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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the rocky shore that made up Luna's underwater home it was to steep to climb even then she would be stranded no doubt Steve would wait for her to enter the water. So she swam for the distance shore who knows maybe just chasing her off would settle Steve down. Steve chased the intruder when he noticed that she had taken his shiny things which only spurred Steve forward more he wold not let her have the center piece of his collection. Easily catching up to the girl he grabbed at the red bra and tried to yank it from Rikke's hand.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Moving her hand aside at the last moment, Rikke noticed the fish was aiming for her precious bra... well screw it she didn't have the matching panties around anymore! "CATCH STEVE!" Rikke quickly curled up the bra and threw it as far away from herself as she possibly could. This should buy her time to get the panties back!
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully Steve had tunnel vision and instantly went after the discarded bra letting Rikke escape with the panties. Reaching the shore Nayomi and Janet ran up to her and helped her out. "What a bizarre fish?" Nayomi giggled at Janet's statement "He was just playing with us hes probably bored being alone all the time." Nayomi went over to Rikke and gave her a hug her warm skin feeling great on Rikke's damp and cool body.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked back at the pond "No he's not all bad... just this got this kinky fascination with girls underwear..." the rogue smiled warmly "SORRY STEVE! Please don't be upset. We needed these okay!" hopefully the large fish didn't take this little theft in ill will...

"I'm FREEZING!" Rikke looked back at the two girls smiling slightly, her lips a bit more blue than previously "Sunbath ahoy!" with short giggle Rikke quickly skippd to the beach and lied down on the rather soft shore the pond had. Some sun bathing was right up her alley, she needed to get warm somehow anyway.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke laid in the sun soaking as much up as possible but darn was she still cold. Looking about and enjoying the serene atmosphere Rikke caught a glimpse of Janet and Nayomi talking. Janet leaned forward and whispered something in Nayomi's ear which made the girl blush and giggle. It seemed innocent enough. Closing her eyes Rikke just lay in the sun almost dosing off until she felt another warm body lie next to her and kiss her on the lips before resting a head on her left breast. Rikke was about to open her eyes to see who the unexpected kisser was when another set of lips met hers. This time she opened them and say Janet's Hazel eyes starring back at her. The former knight smiled and lay her head on Rikke's right breast. "We thought you would be cold so we decided to warm you up." Both girls lay on Rikke tracing fingers around her belly tickling the rogue slightly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well you do owe me for that daring rescue of our loincloths from the lair of Steve, The monster fish pervert" Rikke giggled happily as she gave Janet a playful kiss back. Now this was relaxation, just her with two friends near a simple pond. "Say~ Nayomi you've almost beat in the race. What were you doing before... you.. "got enlisted" here" Rikke smiled warmly at the elven girl, it was just for curiousity, if the girl showed signs that it was indeed a hurtful topic Rikke wouldn't pursue it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nayomi stopped the circling motion on Rikke's stomach briefly before resuming it. "I am a errr I was a glade keeper." Nayomi simply left it at that not going into details. This of course was more than enough to fuel Rikke's curiosity. Whether or not she perused it was up to her. Nayomi snuggled next to Rikke her odd hair splashed out on the rogue as she rested.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke leaned her head against Janet as to not make the girl feel left out "I've never met an... well.. never knew an elf before. What's it like in your home? Any different than us simple human folk?" the rogue smiled at Nayomi gently stroking her hair. After their recent sessions Rikke knew that humans and elves differ not only via ear length, but what about simple living and culture? Why not snag the chance at learning something.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh I didn't live with other elves just me and my family in the woods a good ways north of here right at the border between the evergreens and the oaks." Nayomi stopped a moment and looked at Rikke her eyes watering "Have you ever seen the evergreens Rikke? Not just one or two but a whole forest of towering furs I miss it the sights the smells my family." Rikke could feel a warm tear strike her skin but it was only one before Nayomi smiled again. "Right now I got my new family taking care of me." Nayomi tried to cuddle closer to Rikke it seems she had been adopted by this elf. "You smell like mom" and then she was out looks like she had settled in for a nap.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked with a stoneface... was that a compliment? She was still young dangit! Still obviously the girl didn't mean ill will and she was just so precious. Rikke couldn't help but gently stroke her hair lovingly, like a little daughter... or a little pet. "Say Janet... um.." Rikke blushed lightly "Whatever happened to Matt?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked at Rikke smiling. "Well not long after your and his epic love session which all of us jealous by the way he excused himself and left in a hurry face beat red." Janet stretched and turned her back to the sun making sure she didn't burn. "He must have headed back to the Wargs no doubt rumors of your sexual prowess are running rampet through the ranks." Speaking again Janet addressed Rikke. "So whens the big escape going down?" Rikke could hear dissapointment in Janet's voice she knew she was not part of the price for the help the girls where giving Rikke.