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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sorry" Rikke smiled sheepishly at Luna, escaping a angler fish trap was one thing... but a squid was a different matter all together! Soon enough though the duo reached the shore "Thanks, Luna." the heroine hugged the mermaid before noting the activities on shore.

"Who's abusing my girls powers humm?" Rikke smiled warmly at the company getting the blow-dry treatment. The rogue leaned down and kissed Yunie on her head. "Alright any vollunteers for branch gathering?" the fish wouldn't cook itself and having a grand bonfire... or a comfy campfire was a must!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully there was plenty of dry wood at the workers campsite and in no time at all Rhea and Selina where with them Rhea carrying firewood while Selina just waddled beside her. Venise and Jess had busied themselves with digging a firepit and surrounding it with stones so it wouldn't spread. In no time flat both Venise and Jess where cooking up a storm while Luna combed Carly's hair out with a comb. Yuna unfortunately was called away before dinner was ready but promised to be back soon.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed sadly looking over to the spot where Yuna disappeared. She already missed her... Jessica sat down nearby smiling warmly at her lover "She said she'll be right back." the rogue smiled warmly to her lover and snuggled up to her "Shouldn't you be watching the fish wouldn't burn up." Rikke giggled lightly "Venise said she'll handle it."

The rogue looked around lightly, the silence of the night and the crazy star dome above them appearing ever so slowly. Only the silent trickle of the fire disturbing the silence, with some chating between Luna and Carly nearby "So what do you think... about Yunie." OH! Wait what about Jessicas girls?!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Shes a fine girl I look forward to spending some time with her any my girls." Jess paused a moment looking at Rikke. "Sena asked me if you and I wanted to stay in her realm for a short time. This way we can watch our girls grow up and be with them. Time moves faster there Rikke thats why Yuna looks so much older than when you saw her last."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So I gathered..." Rikke lowered her gaze, well it was fairly clear that time moved differently in Senas plains "...but her realm. Why stay in such a plain area, when there's a whole world out here. I'd rather Yunie ran around the Island, explored the depths... you know, enjoy her young adventures" the rogue smiled empathetically at Jessica... then again it wasn't like Rikke could argue it was either see her in the plains or have Yuna come back as a adult, robbing the heroine to see her daughter grow up even more.

"We'll see I guess... learn anything about the Jade statue?" Jess had some time with the girls for now, perhaps she learned what magic the statue held... or atleast who was the statue portraying.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't know Rikke I don't think its boring and who says well be there all the time Im sure well be able to get out and into the world for day trips" Jess winked at Rikke and held her tight a moment. "Besides Sena seems keen on spending on some time with us as well. Im not sure what the statue is all about though Rhea didn't seem to know what the statue was all about. " Jess shrugged and got up to grab some fish.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked knowingly "She's a risky girl to play around with though..." the heroine giggled lightly "...but alright. We'll go." the rogue grinned happily at her lover and rested against her "Still if we're going to have young eyes on us... how will I keep a pervert like you in check?" the rogue playfully pinched her lower on her round ass "And get me one too! I'm starving!" wasn't Venise busy with making drinks... for the past day or so.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh how you always keep me in check. Only this time we don't have to worry about breaking any beds." Jess kissed Rikke before getting up to get some food. "We should tell the girls we'll be away for abit so they don't worry to much.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled lightly at her lover "We will." well Jess always liked her meals extra crispy... well atleast thats how she always got em, meaning Rikke had some time to mumble among the girls!

