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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess attempts to Charm Bad#6: 21 vs 31 fail! aww poor jess
Rikke attacks: 50 vs 35 Hit! 31 dmg (36-5)
Bad#6 keeps on running

Jess looked at the man running and issued a simple command while chasing after the brute "STAY!" Which seemed to have the only effect of causing the bastard to try and run even faster. Rikke however nearly put and end to it as she brought her blade down on his leg causing a sever cut that slowed his moments down quite a bit. But the Brute still did his best to escape leaving the girls to chase him a bit farther.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Hp: 19/51 Ep: 30/38 Pp: 43/43 Conditions:
Bad#4: Escapes
Bad#6: Hp: Wounded Ep: Max Pp: Max
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Bastard! Wait!" Rikke quickly got to her feet and ran after the injured bandit. Unless something goes horribly wrong he was already in her grasp. He gets away the girls will never know where they kept their captive!

RUNNING TACKLE the rapist!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess attempts to charm again: 38 vs 20 success!
Jess spend 4ep upkeep (2 this round and 2 for last)
Rikke attempts to grapple: 43 vs 41 success!

"I SAID STOP!"Jess yelled again but this time her voice carried some weight to it and the running bandit simple froze in place just as Rikke made her despite lunge at the wounded man. She connected sending them both tumbling to the cobblestone where she wrapped him up nice and tight. "Don't Resist just give up" Jess had spoke again but this time her voice seemed far more sinister than before. Gazing at her friend and lover Rikke was startled by her appearance. Jess's eyes seemed to be spilling black fire while the deep red pinpoints that where her pupils blazed molten red and where thankfully locked on their would be rapist. She held her twin blades to the side out stretched forming an A shape their shinning surfaces alight with the same black fire in Jessica's eyes. She seductively walked slowly placing one foot in front of the other giving her hips and ass a sexy sway while her tail no longer hidden twitched from side to side in an agitated manner. Truly all the times Riike had seen Jess she had never experienced this side of the succubus and was infinitely glad that she was on her side. Thankfully no other peasants where around to scream bloody murder and soon her friend had closed the gap a look of cruel contempt on her bruised face.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Hp: 19/51 Ep: 20/38 Pp: 43/43 Conditions:
Bad#6: Hp: Wounded Ep: Max Pp: Max Charmed
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Jess? Jess... easy now. We need this bastard alive." Rikke gulped lightly, even though she's been so long with her companion her current appearance still sparked some dread in the heroine. Just how much power does Jess have in her... Rikke would ask if everythings alright, but now was hardly the time. They better be done with this quickly.

"Cough it up playboy." Rikke painfully twisted the mans arm "The captured girls location! NOW!" the heroine held the man with contempt.

IF this is still combat submission hold would be in order. Though he's charmed so doubt it's needed
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The man seemed to ignore Rikke's questions and wrenching of his arm his eyes glazed over staring at Jess. "Where is the girl pet? My friend and I want to play with her to." Rikke hoped that Jess was lying but she could hardly tell by the sound of her voice and simple had to trust that Jessica's good nature was in control. "Mistress the girl is not two blocks from here." The mans voice was hollow and shaky. "Good pet please lead us there so we can all have fun." Rikke shuddered involuntarily at the sound of Jess's voice and became certain that she didn't like this side of her companion one bit.

Struggling to his feet the battered and wounded bandit began to lead them to his hide out. Meanwhile Jessica's dark fire blades winked out and her eyes returned to normal. Blinking her eyes and holding her head she seemed to sway a bit before catching her feet. "Owww my head." The same friendly voice that Rikke had come to know and love was back. Jess held her head with one hand looking as if she was suffering from a massive headache but followed after the wounded bandit not saying a word.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke silently followed Jessica and the bandit glancing over to Jess every so often 'What happened back there...' Should she ask her about... seemed like a big deal. Besides Jess was obviously tired both mentally and physically, was she really in form to go on a rescue. Besides seems combat really pokes away at the red haired girl vile succubus nature.

"Jess?... You feelin okay? We could stop and rest up. Or maybe you could go and take those bruises looked at it?" Rikke eyed Jessica with concern, while the heroine was used to this life it's all new to her companion afterall.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess smiled at Rikke and blushed when she asked if she was alright. "Im always okay when your around." Jess looked down and away trying to be bashful but Rikke knew all to well that she was trying to bait her into a kiss. Not falling for it one bit Rikke took a small step further away from her friend. "If you say so Jess." What Rikke wasn't counting on was Jess's tail wrapping around her waist and pulling her next to the red head who promptly gave Rikke a kiss on the lips. "You can't get away from me that easily." With that Jess hide her tail again and kept her eye on the bandit in front of her while Rikke kept an eye on Jess still slightly worried bu happy that she seemed to be back to normal.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blushed madly as the girl quickly wrapped her closer. Jess sure loved to utilise that tail of hers... in all manner of ways, though it never failed to excite Rikke. Quickly braking their embrace Rikke pushed Jess back bashfully, her blush evident "Jess... Now's not the time." a friendly giggle escaped the red haired girl as the two girls continued to follow the man.

