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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mistress humm?" Jess turned around and faced Rikke bringing her arms up and around the rouges neck. "Humm not so sure if Im the mistress if your the one in leather." Jess smiled and Rikke felt a sharp tug as her leather armor quickly slipped off her. "Oops did I forget to mention the quick release I put in your armor." Jess kissed Rikke on the lips. "What rule in the handbook covers never letting a succubus mend your armor?" Jess smiled before Kissing Rikke again long and deep even slipping a little tongue play in. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you and how lucky I am even if Im robbing the cradle." Pulling Rikke into a tight embrace Jess rested her head on Rikke shoulder. "In case you forgot I love you."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well this was one of the more unique features the succubus added to the rogues armor, Rikkes armor quickly undid it's buckles and tightenings in rapid succession before gently slipping off the girl "Oops did I forget to mention the quick release I put in your armor." Rikke snickered lightly "Oops?" this was definedly something that could be potentiallly very dangerous, but as the pairs little secret Rikke was more than happy to have it included.

Rikke gently leaned her head against her companion as the red hair whispered her love on the girls shoulder "You'd make a horrible mistress, Jess..." the rogue smiled warmly "I'm the lucky one, silly..." actually Rikke refrained from anything naughty, just held Jessica lovingly there for a brief moment.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Good I don't want to be a mistress I wouldn't anyone to feel that way about me." Jess held Rikke close "Lets go to bed no funny business though we would stir up to much dust. And we don't have Brody to fix it for us." Pulling Rikke to the bed Jess finished making the bed while Rikke got dress or undressed as she desired. "I hope the girls at the Princess didn't mind that I took a few blankets and sheets." She leaned up from making the bed giving a Rikke a stunning view of her body. "There all set! Im glad we have an actually bed to use them on."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh~ it's for a good cause. I'm sure they have spares" Rikke smiled at her companion and quickly got out of her pants. The quick release only uncovered the girls top afterall. "So nice~" Rikke giggled happily as she rolled lied in the silken sheets. "Not as comfy as our previous dust beds, but it'll do" the rogue chuckled lightheartily and taped the matress calling Jessica to join her.

"Come on in." As Jessica joined her Rikke quickly wrapped her arms around her friend "We had quite the day today. For a moment there I thought those green bastards would catch you. I don't what I'd do if something happened to you..." Rikke gently leaned her head against Jessicas "Don't you dare leave me alone Jess." With a few extra loving exchanges the girls would likely go to sleep.

Though Rikkes rest would be far from calm as the previous "dream" continued:

The heavy cage door closed behind the auburn haired girl as she panted heavily, freshly stained bloody blade in her hand and a mutilated corpse behind her. How long was she trapped in there, seemed like whole months, though more likely it was just a few days. Still she needed to escape! Fumbling across the hallway, noting several other girls in cages lieing there nigh-lifeless, barely visible panting giving clear signs of them still being alive. The girl with the blade had no time to stop, nothing mattered she had to escape! Soon she fumbled over to a heavy looking wooden door, as several pairs of footsteps echo'd behind it. Placing her head closer she could make out several people talking "So whats taking the drugs so long? We've got people standing at the door, for some eager sluts." "Fuck if I know, Endus ain't that far away. Should've been here by now" "Maybe the boss is holding out on us" "Didn't ya hear? He's coming over to inspect a few. The boys say he's cheery picking sluts for something." "That fuckin fuck. He's gonna take our prize ain't he... wanna go visit her?" "Didn't Brox said he wanted to go." "Who cares, we'll wait..." the escaped girl quickly hugged the wall and waited patiently for the two to enter "Aw man I always get sloppy seconds..." the first man entered the hallway hiding the auburn haired girl behind the door "Sloppy seconds? Ha! All the boys are sleeping aft---" blood chilling gurgled replaced the mans voice as his throat got slit open, though before the other man could react the blade impaled his throat. It was a horrible and messy way to die. The auburn haired girl eyed the two with empty crazed eyes, only one thought in her head - to escape! Making her way further soon she came upon another door with the sign "Sleeping Quarters" nearby. The door slowly opened before her as echos of screams rang out throughout the building, a wave of blood smashing into the girl. Almost drowning her!

Rikke slowly opened her eyes, it was surprisingly warm under the blankets... so warm that maybe she'll just lie there just for a moment longer.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess returned Rikkes embrace and snuggled close to her. "No worries I will always do my best to stay by your side. Just as long as you will stay by mine." Jess suppressed a yawn and did her best to get even closer to Rikke. Soon her steady breathing told Rikke she was asleep and like usual when the cats away the mice will play. Jess tail freed its self from its shape shifted prison and wrapped itself around her waist almost more possessively than Jess. Rikke herself yawned and began to closer her eyes when she heard Sylph down below singing a lullaby it was pretty something about the moon and butterflies......

