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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was a long and silent trip back the wagon creaking and jostling with every bump and crack in the road till they stopped. Waiting a moment to see if things where all clear Matt threw off the rain cover revealing the mostly naked girls with in. "Well Matt what did you bring us tonight." Rikke grinned she recognized that voice. Soon Rhea was peering over the edge of the wagon her ears erect a smile on her face. "Oh Matt you shouldn't have my own personal harem. Trying to buy a promotion I see. I may be rich but I don't take well to bribes." Matt just stammered and blushed while Rhea's tail swayed in the air. Rikke had made it saved Jess and some other poor souls to boot as well.

4 xp and a bag of runes
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rhea~!" Rikke quickly rushed out the wagon and jumped the girl happily "I did it! I did it! I did it!" a warm laughter erupted from Rikke, quickly cut off remembering her companions condition "JESS!" the rogue jumped right off Rhea and back into the wagon "We need Rune! They've done something to Jess!" Rikke quickly hoisted Jessica out "... and make sure these girls are treated, I couldn't have done this without their help. 'kay Rhea?" formal introductions would have to wait, her lover was unconcious and cold... and beaten... Jessica treatment would take priority over anything else.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sorry Rikke Rune's not here at the moment but come we can make sure she is well looked after." Rhea helped Rikke with Jess after giving some orders to her Wargs. Once inside they got Jess cleaned up with warm water dressed in a wool night gown and placed her in a bed. "The bed is big enough for both of you Rikke if you want but Im sure your hungry I can have the cook bring something up for you if you want?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm okay. Let's just get Jessica treated... she's been through so much. And where is Rune? I need her badly! Maybe you can find Saul... or someone with knowledge in magic?" Food? Though the girl hasn't eaten in quite some time, that was of no concern to her. Jessica was hurt and who knows what that ritual do to her... what happens if when Jessica wakes Rikke wouldn't be there. No. The rogue would not leave her companion at any cost. Not now, not after all this time seperated.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Shes away with Saul at the moment Rikke theirs been a shift of power and its unsafe for her to be with me at the moment." In deed Rikke had noticed most of the Wargs she had seen had been on high alert something was going down. "Look you need your rest to why don't you climb into bed with her and rest I'll send word to Saul and Rune as soon as I can alright now rest Rikke making yourself sick with worry won't help Jessica."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Please Rhea... I-I found Jessica suspended mid-air with some vile magic coarsing through her... I beg you find someone who can explain what happened. How can I sleep, what if they killed her mind or- or made her forget me... forget us. What if she never wakes up!" Rikke was clearly shaken, as some tears formed in her eyes, she wasn't made of such steel as one might think and being alone with Rhea her iron mask started to crack "It's an emergency! You can teleport anywhere at any time, don't tell me you can't spare a moment to have Jessica looked at! I thought we-- we---"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea went over and put an arm around Rikke. "Its okay Rikke. I want you to see something look at the hand holding Jessica's feel how tightly she has your hand. She hasn't forgotten you." Rhea kissed Rikke on the forehead. "I will send for Rune and Saul Rikke but I can't simply go their I can only teleport to places Ive already been to. So just releax and be here with her. Im doing everything I can." Rhea got up to leave vanishing with out a trace as she went about to full fill her promise to Rikke. Looking down at Jess Rikke could see and feel that the sleeping succubus had a strong grip on her hand.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Left alone in the room Rikke looked down to her hand. Jessica indeed held her tightly, even unconcious the succubus would hold on to Rikke tightly "Jess..." Rikke slowly lovered herself and gently rubbed Jessicas palm across her cheek, the build up teardrops rolling down her face. "Please be okay..."

The heroine quickly joined her companion in bed and gently rested her head on the girl. Their locked hands on the other side Rikke pressed herself closely to her friend and after a brief moment feel asleep. Finally together at last, hopefully the morning would bring good news.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slept untold amounts of exhaustion finally overcoming her energy. It was a dreamless sleep and when she woke she felt sore like she hadn't moved an inch. Feeling a familiar tightness around her waist nearly brought her to tears as Jess's tail had managed to wrap the girl tight. Opening her eyes Rikke could see Jess staring right back at her tear stains on her cheeks. Putting a finger to Rikke's mouth Jess shushed what ever Rikke was going to say before straddling the rogue and kissing her on the forehead. "I was so worried about you Rikke they told me such horrible things but I didn't believe them. I knew you would come for me and we would be together again." Jess layed on Rikke using her breasts as pillows. "Lets just stay like this."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Honestly Rikke almost swept up Jessica in a whirlwind, though the fact that her friend was beaten and bruised stopped her... but it sure didn't stop the joy that igntied in Rikkes eyes and no simple shush would stop her!

"JESS!" the heroine quickly jumped into a deeper kiss and with her arms now free she quickly wrapped them around Jessica lovingly squeezing the girl down firmly "I-I killed armored freak, but- but I didn't find you and then I found out SASHA had you... I-I got there as quickly as I could" the rogue kissed her loved over once more "I'm so sorry I took so long! The guards and then then I hid as a- a girl in the brothel and I made a gang.. and.. and... Don't you dare leave me alone like that again" Rikke continued squeze Jessica down warmly, some tears of both joy and regret rolling down her face and onto her shaky smile.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess held Rikke tight returning her kisses as soon as Rikke would allow. She was still sore and had a massive headache but she was happy that her and Rikke where together again. "Slow down Rikke tell me what happened slowly your sounding all flustered and I can't make sense of what your saying." Jess smiled and held her lover close it had been a grueling few days but she had endured and was simply glad to be back.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled widely at her and gave her one more kiss just for good measure "Well~... you might want to get comfy. It's a long story" the girl giggled lightly and looked deeply into her companions eyes happily "I'm comfy right now." as if making a point Jessica lightyl tightened her grip and smiled back at Rikke.

