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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Something you could get used to right. My first partner was a natural futa she taught me everything I know." Cassandra still head Rikke tight breathing heavily the smell of their love making strong in the air. "I have to give you credit who ever taught you must be a pro."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh~ you have no idea Cass..." Rikke gently ran her fingers across the girls body "Living with the succubi for so long. you tend to pick up a thing or two..." the rogue smiled warmly "What happened to this lover you mentioned?..." she looked dearly into Cassandras eyes, showing earnest interest in the girls past...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh we had our fun and we moved on." It seemed like the truth Cassandra didn't seem upset or look away. "So a succubus hmm would that be that red headed bombshell you keep around?" Cass was gently stroking Rikke's back just enjoying her company.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"May~be" Rikke giggled warmly, honestly it wasn't really a secret around her friends... she kept a slimegirl for company for pity sakes, a succubus shouldn't be all that surprising "Say... you use that medicine one yourself when with Erica too? You're still a girl, doesn't it feel wierd to fuck and not get fucked." the heroine looked up, actually it was a question she could ask Jessica aswell, the succubus has been forced to almost become a full-time futa with Rikkes lusty nature...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Im use to it by now you wouldbe surprised at how many woman ended up visiting me in the brothel just for curiosity. But Erika prefers the woman on woman action herself though I think she really wants to try the rod if you know what I mean." Cassandra winked at Rikke before turning to get up on her elbow. "So Rikke whats it like with a succubus? Are you worried that she may just eat your soul and be done with it?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled lightly "Well I don't recommend going out and trying to sleep with succubus..." the heroine looked away briefly "But they're not all the same at all. A succubus can choose how much she feeds on. So~ even if theres always that risk, but when you're friends and know you can trust her, it's absolutely safe." Rikke sighed "Think of it like giving blood only without feeling woozy for days. At worst you'll just sleep it off and be good as new in the morning."

"Oh~ but how is it with a succubus?" Rikke smirked lightly "It's like... a whole different experience than regular sex. You're seemingly more sensitive, every single inch of your body cries out in ecstasy, whenever you feel her skin, oh~ and their skin, it's smoother and softer than silk, their lips fuller and gentler than anything you ever felt... and their knowledge of your body... m~~ I've turned very pervy after sleeping with Jessica for so long. Sex with her is just a pleasure unlike anything else" oddly enough alot of what Rikke just said could be applied to the girl herself... seemed the rogue wasn't quite aware just how much corruptive energies of her succubus changed her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Cassandra stirred from their embrace slowly getting into a sitting position. Turning her head she smiled at Rikke. "Well we had our fun. Thank you for filling me in more ways than one. I need to go make it up to Erika shes such a sweet thing for letting me have a bit of fun." The silver haired amazon slowly got up and began to clean the remains of their love making off leaving Rikke on the bed. "So whats the plan for you and Jess now? You got the badge saved the city are you going to move on?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly at the mention of Erica giving Cass leave to do as she pleased "You shoudld've seen the blush on her face. But yeah~ I owe Jess something special aswell." the rogue decided to linger on the sheets awhile longer, afterall this little distration did take quite a bit of energy from the girl "Well~ I still haven't received my reward for it. So I'm stayin with the wargs till this DeGravil business ends and order is somewhat restored." Rikke smiled merrily "One can't demand a reward from the poor or unfortunate... oh~ the things I'll buy and the things I'll do with all that denarii~"

Still eventually she had to get up too, though leaving plenty of time to gossip with Cassandra if she wished. After that, Rikke would go find Jessica hopefully Rune and Sylph will have finished their little experiments and were back with her companion.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke and Cassandra chatted a little longer before they both went their own ways it was getting on well into the after noon and no doubt Sylph would be hungry soon if not already. Doing a brief search revealed that Rune had take Sylph to the gym to test her amorphous powers. In fact Rikke found Jess as well as ALice and Naomi watching the tests Rune was doing on Sylph. A large basket of fruit sat next to Rune while she asked the slime girl to run the obstacle course. "Okay Sylph thats enough thank you I got yums for you!" Seemed Sylph was having lots of fun but at the mention of yums came slurping back to Rune.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey~" approached her gang smiling warmly "You sure are keeping Sylphie active I see." the rogue giggled lightly. What was going on here precisely?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's questions would have to wait as a resounding crash from above caused all to look skyward. The demon from the church had just smashed threw the roof. Dodging the falling debris Rune and Sylph where separated from the group. Leaving Rikke, Jess, Alice, and Naomi to fight the Demon knight on their own. Sadly only Alice and Naomi where armed. Still Jess unleashed a magic blast of fire from her hands that narrowly grazed the demon who looked highly unimpressed. "I expected more from you Red maybe sweet lips over there can do better." The demon looked at Rikke and made the come get it gesture.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The peaceful moment would not last as suddenly a resounding crash pierced the sanctity of the girls haven. The demon knight made it's appearance once more! Rikke quickly jumped back avoiding any debris and drew her blade, her companion recognising the threat from before quickly ignited her hands and threw out a fireblast, which seemed to barely even graze the demon.

