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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke found that much of the cloths Janet had brought where indeed silk and a near perfect fit. Though looking in one of the mirrors the style and cut made it look more like she worked here than staying here as a guest. Moving around on memory alone Rikke soon found her way to the ground floor where she found many young woman in similar attire as Janet topless with a silky loincloth covering their treasure. Gazing at the lovely sight Rikke was interrupted by a soft voice from behind her. "These are the 2nd rank girls they are given their first piece of cloths back once they reach a desired skill level." Turning to face the source of the voice Rikke was pleased to see the half-elf woman from before.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"These girls? But they're all so gorgeus I can't imagine the clients---" Rikke slowly turned to face the voice and light up seeing the half-elf girl that helped her out from her pinch earlier. "It's you!" the rogue quickly lowered her head for a respectful bow "Thank you so much for helping us! I hope we didn't cause any trouble. ".
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No trouble at all mother insisted that you be treated well and provided for. Now we can cover your food and shelter and even some evening wear but other services you will have to pay for like normal clients." The silken dressed woman moved next to Rikke looking over the assembled girls. "Orphans, runaways, Nobles slumming, and even the criminally punished make up our first and second rank prostitutes. Some choose to stay others leave as soon as their time is up or in some cases get bored." The half-elf woman looked Rikke over as if she was calculating her worth. "If you ever get tired of the adventuring life we could always use someone with your looks."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smilled cheerfully "I'll think about it" no she wouldn't, her lustfull nature hadn't grow in influence quite enough for the girl to really consider such a thing... yet. "Oh~ speaking of which, you know when the girls have clients" Rikke coughs gently "Fill-em-up... what would the girl do in these situations to avoid certain consequences?" the rogue smilled innocently at the half-elf finishing her indirect mess of a question. Though the anudorian likely understood what she was asking for... hopefully.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh for yourself or your friend? I suppose I could have some brought to your room. Thinking of bringing up some of our male talent?" She looked at Rikke her eyes gleaming. "Or maybe you need some for both of you? Either way we have them for our girls but I suppose I could let you buy some at cost. They would be 20 denari each." Thankfully Rikke could tell the woman was convinced that she and Jess where looking for "fun" and not the cause of "fun." Knowing that keeping Jess's secrete was of peramount importance she played along after all the Silken Princess my be the most diverse brothel in Endus doesn't mean that they would take well to finding a demon in their midst or worse yet take Jess and keep her as some sort of attraction.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke playfully shook her hands "Ah-haha no need to bring it up. I'll just take it up myself." the rogue kept her poker face up "My friend refuses to actually play if there's no guaranteed protection after the festivities. We'll pick our studs tommorow maybe, no need to send any up please." The anudorian wasn't really sure was Rikke rather shy about the whole affair or what, the girl obviously didn't want anyone going to their room. Perhaps the two new visits wanted their privacy, still years of experience kinda help.

Meanwhile Rikke actually realised what the two girls situation actually was - The rogue had a passed out succubi in her room, along with one of the servant girls taken there and kept against her orders... good luck explaining that to the management. "So where can I pick up this lil anti-accident product?"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humph" the dreaded sound of someone not buying a lie. Unseen drops of cold sweat trickled down Rikke's back as the moments seemed to turn to hours. "Well if you insist the brunet with the golden eyes is our alchemist she can sell you the potions you desire. As for the mysterious playmate you've already seduced up in your room please tell them to report back for work or their pay will be docked. Consider it a free taste but if you plan to stay longer you will have to pay like everyone else for any company you acquire." Rikke sighed in relief and turned to seek out this alchemist when the half-elf spoke again. "Oh hun if you ever find yourself a little sort on cash just let me know Im sure I could find something for you to do." With that she walked off surveying the room and clients.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aye!" Well that went better than expected. It felt like a huge burden lifted off the girls shoulders. To be fair it was rather naive to assume noone would miss the blonde girl, which just so happened to have taken the clothes to the two new visits rooms. Not to mention the other indications of the girls having quite the party up there. Seemed the brothel was treating the two adventurers exceptionally well. Now atleast she knew where to get the "just-in-case" remedy she sought... kinda.

