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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girl was silent nearly squeezing poor Willow to death. "He's not coming back Rikke." There was a certain sadness in her voice likely the girl had seen the fate that had happened to her father. The girl sat petting Willow who waged his tail appreciatively.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well poor Willow sure was taking one for the team, bless his puppy heart "Perhaps there is a family friend he wanted you to contac...if something happened to him? Maybe someone who was close to your family?" it was a miserable existence to be completely alone devoid of all friends and family, the heroine hoped that atleast someone from Sauls friends knew this little girls parents.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jenna just shrugged clearly not knowing what Rikke was talking about. Still her idea of talking to Saul had merit after all he was the head of the Mages guild surly he would know of a mage of that power. "Rikke why did the bad things come and take my papa way?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"That's just what bad things do. They take and destroy... I'm not sure is it just so they can indulge in their own selfish needs or they just take joy in trying to ruin peoples lives." Rikke smiled lightly "But that's why we adventurers and good guys exist, we make sure to keep the bad things at bay and foil their plans each and every time. It's unfortunate that there's so little of us." the heroine looked to the girl "I'm sorry we weren't there to defeat the bad things when they took your papa." Rikke knew all too well that the girl would ask where were they when the tower was under siege... might aswell get the answer out early "Anyway Jenna, I may know your papas friends. You make sure to behave while I'm away and I'll try to find them 'kay?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girl looked up at Rikke and nodded her tears streaks still visible despite Willows efforts. "Okay.... Ill be good." Rikke smiled and headed out Willow hot on her tail much to the girls slight sadness. With that Rikke was off whether or not she commanded Willow to stay or not was up to her. Finding a mage in the brothel turned fort was harder than Rikke thought but soon enough she found a familiar looking pink tailed Kitsune among the people. She was dressed in finery that didn't quite fit her slight frame and she hardly had the presence of a ruler to carry about her. Still her efforts seemed to please the refugees she talked to. Though none got to close with out a group of familiar girls keeping the crowed at a manageable level.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke approached the group smiling warmly "Permission to approach and hug." she giggled happily, not really waiting for a full answer and hugged Rune in a friendly manner "Look at you~ With such a cute ruler of the city Endus will be great in no time"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"RIKKE!" Rune met the heroine half way and embraced her tightly. "Im so glad they found you. I was so worried I almost ordered them to raid the place in full force." Rune's tail waved happily clearly giving her excitement away. "Well I try its not much to rule just yet but we will see the people through this hard time." Rune looked around and leaned in closer to Rikke. "I didn't know this was a position appointed for life." there was a hint of disappointment in her voice. "I was hoping once things calmed down the true heir to the position would be found and they could take over." Her foxy ears drooped a little. Clearly this wasn't exactly what she had expected it to be but she made the choice and had to pay the consequences. Still Rikke had her own mission to take care of.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh don't worry these things tend to sort themselves out. Besides, there noone else I'd rather see in charge than you" she smiled widely at Rune "Could I talk to your dad, I have someone he should meet. A small girl, an illusionist of immense power. She's lost her dad to the ruins so I was wondering maybe there's someone she knows that could take care of her... at the very least comfort her."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh? Take me to her Rikke maybe I can help?" Rune seemed earnest in her request though it was doubtful how much she could help. Then again Rune was fairly young herself maybe it would help.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well there didn't seem any harm in doing so. Rune was the youngest girl Rikke knew, her and Jenna should get along just fine "Hum... well~ alright. She'll probably feel better with someone younger around." the rogue smiled warmly "Girls you don't mind we all take a quick trip to the med center? Besides it could prove to be a boost to morale to have Rune pass by there." if allowed Rikke woudl take Runes hand and lead her to the girl.

"We've found her in a ruined old tower in the ruins. She's a very powerful illusionist, so don't always trust your eyes when you're around her 'kay?" Jenna seemed like a good girl, hopefully things wouldn't go sour "By the way, seen Jessica around? She went off looking for some mages help with something too."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh she is being seen by one of the healers among our number. She said something about getting a little friend back. Do you know what she meant?" Rune had a look of innocence in her eyes for all she knew Jess was just getting her tail restored. Rikke doubted that Rune knew what else was in Jess's tail.

Erika giggled at Rune's question but was quickly silenced by the other Venus girls present. Soon enough though the motley crew where at the infirmary the Wargs present saluting Rune as she passed making her blush at their attention. It was to much for the young ruler and she had to stop and speak. "I thank you all for your sacrifice. Your dedication and bravery will make Endus a better place and your example will make me a better person as well as a better ruler." There where some cheers and and claps from those able but Rikke and Venus girls moved Rune along to the private rooms.

Jenna lay as much as she was when Rikke entered though this time no creepy bat things came flying at her. Fresh tears seemed to have graced Jenna's face during Rikke's short absence. "Jenna?" The young girl turned and looked at Rune her eyes going wide "Rune!" Jenna tried to get up from her bed but she was still weak from the after effects of the fire. Still seeing the girl struggle Rune ran to her side and embraced her. Both girls where crying and taking rapidly. It seemed the two knew each other. Rikke could stay and find out more or she could continue one with what she was doing before hand.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked slyly at the mention of Jess's business "Oh it's probably her tail..." the rogue felt a jolt of excitement at the thought of their little friend returning, he'll need special and extensive care.

With her speech done Rikke clapped heartily at the young ruler and guided her to Jenna room only to see the surprising reasult. The heroine blinked curiously "I take it these two know each other..." the rogue turned to the Venus girls and smiled warmly, keeping a distance and letting the two girls talk freely... while the rogue eavesdroped ofcourse.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

(for my own mental stability I will not try to imagine what girly talk will go on between the two and give Rikke a summary.)

