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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess waited a moment before answering. "I think it was a small pig like creature not to sure though. I mean it looked like a pig but didn't act like one and it had nasty little tusks to." Jess pointed it a tore up backpack. I found it messing with our stuff and took it out with my throwing dagger. Thankfully nothing broke so we should be good. Other than that we have some fish I plan on cooking up as well as boiled crab." Jess gave Rikke a kiss on the cheek before getting back to her grilling.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly "That was a boar silly..." hopefully not a boar cub though... "Can I help?" looked like Jess was all set supply-wise. Perhaps the heroine could help with preparation "Oh! How about we use the fruit you found to give the fish or crab a fine taste!" Rikke grinned happily.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess grinned at Rikke "Sure you can help but Im not so sure about that fruit. We might end up with an orgy on our hands." This of course probably didn't bother Rikke however she did have plans for later that an orgy might delay. "Oh! I know lets make some kabobs!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"That's the one where you everything on a spike?" Rikke was not an expert in the kitchen at all... still either way "Sure! What do you?" she grinned happily eager to help out, the sooner the snacks were done the sooner they'll have their exploration adventure!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah those are the ones. Here cut up these veggies and some of the meat that I haven't cooked yet. You want them to be bite size." Rikke did as was asked using some of the vegetables they had brought with them. Onions peppers tomatoes as well as boar. The little sticks where harder to do having to use ones they made themselves but soon they had kabobs grilling away while Venise brought them both a drink.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"And here's our bargirl extraordinaire!" the heroine grinned happily at the Venises appearance "What were you up to all this time hum?" Rikke turned to the girl and would take the drink if offered. Venice was exactly what Rikke needed for her perfect vacation, a girl fairly skilled in drinks and not minding to do some of the chores around the place "M! You'll want a kebab, Venis?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes Mistress." Venise took a kabob and blew on it gently seductively which sadly was wasted on most of the girls except Jess who's tail suddenly twitched a little. The woman not relenting one bet started to eat miming certain motions whick caused Jess to blush. It had been a strange few weeks and it was inevitable that Venise would be drawn into Rikke's and Jess's fun times and boy did she fit in and put up quite the effort.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly casting a knowing glance over to Jessica before placing up another kebab up for grilling "By the way. Venise, Rhea moved some boys over to build some proper housing around here. I'll need you to keep an eye on them while we check the area, alright?" the rogue smiled warmly at her servant girl "And when I say keep an eye on them, I mean do not give in to their offers, nor offer your special services to them." Rikke looked to Venise briefly, a smile on her face just from the recollection of the trios first visit to a bar. Thankfully Rikke noticed the men leading her up the stairs all of a sudden in time, her sex servitude days skewered the girls common decency 'just a tad too much'.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes Mistress my body is yours and yours only." Venise bowed and went back to her makeshift table and started mixing more drinks. Well that was taken care of now it was just to spend some time getting snacks ready. "So what do you want to check out first love?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"m?" Rikke giggled warmly "Oh first I want to check out the ancient forgotten waterfall, then maybe a short trip to the first shrine of Venus. It's exactly 120 feeEET!!-" Jessica pinched her lower playfully eyeing her in a amused fashion "Ow!" the heroine rubbed her shapely ass in dismay "Well you did ask!" she grinned happily "We're going exploring. Can't exactly tell you what we'll find silly."

Whatever the case with the snack up and ready, Rikke still had to ask someone else "LUNA!" Rikke waved from the beach to the two mermaid "We're going exploring the island! You coming?" with that decided, a basket of snacks and drinks in hand it was time to go fetch Rhea and set off!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna looked up at Rikke to answer when Carley pulled her down into a deep kiss her free hand waving Rikke and Jess off clearly she had other things to take care of now. Still they had Rhea and she was always up for adventure. In fact they found her sitting in chair ears twitching as she watched the large male cat that Rikke and crew had seen before.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We've named him Chief." Rikke giggled warmly as she approached the Kitsune "He comes and goes as he pleases, but never gets too close to us." it was rather worrysome at first, but as time went on it didn't seem the large cat was actually threatening the girls... perhaps it was the king of the island.