"That's DeGravils personal demon! Careful, he's dangerous!" the demon coughed out an insult to Jess and turned his gaze to Rikke, the other female he saw at the shrine "I expected more from you Red maybe sweet lips over there can do better" Rikke just scoffed "We have a door you know, it's bad manners to drop in unannounced" spite rang out through the girls comment as she eyed the demon down "Nayomi, Alice. Can you distract it for me to get a sneak attack in? If I can get my blade in between that armor we should be able to take this..."

Full defense +30 dodge
Nayomi and Alice should attempt to distract it somehow to lower perception.

IF lowering it's perception is impossible
Lightning strikes that fool!

IF the distraction instantly debuffs his perception, coup de grace the son of a b, here and now:
Sudden Strike + Lightining strikes
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Alice nodded and began to move to flank the demon with Naomi quickly on her heels. Though the Demon looked like he wasn't buying it. Sighing at Rikke the demon spoke. "Typical can't fight anything without stabbing it in the back sweet lips." With this comment the demon knight began to fall apart into numerous spiders which began to crawl through the rubble that separated the girls from Sylph and Rune. "Good thing Im not after you today."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Syphie! Take Rune and run!" Rikke heart shivered lightly at the thought of either of them getting hurt, even if Sylph could potentially cause significant trouble for the demon, but Rikke couldn't bear seeing the slimegirl get hurt, her wounds are not so easily patched.

"Jessica! Burn those spiders, don't let them reach Sylph and Rune!" Rikke quickly reached in to one of her numerous pouches and pulled out the grenade she was going to use against Reginald.... but was it safe to use such an item, without harming the rest of the girls.

Use Grenade if it hits only the spider swarm.
Otherwise slash and smash the spiders.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess sent fire from her hands at the spiders incinerating a good few but to many had already made their way into the rubble. Rikke had no clue if Sylph or Rune had heard her but she could try to climb over the rubble or find another means to get to them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Perhaps she could make it over the rubble in time before the demon reformed! The rogue quickly dashed forward and using her exceptional dexterity skipped and ran over any ruble lied in her path!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Damage from last round
Demon takes 9 from Jess's fireball
Demon takes 7 from Rikke's grenade
Rikke scrambled over the rubble quickly getting to the top. Once their she could see the spiders reforming luckily it seemed Rune and Sylph had fled out of the room. "Looks like its just me and you sweet lips. Willing to fight me one on one or are you to chicken?" The demon had fully reformed slightly scorched for Jess's fire.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well on the brightside Sylph and Rune listened to Rikke or flatout listened to their flight instinct and ran away... the bad news was that Rikke was now in one on one combat versus the demon knight. And it was very, very bad news indeed.

"Oh~ I wouldn't want to embarass a big tough guy like yourself, I'll continue to go on my way..." who knows perhaps the demon wasn't interested in fighting the rogue and would just leave her insulted and such. Rikke double checked her footing if the demon decided to go for her he'd find the heroine one slippery target.

Full defense +30 dodge
Wait for reinforcements

If he starts charging up something like an aura or sorts just run away
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Attack Demon uses hellfire blast on Rikke: 68 vs 88 miss!

Rikke gave her taunt which the demon only sneered at and unleashed black red fire in her direction. Thankfully Rikke was ready for it and dodged handily out of the way. The fire burned everything it touched turning it all to dust.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jumping away from the blast, Rikke quickly found her footing and unsheathed her silver blade once more! Skipping forward from one debris to the other the rogue quickly cleared the distance between her and the demon. The girls blade gleaming brightly, it was time to see just how much she improved! May Venus watch over her...

Use Lightining strikes!
And pray to all the deities he missed or doesn't instagib the heroine!
Lightning stikes:
Attack Rolls: d20 + 52 (56) [due to fencer]
Attack damage: 2d6 + 30 (34) [due to fencer]