Apparently Rune and Jenna had been best friends before the invaders came to Endus. Having separated from the other mages to rescue his daughter Jenna's father and herself became trapped in the watch tower. When the invaders closed in Jenna's father told her to hide as he drew them off never to be seen again. And so for 2 years she lived alone sending out a light elemental to gather food and other things from the ruins. Till the fire and her rescue by Rikke and company.

After a break in the conversation Rune came up to Rikke and held her tight. "Thank you for saving my friend we thought she was lost to the invaders. It broke my heart but now shes back almost as if from the dead." Rune held Rikke tightly as the ruler of Endus being still only a girl cried for joy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly and hugged her back, the little vicotries like this make being an adventure worth it "Think nothing of it, Rune. It's the least we could've done." the rogue turned to the Venus girls "I think the ruler of Endus would like to have a room prepared for her friend near her chambers." the rogue smirked at her company.

"Alright you two got some catching up to." she winked slyly to Rune, when she paused and her eyes widened lightly "By the way Rune, you know any arcane blacksmiths? I'd like some enchanting done or see some magical trinkets before tommorow"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh well I suppose I could arrange a meeting? What time would be good for you?" Rune waited for Rikke's answer before getting back to Jenna leaving the girl to head out to her next step.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered lightly "Honestly as soon as possible, I'd like to see one before tommorows raid." the heroine knelt down "Better have some magic on my side when going in there. No rush, but..." the rogue looked out the window to weight the time of day "I'll be very busy from the evening and onwards." hopefully Rune could arrange a meeting fairly soon, till then though the heroine was free to roam around once more. Well most of her meetings were done, now she just had to check in with the tailor, see the enchanter and grab Jessicas armor from Gruff. Speaking of which, best to check their room and get to work on her mods for the armor, no point to waste any time standing around "Come on Willow, let's head back to our room" she smiled warmly at the pup.

Go back to her room, unless there will be some pop-up plans, get some work done on those custom armor mods. [climbing hook, thrown blade hidden sheath, dagger hidden sheath]
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

No further things stopped Rikke from getting to her room. No sudden disasters no rampaging rapists. She had a nice calm walk back to her room. She waved at a few people she recognized but other than a few passing greetings no one approached to talk to her. Getting to her room she found Jess already there waiting her tail swishing behind her. Getting up she went over to Rikke and gave her a hug and a kiss the long absent tail wrapping itself around the rogues waist. "Oh Rikke your back and just in time to we should go see the tailor soon." And like that they where off it looks like Rikke's armor mods would have to wait just a wee bit longer. The walk was nice and relaxing Willow tired from all the walking about decided to stay in the room while Jess and Rikke headed out. After awhile they came to one of the side wings of the brothel where the tailor resided. "Im thinking of having mine cut so my tail can come out while I wear it what do you think?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly feeling the tail wrap around her "Well who do we have here... Oh~ I missed our friend so very much." the rogue gently uncoiled the tail and after tickling it lightly gave it a kiss on it's end "Humm~ alright. Though I didn't visit an enchanter yet, hopefully we won't be held up there too long." the rogue suddenly raised a finger infornt of her companion "BUT! I won't be leaving that place without the sexiest darn outift I've ever dreamt off" she smiled widely and after giving Willow a gentle kiss on the forehead followed her companion to the tailor.

"Humm~~ I dunno, people still tend to freak out if they see a tail on you. Some still cling to the old teaching and ways of anything 'not us' is evil" she smiled lightly at her companion "But~~ I'd say do it, better have the option of it being there, maybe the tailor can think of something sexy to do with that" the heroine winked slyly and slowly opened the door "Hello~~"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The Tailor still in the same get up as before looked at both Rikke then Jess before turning to her assistant. "Who are these people in my rooms?" The assistant also wearing some strange overly flash getup looked at the two woman and sighed. "These are the two rare finds that Sasha told you about." The tailor raised up her hand in a dismisive manner and exclamied "Enough! I remember now. Please fetch my tapes and you two strip naked now chop chop" She clapped her hands as she approached the two girls. Clearly this was a woman who was used to getting her way.

The woman eyed both Rikke and Jess as if they where meat. Slapping Rikke's ass at one point. "Nice and firm good tone. How do you keep your figure so fine with all the dirt and grime you roll in?" Not waiting for an answer she moved one to Jess and grabbed her freshly restored tail and gave it a few tugs. This of course caused Jess to yelp in surprise a bit. "Interesting never had to design something for a tail like that." Walking to the front of the girls she eyed each of their breasts openly grouping Jess as if checking melons in a market. Nodding the woman moved on to Rikke and give her a similar treatment if the rogue allowed her. "Where are my taps I must measure the bossems!" The assistant came out of a narrow hallway and made her way to the Tailor handing over the measuring taps. "Now before we get started what horrible ideas do you have that I will correct. Lets get them out before we start please."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While the tailors actions were brazen to say the least, the girls didn't come for dresses or the like, it's not like either of the two lovers suffered from shyness or were bashful of their sexuality. Rikke could see it they were in expert hands here "Guess you can say I have lots of sun, fresh air, exercice and... proper moisturizing." the pervy girls mind wandered to her days way back, when she was hiding in a brothel, one of the girls did say messy orgasms do wonders for the skin.

"Humm... well I was thinking for something that would maybe push them up and show a good amount of skin, for my top. As for my bottoms, while I do enjoy the comfort of string, it leaves very little to imagination and it's gettin chilly. Maybe short shorts for bottom. OH! And maybe some frills for the top.. and some transparance on choice areas." she smiled widely at the tailor.