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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet didn't say a word after all Rikke already knew why she was here as well as Erika but the other three still remained a mystery. Cassandra was the first to speak. "Well love I used to be the best brawler in the Amazon but when the invaders came I fled getting close to those things with all the tentacles just freaked me out. Anyway I heard that Crolia had been able to fight off their attackers so I came here looking for work. Though no one was hiring for what I was good at the only wanted bed warmers. Moving on some jerk tried to force me one night so I forcibly removed his manhood. Needless to say the authorities didn't take kindly to that and I ended up here." Alice followed up with her story next. "Well before the alien invasion I was a personal guard to a noble lady in Bardia it paid well and the food was good. Sadly when the invasion hit I did what I could but it wasn't enough the lady I had been guarding had willfully converted and tried to keep me on as her personal protector. Needless to say I didn't like the lose your soul become my slave for eternity part of the plan so I killed her and fled. What I didn't know was she had a wealthy Uncle who lived in Endus and he wanted revenge. Threw some trumped up charge on me and bam here I am." Nayomi was next but sat still wrapping some loose hair tight around her finger. "Well I was captured by slavers in my glade they took me to that awful desert to instruct me in my duties for my new role in life. After awhile I was sold to owner to owner until Lady Sasha bought me and brought me to Endus. Upon entering the city and her brothel she told me I would have my freedom when I repaid my debt to her."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Huh... so it seemed Nayomi of all people had the most "experience" in this line of work, though honestly it was surprising why would the previous owners even consider selling her. If Rikke had someone like the elven girl in her hands, OH~ she'd find many ways of to enjoy her company. Rikke caught herself giving Nayomi a rather naughty look, but quickly broke it away.

"Phew~ I was worried some of you girls were rather questionable" Rikke smiled warmly at her gang "Okay so one last thing to take care... how am I gonna call you girls over when I break Jessica out? Do we arrange a time or should we work out some kind of sign?"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well me and Erica will be dancing so if we make it lively the patrons will undoubtedly be frisky. Thankfully the dances don't service on these nights I think its to keep their allure. So any time after the dance is done we should be free and Im sure Nayomi will be able to make her great escape right." Nayomi just nodded her head enthusiastically.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Alright.. just make sure you're near the walls before Sarah comes back to her quarters. No doubt the alarm bells will ring the moment she notices I broke Jess out. BE there okay, girls..." Rikke eyed each her gang carefully "... If I'm not outside by the time Sarah is like 15minutes in her chambers, something went wrong. Whatever you do, deny any relations to me okay. I'd rather pay the price alone..." the heroines heart lightly shivered as she explained the girls the worst case scenario... she couldn't possibly fail!... right?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Don't worry about us girl. Like I would miss out on my turn at that ass." Cassandra slapped Rikke's cheeks playfully as she got up to leave. "Come Ericka we got to plan out our dance routine to make all the boys hot." Nayomi leaned into Rikke once more while Janet sat deep in her own world.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Her turn on that ass'... Rikke blinked a few times, wait when did the girl get herself into that deal?! The elven girls warm lean against Rikke quickly got her back to the moment. For someone with her backstory Nayomi sure was affectionate. Her sweet, sweet little... friend. Rikke rapped on her hands around her stroking her hair warmly.

Though something was obviously bothering Janet "Janey... Rikke calling out to Janet. Come back Janet~" Rikke snickered warmly at her friend "Something wrong, dear?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh I was just thinking about tonight. When you get Jessica out of here and you break the girls out well be outlaws. Im just trying to get a grips with the idea but I cannot help but feel my father would be very disappointed in me indeed. He raised me to uphold the law even to my own detriment." Janet looked at Rikke her eyes watery. "I don't think I would make a good outlaw Rikke."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Janey... you're already comdemned as one. Who cares what others think... besides we'll clear your name and gets this whole deal with Sarah sorted. You won't be an outlaw, you'll be back in your post as the mayor personal guard in no time!" Rikke smiled "Did you forget what I said already? Trust me. And besides I've been a dirty record girl for who knows how long."

