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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gruff did indeed stare at Rikke thought it wasn't a death stare more of an disappointed one. "You know lass I donna do that type of work its not safe at lest not in leather anyway. The material is to soft already and Im not going to make it worse by removing some." Gruff looked the two over and sighed. "Though we did get some salvage from the front today and the boys brought in some armor that might fit what your looking for. As for Jess their I have plenty of armor to spare... to many boys coming back with no need of it anymore." Gruff sounded sad though it wasn't hard to see why after all his trade was to make the best armor and weapons to keep people alive and fighting. Anyone who died in one of his sets might seem if Gruff didn't do a good enough job.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well that's why I'm asking you if you have something to add to the armor, silly" Rikke smiled innocently "A good shoulder or arm guard, or assorted pieces of exceptional steel in strategic spots can act just as well as any armor." she giggled warmly and looked to Jessica "I'll go check whats on offer, you two figure out which armor you're looking for. The price doesn't matter" she winked slyly and proceeded to inspect the goods.

Before I forget:
Rikkes doesn't even notice how her steps became more deft, her movements much more subtle and unseen.
(Spends 8 xp for Sneaky +8 stealth)
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked threw the armor most of which was little better than scrap but after awhile she came across a nearly intact and rather skanky chest piece of black and red leather armor. It was clearly design for a rather endowed woman and had two little slits in the back. The rest of the armor was in no condition for use but with all these pieces Rikke could surly put together a custom armor in no time at all. Jess on the other hand had settled for a breast plate of a dull black color though she frowned at the insignia that adorned it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed at the lack of useable armor, though Jessica could probably make something pretty darn nice out of them, if need be maybe even the heroine herself could try her hand at this "Gruff how much for all of these?" hopefully the blacksmith gave her a bargain bin discount, so she wouldn't have to barter.

The heroine approached her companion "Oh~ fancy. So heavy armor it is then... well perhaps its for the best." noting Jessica discomfort with the insignia Rikke flatout HAD to ask "Whats wrong?" the girl leaned forward to inspect the object of disdain.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess looked at the armor and frowned and slowly showed it to Rikke. It showed a skull with demonic writings on it surrounded by a pool of blood. "Uh Gruff how much to get this removed?" Gruff looked it over a little blanched and mumbled something about doing it for free. To Rikke's question he simply stated Five denari for big pieces and 1 for little pieces. It seemed Gruff was giving Rikke a fairly good discount to pick and choose what she wanted from the pile.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Deal!" Rikke grinned happily, hey it was free removal of what was likely a demonic insignia and a ridiculous discount on leather armors "Gruff you wouldn't mind removing it right now? We'll be here picking and choosing my armor while you're busy with that." she smiled brightly "Please~ We have to test it out and we're leaving for the assault early, and it's just an insignia removal"

Whatever the case was Rikke would invite Jessica over to the pile and it was time to create her own new armor "Alright lets get started..." the rogue looked over her choices, mixing and matching whatever she could "Oh~ what do you think of these pants Jess?" the heroine picked out white leather pants, this was likely the thinest leather the girl ever touched, it was remarkable there were no tearing signs on it. Likely the leather used used to fetch quite the price, next the rogue picked out a simple looking yellow blouse "This is kind of pretty, what if we use this... with..." Rikke scounged up some more elven looking leather top armor "And the breat plate from this..." the rogue looked over to the busy blacksmith if he'd see what the girl was up to... with that she'd cut off the bottom half leaving a sort of sturdy leather bra for herself, with beautiful engravings to boot! "Then I'll take this belt and OH! This shoulder guard..." the girl continued to scrouge the collection for the best bits, till finally she came upon something that both girls silently looked at each other "No~... you can't wear that on leather pants... can you?" Jessica giggled girlishly "Wanna try em?" It was a question what they were doing there, but lingerie like stockings complete with a small hooks to attach to the garter belt lied in the collection aswell.

"Gruff no peeking now okay?" the heroine giggled warmly, well she wasn't going to buy anything without trying it on. Slipping out of her basic leather armor Rikke got into the new outfit the pants almost too small and tight for her, but that almost made it them feel like second skin. With the stockings on outside of her armor aswell, the pants as tight as they were, there was hardly a need to undress the girl. With only her bra and the display on Rikke posed briefly to Jessica "Whatcha think too much?" the succubus smirked briefly "Not enough" Rikke giggled warmly at the comment "Perv~ Alright now for the top." the top was significantly less provokative. The blouse underneath had a simple open cut, leaving her belly exposed, while the cut-off elven armor top served as a shoulder upper body armor. Coupled with some platted leather gloves the rogue was all set, though Jessica would have the final say in nay or yay.

Without the front right leg whatever it is, cloak on the back, necklace, the hags ugly face :/
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gruff was busy at a grindstone working on Jess's breastplate so had little time to see what the two troublesome girls where up to but Kat watched intently and cheered with them at the final pick. "Oh so pretty Not sure if that counts as armor though." This just brought out a set of giggles from the girls as Gruff just shook his head not wanting to get involved.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over herself, well the defensive capabilities of her "armor" were indeed questionable, but it was comfy, looked great and still had some defense to it. The upper leather breastplate, gloves and shoulderguard made sure of that. Hopefully the rogue won't bumble herself in a position to take a head-on direct hit... the comfort and flexibility of the armor was aimed for the girl to easily dodge attacks not take them.

"Well~ since it's on short notice I'll take it." while the warg standart issue wasn't too bad, it just didn't do the girl justice. Shame her old armor was left at the mercy of the Stalkers that caught her "How much for all this Gruffy?" she grinned happily and winked at blacksmith.