"Hey you two~" Rikke grinned happily as she sat down near Luna and Carly "Sorry about wandering off, found a trail of gold I just couldn't say no to." the heroine winked slyly at the two. Well this was a opportunity to learn more about what lies beneath the waves then.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No worries Rikke I was just glad you didn't wake anything down there." Luna smiled at Rikke and had taken on her elf like appearance that she had seen back at the brothel. "I may have just been to worried my parents always warned me to avoid the deep trenches when I was a little girl so I guess I just over reacted."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke shuffled closer "Really? So what did your parents tell? Have seen any of the deep creatures?" the heroine wasn't much of sailor... well at all really and most of her visits to the harbors were fairly brief, still ever the one to provoke fate she did spend some time in questionable bars and heard numerous tales about sea. Were any of them real?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Only a dead one." Luna looked away half remembering. "It was as large as a house with massive tentacles with little bards and beady black eyes." Luna shuddered a little. "But not all the sea creatures are scary. In fact I think I'll go see if I can find some dolphins in the morning and get them to vist! That would be such fun!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Did you find Seve here?" Rikke smiled brightly "And what about those creepy angler fish? Do they live in these waters... and sharks? How big are they?" the heroine was like a little girl all too curious about whatever Luna seen "What about... ship graveyards? Have you ever swam through one?" the sheer sizes of some ships were always impressive and yet even the mightiests vessels seemed to succumb to the sea sometimes. Thinking back to captains 'dominatrix' ship, it was quite a sight itself... but such wrecks in high numbers resting on the bottom of the sea. It must be a miraculous sight...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh no Steve is a fresh water goldfish.. even if hes huge. I think he might have a hint of corruption in him." Luna shrugged "As for the Angler fish they live in the very very deep where even mermaids don't go or at lest not for long. Ive only been to one ship graveyard though must where just battered hulks. I think it was a great battle between navies the sea bed was littered with iron and lead balls."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It must be a majestic sight. To see those gargantuan ships sunken in the calmness of the sea." Rikke sighed dreamily, when suddenly a particulary delicious scent caught her whiff as suddenly a kabob of aquatic delicacies appeared beneath her "Extra crispy just how you like it" Jessica smiled warmly handing over Rikkes fish kebob "Thanks~" the heroine jumped up and kissed the chef on the lips smiling warmly "What you girls talking about?" "Sunken mysteries and stuff." the heroine smiled warmly and looked back "VENISE! Rhea, Sesli! Come join us!" the whole gang would hopefully gather around for a good old fashion camp meal. Perhaps the girls had some questions or gossip to discuss... otherwise there was always the topic of where the heck did the treasure chest come from.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh it is but then I get sad to... just think all those people killed in a pointless war. Never to see their families again it just breaks my heart." Thank fully Jess and her extra crispy fish kabob broke the mood. Calling the girls over many where tired but still chatty but Rikke couldn't help but feel the absence of Yuna. Still it was pleasent company and with Venise being the last to sit around the fire they where all present. "So mistress what are we going to due with the statue?" It was the question of the hour and every girl was looking to Rikke waiting to her what she said.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the gazes at her, blinking in confusion "I dunno. Probably sell it OR! We could keep it as our first decoration piece in our very own home away from home" the heroine looked to Rhea smiling warmly "To our favorite battle-hardener, but softie inside, Kitsune!" Rikke raised her Kebob, a bright and joyous expression on her while looking at Rhea "Then again we could let you keep it Rhea. It's the least we can offer in return" honestly the statue was of little concern for the rogue. It was just some treasure loot, sell it, keep it... it didn't really matter.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Pfft think nothing of it and please don't let the boys hear that. I would never here the end of it." All the girls giggled a little as the fire popped happily. Most of the night passed with chit chat and speculation about the treasure. Though given the dangers of the deep crevice it seemed any deep diving would be a no go. Still as the night went on they chatted gossiped and talked about the impending birth of of Selina's children. However Rikke's mind kept wandering to the jade statue sitting on a table.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well if they were talking about it might aswell bring it over... it was literally right there! Rikke quickly got up from the company and over to the statue, picking it up and looking it over once more. For whatever reason it just demanded her attention... then again it was the first legitimate treasure she found in quite some time. With her brief inspection done, she'd bring it over to the group.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The cool stone felt heavy as she picked it up and carried it over to the fire. It was extremely well done and almost entirely made of pure jade. Passing it along so the other girls could see Rikke almost felt a sense of loss even though it was in her sight. Eventually it made its way back where Rikke grabbed it almost greedily. What was going on she didn't actually care to much about the darn thing though the more she held it the more possessive she felt about it.