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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph stopped a moment trying to remember and took on her deep blue thinking color. It had been two cold seasons sense she woke up but she felt older half remembered days and memories that where hers but not hers in them she was sylph but not sylph struggling with the half memories she simply turned to Rekey and Jess. "Sylph member 2 cold times but feel older". She looked puzzled for a moment if pondering a question of her own. "How many cold times Rekey and Jess?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

2 cold seansons. Seemed the girl only remembers her slimegirl life, her previous life memories only a distant echo. "Us? Well I'm around 21 "cold seansons" myself..." Rikke smiled warmly, but for some reason she suddenly felt alot more older than she'd like "And Jes is ummm..." honestly Rikke never did really ask how old her companion was, nor when was her birthday. Hopefully they didn't miss it!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess blushed and looked away before mumbling something. "35" She blushed some more and kept moving along. Sylph still looked confused but continued to move her desitinctive foot steps echoing around them. "Rekey Jess that long?" After getting her answer or lack there of Sylph would lead them to a collapsed building blocking the street stopping a moment. "Great now what?" Now what indeed for Sylph such an thing was just a minor annoyance but to her new friends it would be harder they didn't look squishy like her. "Sylph know!" Turning a bright blue at her sudden idea the slime girl quickly grabbed Jess who once again eeked in protest and placed her onto the top of the ruin which was later followed by Rikke. The goo girls slime was pleasantly warm almost like a comfy quilt. Being placed on top of the ruin Rikke could see a direct line to the center of the city. It looked bleek and no vegetation even attempted to grow in its grey center. What little she could see however was soon disrupted by a gust of wind kicking up tones of dust that obscured her vision of the center. Still what she did see was most of the direct paths where cluttered with rubble that was impassable to people on foot. A moment latter Sylph slimed her way up the ruins and joined Rikke and Jess looking at the center of the city. "See hole!" Sylph seemed excited that she had shown Rikke the hole but was still puzzled why she wanted to go their the big hurt lived there it wasn't safe.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked a few times... just HOW old was Jessica? The rogue turned her head with her jaw dropped playfully, a prominent smirk on her face and eyed Jessica for a moment, who proceeded to blush like mad "What?" The slimegirl turned to the two curiously oddly continueing to go forward "Rekey Jess that long?" "Apparantely..." Still before Rikke could tease her companion seems they reached a dead end. Which was overcome with the help of their guide, but not to much avail, the road ahead was "bumpy" to say the least.

Well they were pretty much there... now what? Rikke didn't real plan out HOW exactly the girls will find a small shiny badge in the middle of the huge ruins. Still... seemed it would be best to try to find where the Mayor was supposed to have fallen and go from there "Sylph, any danger near hole?... Maybe you see shiny metal near hole?"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Big hurt near hole." Slime girl simply shrugged a the other question or rather Rikke thought she shrugged. "Not safe many hurts." The slime girl looked at Rikke and Jess kind of worried. "Rekey Jess not go!" Sylph was indeed worried the big monster that lurked around the center of the ruins was more than a match for anything she had ever seen and indeed ever known. Not to mention the goblins worshiped the creature. "Lots green men not safe! Lots hurt."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

And so Rikkes one way plan suddenly showed it's weakness. Seeing the rocky road ahead and coupled with Sylphs warnings what was she gonna do now. Ofcourse there's something unlike anything seen before there, just how much magical residue floated around the center, whatever was hit was likely destroyed and perhaps even remade into something no nightmare could compare. In just a few brief moments Rikkes spirit got crushed with one supreme sweet.

"Jess... what do we do now?" Rikke turned to Jessica, for the first time in awhile the girl really didn't know where to go from here. Her goal of reaching the heart of the city she sought so much for was reached... but there was nothing here. Absolutely nothing.

"First things first lets get down from here. Sylph could you please lower us again?" The slimegirl nodded and did as the red hair girl asked.

