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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke continued to search for a place for Jess to lay down but only succeeded in find where Mitty did its business. Heading up to the third floor a sad whine followed Rikke up the stairs apparently Mitty didn't like something up there and refused to follow. Looking down at the dog Rikke smiled. "Don't worry boy Ill be careful watch out for Jess okay." Rikke patted Mitty on the head and left up the stairs.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemed Rikke had company in her little search as the dog followed the girl closely throughout the second floor. Unfortunately either looters or scavengers had ripped apart pretty much anything they could get their hands on, leaving the girl completely empty-handed at the search. Still perhaps she'll have better luck upstairs, but she wasn't gonna hold her breath.

Rikke slowly started making her way up the stairs when Mitty suddenly started whinning sadly "What's wrong, Mitty?" Obviously whatever lied above there was not something the poor doggy cared to encounter, giving a clear warning to the adventurer. "Don't worry boy Ill be careful watch Jess for me okay." giving the doggy a smile Rikke continued onward.

The heroine cautiously looked up the stairs and drew her blade "Jess, I'm going to check upstairs! I'm leaving Mitty with you!" if something horrible does indeed lie up there best to inform Jessica where to look for the girl. With Mittys warning signs in mind, Rikke would take it nice and slow, best to approach this floor as stealthily as possible.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stealth: 46 vs 28 Success!
Rikke perception: 39 vs 38 Success!

Rikke climbed up the stairs Mitty whining all the while. As she made her way up the stairs they started getting choked with rubble and Rikke found it difficult to climb over and only made it due to her size though she was covered in dust. Finally as the path cleared Rikke could see silver strands everywhere thick and sticky if the random objects caught in them were proof of anything. Taking cover as a sudden vibration disturbed numerous strands Rikke spider easily the largest spider she had ever seen slowly make its way down the web and to a struggling bundle in the middle and sink its fangs in. Only then did Rikke notice some of the rubble was human bones and large insectile wings as well as dried husks littering the floor. Thankfully the giant spider hadn't seen her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'No. No. NO! Absolutely not, nuh-uh...' A strong falling feeling rushed over the girl, well it seems she ran into a deadend. No sir, no way to go through here. Just a huge wall of NO. Of all things Rikke would do fighting a humongous spider in it's lair was NOT one of them.

The girl quickly backpedaled down the stairs, still shivering from the sight. Looked like finding a bed was far too much to ask from this place. And between to wander the streets trying to find the right way or fighting a huge broodmother and possibly many of it's spiderlings... Rikke was gonna take her luck with random wandering. Definedly.

Thankfully the spider was too busy with its meal to even note the girls appearance and disappearance. Rikke descended down the stairs perhaps even more pale than Jessica was right now... "G-g-good call there Mitty." the dog wiggled his tail happily, the girl made the right choice in the canines eyes. Shivering all over Rikke returned to the room she left her companion.

"What happened to you?" Jessica was still resting against the wall, though the sight of her absolutely petrified friend did raise quite a few questions "The third floor is impassable. Nope, not gonna get through there. No way, no how. No." Rikke used one of her hands to support herself "Rubble?" Rikke shook her head silently "Enemies? What?" Rikke took a deep breath "Just... a spider the size of a carriage in the middle of the hall there. No biggey..." a particulary cold smile formed on the girls face as the sight still lingered infront of her "...hairy... with lots of legs and huge venom dripping fangs. No biggey..." Jessicas inquisitive grimace quickly turned the same color and scared expression like her companions.

