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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A promise of a story how could they resist even Evelyn sat down to hear of Rikke's tails. Starting one of her epic tales of bravery and swordplay Rikke could see that Kat and Gruff where talking to each other it looked mostly business related but given their situation it might be the only thing they have in common at the moment.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well atleast she managed to separate them from the kids, to have a proper one on one conversation. Hopefully they'll hit up some common ground somehow, Kat should ease in to the conversation sooner than later. Still for the time being Rikke would keep the kids occupied, if things didn't kick up soon on the romance department she'd have use a different approach...
"M~ that reminds me! Have you heard the tales about the ruins in the edge of the city... Well~ I may have recently returned from a little trip from the epicenter, down in there..." The rogue smirked and began her tale about the wargs and the adventures that took place in the ruins, skipping the rapist weeds ofcourse.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The children listened in paying rapt attention to the tale while Jess and Willow played together. She was midway through the goblin chase when she saw Gruff kinda separate himself from Kat a wee bit looking away a sad look on his face. Meanwhile Kat's ears drooped something wasn't going right in the conversation.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Jess, could you take it from here. You're the one that was falling behind in that chase" Rikke giggled warmly and went off towards the pair, for romance counceling "Why the gloom and doom you two?" Rikke quickly sat down at the table and looked to the blackmisth and jewelrer.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I was commenting on the blanket we were using but Gruff got all misty eyed and stopped talking to me what I do wrong?" Kat whispered in her ear informing Rikke about what they had been talking about. The blanket in question was well made and looked hand woven it looked old and Rikke could see old tear stains on the edge of the fabric.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over the blanket "Gruff, who's blanket was this?" the rogue looked over to the massive blacksmith "Please, even if it is painful it's better if we knew..." the heroine leaned forward with a concerned look on her face. There were numerous reason for the blanket to be important... but if she didn't know which one was it. The blacksmith may have a hard time moving on.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't want to talk about it Rikke. I think its time to go. Thank you for the meal Katrine feel free to stop by any time. Kids time to get back to work." With that Gruff got up and started to clean up leaving Kat with her ears still drooped.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"W-wait..." Rikke quickly turned to Kat who sadly looked down as the blacksmith slowly got up to leave. No way was Rikke gonna let it end like this!
The girl quickly got up and ran up to Gruff "I may not know you and you may not know me, but I won't just idly stand by as you crush that poor girls heart once more. She went through all this just to sit near you and you're just going to brush her aside. Why? Move on Gruff, you can't live in the past... be happy for once in your life. Give Kat a decent chance to make you happy, don't just shoo her aside like this! It's cruel and mean." it was a safe distance away from Kat and the kids so Rikke could speak freely.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke Im sure Kat is a wonderful woman and maybe in time we can be close but I can't forget someone I loved in one day could you?" That was kind of a slap to the face but if anything Gruff hadn't dismissed the idea it would just take a bit more work after all Kat and Gruff barely know each other. Its not like her and Jess fell madly and instantly in love it had taken a while for it to grow from mutual attraction and lust but if Rikke's ordeal over the past few days was any indication then she knew what real love was.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"In one day? I'm so sorry Gruff. When did this happen?" if something horrible really did happen to Gruff loved one rather recently Rikke may have done a horrible mistake, before she would continue scolding the man she'd rather get the full facts.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't want to talk about it right now Rikke just let me be." With that Gruff went inside and went to work his strikes on the metal sounding heavier than before. Maybe he was working out his grife.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke approached Kat with saddened eyes, looks like their plan didn't work to full effect. The heroine sat down near Kat and hugged her warmly "Looks like Gruffs heart is still bleeding from his loss, Kat... that blanket likely reminded him of his past loved one, it's hard for him to see what a great girl you really are with grief over his eyes." the rogue gently stroked the girls hair comforting her "... all wounds heal, if you will it you can nurse him back. No matter how challenging it will be."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Kat sniffled and hugged Rikke. "You really think so?" sniffling again even Willow came up and tried to comfort the cat girl. "What should we do next I don't think I can make a meal like that on my own." Kat looked up at Rikke with big green eyes that could not be ignored.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Now you keep making delicious meals and just keep coming over. Play with the kids, joke around. Just be yourself, eventually Gruffs heart will heal with you being the one and sole reason it did." Rikke smiled encouragingly to the Su-ku-ta "Gruff doesn't really have anyone to fill the void his love left him. And you've got the spunk and love in your eyes to do it. I have no doubt." the heroine winked at the girl and slowly got up "Let's clean up shall we?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Clean up was a breeze as the girls only had the pot which was mostly empty and a half loaf of bread to carry back to Kats shop. The girl seemed subdued likly wondering how she could wiggle her way into the mans heart but soon they where in her shop cleaning up. Rikke and Jess could leave if they wanted or stay and chat longer it was up to them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Thanks for the lunch Kat! Don't you dare give up on your heart you hear!" Rikke smiled warmly at her waving goodbye to the Su-Ku-Ta, the rogue had other more important things to attent to "Well that was a fun..." Rikke smiled warmly at her two companions, Willow back in her backpack enjoying the ride "Come on let's go find that page.... maybe we can dig up where DeGravils hidey hole is." and so the the adventurers continue onwards to the manor where the pages room was hopefully he can provide some information to the girls, days to the corronation ceremony were limited and it was best to find exact plans the bastard had before that fateful day.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The path to the council house inevitably lead Rikke and Jess past the brothel where some sort of commotion was going on. Several Church knights stood guard over a woman cloaked leading another woman cloaked from the brothel. Rikke could clearly here Sasha furiously talking to some clerk or justice officer about an early release and trying to file charges at the same time. Unfortunately to many people where blocking a direct view so Rikke and Jess made their way past and up to the manor.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled to herself knowingly. Hopefully she knew very well WHO it was that the church just freed from the brothel. Someone whos' name starts with a J. Still best if she and Jessica wouldn't be seen by Sasha or any of the staff there so they quickly rushed past the brothel.

The manor this whole mess started lied infront of them. Rikke couldn't help, but wonder if DeGravil was still inside... if he was. Perhaps the girls would have a much easier time finding out his plans than they thought. The two adventurers approached the manor and turned to one of the few guards "Is the Page boy here? He may be in for a spanking for what he's done..."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The guard chuckled at Rikke "Oh what has he done to desirve a spanking from you, Such rough treatment may be to much for the lad Ill gladly take it for him." The other guard chuckled as well at the rude jest. Apparently these two where more guards bought on the cheap who had no sense of professionalism at all.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"He may have been spreading certain rumors about me and him... Grr~~ I must see him. He's inside right? Oh~ the little brat~! His rear will be stinging today." Rikke grolwed lightly, though made clear she wouldn't really harm the child, it was more of a childish anger. It was all a lie, but Rikke was more than experienced in such matters.

Perhaps it was unnecessary, but it would be best to draw any suspicions of her visit away from the truth.