Spending 80 denarii to remove 1 EV from Rikkes armors. [buying 2 slime ambers - 30 denarii each and 20 denarii cost] [this gives me +2 stealth +1 speed]
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gruff looked over the assembled armor and grunted clearly not as impressed as the girls. "Five denari Rikke." With that he went over to Jessica and eyed her figure. "Humm I will need to reshape this a little Kat would you get Jessica's measurments please. Armor is no good if it doesn't fit right." With that Gruff went back to work modifying the armor to Jess and Rikke's liking.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'll help" Rikke grinned happily at Kat, before turning to Jessica with a sly wink. With the heroines assistance and more than a few brief moments of the rogue being too naughty for public. The measurements were done "Jess you discuss your armor I'll look around the shop for anything else of use."

The objects the rogue would be looking for: A hook or claws sturdy enough to support her weight so she could climb, some rope or other ways to constraint someone, a blackjack or something to easily knock people out, a back holster for her poison blades, trappings to hide her hidden dagger in her new armor. Though the fully created tools are more likely to be found at a tinker, with enough materials Rikke could create most of these on her own.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sadly it seemed that Gruff did not carry rope or at lest not of any length for what Rikke intended to use it for. Giving his trade Gruff surprisingly had all manner of hook or farm tool after all making blades can pay well but its not everyday that someone needs a sword or axe.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Say Gruff, you're the expert I need a very strong claw or hook for climbing. Which metal do you recommend" Rikke looked back to the blacksmith "If it snaps I fall and possible get gravely injured, so recommend smartly please" she smiled warmly. Hopefully Gruff had a recommendation up his sleeve, after that Rikke would return to the leather pile she created her armor from and pick out the necesary material for a hidden dagger stashing, back holster for her poison blades.

"Also I don't see any clubs around here. Don't you have any?" the rogue really needed a blackjack or the sorts if she was going to ever take out anyone non-lethaly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Iron or Steel anything else would be to heavy or weak." Sparks began to fly again as Gruff began his work at his grind stone. At the mention of the club Gruff just snorted in disdane. "Humph I carry no such thing. If you want a club find a table leg and use it."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"A steel hook it is then..." While some of these hooks were obviously for butchery and not what Rikke was looking for she managed to pick out one that was as much a pickaxe as it was a hook, though it weight a decent amount it should be a bother and would serve the girls needs quite well.

While Gruff worked on Jessicas armor Rikke as planned proceeded to scrounge through the leather deposit, picking out what she needed. Hopefully she'll still have time to assemble it today...

With all her collections done the rogue approached the blacksmith and waited out the short while for the blacksmith to finish up "Thank you so much Gruff! We'll also take all of this" Rikke raised the hefty load of leathers in her hand "So much for everything?" with that done Rikke would turn to Jessica.

"So you want to wear your new armor back to our room? Got to put away all of these leathers" the heroine notioned to the leathers in her hands, so they had their armors set, potions ready and an apppointment with a tailor later on... but still so much denarii to spend, looked like a visit to the mages was called for.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gruff looked up at the girl. "The armor is not done it will take the better part of the day to fit it to her body Rikke. Im may be good with iron and steel but I cannot work miracles." He snorted again mumbling something under his breath while he went to work with the grindstone. "Thats okay Gruff we got alot of places to visit today so Ill be back to check on it later." Jess smiled and turned to Rikke. "Lets make sure it all fits humm it would be a shame to enchant anything that didn't fit just right." Jess took Rikke by the arms and lead her out and back to the rooms unless Rikke had other ideas.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly as she followed her companion "Well~ I was thinking about buying a trinket or enchanting Beauty, not my armor..." the rogue fixed her hair playfully "But~ Alright, Jess. Inspect me." she winked slyly. What did Jessica have in mind?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Despite the naughty ideas that had filled Rikke's head her fitting with Jess was rather bland that is unless she decided to spice it up a bit. "Your looking good Rikke at this rate Ill have to beat people off you." Jess tightened a few straps getting it just so. While her actions were far from sensual the close proximity that she was to Rikke added a slight tension to the room. "Not bad not bad Rikke though I think black would have been better for you." Jess held Rikke at arms length her hands on either side of the rogues well endowed chest.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly "Well we don't exactly have rows of high-quality light armor around here" she smiled lightly "Maybe when the city isn't under siege we might find an actual leatherworker... or get word about one from the neighboring towns." the rogue gently rested her hands on Jessica inadvertably running them through the girls bountiful breasts.

"Besides 5 denarii if only for gettin out of that plain armor. We've lucked out." Rikke winked slyly, though she had plenty of naughty thoughts running through her head, this was hardly the time to act on them... "You know there's something else we need to test with this armor" Rikke hands snaked their way around Jessicas waist pulling the girls to each other "How quickly it can be removed..." the pervy rogue giggled girlishly "Maybe after we get all the mods in place, you'll help me test it out? Mmm?" the heroine slowly leaned forward, her full beautiful lips as enticing as ever, but just out of reach for Jess.

Still their business in the blacksmith seemed to be done for the time being, next up it was either a trip to the mages or a trip to check on the illusionist.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess held Rikke close letting the rogue draw her in. "Why do you think I wanted to see how it fit humm." Jess tried to steal a kiss but it was clear Rikke was playing hard to get. Smirking slightly Jess tripped Rikke mimicking one of her cqc she had seen the rogue practice so often. This of course had the desired effect of putting her on top of Rikke where she leaned in to get the much desired kiss.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eagerly returned the kiss, closing her eyes to indulge herself in the embrace, though given half the chance would flip Jessica on HER back and continue the kiss. Unfortunately this was hardly the place for their fun, not to mention they didn't have much time to begin with. The heroine would unwillingly pull back and almost whine "No... no~ not here" Rikke bit down on her lower lips gently "We'll finish this later" with that she'd either get off Jessica if she managed her flip, otherwise she'd be in no rush to push her lover off.