"...but anyway how are YOU feeling. Is... "it" acting up again" it was best to not think about the creature upstairs anymore or else the rogue will indeed quite frankly throw up on the spot.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I still feel like crap but look." Jess pointed to her now flat belly. "I think the medicine and what ever that weed did to me had a royal rumble." Indeed Jess did look less green but Rikke also couldn't help but spot a fresh spot where Jess had thrown up again. "I think Ill be fine but what should we do now? And what about Mitty here?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed lightly well atleast the potion seemed to work, the problem was it actually killed whatever had taken root in Jess and the girl was paying for it. "First..." Rikke quickly opened her backpack and threw their water salve to Jessica "You take a nice big sip of this. Then we're going out back into the streets." the rogue smiled warmly at her companion "So we're not going to the roof?" Rikke stared Jessica down even for suggesting such a thing "No. And there won't be no debating on this. Not even if there was a golden statue of Venus up there. We ain't going nowhere NEAR that monster up there!" going by Rikkes sharp reaction to anything related to her previous encounter, seemed the rogue wasn't so keen on spiders.

"No objections here. If something like that really is up there, I'm all for leaving this place" Jessica smiled at Rikke, as she slowly got to her feet a little wobbly, but no worse for the wear.

"As for Mitty." Rikke looked down to the dog, who made his best puppy dog eyes face he managed. "Well we can't leave him here... there's no food here and chances are that broodmother will eventually get him...So~ guess he can come along. You wanna join us Mitty?" Mitty barked once happily, it was hard to tell, but the dog seemed to have a huge grin on it's face "Guess that's a Yes." Rikke giggled happily and checked her backpack again, before taking out one of the fishy delicacies and threw it to the dog, who caught it midair.

"Jess, if you need a minute just tell me. Who knows what else lurks down there." Jessica smirked slyly "Don't worry about me, love. I told you I'm fine."
Well Rikke was gonna have to take the red hairs word for it. "Alright let's get out of here."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mitty gobbled down what ever treat the rogue had thrown it and barked again running around the corner only to come back and bark again if no one followed. Raising the curiosity of Jess who after the third bark followed the dog. "OH MY GODDESS SO CUTE!" If Rikke checks it out she would find 3 puppies of similar coloration to Mitty and if she dose check Mitty she finds him completely male.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What is--- OH MY GODESS!" Rikke quickly joined in on the squeel of joy as she saw the three puppies. The cute lil guys were barely of age to fully grasp walking about. Though doing so was rather unadvised Rikke couldn't resist but grab one of the puppies and hoist it up to her. Thankfully Mitty allowed the girl to hold her(?) puppies. "Who's cute little puppy~ Yes you are~ *cute little bark* Yes it's you~" Rikke pulled the little fella closer to her and snuggled him gently the puppy holding onto her though it looked more like a hug to the girl.

The other puppy quickly recieved similar treatment from Jess, but the third one shyly hid behind his parent. "Mitty these are beautiful~ You lucky gir--" Rikke thought back a little bit... now that she considered it Mitty had a certain something dagling between his legs. Mitty was a male! Though where was the mother then.

"So that's why you're still in this house. You've been looking after your family~" Rikke smiled warmly at the dog putting back the little fella from her hands. "Rikke, what do we do now? Can we keep them? Please~?" obviously Jessica was ecstatic at the discovery and honestly so was Rikke. Finding such a precious bundle of joy in ruins like these... was definedly something special. Though, the answer to Jessicas plea would not be so simple. "Jess... we can't... If we take these puppies with us depeer into the ruins. Either the wild dogs, plants or who knows what will pray upon them." The rogues eyes seemed as guilty as they were sad. "But... but we can't leave them here, Rikke!" Jessica looked into Rikkes eyes still keeping hope to take the puppies along. "I know... we've got enough food to feed these puppies and for ourself if we eat sparingly. It's the best we can do for this family."

Rikke closer her eyes and gulped... "But if we do leave them here with Mitty and some of our supplies... the broodmother will stalk them." the rogue looked at Jess awaiting her input on the situation.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess thought for a brief moment. "Ya know Rikke we are not to far in yet we could always back track and if we avoid the fountain we could drop them off at the Wargs outpost." It was the best Jess had to offer though Mitty had kept these little guys alive here for this long maybe simply moving them someplace not infested with giant spiders would do the trick.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slightly whimpered "I'm not sure..." the heroine looked over the puppies as one barked out cutely in response melting the girls heart "Oh~ We can't let this cute little bundle of joy stay in this place." Rikke looked to Jess with trembling eyes "...but I really~~ don't wanna fight those spiders. I really, really don't, Jess." the girls phisique and grimace definedly agreed.

