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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke started her jog with Willow the little pup easily keeping up with the girl. It was high noon as went along her way waving to tired soldiers and weary refugees. The grounds had the look of a massive camping site with tents and people scattered about. Numerous fires burned with old furniture and a good many soldiers ate bread and soup hardly the most nourishing of rations but better starvation. As she reached the gardens Rikke's ears caught the sound of Luna yelling at some men who had make shift fishing poles arguing back with her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyes light up at the recognised voice! She'd quickly dash over to the pond and to see if her date with Steve at the Sushi bar would finally come... atleast that's what her humorous intro would say. She missed em both "Luna~" she'd wave happily when closing in to the pond and call out for the mermaid.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Hurrying over to the pound Rikke made out the irate Luna belittling 3 weary refugees.

"You will not harm Steve his is my friend and pet. I will not have him eaten by the likes of you!"

"For crying out loud lady its a fish! Are you gonna let my children starve for a fish?"

"Yeah that thing could feed at lest three families."

"I don't care! If your interested in eating pets go find a dog or stray cat. You will not harm Steve."

"Lady you don't understand we will eat that fish name or not!"

Rikke noticed a dark glint in Luna's eyes and saw the water begin to rumble and boil. Her scales began to show and as Rikke watch her aquatic transformation two pillars of water coiled in tight spirals swirled around her.

"Leave now or you'll be the ones feeding Steve!"

Two men ran off one even wetting hispants as the scene grew more ominous. Still one remained either from shock or a form of stupidity he stood his ground eyes agape at what was happening.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Luna!" Rikke quickly ran up covering the man "He's not worth it!" she didn't believe Luna would actually hurt the foolish man, not when he's obviously petrified in fear, but better be safe than sorry.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The fact that Rikke made contact with the man was enough for hims to snap out of what ever daze or shock he had been locked in and he soon scrambled away leaving Rikke to face down a very angry mermaid. Luna seethed her eyes having gone black with rage it would be no small feet to get her calm again.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Steve! Help! KYAAAH~~!" well it was a sure fire way to snap Luna out of it. Either Steve would bump her or she should be able to recognise a girl screaming instead of some bubbling men. Either way Rikke was prepared if it didn't work...
Just incase full defense +30 dodge
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Steve?" Luna's eyes began to lighten again and the swirling mass of water began to lose strength. "Poor Steve." The swirling water failed and Luna fell to her knees. Heading over to the water Luna put her hand in and made stroking motions. Feeling the danger pass Rikke went over to Luna and found Steve swimming lightly a nasty looking hook in his jaw. Faint deluded clouds of blood sat in the pool.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A cold chill ran down Rikkes spine "Come on, let's get that out of him before it gets infected..." the heroine knelt down near Luna firmly holding her shoulder, looked like Luna rage was well earned, the scars from the hook would linger. Unless somehow the girls managed to heal the fish "Luna you hold Steve I'll pull the hook out... those things get in there deep and hard." another chill ran down Rikke, she knew a few fishermen and saw how horribly the hooks may get stuck. Hopefully Steve and Luna both will have the nerve to see this through.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Examining the wound Rikke found it rather clean even though the hook was set deep. Gently feeling the location Rikke could tell that Steve put up a hell of a fight as the hook was twisted and bent in odd angles. This however was not good news as it made feeding the hook threw much harder though with all the twisting and bending maybe the metal had weakened enough to simply free Steve of the troubling parts. Either way the choice was up to Rikke on how to proceed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would gently kiss the poor fish on it's forehead? and smile empathically. Breaking the hook was hardly a good option, but if pulling it out would tear the poor fish apart even more it was the only option. She'd pat Steve gently and trail her hand around the hook. Feeling out it's form and looking if it had pierced Steve and had an exit would. Fishing hooks hand a horrible habbit of twisted sharp endings.

Rogue paused "Luna help me look for the exit wound maybe we can cheat past this cruel task" if she found the exit wound Rikke could cut of the hooks top and pull the rest of the metal out without much bother! It was brilliant!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke performs fish aid! 29 vs 25 success!