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Let the boys dream" Rikke winked slyly at the mentions of her sexual rumors. Well with her looks and now such stories... Rhea will have exceptionally stiff competition for the most popular girl in the wargs. "I'll sneak in tonight during the dance night. It's kinda the only time Sasha leaves her quarters..." Rikke turned to Janet and smiled "Hopefully I'll find Jess quickly so we ALL can get out of here." the rogue eyed Janet, implying "ALL" included her too. "WAIT! Janet! You've been there several times? What's the security like there? I'd rather not charge in busting head." Rikke eyes widened as looked to Janet expectingly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet turned her head and looked at the rogue. "Well she has the two armed guards out front and two personal guards in the house that wander around though only one is on duty at a given time. The rest of her security is her harem really. Some of the more talented girls are their and I don't mean talented in the sack. Some where warriors others priestess and I even think she has a mage so yeah its gonna be rough if they catch you." Janet shifted her eyes down a little before looking back up at Rikke. "Hey when you get out of here can you do me a favor? Will you let that dirty old Blacksmith Gruff know Im okay?" Janet awaited her answer while Nayomi shifted position and rested a hand on Rikke's right breast and muttered in her sleep. "So much bigger than mom's." Janet giggled at the event. "Hard to think shes over 150 years old humm?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"And for a service girl she's so innocent" Rikke smiled at Nayomi "As for Gruff. YOU are going to tell him that yourself." the rogue smirked "You know that badge that will decide how the city will be run.. or by whom....well a certain rogue got it back from the ruins. So the city will soon have new leadership, leadership I deemed worthy" Rikke winked at Janet "So with all that power getting you girls freedom will be a breeze. That's a promise."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Really? You got the badge?" Rikke simply nodded in the affirmative. Janet smiled and for the first time in a long time looked hopeful but then her eyes went downcast again. "I don't know Rikke I was convicted of a very serious crime and rightfully I should be dead if not for Sasha though Im sure DeGravel was behind it a bit to. Did you know he was my first and only customer for my starting period all 6 months of it." Janet shuddered in disgust "Ive seen more of that man then anyone should have to in their entire lives." Looking back over the water Janet sighed. "What would I do anyway I can't go back to my order and Ive lost my position in the Lord Mayors house. Maybe I can get work as one of the guards here at the brothel I could get myself back into fighting shape easy enough." Janet flex a somewhat puny muscle in her arm before sighing again.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered lightly "Try the royal guard of the new Mayor. You've got the experience, the loyalty needed. I'll make sure you're back in full shinning armor in no time" the rogue winked slyly at Janet "As for DeGravil... that rat will get whats coming for him. One way or another, so don't worry about it." the heroine smiled at her friend "First i get Jess than me, Rhea and Saul will fix this city right up. For everyone..." Rikke sighed hopefully, she wondered if that was even possible... but hey, aim high. "Still.. so what can you tell me about the guards at the entrance? Any way to lure them away?"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet thought a moment before answering. "You could always bribe Ruby and Scarlet to taunt them. They are pretty good at the sort of thing they used to be twin Su-ku-ta cat burglars. They to cause mischief and are well known to the guards." Janet thought once more before speaking again. "Yeah they are your best bet for a distraction I think." Janet looked at Rikke again. "Rikke why am I drawn to you? I can't help it some part of me wants to be near you all the time and I can't help it just like these pervy thoughts about you Im having right now." Well that was a surprise at lest Janet was honest and not one to beat around the bush.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh I already have a big enough bandwagon on my back as is... no, I was thinking of something a little bit more. Naughty" Rikke smiled at Janet, naughty mischief in her eyes...those beautiful icy blue eyes... Janet sat there silently for a moment just looking over Rikkes dazzling body "What? Stop it~ you're making me blush, silly." Rikke playfully nudged Janet, causing both girls to giggle playfully.

Janet sighed lightly "Rikke why am I drawn to you? I can't help it some part of me wants to be near you all the time and I can't help it just like these pervy thoughts about you Im having right now." Rikke blinked a few times at the sudden confession and quickly averted her gaze bashfully blushing ever so slightly "Well... Umm... I've been.. having naughty thoughts about you too, Janey..." this was likely not the best choice of words at the moment, especially since Rikke was kinda in the midst of saving her lover. "But there might something else..." Rikke continued to avert her gaze from Janet "What I didn't tell you about my visit to the mansion... I may... by chance... be a succubus..." Rikke glanced to Janet for a reaction and back to the ground. Honestly the heroine wasn't sure herself, but she wasn't so daft or blind as to not notice her rather lusty urges sometimes caused darker magic to erupt from her. Succubus magic.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked at Rikke in shock for a moment but then her faced eased up. "I don't think you are Rikke. If you where a succubus like Jessica then i would have known." Janet looked over at Rikke to see if any surprise registered on her face. "Yeah I knew sense our first little encounter I knew. I used to be a knight in a holy order Rikke they kinda train us to notice these things. I thought it was the end of me after all a succubus had me in her clutches and well she let me go. She had to know I'm a pious soul so I just thought she was keeping her cover but then while where where all resting I heard her talk about you in her sleep and I realized that she wasn't like any succubus I had ever been trained to encounter. Which brings me to you either both of you are the worst succubi ever or you are just one fine woman whos been picking up tips from the worst succubus ever." Janet had leaned in close to Rikke her breath a little quick but she resisted the urge to lean over and kiss Rikke. "I shouldn't do this its not right. You and Jess have something special I will not be the one to ruin it." Getting back up Janet stretched. "Ill see you back inside Rikke."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Wait! Don't leave on that note!" Rikke smiled uneasily to Janet "... I need someone to bounce of ideas for my plan. You've been around here enough, Janey. Hear me out atleast..." Obviously Rikkes current plan had a few flaws and well the only idea to get rid of the guards was... well. "Come on. Sit. We haven't even had some proper fun in the water yet!" Rikke smiled that friendly smile of hers.