There was one problem - Rikke completely forgot to ask where the alchemist actually was! No way was she going to bother the hostess any more, the rogue already felt like she caused quite the fuss around here as is. Still it wasn't a huge brothel she was bound to find the girl sooner or later... worst case scenario she could just ask one of the working girls for directions.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's assessment of the size of the brothel was woefully lacking as she searched out the alchemist and dearly wished that she had taken the tour offered earlier. The brothel was built like a hollow rectangle with the center being one massive garden with its own pond with colorful foreign fish swimming lazy about. The main area of the building was three stories tall and contained as Rikke found out the nude bar, reception, and the main "business" room. Two wings lead back to the rear of the brothel where all the financial and maintenance facilities where located. The two wing each had two stories the bottom consisting of specialized rooms for clients with specific or unique tastes. With the upper floor used as living quarters for the full time personal that lived on site. The left was the women's while the right was the men. Exploring the exquisite garden in the center of the brothel turned out to be very relaxing for Rikke and she nearly forgot what she was looking for when a pleasant feminine voice slowly made its way to her ears.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Not a huge brothel, eh girl...' Rikkes eyes widened as she finally saw the full size of the building. At first she thought that all the ornate statues and silk curtains throughout the hallways and rooms she passed were due to the brothels 'Small, but exceptional quality' style. Wow was she wrong, the brothel seemed to be actually a whole complex.

All the ornamentations and carefully crafted statues never ceasing to amaze the yound adventurer. It was surprising the brothel wasn't the highlight of the city! Seemed the complex even had an exceptionally taken care of garden in the middle. Rikke couldn't help, but enter it glancing at a several working girls spread throughout the area.

The girl wasn't really in a rush... it was actually rather surprising she had enough energy to explore the place in the first place. There could've been a number of reasons known and unknown that energized the girl, but pinpointing one would be difficult. Rikke slowly entered the brothel stopping and smelling some of the exceptional flowers the girl hasn't even seen before. The whole place seemed to reinvigorate Rikkes body even further, the light laughter from a few of the girls discussing gossip or playing games and the numerous smells and sights, to the exceptionally crafted fountain towering as almost a center piece of the garden - everything was far beyond anything the girl seen through her travels.

Rikke gently sat down on the fountains ledge and looked into the water beholding fish of all size and color swimming around. "Wow..." Rikke eyed the fountain for awhile till she saw another figure appear near her silhoulete in the waters reflection.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's eyes widened as the figure approaching was coming at high speed right towards her. Ducking out of the way so as not to be hit Rikke caught a glimpse of a Su-Ku-Ta no two Su-Ku-Ta gracefully vaulted over her former sitting location. Both girls had black cat ears and black cat tails and where complete nude from head to two their faces and bodies mirror images of each other as they giggled and ran off deeper into the garden. Rikke barley had a moment to right herself when a Fox like lady with amber colored hair and fox tail complete with a white little dab at the end vaulted over her apparently chasing after the two cat girls. She had a simple silken robe which billowed out as she jumped over Rikke giving the young rogue an impressive view of the Kitsune well endowed form before the fox-girl was gone yelling obscenities at her antagonizes. Catching her breath Rikke still heard the pleasant singing but was able to pinpoint it in the direction of one of the pounds.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked a few times and let out a hearty giggle at the kitsune chasing and swearing at the two Su-ku-tas. Wonder what was the story behind that little incident. The rogue smiled warmly, it's probably wonderful to live here. Fun girls always around, lots of studs just beyond, excellent pay and if the girl can pick her clients like one of those highest ranked prostitues... What a life this could be.

