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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I know Rikke she can't be trusted thats what worries me she didn't ask for any deals or jostle for a favorable position in fact she even joined the vote in our cause willingly." Rhea thought a moment than shock her head. "We may know that DeGravel is behind this somehow the problem is where not sure how he's behind it. The law is the law we cannot go around accusing random strangers of things especially if they have alot of power in the city."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I could do it." Rikke smiled at Rhea "I'm not a citizen of Endus, nor am I bound by any laws... even if I am I don't care. I could get DeGravil for you." the rogue winked slyly to Rhea "Tell me where he lives Rhea, at the very least I should be able to get some information to go on! That map is not looking good... we can't lose now!" the fire in Rikkes eyes was unquestionable, but the course of action was.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke as much as I would love a spy in DeGravel's camp or hell him even dead the sad truth of the matter is he keeps all the other criminals inline. They only act on his orders and if he were to suddenly disappear their would be riots in the streets." Rhea put an arm on Rikke's shoulder. "No what we need to do is defeat him at his own game force him to play his hand so that all can see the monster he is. When he dose that all his secretes and all his power will blow away like dust in the wind."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"With us loosing allies left and right, it's a bit too late for fair play and worrying about criminals..." Rikke turned to Rhea, she was still set on doing this "Killing him would be a mistake, but could stop his forces AND dig up the dirt we need."

"You know better Rhea, you've been fighting longer than I have. To beat someone like DeGravil we have to get out hands dirty! He's been playing his game far too long for us to compete, so~ let's cheat."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes your right Rikke we do but its not going to be you. I can't risk the hero of the black war on such things besides you have something important to do already." Rhea looked over at Rikke and her men. "Get out boys I need to speak to her in private a moment." The gruff men complied and filed out of the room till only Rhea and Rikke remained. "Rikke I want you to be Rune's body guard well you and your gang that is. What do you say? Shes more important to me than anything else and she will surly be a target for DeGravel. After all we both know what he would do to her." Rhea leaned up to Rikke and started to whisper in her ear. "After all I was in the same room as you all those years back."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Bodyguard?" Rikke looked to Rhea quizingly "But I have no experience in such things. Rhea I used to be a thief before I became a traveler like I am now... If you wish I'll do it and try to get the Venus Girls to sign in too, but are you certain you'd rather not have someone well versed in guarding someone? I'm a thief not a warrior." It was the truth, Rikke never really had to protect anyone else, but herself. Usually SHE was the one trying to sneak past the bodyguards and patrols...

Rikke didn't quite understand, what room Rhea had in mind. The rogue has been in a lot of rooms recently, so the comment just got her slightly confused as evident by her face. Though she understood, that all in all - it would be unpleasant for poor Rune.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea smiled at Rikke "You know all the tricks to sneaking in right? where you would hide where to strike? Not to mention you would not be an open body guard I would want you to be in the shadows hunting shadows. The Venus girls have already agreed to be her obvious body guards I was just hoping you would be her secret one." Rhea looked at Rikke not so much pleading but weighting the girl. "Well at lest think about it where shes at right now is fairly safe its the coronation Im concerned about and that won't be for a week." Rhea looked down at her maps. "I can't stop you from doing what you want Rikke though finding DeGravel's base has been our top priority for sometime and we've had no luck in that."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The plan to sneak into DeGravils palace was still fresh in Rikkes mind "Still you should know where he lives. It's not that hard to follow that creep to wherever he lived." the rogue smiled at Rhea "And I still say having the mayor children give their blessing to Rhea, should give us a significant boost in popularity and acceptance throughout town. The mayor was well loved, surely his children would shine a positive light on whatever we do."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"He only stays in the Mayoral palace now Rikke. He never leaves at lest Ive never seen him leave." It was disappointing news but Rikke suddenly remembered the young Paige that had greeted her at the door. He did say he would help Rikke if she need anything and by the looks of how the people treated him he might just give DeGravel up.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke recalled the poor paige boy. Perhaps he could help her track DeGravil down... "I see. Well I have my ways of finding such things... after all I got the badge noone thought was possible to recover" Rikke winked slyly at Rhea "If that is what you want I'd be honored to safeguard Rune during the ceremony" the heroine smiled warmly at her friend and took a light bow... with her plan to find the paige and ask for his help burning in her mind, the girl wanted to start it up as soon as possible, the less time DeGravil has for his machinations the better.

