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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attacks W1: 56 vs 31 HIT! 31 dmg
Jess Attacks W2: 50, 55 vs 31 HIT triggers rend 48 dmg (two hits and rend)

Rikke and Jess dashed for cover drawing their blades thankfully a nearby building suited their needs exceptionally well. While hardly a strong defensive point in and of it self the narrow door way would at lest make the buggers have to land to enter. Thankfully there were only two of the beasts. However they where right on their heels.

The first critter went low while the other went high. Rikke struck first her blade easily cutting the wasp but not quite finishing it off. The second one went straight for Jess who neatly sliced the thing twice stepping out of the way as its body fell defeated and unmoving. The first wasp pinned by Rikkes blade was soon finished off and the danger of the moment passing.

"Wow that wasn't so bad Rikke they where kind of push overs." Jess wiped her blades off on a rotten curtain before sheathing them again. "Oh! Rikke look both venom sacks are intact! We can sell them for some good money." Rikke nodded at her friend though her mind was on something else. While undoubtedly Rikke was mostly likely one of the best swordswoman in Crolia it had taken her years of training and dedication to hone her skill to the level it was. However Jess only after a few weeks of expert tutoring had picked up the ability to fight with two weapons and some nifty combat tricks in a matter of a few weeks and while she lacked a certain finesse while fighting her skill couldn't be denied. Either she was a natural or something wasn't right. Whether or not Rikke quizzed her friend or not was up to her.


XP so far: 3 for both characters
2x Venom sacks
umm one puppy?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I.hate.wasps." Rikke removed her blade from one of the insects "Honestly they're like the poor bee's evil cousin. Who hates everything." the heroine rolled her eyes and turned to Jessica who cleaned her blade with a cloth she brought along from earlier. "You sure this is your first adventure? I thought I'd have to babysit ya, but now you're almost babysitting me" the rogue smiled warmly at her friend "I had a wonderful teacher." Jessica winked happily at the compliment, though Rikke knew even if she did teach a few tricks to Jessica, her combat affinity was amazing by itself.

"I did hear rumors that dead wasps attract other wasps. Let's hurry onwards." the rogue nodded "Oh~ and like I was saying keep an eye out for firewood and such. You know the drill" Rikke smiled at her companion and continued onwards. They still needed to find proper shelter.

The puppy is still in the Wargs care :]
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke and Jess made their way past the dead wasps and desperately looked for shelter while the day was still strong. But as they looked Rikke couldn't help but think of Jess's words to her "I had wonderful teacher." Something on how it was said itched at the rogues mind but she couldn't quite figure it out. Still she better focus on whats a head and look for some shelter.

As luck would have it an old guard tower still remained standing in this district a faded and worn sign stating it as precinct 11. Shoulding the door which had warped shut Rikke was confronted with an erie sight similar to her first expedition to the manor. Discarded cloths and even armor lay surrounded by stains as well as large claw marks on some of the wooden surfaces. Though everything was covered in dust and hard to make out Rikke new something bad had happened here.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed heavily "Looks like someone had a party in here..." the girl glanced around the room bearing a familiarity the girl rather not have. "Keep on your guard. Whoever went through here might still be around." Rikke turned to Jessica "Jess... I'm talking about Seve kin..." The claw marks matched and the girls didn't hear of any demon activity so the other known culprits can only be the only creature in quite some time to knockout and almost abuse the heroine to it's vile content.

Rikke drew her blade and payed extra attention to any flickers, if she was right this is a very dangerous spot indeed. But not only did the tower serve the girls needs of shelter, there was a slim chance that it was also abbandoned... A very slim chance.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke ascended the small flight of stairs she noticed the large amount of dust that had settled in this place and when she reached the top level of the tower she found only dusty moth eaten blankets. Her fears about the safety of this place now at rest Rikke clapped her hands in joy it looked like her luck was back on the upswing.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

No matter how slim, seemed lady Luck smiled on her favorite girl once more. Judging by the sheer amount of dust in the tower, coupled with absolutely no signs of life meant only one thing. The tower WAS indeed abbandoned!

