and reached the upper floors, without even taking a moment for a breather she spun around and offered to pull Jessica up to join her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Start of Round Goblins are 15 from Rikke and Jess

Rikke helps Jess up 14 vs 10 success
Jess Jumps to catch Rikke's hand 14 vs 10 success
Goblins try to chase 16 they catch up to Rikke and Jess
Goblins attempt to grapple Jess 36 vs 43 Miss!

Rikke could feel Jess put a little oomph in her boost to Rikke before she her self jumped up and caught Rikke's hands just as the lead goblin ran into the room and made a diving lunge missing Jess completely. Pulling her lover up to her Rikke could hear a chorus of upset goblins chattering with anger and swearing in their strange tongue as the girls rested on the upper floor catching their breath. "Whew we did it that was close. I think I need to lose a few pounds or something those little buggers are fast." Jess turned her head and smiled at Rikke though she did look exhausted.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke just laid there arms and feet wide apart. Man~ that was one harrowing escape. The rogue turned to her companion and grinned widely at her comment before bursting out in a cheerful laughter. Looks like the two girls escape was grand success, they deserved a moment to catch their breath.

Rikke wiped off a tear of laughter and joy "Oh~ don't worry about it. After this you'll be hitting bootcamp central" both girls snickered lightly before just laying still, breathing heavily. There was no real rush to catch their breath, thus after they're good and ready the girls really should look around where they ended up at.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking around the room they had ended up with the goblin curses still sounding out but gradually fading Rikke noticed it had once been a very well appointed room. The once fine wooden furnishing that still graced the part of the room gave the impression of a high class hotel room or rather what was left of it. A door lead into a yet unknow hall way or room.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke finally sat up and took one more deep breath "Phew~..." the rogue quickly pulled out their water salve and took a slight sip before placing it near Jessica and getting up. "One... moment... please..." Jessica wasn't exactly in her best shape, but she'd be good to go soon enough. Rikke smiled at her exhausted friend and slowly made her way towards the door "Where you off to again?" Jessica looked up at the leaving rogue "Just gonna take a peek, don't worry" Rikke smiled warmly and proceeded to investigate what lied beyond here.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke opened the door just a crack at first and saw a short hallway that lead to a flight of stairs. Three other rooms seemed to be attached to this hallway one across from her and two more a little further on mirroring the set she was near. Everything looked clear all the doors where closed and only the stairway was left to explore.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"All clear" Rikke looked back to Jessica and smiled "Got your breath back?" the red hair wiped off some water and threw the half-empty salve back to the rogue "Somehow" the red haired girl smiled back as she approached the rogue.

"Let's go. Hopefully we won't run into a another horde again." Rikke snickered lightly and opened the door widely. As the girls made their way forward both of them kept an eye on the other rooms, peeking inside for anything of note. Who knows, maybe this deep into the ruins it hasn't been quite as scavenged and looted.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The room across from Rikke was locked but with a simple trick she had used before managed to pop the lock and reveal the room. The firs thing that hit her was the smell. It was pungent and hung in the air like an invisible cloud and Rikke recognized it immediately as the distinct odor of something long dead. Eyeing the room carefully Rikke spotted the origin of the smell two corpses stuck in an embrace lay on the bed a small vile between them. No blood stains where present and the only discoloration was from their decaying bodies. The rest of the room was covered in fine dust and would have been the perfect mirror of the room her and Jess had escaped to if it hadn't collapsed. A small traveling trunk sat in one corner unopened. The other two rooms turned out to be empty their occupants having left in a hurry leaving the rooms in disarray.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke squeezed out a small smile at the two corpses "Together forever." it was a rather bittersweet sight. Hopefully the two died quickly... and wouldn't mind if the girls took a peek into their trunk. "Rikke, are you sure about this... it feels kinda wrong." the red haired girl wasn't particulary comfortable looting at every possible locale they come across, especially when the previous owners were rather evident. "Don't be silly, Jess." Rikke smiled innocently "Would you rather there stuff rot and mold away? Or someone else took it?" With that Rikke quickly worked over the trunks minor lock and looked inside.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke opened the chest and searched its contents. Most of items where clothing suited for older persons. A well carved cane and brightly colored shaw among them. However a glint of silver did catch Rikke's eye as she spied a small broach simple in design but hefty. The metal still gleamed making Rikke guess that it was silver especial the fine etching along the outer edge. Further in Rikke pulled out a worn coin purse that had a hefty jingle to it making the rogue smile. Grabbing her loots Rikke gently closed the door leaving the long dead lovers to their rest.

Silver broach 15 denari
coin purse 20 denari
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Jackpot!" Rikke jiggled the small purse hapilly as she turned gleefully to Jessica, the red hair could only respond in a sigh. Stealing from the dead is one thing, but no need to be so happy about it. "Come on. We've disturbed them enough." Rikke smiled at Jessica "We're just going to leave them like this?" the rogue turned back "We could cremate them but we don't have any alcohol or anything flamable, with just torches we'd cause more harm than good." Rikke turned to Jessica smilign warmly "Let the lovers have their bed. They chose to go out like this, we have no right to deny them that." with that the two girls left the room, closing the door ever so gently and descended downstairs.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The only place left was down and given that her and Jess were 4 floors up left alot of unknown below them. As the girls moved down the stairs and to the third floor the odor of burnt wood hung heavy in the air. Reaching the landing they found out why large swaths of the hallway and rooms looked charred by a fire long extinguished. In the center of the hall looked to be a pile of cloth with something glittering nearby.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Looks like the invasion hit this place hard..." Rikke slowly made her way through the hallway "Yes, since the rest of the ruins is in such great shape" Jessica smiled sarcastically at her companion "They could've spared the high-class stuff. Us looters enjoy the finer things in life too" Rikke snickered lightly "Oh no~ I won't be branded a looter too!" Jessica crossed her arms playfully at the rogue as Rikke approached whatever glittering object caught her eye.