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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rest of the wargs went and hid among boxes and other large items while Rhea's assault group got to work. Rikke waited in a stealthy corner waiting for her chance to act when the sound of Rhea's battle cry echoed through out the building along with the sound of a smashing door. Almost immediately return shouts filled the air and the sound of steel being cleared from leather. Above her head the sounds of heavy boot falls echoed in a rushed manner as the men above began to run down the stairs. "FALL BACK!" Rhea's voice was clear and strong not a hint of fear or worry. Rikke's nerves where on edge how many man where up there? Was their more than what she told Rhea what if there where to many? Rikke had to shake those thoughts off Rhea was a skilled commander and an expert warrior no doubt she had it well in hand. The sound of steel on steel and the cries of the wounded began to get louder when the final foot steps from above stopped. No was her chance.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well she wasn't just going to sit the corner when the opportunity came! Rikke silently sneaked her way up, giving one last look of at the the point of conflict... well they had their task and she had hers!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Stealth: 48 vs 31 success!

Rikke made her way through the small office and out the back door dumping her right into hallway with the stairs. Looking about quickly she noticed that most of the men where piled up in a door way making a classical choke point if she had ever seen one. At lest Rhea was right about Reginalds men being unskilled. Still if they had proper tactical leadership things might be going differently. Wasting little time Rikke made her way up the stairs and into the bunk rooms of the Black Cloaks. Having no to worry to much about guards Rikke was able to see everything she had missed before. At the back of the room lay a divided sector walled off from the rest of the bunks sat another room creeping up Rikke saw that it took up maybe a quarter of the upper floor. Moving closer to check it out Rikke heard footsteps and ducked to the side just as the bastard Regninald and one of his Sargents opened the door forcefully. "Damn that dog Bitch interrupting my personal time that sexy whore will have to wait till I put her down." The dumb looking Sargent spoke quickly. "Uh sir isn't calling her a dog bitch redundant?" Reginald just eyed the man who quickly shut up as they made their way to the stairs.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This was it! Rikke could just lunge at the bastard and flatout end all and any resistance from his cohords! Rikkes hand neared her blade, just 2 quick strikes to expose his armor and 1 to impale the bastard thats all it would take...

Rikkes eye twitched, but she remained motionless. Why didn't she attack? Who knows perhaps it was Rheas direct instructions, perhaps it was fear of losing the duel or maybe she was much more worried about saving her friend than getting her revenge. Whatever the case, chances were from wherever he came from Jessica would be there!
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke perception: 31 vs 30 success...... barely

Rikke waited till the bastard was down the stairs and rushed to the room he just left. Crossing the floor quietly Rikke could hear the battle just below her raging on. Passing threw the door Rikke nearly stumbled flat into another of Reginalds Sergeants. The man looked dumb founded for a moment before trying to raise his weapon a rife to shoot Rikke.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That poor unfortunate soul. Rikke used her speed and element of surprise to the fullest, right now even if the shot rang out the battle downstairs would drown it out, but Reginald just passed by... best not to give him cause for suspicion. It was a bad day to be late for fight.

Rikkes silver blade gleamed with dark intent as the girl began her macabre dance of death.

Sigh... Lightning strikes the poor fella
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attacks 3 times: 57,48,62 vs vs 35 all hit! 83 dmg after armor

The Sergent drew his weapon fast sadly for him Rikke was much faster. He didn't even get his finger on the trigger before the first strike entered his gut. The second strike happened before he registered the first and for the final blow his glazed over eyes didn't even see it he was already dead. Droping to the ground with a heavy thump Rikke resumed her search. There were 5 doors in this section two on the right and two on the left with one at the far end of the little hall. Three of doors on the left and right where open leaving last one on the right closed as well as the far room.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Flicking off the gore from her blade once more Rikke eyed her choices. Chances were these were the private rooms of the sergeants and judging by the slammed open doors the residents already left. Well this left the girl free reign to peek inside the open rooms, but her actual goal would be the room at the end of the hall...

Peception check the rooms for goodies, maybe someone left their denarii pouch in their haste :rolleyes:
Though main room to inspect would be the end hall one
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Peaking into each room as she went Rikke didn't focus to much attention her goal was the room at the end of the hall. Not spotting any easy coin right on the open Rikke was left wondering what lay behind her goal. Stopping at the door and ignoring the other closed one Rikke readied herself. What horrors had that pig subjected Jess to. Opening the door boldy and daring Rikke found much to her disappointment that the only woman besides herself was the elf archer from before. Completely nude and chained to the bed it looked like she had been freshly beaten.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes slightly narrowed at the woman, but she knew better than to blame her for their previous encounter. Afterall the woman was obviously in slavery to the bastard, chances were she could actually be quite the ally...