"I wouldn't worry about Chief. He seems fairly friendly" Rikke smiled at Rhea "Well we're all set to go. You ready?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Uhh sure just give me a second." Rhea started getting some items together never taking her eyes off Chief just as Chief never took eyes off her. It was rather intense both staring at each other as if measuring up a potential rival. After awhile though one of the monkeys started pelting one of the workers with... well with things better left unmentioned and Chief disappeared only for the girls to hear a death cry from one of the tiny primates. "He's trouble" Rhea threw one last glance at the spot where Chief had disappeared before getting the rest of her kit together and moving on.

The first part of the trek involved climbing over old fallen trees and avoiding or cutting vines before they stopped a moment to catch their breath. All around them after the noise of their traveling ceased brightly colored birds came out of hiding and began to call to each other showing exotic displays and performing bizarre dances. It was captivating to see the birds go on and on.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was a fairly overgrown area, nature at the peak of its wilderness. All three of the experience warriors didn't have any trouble navigating the terrain, climbing fallen trees of ages old, cutting past wines undisturbed from birth... after a while and fairly deep into their expedition the girls stopped to rest for a bit.

The exotic bird ensemble making sure their rest was as enjoyable as possible. All kinds of voices and chirps surrounded the girls, as Rikke pointed out especially odd ones. Some having a full rainbow of colors on them, others having itsy bitsy beaks while others had beak far too big for their own sake. Nevertheless all of them sang around the girls, much to Rikkes joy as she turned to her two companions grinned happily "This Island is so beautiful!" indeed it was just too perfect, no real preadators sculked the girls, not shortage of exotic fruits and sight, warm water and a beautiful jungle to explore. Things couldn't get any better than this.

Still best they don't spend too much time relaxing, they had some exploring to do and then trace their steps back. Even a jungle as peaceful as this, couldn't be taken for granted when the night moves in.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Their rest taken the trio got back to hiking threw the dense under growth a group of funky looking squirrel like creatures jumping and gliding threw the air between trees following them. They soon came to a small stream that bubbled over small dark rocks with shiny smaller rocks mixed in. The water was warm likely originating from a hot spring. Still they pressed on over the small river and back into thicker jungle. "Maybe we should go back to the stream and follow it up river to the hot springs?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Though Rikke didn't want to carry onwards away from the water the group seemed keen to go forward when Jessica saved the day "Yeah! That sounds amazing!" Rikke cheered out at the offer, bathing in salt water is one thing, but a natural hot-springs R&R is whole other ordeal. The rogue would lead the charge from here, skipping up the stones and planning out a path forward. Hopefully soon they would reach the hotsprings... and Rikke would be the first one in. Ofcourse like in true hot-springs fashion, undergarments were laid aside.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke moved forward hoping from stone to stone gleefully and inspiring much the same from Rhea and Jess. However when she reached the spring she halted. In the middle of the steaming water sat a naked woman with deep tan skin and dark black hair. Her eyes where purple and her figure would make a succubus jealous. It didn't seem that she had noticed them yet and it was up to Rikke to make the first move.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke froze up at the sight... there was someone else there! Though she didn't seem to have noticed the heroine quite yet. The rogue paused briefly making her choice and slowly approached the woman "H-Hello." likely she was the islands native, being the guests they were it was best Rikke introduced herself now in a friendly manner, rather than some outsiders with questionable intents.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The woman's purple eyes snapped to Rikke as she screamed in fright her body suddenly becoming like water and mixing into the springs. The scream however brought Jess and Rhea up to Rikke rather quickly. "What happened?" "Are you alright?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly ran up to the hotspring and looked ot the water "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! Come back." this probably raised more than few questions to her company "There was a woman here, but she just... melt when I greeted her" the rogue looked back to her friends "She was here I swear, purple eyes, dark hair and deep tan."