As soon as both girls reached the ground Rikke leaned against a nearby wall and slid down. Such a horrible feeling - not to see the road ahead.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph looked at Rikke and wondered why the girl was sad. "Rekey okay?" Sylph tilted her head and looked at the strange woman. "Why sad?" Sylph reduced down to look Rikke in the eye. "Well Sylph she is just overwhelmed at the task before her. Though I know she knows better after all she is the hero of house Pesli." Jess smiled at Rikke and took her hand. "The most dashing rogue in Crolia, Greatest lover this side of Bardia and the most cunning treasure hunter of all time!" Jess tried to pull Rikke to her feet gently. "Shes out sneaked a demonic hunter, out fought demon swordsmen. Nearly out sexed a succubus and outsmarted a Demon Lord all in two days!" Sylph seemed mighty impressed and even began to clap and sing a spontaneous song about Rikke the hero the lyrics where simple and child like but it was obvious sylph hadn't lost her gift for song. "Rikke can do it!" Sylph turned the brightest blue Rikke had yet seen and scooped the girl up in her arms and hugged her well more like smothered her in her warm gel confines.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well looked like Rikke still had her girls to help her stand-up once more. Her look finally crumbled, the rogue laughed merrily as the slimegirl smothered her "Sylph *laughter* I'm okay." the rogue gently nudged the slime back, though her hands in more or less just sink into her, but Sylph got the message and moved away grinning happily.

The rogue sighed "Okay... first. Jess!" Rikke approached Jessica rather stoicly "Flattery will get you get you places~" the rogue winked playfully "And what do you mean "nearly outsexed?" Well atleast the rogues spirits have returned. "But at any rate... Where do we go from here..." slowly Rikke placed the pieces together they might try to reach the center, but that would surely be the end of their adventure. What could she do now...

WAIT... the girls eyes slightly sharpened "Jessica! Hear me out: The goblins were infact dragging the defender corpses around right? Maybe they looted the badge of the mayors corpse. It's nice and shiny so no doubt they'd take it with them. AND they worship the creature in the middle so they definedly scavenged and looted the center." Rikke paused a moment "So that means if we want to find the badge we'll have to head into their territory again..."

Rikke awaited Jessicas response, if the girl agreed with her musings both of them should ask Sylph where the goblin base lied. This time it would be the girls ambushing the creatures.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Jessica! Hear me out: The goblins were infact dragging the defender corpses around right? Maybe they looted the badge of the mayors corpse. It's nice and shiny so no doubt they'd take it with them." Unfortantly Sylph was the one to burst Rikke's bubble this time. "Ga go o go goblins no like center stay away big hurt in center." Sylph turned dark blue thinking or remembering. "Lots of dust men in center goblins stay away scary!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humph... well way to shoot down that theory Sylph... but still with a blast that big, doubt the badge would just lie there in the ashes. Maybe it got blown away." Rikke turned to Jessica "Ofcourse the badge still could lie there around the center or the goblins might've found it. There's a horde of them here doubt any stones were left unturned. Whats do you think Jess?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess's lips where pursed as she thought about the situation tapping one finger gently on her lips. "You just have to trust people sometimes." Jess looked at Rikke a smile on her face. "Well Sylph has lived here her whole life if she says the goblins don't go near the center then I think we should check that first. Though with caution Im not sure I like the sound of Big hurt near the hole." Sylph smiled and looked up at the sky. "Dark soon rest?"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"If you say so. Checking the crater it is then." Rikke smiled at her companion "Dark soon rest?" the rogue looked up to the darkening sky, the slimegirl was right. It would be dark soon, though the question of where the girls could rest would be a tricky one. "Sylph may have a point, whatever lies in the crater won't be troubled by the dark, best to keep our eyes sharp." though with Rikkes not too recent mutations the girl could see during the night perfectly fine, Jessica couldn't. If they're going down there they'll need both of them girls on full guard.

"Think we should find a place to sleep for the night and tackle this early in the morning." Rikke looked down to Jessica. Though the obvious choice was to stay with Sylph, it was far from the safest one.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sylph know safe no hurt. Follow!" with that the slime girl moved along. If Rikke and Jess followed they would find a small shop with boarded up windows and a locked door that Sylph simple slide under. Easily opening the lock Rikke found an old shoemakers shop the smell of old leather still pungent even after the years of neglect. Everything was stripped bare leaving nothing save the heavy wood frames of chairs and work benches the only exception where the beds on the upper floor. All three had dusty dirty mattresses and no blankets. One bed was large enough for two people while the other two in another room where smaller and meant for a single person. "Sylph play here many odd shapes!" Indeed many odd shaped things did exist in the house discarded tools and forms benches chairs basically anything to heavy to move by a single person was left to sit. Obviously they way it was boarded up they people where planning to return at some point.