Rikke gently closed the door behind her and approached the woman in bonds, giving a quick look over the room just for good measure "Hey. Hey you awake...?" if all was clear the rogue would sheath her blade and approach the woman in a non-hostile style.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The woman looked over at Rikke as she approached one eye swollen shut. "If your here for revenge make it quick Ive suffered enough." The woman was a mess her lip busted her nose bleeding her face and body covered in bruises. She lay completly exposed no clothing or bedding to cover any sort of modesty. Her legs where bound spred eagle with her arms chained above her head. Rikke could see whip marks and burns all fresh. Horrified Rikke was finally seeing what a cruel and evil man Reginald is.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"My grievance is not with you..." Rikke approached the bed, eyeing the girl sadly "Why would he do such things to you... please, I need to find my friend. Where is she?" the rogue eyed the elf hopefully.

If asked why should I help you:
"Because I can give you freedom and revenge on the man that did this to you"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The elf looked at Rikke with an almost angry glare. "Why you ask why. BECAUSE HE CAN!" The sudden shout hurt Rikke's ears. "I do not want your petty this is what I deserve for failing to defend myself better the human pig than an orc pig." The elf woman's chest heaved with her breath clearly she was agitated. "As for your friend I don't know what he did with her. All I know is after their first round of fun he came and did this to me. Ive been here for hours and haven't seen her sense." The elf's chest still heaved her eyes never leaving Rikke. "Go run along now thief leave me to my fate. I don't know why you would even care all humans are alike taking what they want and discarding it after they have had their way with it."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Obviously the girl has been suffering for far too long, even if Rikke unbound her chances were she might actually attack the rogue... but she's the only lead Rikke had.

"Calm down, I'm here to help and I'm not alone. The Black Wargs came to wipe this den out, they're downstairs fighting off the cloaks as we speak." Rikke sighed "By the time the night is done, that pigs Reginalds head will be on a pike, I promise you that... but only if you help me. Or will you let Reginald win once more, allowing that murderer to draw breath and torture you to his black hearts content. Join me and let me prove to you just how wrong you are about us... and get some revenge while we're at it."
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The elf looked at Rikke the angry glare flickering slightly. "Im in no condition to help anyone even if I wanted to." The elf turned her head away unwilling or unable to meet Rikke's blue eyes. The elf was right about one thing there was no way she could fight. In her condition and being chained and immobile for so long she was probably going to be rocky on her feet.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Girls like us know that there's other ways to assist, than just brute force" Rikke smirked at the elf, she did not refuse the girls offer "Maybe there's some kink in Reginalds armor, some weakness he has, stash of supplies or something..." the rogue paused a moment eyeing the girl, well it was definitely certain that the girl was barely in shape to stand much less fight.

Rikke drew her blade and with a quick slash cut the chains holding the girl "Sorry, had to make sure you won't gauge my eyes out" the rogue smiled at the elf.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The elf woman laid their a moment not looking at the girl before she spoke. "If he finds out Ive helped you and your friends lose we are both going to wish we had died." The elf looked over at Rikke her one eye swollen shut. "If you think this is bad wait till you see what he dose to the ones he hates." The elf looked grim before trying sit up and rub her wrists. "The key to defeating Reginald is not to let him use his spirit powers the moment he has you in that grasp of binding chains your as good as done."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Binding magic...' Was that the spell the man used on her in their previous encounter... "Noted." though how the hell was she gonna avoid it this time up in the air "Still I don't have much time, the wargs won't hold forever. Where did you last see my friend?" it was a shame Rikke didn't quite get any information on defeating Reginald, but still she came here for her friend. Rhea would hopefully not fall till the two rogues upstairs do their thing.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Elf looked at Rikke her eyes down caste. "She was in this room in much the same manner as you found me. Im not sure what they did to her but when they where done he sent for me and she was gone and he was pissed it looked like your friend had cut him up pretty good with her nails." She looked away from Rikke. "The only one who knows for sure would be Reginald."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Jess...' Jessica has had much worse, Rikke knew her friend could take whatever this sick bastard inflicted upon her... but that did not make it any less forgiveable. A simple death would be too good for this man. Rikke sighed lightly "Guess me and reginald will have a little chit-chat..." the rogue glanced around the room "I never introduced myself, the name's Rikke." Rikke smiled warmly at the elf "What's yours?"

After their quick introductionwas done Rikke quickly formulated a plan "Say... The black cloaks know you're with Reginald right?... Is there an explosives or such supply nearby I may have a plan..." Rikke smiled mischieviously.