Rikke clapped her hands excitingly, well this went better than expected. "Think it's safe Jess" the rogue smiled widely at her companion "Safe from creatures, but we'll suffocate in all this dust" Jessica coughed lightly as if to make a point. Indeed the more the girls travelled through the place the harder it was getting to breath, not to mention the tower was an enclosed space.

"Huh... no wonder" Rikke noted the tower had faint lighting, meant there were windows here and amazingly they were completely intact, though since they were closed the towers air had grown rather stale. An easy way to fix "And~ FRESH AIR!" Rikke cheered out as a gust of wind flew into the room lifting up a decent amount of the dust... right onto Jessica, who thankfully already had her face covered with cloth.

"Sorry..." Rikke innocently looked at her, suddenly alot more gray, companion. Jessicas eye twitched in a comedic manner, but she wasn't really angry. "I think I'll sprucen this place up a bit, Rikke. You'll want to set up your alarm?" Rikke nodded firmly at the suggestion "You betcha." and took out the rope she brought along and went downstairs to fetch the old armor she saw laying around.

Most of the armory was gone or barely usable, but would serve the girls needs quite well. Using rusted dagger for nails of sorts the wooden framed entrance to their sleeping quarters was easily booby trapped. A tight line going slightly below knee height. If something tripped the rope, the falling armor would quickly alert the girls.

Rikke slowly made her way back upstairs avoiding her alarm, to find much to her surprise the floor had been cleaned of nigh all the dust... well cleaned as in all the dust had been pushed into the furthest corned but still. "How--?" Rikke could barely believe her eyes, did Jessica bring a duster or make one.. how did she do it. "Trade secret." Jessica winked playfully and waved Rikke over to a improv picnic she arranged.

The girls stayed up for some time just chatting about random things and their encounters today, till finally the sun set. It was rather warm in the tower, seemed the layer of dust pretty much warmed up the stone making the climate very pleasant. "You really should wear a proper undershirts, pervy girl..." Rikke giggled lightly as Jessica unbuckled the more tighter parts of her armor, revealing her exceptionally skimpy undershirt "You're not one to talk miss String bra." Rikke had removed her shoes and upper armor too, even though it was considered light armor, wearing the dang thing all day and sleeping in it was highly uncomfortable. "Hey, my bra was stolen by a fish." Rikke playfully wrestled with Jessica "Mhm~ I don't recall that one being modest either" Jessica wasn't one to let Rikke just win and continued their playful wrestling match "Yeah well atleast my panties aren't a piece of string Rikke giggled lightly "Ho~ you're just wearing those short shorts to show off your butt!" Jessica grabbed Rikkes firm round ass playfully "On no you didn't~"

The laughs and games continued for quite some time till both of the girls tired out and just gazed into each other lovingly "Good night, Jess" "Night, Rikke" Neither closed their eyes as they continued their loving gazes "Come on, go to sleep" "You first" No, you~!" "No, YOU~"... Yes they did fall asleep eventually.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The night passed with out incident and Rikke as usual was the first awake. Blinking her eyes a few times a slight smile formed on her face. Jess lay mere inches away from Rikke her face almost angelic while she slept. Her breasts barely covered and almost free to the world lay resting against Rikke's own her nipples stiff from the cool air. Once again her tail had freed itself from its confines and had wrapped itself around Rikke's leg.

Moving to a sitting position Rikke noticed that it was indeed fairly cool in the tower and a reminder that fall was right around the corner though if Jess was right about their location it could very well be the warmest fall she had experienced in her life. Gazing out of the windows Rikke's heart sank it looked as if a storm had moved in overnight and it would probably rain most of the day.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Just great..." the girl sighed lightly. Just getting wet by itself was a minor inconvience, but couple that with the wet clothes cooling the whole body and overall obscured line of sight and you've got a full-blown disaster on the girls hands. The trip just got alot more difficult. Unless they managed to move from house to house, then the girls would surely get wet.

