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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thinking briefly Luna responded just as Rikke felt a budding itch start all over her head. "Well it should be concentrated sap of a fir tree with dog hair and other herbs that encourage growth. Oh and spring water. Drink it all down Rikke once you open it you'll have to finish it fast or the effect won't occur and it will spoil." Not liking the idea let alone the taste Rikke did as instructed finishing off the nasty drink nearly gagging as she felt a dog hair get lodged on her tongue. First off her stomach gurgled as she finished her potion and before long the itching on her head grew to maddening porpotions before it stopped leaving the rogue wandering what would happen next. Rikke however didn't have to wait long as hair began to almost flow forth like a fountain blocking her vision and extending down past her breasts easily covering them. The odd sensation of hair travailing down her back was interesting but feeling all the extra weight was not. Luna's hand quickly parted Rikke's hair so she could see again. "Sorry about that it must have been one of the older bottles they effects for this potion get stronger with age. The good news is you can always cut to much hair rather than try to grow it back. Now take a sip of this swish then spit it should get the after taste out."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke covered her mouth as to not spit it out the drink, dog hair and all "...I think that hair didn't quite dissolve." the heroine looked at Luna a little more green-ish and sick, but she'll live. "So what-- now-" "Now you don't scratch" Luna smiled as she eyed her creation at work proudly, in mere moments Rikkes hair grew exponentially... so much in fact that the girl almost disappeared in all the sudden fuzz.

Rikke would've looked around but the burst of hair quickly obscured her vision... the rogue blinked a few times "Umm.. this may be a little too much, Luna" a lighthearted giggled escaped her as she took the swish and used it to clear the after-taste. The overpowering mint did it's job in mere moments as Rikke quickly spat it out to a nearby empty mug "Ew~...Please don't tell me the Dye will be drinkable too..." Rikke smiled warmly at her odd "barber", talk about an instant make-over.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna frowned "Sorry hun but my customers usally want something long lasting that won't fade from washing." She handed the slightly yellow potion to Rikke. "At lest this one tastes way better. A little strawberry and honey sprinkle in some moon lily powder and your gold." Luna winked at Rikke before grabbing a pair of sheers from a shelf. "Before you drink that let me get a sample of hair from you so I can work on a restoring potion humm." With that she clipped a fairly long clump of hair off Rikke.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Honestly every clump of hair was rather long on Rikke right now "Moon lilly?" the rogue blinked a few times wasn't that the aphrodiciac from earlier? Luna snickered lightly at the girls concern "It's just a dash, you won't feel a thing...-ish" Well to be fair the drink sounded heavenly! Rikke separated her hair slightly and gulped down the sweet and soft drink.

Licking her lips with satisfaction the heroine beamed a smile to the mermaid "Um... it might not be working? I think I'll need another one" Rikke grinned widely at Luna who replied with a smile "Can't fool me, trickster" the mermaid looked over her potion effect once more, proud of the gorgeus color change her potion invoked "Well then my barber o' barber where shall we get this hair done?" "Stylist, please." Luna smirked at her friend.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well Im no professional but I can give you a decent cut how do you want it. Though don't be to surprised if the groomer jumps ya and gives you a yelling for not seeing him sooner." Luna's sheers shinked nosily as she played with them. "Oh before we do anything you should see how you look. Its like you popped out of the amazonian jungle." Luna laughed lightly and produced a mirror for Rikke to see.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Actually if Rikke after Rikke fixed her hair abit, the current look did have it's own charm. A "I've-been-trapper-in-a-tower-for-years" kind of charm "More like from a tower..." Rikke laughted merilly "Well I'd rather not look my best today, not too keen on giving away "free rides" to any of the shmucks in the brothel... but some trimming iwould be nice" the heroine carefully explained the intricacies of her hair and what she was looking for. For a mere temproal cover solution Rikke sure was specific on the look she wanted - her hair curling around her breasts just enough to teasingly cover her nipples and just overall slightly shorter and neater appearance than the current, never-seen-hairdresser look.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Okay lets get to work!" It took some time and all Rikke could do was watch as her now blonde hair fell in huge swaths to the floor but after it was all said and done Luna had managed to give the rogue a good cut that managed to closely match Rikke's specs. "Well Rikke Ive gotten it as close as I can so the rest is up to you oh and don't forget to take care of your other parts after all the potion effects all bodily hair growth though thankfully your arms and legs seem to be clear of any." Luna handed Rikke a shaving kit and a small vial. "The vial will remove all hair from the effected area if you want Ill leave that up to you." With that Luna turned her back to let Rikke decide.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blushed brightly "All hair growth?" Luna smirked knowingly as she extended the shaving gear and salve "Yes there too..." "I'll umm be right back." Rikke took the offered items discreetly as she made her way out, to get her more sensitive regions taken care of. Honestly the nice cool of the cave coupled with the shore like entrance to the lake, Luna definedly had a fantastic living space, just natural and wild enough not to feel like she's kept encaged in the brothel.