"The wargs would surely take good care of them. Guess we can try our luck and trace our steps." Rikke smiled at her companion "Heck any place is better than here." If the dog allowed it the girls would take place the puppies in their handy backpacks and travel along with Mitty. Retracing their steps. The puppies lives came first before their quest... the badge wouldn't be going nowhere anyway. Besides perhaps they'll notice something they missed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading back to the outpost was quicker than they thought and after a large circle of avoidance they managed to elude the fountains inhabitants and made it to the Wargs outpost. Knocking Gently one of the guards came over to the wall and smiled. "Hey its those two saucy ladies open the gates the got puppies!" He looked down at the girls but mostly at the pups one which was hanging out of Jess backpack only his paws and cute nose visible. "Oye Hoss careful what you say the Alpha would chew you up and spit you out!" Rikke smiled at the banter and truly wondered if Rhea was as scary as her men thought she was. Those thoughts quickly went aside as the gate slowly creaked open showing two heavily armed guards at the ready. "Sorry ladies precautions."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikker smirked slyly "Miss us, boys?" a barrage of cute barks interupted whatever the guards were gonna reply, seemed the pups were getting restless as three of them popped their head out of the backpacks happily looking around. Rikke giggled happily at the girls cute little bundles "Would the wargs have room in their family for these lil fellas and their daddy?" the rogue smiled warmly, 'No' was not an answer the girl would accept.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Boys will be boys even if they are grizzled war veterans turned mercenary and easily accepted the little pups and their daddy into their pack. Though one of the pups seemed to want to stay in Jess pack and resisted being extracted so much that he dug deeper into Jess pack spilling out some of her lingerie she saved only for Rikke's eyes. This of course brought howls and cat calls that made the succubus blush. Rikke however being a bit more dexterous than Jess managed to fetch the pup who promptly barked happily at her and then peed on her boots. "Oh looks like we found one that likes you Rikke? Is it a boy or a girl?" Rikke was far from amused at Jess's comments but their little bundle seemed all to pleased at being held by Rikke and did its best to slobber all over her face while wagging its tail excitedly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh~ this one's a troublemaker, I can tell" the little pup barked loudly at the comment and continued to wiggle his tail happily at the heroine, as the rogue rubbed her boot against some grass. "Come on now, back to your family little guy." the puppy just continued to pant happily and looked right at Rikke. The girl placed him down along with the other two, though instead of just calmy sitting down the puppy quickly proceed to jump on Rikkes boot and lie down belly first on her "unmarked" boot. "Looks like that one took a liking to you" one of the guards chuckled healthily. Rikke smiled warmly at the show of affection, aw~ the thought of just placing the little guy in her backpack and wandering off did cross her mind, but she wasn't going on a simple stroll.

"Make sure these puppies are well taken care of okay." Rikke smiled warmly as she gently tried to remove the little puppy from her clean boot, though instead of getting off the puppy started nibbling on the girls fingers, barely having any real tooth to speak off "Hey now~" Rikke moved her hand asside to which the little pup quickly replied to chasing it around letting out the occasional bark. Well how could Rikke NOT play with the little guy? Though their fun was interupted by Mitty of all things. As the dad barked loudly at the little troublemaker instantly lowering the wee puppies tail as he walked back, still glancing back at the crouching heroine.

Meanwhile Jessica discussed the fate of the puppies with the guards. Rikke approached her companion "So~ It's all good?" Jessica nodded slightly "Though they did say we'd have to name atleast one, since we're the ones who found em" Rikke looked over the puppies, the one she played with wiggling his tail again as he met the girls gaze. "Sure thing."