Still she was already up, might aswell wake sleepyhead just yonder. Rikke carefully joined Jessica back in their "2 blankets for cushion" bed and kissed the red haired girl gently "Wakey wakey~"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess smiled as rikke gently kissed her and looked right at the rogues face. "Good morning." Returning the kiss Jess shivered slightly and looked out the window and frowned. "Its raining" she waited a few moments before looking back at Rikke. "Lets just stay in bed" With that she pulled Rikke close in an embrace. "Lets just cuddle and stay warm." It was a tempting offer but Rikke knew they had a job to do.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly at the suggestion... well it was raining outside and they weren't really in that much of a rush "But no funny business." the rogue smirked playfully at her companion, as she inched herself closer to her and slowly allowed Jessica to embrace her, resting her auburn hair on the girls plentiful mounds "So~ any backlashes from the potion?" Rikke gently ran her fingers across the red hairs belly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess giggled lightly at Rikke touch. "None that I can tell I feel much better to day. Though that dose remind me." Moving her hand over her stomach Jess began to conentrate and a red glow from her hands seemed to seep into her belly but after a moment it stopped. "There now I don't have to worry about any little Jess being born." Playing with strands of Rikke's alburn hair Jess looked out the window again. "So what are we going to do when we get the badge? If DeGravel is the scum you say then it won't be safe to hold onto it. I wouldn't be surprised if his agents were already following us." Jess waited a moment for an answer before speaking again. "Well if our first day is any indication we may want to get some more supplies or at lest some more food and some healing potions."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke rolled her eyes at the mention of the badge "Well pretty much everyone we've met in this city know that if that creep got the badge. Things would go from bad to horrendous in a matter of days... Such a small object yet everyone would kill or be killed to just lay their hands on it." the rogue turned to Jessica and smiled warmly "When we find it maybe I'll turn it over to Rhea's husband, that old mage guy. He seems decent and the mages guild is known for it's generosity." Rikke winked slyly at the girl as she got herself a little bit more comfy... at the cost of creating that ever so slightly more compromising position.

"Well if our first day is any indication we may want to get some more supplies or at lest some more food and some healing potions." the rogue slightly leaned back to take a good look at Jessica "Well from what I recall we've beaten off packs of hounds with mere scratches and shrugged of the insec-- wasp attackers like nothing" Jessica giggled lightly "And the weeds?" Rikke blushed visibly "We don't talk about that" the red haired girl couldn't help but release a friendly laugh at her friend "Oh~? How so?" "Well we've got a reputation to keep!" Rikke gently turned Jessica on her back and mounted her comfortably, her hands on either side of the girls head "What would people think if told em we've had such fun with a bunch of weeds... they might think we're very lewd girls." the rogue snickered lightly as she straightened herself on top of her companion, Jessica couldn't be sure but was Rikke getting more and more aggresive?
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess smiled and moved a hand to trace Rikke's tummy thinking to herself 'I thought Rikke said no funny buisness? Maybe its a test.' Jess looked up at Rikke it was by far a very tempting sight but she kept her cool. "I thought Seaul said he couldn't have the badge?" Jess could feel her tail start to twitch and knew if Rikke didn't move soon she would have to hide her friend.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ugh tell me about it..." the rogue adujusted herself slightly, though from poor Jessicas point-of-view it was more like a strong hump. Especially with Rikke keeping her legs so spread out and positioned exactly where if the girl wasn't looking for anything naughty, shouldn't be!