Rikke slowly sat down dipping her hand in the refreshing water, while looking around. She could swear someone was singing... and in such a pleasant voice. Just where was it? Rikke gently got up and proceeded to nearby pond the sounds seemed to come from.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke dried her hand and proceeded in the direction she had heard the signing from. Approaching the location in question Rikke noticed that the plants and flowers near this pond where more practical and less ornamental. She recognized several of the common herbs and even some of the spices. Making her way around as to not trample the herbs Rikke soon found a simple path leading to a small well built dock that went a few feet into the pond. Standing on the dock Rikke could see that with exception of the path she was just on this pond was nearly secluded from the rest of the compound and was probably the largest of them all.

The pond looked large and deep with lily pads and little toads and frogs in abundance and where there are frogs there are bugs but thankfully the heat of the day had them seeking cooler places. Several of the colorful fish lived in this pond as well but where truly massive almost as long as Rikke's legs. The pond also seemed to have several groupings of large rocks and these seemed to house the originator of the singing. On the rocks sunning herself lay a mermaid. She had long brunet hair and large Cs that where almost Ds. She had long fin like ears and from the waist down her body was that of a fish complete with iridescent purple scales and dolphin like tail. Her finlike ears refracted light and she had her eyes closed singing a very captivating song.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smilled cheefully 'A mermaid!' she could almost see sailors of all sorts raising their mugs at this sight. Honestly the girl would be right there with them smashin her mead with the merry folk at this view. Rikke hardly ever ventured near the more open water locales, so this was actually an extremely rare sight for the girl.

Not wanting to interpt the exceptional song Rikke carefully sat down on a nearby larger rock and listened in, perhaps she'll make her acquaintance after the mermaid finishes her song.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke listened closer to the song it seemed to pull at her drawing her attention completely on the mermaid it was a sad song and Rikke could feel little tears forming at her eyes. Wasn't she supposed to be doing something something important? The mermaids voice was utterly captivating and Rikke felt she could sit here for hours just listening. When suddenly the song stopped. Blinking her eyes as if from a daze Rikke saw brief reflection of light and heard a neat little splash before realizing the mermaid was gone.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikked sighed happily 'This place...' the girl couldn't even comprhend that a place like this was in full order and even existed in a ruined city like Endur. Still with the song finished and the mermaid gone, there was hardly a reason for the girl to linger near the pond. But she just came here and it was so calm here, Rikke even considered skin dipping but with the huge fish and a actual mermaid living down there, that idea had to be withheld.

Rikke slowly removed the slippers she was provided and sat on the egde of the pond, dipping her legs in the chilly water. While incense was nice, nothing compared to the pleasnt smells of pure, raw nature. The girl would linger there for a bit and proceed out of this area. She still needed to get that potion and what would Jessica think if she wouldn't find Rikke near her, when she woke up.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Kicking her feet back and forth in the water Rikke relaxed letting the cool sensations wash over her. It was nice just to sit and enjoy what nature had to offer even if this nature was carefully crafted and ordered. Something tickling Rikkes feet broke her revelry though as she sat up to see what was doing it. Looking down in the water the brunete mermaid smiled playfully at Rikke her gold eyes shining brightly even in the water before grabbing the rock on either side of Rikke and hoisting her self up preventing Rikke from escaping. "Did you like my song?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You have such a wonderful voice." Rikke smiled at the mermaid warmly. Even though the rogue was kinda trapped it didn't even faze her, she just casually kept her usual friendly attitude. "Didn't want to interupt you. The name's Rikke by the way" the heroine eyed the mermaid innocently.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke" the mermaid rolled it over her tongue "that's a lovely name for a lovely girl." The mermaid smiled "My name is "Luna" or that's the name they gave me when they couldn't pronounce my real name. I liked it and have used it ever sense. So what brings you to my little pond humm?" Rikke had noticed the mermaid had slowly been getting closer and closer to her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Red flags started popping in Rikkes head, being completely careless can lead to rather unwanted situations. The heroine slightly shifted her weight trying to ever so slowly inch away from the mermaid closing in on her. "Was just exploring the brothel and heard your beautiful song." Rikke smiled shyly at the brunette "How could I resist and not check who was the singer"