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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It seemed Kat had brought along a big pack of food and cookng gear likly salvaged from her home. Thankfully it seemed it was well packed and would make little noise. Kat meanwhile was a buzz with effort trying to pull a melon from Sylphs extended mouth. Sylph had a look of effort as she slowly was over coming the cat girls strength. The melon was a lost cause but Kat wouldn't hear of it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke laughted warmly at the sight, the little goo girl winning out the arms race against the cat girl. They didn't really need the melon and heck Rikke would've likely given it away even if they did "What we're working with Jess?" the girl turned to her companion smiling warmly. Time to see what choice of meats, spices and other ingredients were on offer.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As the little power struggle continued Rikke walked over to Jess. "Well Rikke we have some salted pork some carrots. It looks like we might have some beef juice as well." Jess moved some things aside digging into the bag. "Humm some onions garlic potatoes and celery. That appears to be it." She frowned a little before speaking again. "Well if we had some fresh clean water we could make a vegetable soup but it seems we are running low on food supplies."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed "No pineapples? Chicken or the like?" Jessica snickered lightly "Be happy we have some food to begin with." what would Rikke not give for some pineapple chicken or anything fancy honestly.... still she was stuck with these 'foods' "Alright fine... any clue where I might find some water?" either way Rikke would likely take Sylph with her and go find some fresh water for the foods.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well maybe theirs a fountain nearby but either way any water we find will have to be boiled first." Rikke nodded and called for Sylph how had apparently won her battle with Kat as Rikke could see the Melon slowly dissolving in Sylphs body. Rikke headed out into the ruins. Thankfully the sky was clear and the sun was bright it seemed everything was far more peaceful than Rikke had remembered.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Alright Sylphie. We need to find water" the heroine looked to her little companion "Maybe a fountain, a filled bucket... something along those lines." Rikke eyed Sylph for a brief moment making sure she knew what they were looking for.

"If you see anything odd call for me, 'kay?" with Sylph here Rikke was a safe as she could ever be. Not to mention the ruins didn't seem as foreboding as they used to be. With the sun shinning down upon them they seemed more like mysterious ruins than a monster infested den. Still Rikke would keep to the streets and only peek inside most buildings, listening intently for any dripping sounds.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph bounced along happy to be with Rikke. "I know lots of water near." Sylph moved on leading the way that is if Rikke wanted to follow. If she did Rikke would find a fairly large fountain made of marble in front of a long collapsed church. A dirty marble statue stood at the center of the fountain pouring out a vase of water which splashed into a cracked pool letting the water slip out and cover the now slick and mossy road tiles. It looked clean enough and smelled clean to. "This is one of Sylph's favorite places from before times."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled joyfully a the sight, the ruined city did indeed seem like mystical place now. The marble fountain still continued to work as the water trickled down the mossy street, the sunshine giving the sight a fairly tragic, but divine appearance "It's beautiful here Sylphie." the girl turned to Sylph warmly "Lets gather up the water... We'll have to come back here with Jess perhaps?" no point in making Jessica and the girls wait, even if Rikke really wanted to explore this locale more.

She wouldn't resist an opportunity to linger around atleast for a little bit, but she had to come back to camp soon.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Unfortunately Rikke only had the small canteen she was given by one of her girls. Still this place was easy enough to find so it shouldn't cause any trouble to come back. It was fairly early still and she could explore if she wanted but thinking of the danger she opted to inform her girls of the news.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was about to head back, but stopped... a small canteen wouldn't be nearly enough water for soup. The girl looked back at the ruined church... perhaps she could find something to carry a greater amount inside... not to mention she was just curious to take a peek inside.

"Wait Sylphie. Let's try to find something bigger to fetch the water" she smiled warmly and nudged her head towards the church "Come on." she winked slyly and proceeded to the abbandoned building.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading to the church Rikke noted that most of the building had long gave way but the opening area seemed intact as well as the first part of the sanctuary. However thats where she stopped. A head she could see man in an very torn priests robes stumbling about the tell tale signs of a lust zombie if she ever saw one. Nearby looked to be a few priestesses their robes torn faces gaunt. Thankfully none of them had seen her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Servants of the Star god turned into mindless rape-puppets... such a cruel fate. Still Rikke wasn't looking for a fight, if she didn't see any potential objects of her use she'd just back right on out and look around the street.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Moving to the shadows Rikke looked about the room. There was indeed a large basin that once held holy water sticking out of the rubble but Rikke would have to risk being seen by the warped people in the collapsed church.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

She had Sylphie there... and worst comes to wear she'd be doing a service to these poor souls. Steadying her breath the girl tip-toed to the object, but had her sword drawn incase of danger.

Sneaky thief skills activate!
Steal dat Basin!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Stealth 34 vs 46,47,48 fail vs all

Rikke made her way into the sanctuary carefully avoiding all the broken glass she could. Getting in was easy almost to easy. In no time at all she had reached her goal and freed the basin. It felt good to be back at work so good in fact she gave herself a nice loud "YES!" Three gaunt faces turned in her direction causing Rikke to blanch.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A cold drop of sweat rolled down the girls face as she slowly turned to face the creatures... "oopsie..." Oopsie indeed! The girl quickly stood up and found her footing pointing the blade at the creatures, there was no point to say anything to them. Looked like it would be the hard way again....

Defensive stance [+10def; auto-counter(with lightining strikes? :rolleyes:)]
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Not gonna bother these chumps are no match for Rikke.

In a few frenzied moments the fight was over. Rikke's blade was bloodied once more. Standing over the bodies of the once clergy Rikke sighed. She didn't like to kill it was still true after all she had been through but with these things what choice did she have.

Her muscles ached from the combat feeling stiff and sore. She truly must have been out for a long time. How did she stay alive so long and how come the demon left her there.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The creatures rushed forward and right onto the rogues blades. It's been awhile since beauty was stained, but a girls gotta do what girls gotta do...

With numerous precision cuts and easy dodges of the mindless husk charges or advances, it would be mere moments before the heroine ended their miserable lives. Spilling blood in the church... well they started.

Rikke calmly went on to the basin lodged it out and it was time to go back to the fountain. While the church may have been beautiful once, now it was just a pile of debris and broken glass, none of it's beauty survived the alien attack.

Grab the Basin
Fill it up at the fountain, do some sightseeing
Bring the water back to Jess
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke perception for Treasure! 62 vs 20

Rikke exited the devastated church and found Sylph busy singing to herself completely oblivious to the fact Rikke had just fought back an attack. Cleaning out the first bit of grime from the basin and dumping it found it to be made of silver. It was slightly tarnished but a little work and it would shine once again. Admiring the basin Rikke also noted that numerous Denari where at her feet in the fountain many stuck to the bottom of the fountain and some even stuck in the mud from years of not being cleaned. She could take them if she wanted no one would know.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well~... who's gonna miss em? The girls shifty eyes looked around for any obvious threats and with a mischievious face the girl leaned over to grab the denarii. Sure it was from a church, but it's been ruined for a long time now... who knows maybe the girl can use these very denarii to help rebuild it.