"After you were knocked out by that shielded freak I managed to knock out two more, but he blindsided me with magic. However before he----" and so Rikke explained to Jessica everything that happened. Her alliance with the Wargs, the two Kitsune sisters, the events of "The Black War" and how she accidentally killed the only lead to Jess. How she sneaked into the brothel, why the original plan failed, how she got drafted into a gang in the brothel... and ofcourse how she found Jessica... Rikke decided to skim or leave out the sexy bits, it was a rather long tale and it was surprising noone came in to interupt her, the girls likely woke up at a very odd time.

"And here we are again back in the Wargs camp... together." Rikke cuddled up to Jessica lovingly, she almost forgot how well endowed her companion was. "Let's not lose any more fights... ever..."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jessica just held Rikke tight. "Well I don't think Ill be fighting for awhile anyway not to mention all my gear is destroyed. A few days of R&R are called for." Jessica looked at Rikke and felt her loins stir. "But their is something Ive been waiting to do sense I woke up this morning." Jessica slowly worked a hand down to Rikke's sex and slowly started rubbing it. "Something Im sure we would both enjoy." Jess grinned mischievously when their was a sudden change of pressure in the room and Rune the pink haired kitsune made her appearances. Turning to face the bed she quickly turned red. "S S S Sorry I didn't know you were busy." Jess eeked and pulled the covers around herself exposing Rikke to the world she never did change out of the brothel cloths.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gave Jess a sultry smirk as her companion made it quite clear what she meant. Though before either of the girls could get started a startled yelp rang out from withing the room. In her embarassment Jess quickly wrapped herself in all the beds covers leaving Rikke just laying there in the open.

Honestly after all of these days among naked or nigh-naked girls Rikke had no problem walking around in her current uniform "RUNE!" Rikke grinned widely and quickly got out of bed "Thank you for coming so quickly!" the girl ran up and hugged her warmly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"If I came at a bad time I can come back." Though embarrassed Rune didn't make a move to retreat being rather fascinated by the situation. "No thats okay just let us get dressed in proper cloths and well be with you in a little bit."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No time for that. Rune, I know you're very busy... but I need a mages to look over Jess" Rikke quickly ran near the bed and grabbed the sachel with the runes "One of the brothel witches was using some kind of ritual on Jessica to extract these right out of her... do these items tell you anything?" the heroine gave Rune the sanchel and looked over to Jessica "Magic is just so foreign to me... could they have harmed her somehow." perhaps Jessica would have something to add to the story.... nevertheless Rikke wanted to get some answers as soon as possible.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rune looked over the runes for abit before speaking. "I see and you said they where being pulled from Jessica?" Rikke nodded but this made Rune frown. "I see...." Rune looked at Jess who looked away before sighing. "I shouldn't judge people after all Im very different myself. Jessica should be fine they where just extracting runes of knowledge from her their should be no permanent damage. Giving what type they are Im not surprised that the brothel would do such a thing but how they managed to pull so many out of a unwilling subject is a mystery to me." Rune looked at Rikke and smiled. "She should be fine though I recommend destroying these no good can come from them they are tainted by her nature." Rune frowned at her own statement. "Not that your a bad person Jess its just you are what you are." Jess simply nodded. "I understand Rune no need to apologize."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke paused a moment "So what happens if... I accidentally destroyed one of these... and say, someone absorbed whatever foulness got out?" the heroine gave Rune a guilty look, she was ofcourse talking about Angelica "And on that note... so what should I do with these? Can't exactly just smash them with a hammer... perhaps Jess should reabsorb these to get her mojo back?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well the person who absorbed it would gain the power associated with the rune and thats all but Jess is a demon so Im not to sure if their would be any side effects." Rune grabbed her chin and looked deep in thought. That gesture alone clearly identified her as Saul's daughter as Rikke had seen the man make such gestures before. "As for destroying them simply casting them into a fire should do it or having Jess reabsorb it wouldn't hurt though she didn't lose any mojo from it I assure you." Rune smiled at both of them. "If thats all Rikke I should get back to the safe house. Dangerous times are afoot so I need to get back to the warded area."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Thank you so much, Rune." Rikke smiled warmly "If you're sure Jess is okay, I won't keep you here any longer." with that the heroine hugged Rune warmly and bid her goodbyes.

"Tainted runes of shapeshifting... why would someone want this?" Rikke reutrned to bed once more and snuggled up to Jessica "Jess..." the rogue was about to ask what happened to Jessica during the time, but refrained. Perhaps that was best left a vague mystery. Still it was about time to change up the atmosphere "Say~ You didn't say a word about my new looks!" hopefully Jessica was treated for the worst bruises as Rikke quickly rolled up over her friend. Usually starting one of their fun little wrestling matches.