Rikke as usual woke first but she was so warm she almost didn't get out of bed trying to pull her blanket over her bare shoulder she couldn't quite get a grip it slurped out of the way. Wait! slurped? opening her eyes she saw Sylph resting on top of both her and Jess completely covering them with her slime. "Light time Rikke! Sylph hungry go find yums." The impossibly warm goo girl slurped off the bed and down the stairs and presumably out into the ruins to find herself some food. Jess and Rikke both started to shiver in the early morning cool good thing Jess stayed asleep.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled confusingly at Sylph as the slimegirl made her exit, leaving both girls covered in her ooze. Well the silk sheets were nice while they lasted... It was one of the more odd things to wake up to, the slimegirl probably felt lonely downstairs and came to join them. Rikke smiled warmly, it was like having a little sister. Still since she was up might aswell make herself useful. Rikke looked down at her waist and lightly sighed, honestly by now the girl was used to it being around her, but slipping it off without waking the succubus was always a tiral of patience and subtelty.

Finally slipping out of the hold Rikke, gently removed some ooze from the top of the sheet so it wouldn't get on Jessica and lightly tucked her in. The red haired girl always was one helluva sleeper.

'Hm... so Sylph eats normally not via... the more you know' Rikke smiled eyeing the doorway, but breakfast did indeed sound rather nice. Unfortunately the girls only had the absolute minimum of supplies left... and the dried food would only keep them fed for so long they'd have to hunt for lunch. Still scrounging what she could Rikke quickly proceeded to setting up breakfast for the two adventurers.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke want about making her preparations for breakfast when a gagging gurgling noise echoed from outside the building. Running to a nearby crack in the boards Rikke caught a glimpse of Sylph and Goblin in some sort of grapple. Which judging by the noise Sylph apparently won and was slowly enveloping the now limp goblin in her goo. Watching enraptured Rikke saw the goblin slowly waste away as Sylph absorbed all of its bodies moisture leaving behind a dried husk before heading back to the shelter. A yawn from Jess nearly started Rikke as the image of the dessicated goblin was left burned into her mind.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened as her face turned pale at the rather disturbing sight. Wait... wasn't Sylph just a sweet younger sister?! "Morni---" Jessica blinked at the petrified expression on Rikkes face "Whats wrong?..." Rikke glanced around, taking a few deep breaths it was all perfectly normal. Sylph needs to eat too right...? "Jess, what's your opionion on Sylph?" Rikke patiently eyed Jessica, still shaken by the gruesome display.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"She seems nice enough. Im glad she likes us though. Remember what happened in the building she could have probably crushed us like grapes." Looking down at the ruined sheets Jess frowned. "Aww these where really soft I liked them reminded me of my room. Maybe I can wash them. What do you think Rikke?" Rikke didn't have alot of time to answer as Sylph made her reappearance smiling happily as if nothing happened. "Where go now?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh~ Hey Sylph!" Rikke squeezed out an unstable smile, the rogue wasn't sure what to make of the girl anymore. Perhaps she was just a predator toying with her food, following the girls out of boredom before draining them out too! Though Rikke has slain her share of goblins, why couldn't Sylph do the same. Whats the difference in leaving the corpse to rot or to use it as a nutrition for yourself. "We were about to have breakfast... want some?" perhaps the girl could learn more about Sylphs views on her "food" by simple gossip...

"Yums?" the slimegirl girl blinked a few times eyeing the food, the girls didn't even have the fish delicacy that kept them fed for so long anymore, nothing but dried fruit! "No sure about 'yum' but it's still food..." Rikke smiled uneasily, before picking up one of the dried fruit slices and handing it over to Sylph. The slimegirl quickly enveloped the fruit slice and frowned lightly "Ew~ No yums!" before throwing it lightly away. Rikke sighed "That's one way to spoil your food." the girls continued their meal, thankfully the early morning chill wasn't as harsh as it seemed. Guess Sylph keeping them so very warm just made it seem to be chilly outside.