Leaving Sylph to play down stairs Rikke and Jess looked at the choices before them. "Well at lest the building is intact and fairly secure. Though what if Sylph gets hungry?" It was a concern on Rikke's mind as well. Looking at Rikke and then down the stairs Jess brought her voice to a whisper. "Are we gonna ya know... use the magic rock?" At first Rikke was going to yell at Jess for even thinking about it when Jess spoke before Rikke could say anything. "I don't think it would be right I mean even if shes a full grown slime woman thing she has the mind of a child. No telling what Sasha would do to her." Jess frowned looking sad a moment. "What if Sylph wants to leave with us.. How would we stop her or even guard her if she did? I don't want to hurt the poor thing or worse yet lead it to some harm."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"She may have a simple mind, but look at the place she's living in. Guarding her wouldn't be a concern... atleast not from creatures." Just like Jessica chances were the slimegirl would be eyed as some sort of prize or an absolute exile. Though unlike her companion the slime girl couldn't just shapeshift to a simple human girl appearance.

"We'll think about that later anyway... the hunger is something that crossed my mind too." Rikke eyed the slimegirl briefly as Sylph was busing doing her thing "Because she's innocent she might view it as a game... admitedly a very fun game" Rikke glanced over to Jessica a naughty smile appearing and disappearing quickly "But she might not know how to hold back."

Rikke sighed "Then again doubt she'll just go away even if we asked her too... heck that would probably offend her. Guess we'll just have to trust her to behave." With that Rikke descended downstairs "Sylph, dear." the rogue caught the slimegirls attention "Me and Jess will go sleep now. Could you watch no danger go up?" Honestly Rikke wasn't sure if slimes even sleep so keeping her as a guard would be fantastic.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph looked at Rikke and tilted her head trying to puzzle out what she meant. Turning her thinking blue a look of recognition hit her face and she jiggled her head up and down. "Rikke sleep Jess sleep be safe no hurts." With that Sylph just kinda slurped around the discarded furniture oozing here and there nearly soundless. Heading back upstairs Rikke soon found Jess in her underwear pulling a silky looking blanket and sheet from her backpack. It looked like she had already flipped the old mattress around and was making the bed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled mischieviously as Jessica was busy making the bed ready for the two girls. Oh~ It was far too good of an opportunity to just let slip by. Rikke silently giggled to herself and ever so slowly and carefully made her way towards her companion. With the girls experience in sneaking she was upon her friend in mere moments completely unnoticed.

"Gotcha!" Rikke wasted no time to abuse her element of surprise. Quickly moving her hands on the red haired girls generous cleavage and pulling her back towards with playful intent. "Eek~! Ri~kke!" the rogue giggled gleefully at her shocking attack "No armor in a such questionable place. Someone's feeling adventurous?"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke this is hardly the place." Jess moved her hand over top Rikkes but didn't pull them away. "While I wouldn't mind a little fun. I wouldn't want Sylph to get any ideas." Still Jess didn't pull her her hands away and Rikke could tell Jess was breathing heavily.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyes sharpened slightly "Not a place for what Jess?" the rogue lets out a devilish giggle "Do you have something on your mind, dear?" well Rikke always loved to tease the red hair, even though she was right that they shouldn't play around in this place... but the temptation was slightly too delicious.

Rikkes hands previously just holding her companions cups, nibbly started to move, quickly slipping underneath Jessicas top and painfully slowly groped the girls breasts. Even if the succubus tried to stop them Rikke was far too fast for the red haired girl to react "What kind of ideas?" for now the rogue wasn't so much aiming to arouse her partner as much as to tease.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Uh Rikke! Don't start what you can't finish" Jess voice took on a deeper tone giving Rikke that little bit of warning before Jess took on her more seductive personality. Moving her hands of Rikke's Jess reached back and grabbed the rogues ass and pulled her forcefully close.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh~? What if I refuse to stop. Would you punish me Jess?" the rogue much more roughly squeezed the red haired girls mounds in her hands, sharply pinching the red haired girls nipples "You know Sylph is on guard downstairs, leaving us all alone here..." Rikke nibbled on Jessicas ear playfully then moving down her neck trailing numerous gentle kisses, fully allowing her companion to feel her ass "Since I'm eager to repent for my insubordination... mistress" the girl giggled lightly. Looked like Rikkes playful fright might turn to something much more different.
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