"They'll be waiting for you when you get back, ladies. Maybe we'll arrange a reward for keeping th--" suddenly the guard got shoved hard by his mate "Watch your tongue damnit." Rikke snickered lightly at the two guards "We'll see... maybe~" the rogue winked slyly to the guard as both girls made their way back into the ruins.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess and Rikke once again walked the abandoned streets the sun continuing its climb threw the sky. Shadding her eyes Jess looked up and sighed. "Well Rikke if we don't find it soon we'll have to stay overnight." Jess didn't sound to happy about that but Rikke couldn't really argue these ruins with their mutant plants rabid dogs and giant spiders did not sound like a good place to spend an evening. "Well at lest we had an interesting day so far." Jess smiled at Rikke who was about to smile back when several shadows swooped past them. "What the hell!" Jess ducked down following Rikke's lead as a warning bell started ringing in the distance and yells sounding like the Wargs getting ready for a fight.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Spend the night... in this place?' the very thought ran cold shivers down the girls body, who knows what comes out to hunt during the night here. Wild dogs and rapist plants may be the least of the girls worries. Though Jess was indeed right, the day was quite something from gettin sexed up out of their mind by plants, to finding puppies near a spider broodmothers lair. Before the girl could respond, a sense of danger quickly shocked the girl "Quick, Jess, duck!" as the bells in the distance rang the girls slowly got out of the ducking spots.

"What the heck is going..." Rikke turned to Jessica, looked like they won't be making much headway into the ruins today. "Come on let's go check it out" the girls wouldn't rush into the HQ, but they should atleast take look from a distance at what was going on.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading carefully back and using what cover they could find Jess and Rikke soon discovered what the warning bells and shouts where all about. Flying and dipping in and around the outpost where several large wasps easily the size of large dogs. Arrows zinged threw the air a few missed shots landing near Rikke and Jess which only prompted them to find more cover. Watching when the could it looked like the Wasps where raiding the Wargs as several of them had tipped over one of the watch towers but the mercenaries seemed to be holding their own. "AND I THOUGHT GIANT SPIDERS WHERE BAD!" Jess was shouting the drone of the giant insects wings making it near impossible to here normal conversation.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Wasps... why the heck did it have to be wasps! "Come on! Let's get out of here before those things notice us!" the girls were hreendously udnerequiped to fight airborne creatures especially something as tough as wasps. Rikke could use her revolver, but chances are it would only hurt not kill the things and loud firearm would surely bring a reckoning upon the girl.

Honestly the girl didn't have any doubts whether the Wargs would succumb. The wasps were severly outmatched and witht he wargs numbers, skill and equipment the assault shouldn't last long.

However now the girls couldn't retun to the Wargs HQ any time soon. Since well they'll hardly open the gates during the assault and after an atatck the wargs would have to refortify and recoup. Going by protocol the gate should stay closed during such times... so, the girls were likely stuck in the ruins.

The bells still ringing in the distance the two girls slowly descended deeper into the ruins. "If worst comes to wear we better find a spot to spend the night, Jess." after dark it would be far too late to search for shelter. "Keep an eye out for any possible spots. We need to get as high as possible."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Why up high? Those wasps can fly." Jess looked confused but Rikke would have to wait to explain as they came face to face with another set of wasps their multi faceted eyes locked squarely on them. "Oh Sh....." was all Jess got out before the wasps took to the air and her voice was lost in the noise.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well, chances are the wasps sent their whole swarm to attack the Wargs. But us being higher up protects us from anything that roams below." Rikke smiled at Jessica "Trust me, you do not want to be caught at ground level during the night. Most creatures either can't or are too stupid to go up and check for pray. They just follow their usual hunting paths." Rikke nodded lightly "And ofcourse we'll need a campfire. So keeep an eye--" slowly the girls eyes glazed over a husk she so wished she wouldn't see. Wasps! Seemed some of the attackers either fled back here or this was just a small detachment!

"In here!" Rikke grabbed Jessica roughly and pulled her into a nearby building. The entryway slightly too small for the wasps to follow.