The slimegirl eyed the pair curiously, how did they survive on such dry food! "To answer your question, Sylph, now go to big hole. Rikke and Jess find shiny metal there." Rikke eyed Sylph briefly, was it actually safer if she tried to include the girl into the expedition or travel without her.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph frowned at this news. "Big hurt near hole sure?" Jess looked at Rikke who was currently chewing on the fruit. "Yes Sylph you have told us but we need to go there." Sylph turned a thinking blue as Rikke began to call it. "Okay Sylph keep you no hurt." She looked at each girl and nodded. Jess looked over at Rikke and began to speak. "Thats nice Sylph but Rikke and I are can take care of ourselves you don.." Sylph interrupted Jess with a quick poke to her side. "Not squishy not safe lots hurt." It looked like Sylph wasn't going to leave them alone at lest not yet. "Sylph find not dry yums." With that the slime girl oozed away again leaving Jess and Rikke to finish their meal.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sylph find not dry yums." with that the slimegirl left.. as in left Rikke choking on her food. "What's gotten into you?" Jessica raised an eyebrow. 'What kind of "not dry" food does Sylph have in mind?!' Rikke looked over to the doorway wanting to stop the slime, but far too late. "So..." Jessica eyed Rikke, her glare almost demanding an explanation. "I well... uhm... I might've seen Sylph eat..." "And?" "...A live goblin by sucking out his juices and life infront of my eyes... right outside the shop... in mere moments." Rikke gulped lightly as both girls looked at each other in silence "Oh..."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess tried valiantly to change the subject as the sound of Sylphs voice rose in song and fading slightly as she went on search for yums. "Uh well... what do you think she mean by "Not squishy not safe lots hurt." Rikke?" Jess nibbled on some dried bannana slices waiting for Rikke's answer. Rikke wasn't sure it could mean lots of things maybe she didn't want us hurt or maybe she thinks they can't defend themselves because they are not squishy she wasn't sure but she doubted that would put Jess's mind at ease better come up with something.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well Rikke herself was in no place to comfort her companion too. In a way they were trapped with the slimegirl and now were going to the epicentre of what destroyed the city. Things were not about to get better "Well Sylph probably thinks because we're not slimes, that we can't really fight or survive battles." Rikke nibbled on some of her breakfast too "On the brightside it should be much easier with her by our side." the rogue sighed lightly "... and then there's the how are we gonna find the badge in that mess question... worth a shot though"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess sat and nodded a moment thinking. "What do you think she meant by dust men? It sounds kinda creepy to me." Jess mind conjured animated dust shaped like people attacking them. As far fetched as it seemed they where in the company of a woman made of slime who could talk and even sing. Shuddering involuntarily at the thought Jess smiled in a attempt to boost her spirits. "So whats the first thing we are going to buy when we get the badge? Silky underwear, a room for two for a week, all the wine and chocolate we could ever want?" Jess smiled her imagination running a little wild but there was never any harm in dreaming.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Dust men...?" Rikkes imagination had their say in this matter aswell - statue like claymen that regenate instantly even if the girls cut the apart. Rikke shuddered lightly and noticed Jessica doing the same. Still before she could joke around that her companion changed the topic. "Oh~ With that much. First I'll give Beauty to the mages, I'm going to make her the most powerful blade this side of Crolia! Then... wow I don't even know. Maybe we'll find a tailor and get some fluff on our armors, some beautiful lingerie... and CHOCOLATE~" Rikke grinned happily at her companion. For now the girls shunned their unpleasant position aside, but who knows how long that would last.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh I could see you in a little red and black number barley holding those beauties at bay." Jess crawled to Rikke like a cat stalking prey. "It would be so tight it would strain with your heaving breasts as I had my way with you." Jess kissed lightly up Rikke's neck as her fingers trailed under Rikke's shirt. "Umm I can picture it now almost taste it even smell it." Jess kissed Rikke on the lip biting her lightly. "Oh the things I would do to you my love."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eagerly kissed Jessica back "Oh~ these damn ruins... can't wait till we get out of here." the rogue snickered lightly, obviously helding herself back. It just seemed so long since her and Jessica had their fun... "All those ideas, don't you dare forget them. We'll try them all, for as long as needed" even if they couldn't do what the girls body wanted, Rikke atleast would pull Jessica onto her and into a deep kiss. One hand seemingly pushing Jessicas head deeper into the kiss while the other trailed the red hairs back.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"MMMmmmm" Jess sweat breath and smells filled Rikke and she could feel the succubus legs grasping on to her eager but holding back. "Oh don't worry I got a good memory and Ill be sure we get to do all the things I want." "Rikke Jess do what things?" Jess jumped grabbing on to Rikke tightly. "Sylph you scared me." Sylph looked confused "Sc sca scared? Sylph not know scared. No yums near Sylph sad" Indeed Sylph had a frown on her face but it was soon replaced with a smile. "Sylph want hug to!" Not waiting for an okay Sylph enveloped Rikke and Jess in her goo leaving the girls free of goo from the shoulders up. Once again Rikke felt how warm Sylph was and began to sweat.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke wasn't really comfortable with the fact, but Sylph did infact feel particuallary cozy. Even if the silmes entrance wasn't exactly a good moment to catch the girls, Rikke already had light sighs of arousal due to Jess, but now she was absolutely enveloped by Sylph, her slime embracing every inch of her body. It was an unfamiliar, but oddly pleasant sensation.

Best not to give the slimegirl any ideas Rikke tried her best to close legs, better avoid any possible teasing from the slime accidental or otherwise. The rogue blushed and giggled at the slimegirls affection "Sylph, honey...." Rikke gently tried to struggle "If you want hug, do hug like Rikke and Jess do. Okay?"
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