"Can't remember his name really. But he did mention something about spies, assasins, a worthy successor and such. It's complicated." Rikke shrugged innocently "Still guess we'll think about after we get the darned badge" the rogue leaned down to Jessica kissed her lightly "Come on, the rain won't be stopping anytime soon" Rikke smiled warmly at her companion as she quickly got off her, leaving the girl ever so slightly disappointed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess disappointing for more than one reason but slowly started getting together and after a few quick stretches was ready to go. "Well Rikke we should invest in some winter cloths soon or find someplace to wait it out. Unless you like wandering threw snowy landscapes freezing your butt off." Rikke made a face but even she had to admit Jess had a point. Nibbling on some dried fruit Jess scrutized the map and spoke with her mouth full. "If this is precinet 11 then the old guilds building shouldn't be far. Though given that state of the streets and the disaster it might not be their at all." Jess munched her breakfast her tush lingering in the air teasing Rikke as she rest on her elbows on the small table that had the map.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well with the denarii we'll get from this job. We'll be wearing the finest winter clothes this side of Crolia in no time" Rikke giggled lightly, just imagining her dream winter wear. "So how much did the mage offer?" the heroine blinked a few times "We didn't discuss the reward per se... But come now, I'm sure we'll get our due for saving the city from a slimy slavers hands." Jessica continued her breakfast as Rikke finished putting on her gear.

"So this old guilds building... it's on our way to the heart right?" Jessica gave Rikke a nod as she slowly got up, her mouth still full. Now it was Rikkes turn to inspect the map. Just what was their current location.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking at the faded map Rikke could see the old layout of the streets and sighed. Apparently who ever constructed the roads did so where ever their was room if the layout of the map was any indication. Still their where several streets that ran into to the heart of the city one being Triumph way and the other being Market Street. Market Street seemed to wind its way around though seeming passing the commercial buildings which where erected where ever one purchased his plot. It was west of their current position and they would have to cross several side streets to get their but it was better than nothing.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the map dismissively "And they payed some guy to make this? No wonder we got lost when we've entered." Jessica snickered lightly at her companion "Well in a city like this every inch costs a fortune, so best to make best of it." Rikke rolled up the map and placed in back in her backpack "Ugh... the things greed makes people do."

"Gotta dismantle my trap, make sure our torches don't get wet 'kay, Jess." the red hair was still gettin in gear, but she should shortly be good to go "You got it." Rikke approached her improv alarm and gently cute the rope off at the edge, making the armor crash down loudly nearby "You keep using that thing, does it ever work?" Rikke snickered lightly "Well it seems to keep wanderers away, but noone really ever tripped it." the rogue quickly retrieved her rope and went back to her companion "But hey, in theory it should work perfectly" Jessica smiled warmly at the rogue as she finished her last buckle "In theory."

"Anyway, I'm all set where to boss?" Rikke placed the rope in her backpack and quickly put it on "To the Market Street, unless you fancy meeting our plant lovers again" Rikke giggled lightheartily as both girls made their way out.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke and Jess left their shelter and entered the rain quickly getting soaked. "Well on the bright side I doubt we'll run into any wasps today." It wasn't much but Jess was right about one thing bugs that fly tend to stay grounded when it rains. The walk to Market street didn't take long even thought the street was crowded with abandoned carts and discarded possessions long ruined by the exposure to rain and other weather. The trip passed mostly uneventfully with exception of a small building on the road before them collapsing right before their eyes blocking the road. After the shaking subsided Jess just stared at the rubble before them. "REALLY! COME ON!" Obviously the weather was effecting her mood. But thanks to Rikke's sharp eye she quickly found a building that looked like it by passed the rubble though no telling what they might find in it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"This city doesn't like us too much, does it..." Rikke smiled warmly at her companion "Jess, cheer up it's just some rain." Honestly Rikke actually enjoyed rainy days, especially during warm days. Unfortunately today was not one of those, as the cold rain did infact cool both of the girls significantly.

"Over there, maybe we can hide from the rain AND get passed this darn rubble. Win-win" Rikke continued to try and cheer up her friend as she pointed towards an entryway for the possible passage. Maybe after they dry off a little bit Jess would ease up. Besides catching a cold in this place would be rather unpleasant to say the least.
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