The salve quickly disintigrated much of the hair the girl didn't manage to get leaving her pussy absolutely spotless and perfect. Rikke looked around cautiously... well with such a pure new look why not just feel it abit, out of curiousity. The rogue gently stroked the purified area, she was so amazingly soft and smooth, Rikke gently stuck her tongue and out as her fingers went lower and lower till... "STEVE!" the heroine opened her eyes widely as she noticed a familiar fish eyeing her from the water "WHAT THE HELL! PERVERT!" Rikke blushed madly, quickly tieing the silken piece of clothing around her waist once more and getting away from the seeming peeping tom. With that out of the way the girl was free to return to Brothel, but still she owed Luna so much. The least she could do is properly say good bye to her friend.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke is grappled by a sneaky whore

Rikke turned to say good bye to Luna only to be stopped dead in her tracks by the other woman. "Ohh~ some one's being naughty..." The woman made her way to Rikke and grabbed her by the waist and pulling her close. "I know a secret.." the girl waited a breath or two before leaning up to whisper in Rikke's ear "Steve wasn't the only one watching." The girl proceeded to jump on Rikke wrapping her legs around the rogue and began to kiss her with wild desperation.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Still blushing Rikke made her way back to the house only to be stopped by the other girl, was it the girl she rescued ealier?... the one madly in heat. The rogue squeezed out a light smile, when suddenly the perverts confession ran gossebumps down her body! "Wha-!" Rikke quickly found herself caught offguard by the girl and at the mercy of the girls heat frenzy... Held tightly by the woman, Rikke quickly tried to escape the grapple. This was not how one should ever come on to someone! OR thank their savior!.. no matter how perverted the savior may be.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke tries to escape the grapple: 55
Girl tries to shift Rikke's clothing aside: 48
Rikke succeeded

The girl lost to her desire fumbled at Rikke's loincloth buying the rogue time to wiggle her way loose of the girl's confines. Free Rikke was able move away from the lust crazed girl who only looked up in disappointment. "Please I need this and you want it we can sate each other." The girl looked to be getting to her feet undoubtedly planning to try and grab onto Rikke once more.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Wait! If you only listen to what your lust demands what will become of you?" Perhaps it was far too late to school the girl but Rikke didn't give up hope "You don't "NEED" this, your body just wants this." the rogue tried to keep her distance from the girl as much as possible all her talk wouldn't be at all effective if the girl got what she wanted "Don't become something you're not. What about your father? Your mother? Sisters or brothers..." likely this was as much as the girl managed to sya before the girl made her move once more.

Forsake everything for defense :p
God this scene would be SO much different if Rikke didn't have so much good girl karma
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Girl tries to grapple Rikke 36 vs 73 miss
Rikke is on full defense +30 dodge +15 perception

Rikke easily dodge the lustful girls attack and bought her some more time to try and talk some sense into the girl. Looking over the girl Rikke noticed she was shaking like she was going threw withdrawal and could now pick up the smell of sweat and sex that seemed to linger on the girl apparently she had been going at it for some time. Mean while Luna's voice echoed from around the corner. "Rikke everything alright? Do you need some help? Its Steve again isn't it That blasted fish!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It will get worse... much worse and when you'd think death would be better than anymore suffering, you'll return. Please for everyone that cares about you, don't give up. Do it for the people out there that care and cry for you" Rikke calmly approached the girl who almost keeled over and hugged her warmly and tightly, both forcing the girl to calm down and hold her in place if she tried to topple the rogue over again.

Moments later Luna herd the commotion outside and found Rikke holding the girl in her arms "Luna make her some calming remedies... think the withdrawal is hitting her hard." Rikke let the woman go who just remained on her knees shivering, likely too weak to do much else "I could stay and help you treat her... it's kinda my fault for forcing her onto you." the rogue looked over to the girl sadly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Don't feel bad about this Rikke what if you had just let her go or worse left her to the people in the brothel proper. Do you think she would be better off? Its admirable that you want to take responsibility for her but you've done the best thing you could for her." Luna pulled out a vial and dabbed it on a cloth and put it over the grils mouth who promptly breathed it in and passed out. "Come on Rikke lets get her back to bed. It will take some time but I think shell recover. Probably be way more hornier than she started out in life but she'll be able to control her urges. They must have had sex with her every hour of every day to get her body addicted to the pleasure so strongly poor girl."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke lowered her gaze "Y-yeah..." the rogues own experience didn't differ much, except for the length of exposure. So this was to be her fate if she hadn't escaped that fateful night...

Both girls gently placed the girl down into her temporal bed "She used to be beautiful..." obviously the girl currently refused to eat much and used all her energy to sate her urges. Even though her body was pale and frail, hints of previous beauty still lingered "She'll still be, Rikke. Don't worry." Luna smiled reassuringly at the rogue "Don't you have a party to attend to?" the question bringing a light blush to the rogues face "Got any tips to avoid attention?" no matter the answer the two girls would soon leave the mermaids little house, it was already getting dark and no doubt all the girls would already be getting ready for the night, heck Rikke didn't even know the plan to how they're getting Erica inside.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm not sure maybe look busy? My service here didn't include FDFR night I was a "special" request." Luna winked at the rogue before moving in closer to give her a peck on the cheek. "Ill keep Steve off ya go ahead enjoy your new look oh and Rikke maybe a random fuck would be good for ya you look tense." With that Luna splashed into the water leaving Rikke to ponder what she would do during the night a head.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Try to look "busy"...' Rikke blinked a few times at Luna. The girl was aware what being "busy" at such festivities meant... right?

Nevertheless, judging by the sky it wouldn't be long before all the girls are called. She needed to catch her team to talk over the plan before getting involved in other matters! Rikke gently fixed her wet hair and dashed off towards their room, the wind in her hair like never before. And a surprising tingle of excitement deep within...
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully the girls of the brothel where resting still the day of FDFR night must be sort of a time off before the big night making sure each girl was well rested before the fun began. Moving to the room she and the girls had occupied Rikke heard the distinct moaning sounds of someone having sex. "Ya ya YESSS!" Was that Janet? Rikke stopped at the door hesitent did she really want to walk in on two people having sex. "Not bad now Nayomi set your self in front of Janets mouth while I want her to eat you out while you lick me." Rikke's ears reddened where the girls really going at it?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blushed brightly, well the girls sure were spending their time quite uniquely. The pervy rogue looked around and peeked right inside, this was far too good to interupt... or miss.