Though one more problem crept into Rikkes mind "Before I go... Rhea are we on good terms with the Endus church? I need to get my friend out of the brothel, she jumped the guards so the rest of could escape..."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Janet you mean?" Rikke nodded in the affirmative. "Well we are not on bad terms they kind of keep their own counsel so its hard to say. Though the new high priestess of theirs seems to keep them reigned in fairly good and any decisions have to be approved by her."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looks like Rikke had her objectives all set. Talk to the High Priestess about Janet, visit the paige boy and dig up if not DeGravil then atleast his plans.
The heroine smiled warmly at Rhea "Well looks like we each have quite a some work to do now. I'll tell you if I dig up anything" Rikke was about to leave, but quickly stopped "Oh... you wouldn't mind if Jess took a few blades and maybe some armor from the armory? Hers were... kinda burnt in our last fight" with all said and done Rikke would bid her goodbyes to Rhea and return to her room.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea watched Rikke leave and shook her head. Good thing Rikke wasn't on the pay role or Rhea would probably be broke by now. Rikke made her way back to her room to find Jess still in disguise resting and reading a book. Seeing Rikke enter Jess waived and got up to kiss Rikke.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We, my dear companion, have A LOT to do." Rikke grinned happily holding Jessica in her hands. "Come on we've got to pay a visit to the High Priestess, we'll drop by the shrine aswell." with that Rikke went on to get her weapons resting nearby. Seemed her silver blade was treated with exceptional care as it gleamed brightly, just like her armor which was cleaned and fixed from any damage it had, the wargs badge still fairly prominent "We'll get you some new blades downstairs at the armory aswell" Rikke nodded as she got into gear and if Jess wasn't against it, the two would go arm the succubus before leaving.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sure Rikke lets get a move one before another Warg finds an excuse to come spy on me." Jessica giggled and tossed her book Dark Secrets on to the bed. Having rearmed and reequipped Jess was ready to go though sadly none of the heavier armor was available for Jess to use so she was stuck with leather again. The trip to the shrine was uneventful enough and knowing where to look they made their way to the shrine only to find the woman that had helped them before kneeling a slight blush on her face. It didn't look like she had seen them yet.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke placed her finger on her lips and turned to Jessica telling her they would silent. The rogue would just sneak up and kneel down to pray alongside the woman, it wasn't nice to interupt a prayer much less to Venus... but Rikke mischievious nature demanded she'd sneak in and surprise the priestess... while actually doing what she came here to do in the first place.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke approached quiet as a mouse easily sneaking up on the praying priestess. However as Rikke got closer she could see the large stone dildo out of its box and the priestess masturbating her eyes closed... was this how she honored Venus?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke puckered her lips in curiousity. Well this was definedly quite a sight, but perhaps this was indeed the way to honor the love Godess... no matter how perverted it was. With the corruptive energies in her sated for the time being, Rikke just smiled at the sight, but had no other ideas of how to abuse the situation.

The rogue would just wait it out, judging by the expression on the priestess face, she was at this for quite some time. The heroine didn't have the heart to interupt such an unique ritual. Rikke sneaked right back over to Jessica "We may have been praying to Venus the wrong way..." the rogue smiled warmly at her companion "Let's wait for the priestess to finish... she's "busy" at the moment." with that Rikke would just sit down nearby and call Jessica over aswell, might aswell enjoy the surrounding beauty, till the priestess finishes up.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke and Jessica talk about this and that nothing of to much importance when a little gasp of release drifted to them from the altar. It seems the priestess was done. In a few moments the freckled priestess made her away around the corner and simply waved at Rikke and Jess like nothing was wrong even though it was obvious that they could hear and see what she was up to.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly at the priestess and quickly got up to greet her "Mornin'." how does one greet a priestess? Usually Rikke would just hug someone, but was it allowed? The girl just waved back with some akwardness "We've come to visit the Venus shrine again... but..uhm... we don't know how to honor her or how the prayer to the dear godess goes... help?" the rogue bashfully looked down, innocently eyeing the priestess.