The rogue finally finished her meal and sighed "Oh~ If I don't get occupied I'll get worried about tonight! How much time we got left?... and more importantly what could the three of us do to pass the time..." slight sparks of perversion ran alight in the heroines mind, but she'll refrain.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked around "Im not to sure Rikke probably get a lest a few hours after all the Sasha dosn't have any clocks in here." Janet got up "Im going for a walk I have a lot to think about." Nayomi watched Janet go and held on to Rikke tightly. "You know you do remind me a lot of my mother Rikke. I just wanted you to know that before we go our separate ways after the break out. Its not some perverted come on." She continued to lean into Rikke content to stay at her side.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke laughted merrily "Oh~ I'd rank it one of the wierdest come ons I've ever heard if that was the case." the heroine smiled at Nayomi "Your mother? A young and freespirited girl like myself, just might find that kind of compliment... odd. How do I remind you of her?" Rikke smiled warmly at Nayomi gently stroking her hair, actually of all the girls she'll miss elven girl the most... somehow she got really attached to the girl.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Its all how you carry yourself and the smell of outdoors that clings to you. Yes even after all the baths and scented oils I can still pick it up and I miss it so much. Even how you speak though my mother was never so seductive." Nayomi smiled up at Rikke before speaking again. "I hope she was alright the last I saw her was 10 years ago during the the battle at the glade where I was taken. She was was..... covered in blood... I.." Nayomi stopped speaking and hug Rikke tighter. "Lets not talk about sad things my mother was.. is a fighter she's probably out their looking for me right now."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I have no doubt she is..." Rikke smiled warmly at her "Yeah... let's not talk about the past. What matters now is soon you'll be free once more. Back in the great outdoors... how long has it been since they chained you down?" the heroine held the girl comfortably... she wouldn't mind staying like this for a bit longer. The elven girl seemed like such a treasure in the whore house.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"10 years Rikke 10 long years of perverts and cruel men and woman. I was so happy to leave the desert that I didn't care that I was stuck in a brothel. Though being so close to home made me desire my freedom all the more. Even my powers started coming back. I got to see my animal friends again." Nayomi stopped talking for a bit and just rested on Rikke.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh yeah~ I noticed you speaking with Steve. What did you say? Do all elves speak "animal"? He tell you anything about me?" Rikke eyed the girl curiously, elves were such a mystery to her. She just couldn't help, but inquire more.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Can I tell you a secrete Rikke?" Looking up a the rogue Nayomi smiled and lowered her voice "Im not an elf" "As far as Steve I just enhanced him with some of my magic."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyes widened "B-but your ears?..." the rogue raised an eyebrow "Alright someone has some explaining to do~" Rikke tightened her grip on Nayomi, her tone playfull "All your secrets are safe with me Nayomi." the heroine winked to the girl and awaited an explanation.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"My ears yes they do make me look like an elf don't they. I got them from my father. He was an elf my mother took a fancy to and they enjoyed many years together before I came along. You see Rikke my mother and myself are Nymphs." Nayomi looked up at Rikke to see if she understood before continuing on.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke raised an eyebrow listening to the story 'a nymph' she definedly heard the name and perhaps some stories, but not much else "Well~ what are you stopping for" the heroine smiled at Nayomi "We've got time, tell me lots... OR~ I'll start tickling~" as if giving a warning the rogue quickly started running her fingers through the girls ticklish parts. Nothing perverted on her mind quite yet.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nayomi giggled from Rikke's touches "Well Nymphs are Fae or Farie we live in the wild places of the world. We can very in appearance from human to elf or even some of my more wilder kin have horns and antlers even animal tails." Nayomi smiled at Rikke "Is their anything else you want to know or rumors I can debunk for you."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Yes' "Oh~ a real live Nymph. Are you as perverted as the tales say~?" Rikke smiled at her friend, for a brief moment a far more different though crossed her mind... a very odd one "And can you really completely change your appearance to whatever you wish? Like grow wings... a tails... several cocks?... the like?" the cocks line sneaked it's way in, though RIkke said it and didn't really notice it.