Luna held the fish trying to help Rikke in any way she could but the woman was fraught with emotion for her pet. However Rikke managed to find the exit wound and the nasty barbed end of the fish hook. "Lucky!" Snapping the worn metal Rikke began to feed the hook threw freeing Steve of the nasty metal accessory. Once free Steve gave a half hearted splash at Rikke the fish being far to tired to put more effort in before slowly swimming off nurse his wounds. Luna on the other hand grabbed hold of Rikke and kissed her all over in thanks which caused Willow some distress as this stranger was assaulting his mistress and began to bark at the two of them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly at the splash and waved Steve good bye "Get well Stevie~--" she just barely got the sentence out before Luna tackled her and started kissing her all over! Willow ran around the two at first lost what was going on, but then demanded answer with a few barks.

Whether Luna expected it or not Rikke actually got her during the kissing frenzy and held her firmly for a proper full kiss, beaming a smile at her and then turning to Willow "It's okay Willow she's a friend" she smiled at the pups worry and then turned back to Luna "Missed me?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh have I ever all these rif raff about someone needs to box their ears and tell them pets are not for eating!" Luna held Rikke longer and kissed her deeply slipping a little tongue in as well. But then it was over and Luna was pulling Rikke to her feet. "Thank you so much for helping with Steve I know he's a pain to deal with let alone a pervert but hes all I got."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Come now, I can't stand to see my number one fan get hurt like that" Rikke giggled cheerfully and smiled at Luna "So how are with you... besides Steve being the prime target for tonigths dinner I mean" the heroine did cause quite the fuss around here, flatout breaking out with a few and liberating another... hopefully there were no questions asked how the guards on duty got a hefty dose of a lust potion into their servings.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well after your little incident things got kinda hectic around here. Surprisingly many of the girls stayed on as fully paid employees. Sasha wasn't happy about losing so much income but in away she looked releaved that it was over. Other than that things went pretty much to normal until recently that is." Luna bent down and let Willow get a good sniff of her. "I see you have your own companion now. Is he as much fun as he is cute?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly and gently picked up her pup "Found him during my trip to the ruins. Isn't he just the most adorable lilttle pup ever?" the girl snuggled Willow tightly the pup barking in happiness or annoyance at his ruffled fur "What about Angelina?" the girl looked up to Luna "I might've... kinda... ruined her plans and beat the bejeebus out of her" the rogue snickered innocently "She's been torturing my Jessica wanting to learn shapeshifting..."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh she left after the church liberated the girls. Said she was going to make her own way in the world and sadly a few of the broken ones followed her. No doubt she is continuing her depraved form of love someplace else now." Luna reached a hand over and petted Willow who barked at the stranger though his tail was wagging. "Oh so fierce no doubt you will keep our hero safe and sound little one."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Angelina just picked up and left? Didn't Sasha get a say in that?" weren't the two women like two peas in a pot? "What do you mean depraved love?" the rogue paused at all the questions she was asking "Sorry if I'm interogating you... it's just me and Angelina didn't seprate on good terms. Best to know who this woman was." Rikke smiled sheepishly and waited for the answers to her likely last few questions.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well she is Sasha's daughter and until recently partner. She took her share and left with her own personal harem. Its probably best you rescued Jess when you did or she might have been in that group." Luna looked over at the administration building. "To tell the truth I think Angelica was behind some of the more perverse events that happened here as well as the exploitation of the law. Ive noticed when she left Sasha got far kinder and much more friendly almost like when I first met her. She really is a kind woman Rikke."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke raised a sceptical eyebrow. Sasha a kind woman? The same women who so soullessly asked to trap a Sylphie, bought Jessica out of a well known slaver for Angelina to harass... the woman who had numerous broken girls in her chamber. The heroine wasn't buying it.

"Alright if you say so Luna" she smiled at the mermaid "Guess I'll be meeting her sooner or later. Hopefully you'll be right" unless Luna had something to add Rikke would leave the pond with a promise to return for a skin dipping session with her friends. Hopefully Steve will be fine, she still had some ground to cover and a pup to excercise.