Perhaps Jess wasn't as beat-up as Rikke thought. The heroines gaze still slightly lingered on Jess, she wasn't quite certain whether Jess really was alright, but she'd have to take her lovers word for it. Besides the hideout is probably nearby now.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was right after the brief embrace the man stopped in front of a run down tavern its street sign having long been torn away for firewood. Remarkable the tavern still had all its windows even if they where covered in crime and imposable to see through. The door while a little worn looked to be of thick oak and sturdy construction. "Mistress the girl is in here." their shaky voiced companion pointed at the door. "Good now open the door and invite us in." "Yes Mistress." The guard opened the door and walked in where promptly a wet thwack was heard followed by shouting. "YOU IDIOT YOU LEAD THEM RIGHT TO US!"

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Hp: 19/51 Ep: 20/38 Pp: 43/43 Conditions:
Bad#6: DEAD
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over the rundown tavern. 'Well this shouldn't be too hard.' the heroine eyed the numerous entry ways to sneak in or ambush the rapists. They'll just sneak in, assasinate or knock out any of the guards, get the girl and leg it. Piece of cake...

"Alrighty Jess you take the back-" Rikke was about to explain her plan, but it seemed like Jess was significantly more straightforward with her advance "Good now open the door and invite us in" the man did as he was told and opened the door widely revealing both of the girls in plain sight. "YOU IDIOT YOU LEAD THEM RIGHT TO US!"

Rikke turned to Jess with emptied eyes and blinked a few times, obviously someone dozed off during her lessons in subtelty. Not much for the poor rogue to add to this situation. Still maybe they'll be stupid enough to run out one by one like the heroes they are. Otherwise... seems the killed rapist quota would be filled inside.
Rikke insta-draws her weapon.
Duelist activates.
Attempt a sneak attack if some idiot rushes out the building BUT ONLY IF ARMED. No need to dirty Rikkes concious :p
IF no chance on the sneak attack well then wait a bit in defensive stance and only enter a brief moment later.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke turned and blinked at Jess she swore she saw a smirk cross her face when their "guide" bought the farm at the hands of his own allies. Which promptly caused Rikke to make a note not to cross Jess. "We only want the girl. Let her go alive and unharmed and we won't come back and hunt you down." A few tense moments passed with some muffled discussion before an answer finally given. "How do we know you won't come after us anyway?" Jess simple nodded at Rikke letting her handle the question.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Hp: 19/51 Ep: 20/38 Pp: 43/43 Conditions:
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked a sadistic smile and nodded to Jess "You don't. But what do you have to lose?" the heroine paused for a moment. "The alternative is you don't give her up and get slaughtered like the pigs you are!!" Rikke eyed the entranced with narrowed, hatred filled eyes. Usually the girl would be hesitant or flatout refuse to take away a life, but these scum only corrupted and destroyed everything they came in contact. She would not hesitate to end them... though the girls safety and health come first.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A few more hushed moments and some movement was all the warning they where given as a near naked dirty smelly brown haired girl was forced out the door where it was promptly shut followed by the sound of something heavy being shoved against the frame. Jess caught the young woman who seemed delirious her face and entire body covered in dirt muck and dried cum. She was topless her averaged sized tits swaying freely in the air. Her lower waist was covered in a crude loin cloth made from dirty rags and her body showed signs of numerous bruises. Her eyes where brown half lidded and vacant. Her ribs could be seen and she barely had enough strength to stand let alone talk.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Hp: 19/51 Ep: 20/38 Pp: 43/43 Conditions:
Hp: ??? Ep: ??? Pp: ??? Conditions: Drugged, Beaten, and Broken
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly knelt down to the girl "Easy... easy you're safe now." the rogue unclipped her trusty water flask and gently spilled some on the girl, making sure the girl could ever so gently and effortlesly get a drink if she wanted.

"Shhh... you're okay now." Rikke looked to Jessica "Jess you in shape to carry her? I've had more than enough of this place." The captive girl needed to be taken care of as soon as possible... just how far away was the Silken Princess.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully their little encounter had taken place a mere three blocks away from the Silken Princess and it didn't take long to find their way to the brothel. Jess easily hefted the young woman her skin and bones body hardly proving to be a burden. More importantly however Jess had wrapped the young woman in a blanket as they carried her avoiding the scene of a beaten nearly naked woman being hauled into a brothel.

The Brothel itself stuck out like a sore thumb its outer walls a vivid red. It was surround by a high wrought iron fence and the grounds where beautifully kept with several large flower guardians and even a fountain. The Gate was guarded by two heavily armed men in good armor and equipped with even better weapons. The brothel must pay well not to mention the perks.

As they passed the guards the noticed a sign stating any trouble makers will be dealt with harshly. Walking up the flagstone path the air around them seemed to be soaked in perfumes and incense. Even further up the sounds of laughter echoed from the building. When Rikke and Jess finally reached the door the over powering smells had faded into the background and the laughter didn't seem as noticeably. The door itself was guarded by two scantly clad female guards with impressive racks errr I mean weapons of their own which made Rikke and Jess feel overdressed. The two guards let them in as if they where expected where they where greeted by a Half-elf half Anudorian woman dressed in purple silks that barely hid her assets. Noting their injured companion the woman halted in mid greeting ans simple beckoned them to follow her. While normally Rikke and Jess would have engrossed themselves in the finery and erotic art that littered the brother their injured burden proved of more importance as they where led up two flights of stairs to the top floor. "Ill have some of the girls bring you food and water not to mention some antidote for your friend. We can conduct a tour later." The Half-elf spoke her voice carrying a familiar tone to it but she quickly departed leaving Rikke and crew in a lovely private room with an attached multi-person bath (hottub really)

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Hp: 19/51 Ep: 20/38 Pp: 43/43 Conditions:
Hp: ??? Ep: ??? Pp: ??? Conditions: Drugged, Beaten, and Broken
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke absolutely gleamed with joy at the sights and sounds. Seemingly distancing herself from the previous events, but not enough to ignore her duty to the poor girl in their care. The girls didn't even have to say a word as they were seemingly expected. In no time the trio had been placed in one of the more luxurious rooms of the brothel.

Jessica quickly proceeded to place the girl in one of the beds the fine silk and soft pillows enveloping the poor girls battered body. "How is she?" Rikke approached her companion with concerned eyes "It could've been a lot worse, she'll be fine Rikke." a surprisingly warm and assuring smile crossed Jessica. Rikke sighed with relief, all that mattered was that the poor girl was finally freed from the bandits, hopefully the trauma will not haunt her. Still she did a noble and heroic deed, saving damsels in distress is after all the 101 of all aspiring heroes and heroiness alike. For now atleast the girl was safe, perhaps the two girls could finally unwind a bit.

Finally able to shun her concern and overall nasty mood aside Rikke looked around the room. "Look at this place Jess!" a rather happy grin formed up on the girl "I told you. Best rooms in the city... can't imagine whats the renting price though" Rikke giggled lightly. Seems she was back to her normal self.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess giggled as well "Its probably by the hour." Not straying to far from the injured woman Jess gently stroked the girls hair. "She was lucky Rikke another day and she might have died." A gentil knock on the door revealed a topless blonde with short hair carring a try of food, water, soap, scented oils, towels, and rags as well as some small bottles. "As the mistress requested your food and water loves as well as some medicine for the young lass there." The blond sauntered into the room and placed the tray on a nearby endtable before for turning to Rikke. "Angelica would like to see you when you've had time to settle in." The girl wrinkled her nose but didn't comment on the smell of sweat and blood. "If you like we can have fresh cloths brought in for you." Excusing herself the young blonde left Rikke and company to their own devices.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sheepishly lowered her gaze as the blonde commented on the current aromas of blood and sweat. The two girls definedly were not at their finest, fighting rapists in the dirty alleys did kinda ruin there clean armor. Though Rikke could only complain about the blood and muck on hers, Jess's armor took abit more substantial damage.

Giggling innocently Rikke looked at the servant girl "Well... some clothes would be grand. But we're don't exactly have all that much denarii with us." the blonde smiled warmly "Do not concern yourself with that. You are welcome guests here. We'll bring some right up." Rikke smiled brightly at the blonde "Thank you!" The blonde bowed slightly and excused herself out.

Rikke gleefully turned to Jessica "Free--!" her cheer silenced by Jessica putting a finger on her lips to shush Rikke abit and nudged towards the sleeping girl. "sorry... free silken clothes!" in a hushed manner Rikke still had to do her cheer. "Oh~ can't wait." the heroine stopped a moment and looked over herself "Jess, I'm not so good with medicine. I'll go take that bath, could you apply the ointments?" the red haired girl smilled warmly "Ofcourse, it won't take long." Rikke made a slowed clap so the sound wouldn't awake the sleeping girl "Thank you! Oh... and make sure you treat your own bruises. Please, for me."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gleefully stripped out of her armor on the way to the bath hoping Jess would notice and hurry to join her. Parting the silken curtain Rikke was confronted with a wide and deep basin of marble with several ornate and erotic figures. Each statue seemed to be of a Nymph or elven like lass running naked with satyrs chasing them. The excruciating detail of each figure was amazing intricate down to the littlest detail and completely anatomically correct. Finding a small plug attached with a chain Rikke pulled it out and the hot steamy water slowly started pouring from a cleverly hidden spigot. While the bath filled Rikke could hear Jess singing softy to the sleeping girl as she applied the ointment to her and herself. After a few minutes of watching Jess's siloute Rikke noticed Jess get up from her position grab a bottle of the end table and make her way to the bath stripping her armor off as well until her fully nude form entered the bath area as well. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Did I just hear you sing?" Rikke smiled warmly at her friend, slowly getting into the bath. "No it's nothing." Jessica bashfully looked away, perhaps she did not expect her friend to hear it. "Come on, out with it." Rikke playfully grinned at her playmate, the hot water and aromas finally unwinding her tensed up body.